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International Journal of Dental and Health Sciences

Review Article Volume 02,Issue 06


Rashmi G. Salkar1, Usha M. Radke2, Saee P. Deshmukh3, Pranjal M. Radke4
1.Post Graduate student, Dept. of Prosthetic Dentistry,VSPM Dental College & Research Centre,
Nagpur, Maharashtra
2.Dean, HOD & Professor, Dept. of Prosthetic Dentistry,VSPM Dental College & Research Centre,
3.Reader,Dept. of Prosthetic Dentistry,VSPM Dental College & Research Centre,Nagpur.
4.Assistant Professor,Dept. of Prosthetic Dentistry,VSPM Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur.

Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are the major disorders of the cranio-cervico-
mandibular system. They usually result in alterations of human body posture.
Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) lead to adaptations in certain body structures
that minimizes patient’s pain and also reconfigures musculoskeletal stress zones. These
adaptations if not corrected may cause deviations in normal body posture. Posture involves
activation of various muscles that are controlled by the central nervous system (CNS) which
lead to postural adjustments. Complex mechanisms that are controlled by various sensory
inputs (viz. vestibular, somatosensory, visual) which are integrated in the central nervous
system (CNS) cause postural adjustments. The stomatognathic system has an important role
to play in postural control. This article reviews the relationship between
temporomandibular disorders and body posture.
Keywords: Temporomandibular joint disorder, body posture, stomatognathic system


Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) in which opening and closing occurs

leads to adaptations in certain body about 1500 to 2000 times a day. This
structures that minimizes patient’s may cause gradual deterioration of its
discomfort due to pain, and also associated structures (viz. muscles,
reconfigures musculoskeletal stress bones and cartilage). It has several
zones. These adaptations if not important functions such as chewing,
corrected, may cause alterations in the breathing and pronunciation.[1]
normal body posture, mostly in the
longitudinal plantar arches.[1] The The stomatognathic system consists of
stomatognathic system is a functional skeletal components (maxilla and
unit of the body comprising of different mandible), dental arches, soft tissues
tissues of various origins and structures. (salivary glands, nervous and vascular
These tissues act harmoniously, carrying supplies), temporomandibular joint
out diverse functional tasks.[2] The (TMJ) and muscles which are
temporomandibular joint is the most interconnected and related.[2,3] These
frequently used joint in the human body, structures when active, aim at reaching

*Corresponding Author Address: Dr Rashmi G. Salkar Email:

Salkar al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(6):1523-1530
maximum efficiency as well as protect all capable of affecting posture and vice
the involved tissues.[2,4] The versa. [8]
stomatognathic system and human body
posture have a reciprocal effect on each To identify all of the studies
other. Any imbalance in the occlusion correlated with body posture and the
may result in a TMJ overload, influencing stomatognathic system, a literature
the musculoskeletal system.[2] survey was carried out through the
Medline database (Entrez PubMed,
The occluso-postural relationship can be The
evaluated in terms of a possible survey covered the period from 1
reciprocal effect, viz. occlusion affecting January 1966 to 31 May 2014 and used
posture and vice versa. The available the medical subject heading (MeSH)
literature reviews suggest that there is term: ‘body posture’, which was crossed
an intense requirement to improve the with the MeSH terms ‘stomatognathic
qualitative analysis of the investigations. system’, ‘dental occlusion’,
[5, 6] ‘malocclusion’, ‘mandibular occlusion ⁄
position’, ‘jaw occlusion ⁄ position’,
Altered vertical dimension of occlusion ‘temporomandibular ⁄ craniofacial
causes changes of head and neck disorders’ and ‘orofacial ⁄ myofascial
posture, leading to the postural pain’. Both experimental and
disturbances. As the body posture is observational study designs are included
closely associated with the body in this review.
equilibrium, the occlusion has also been
regarded as one of the factors that PHYSIOLOGY OF POSTURE:
would affect the body equilibrium.
Studies have reported that the patients Human posture involves positioning and
with temporomandibular disorders show orientation of the body and distal
greater fluctuation in the center of body extremities in equilibrium with motion
gravity compared with normal subjects. and gravitation. Head and neck position,
[7] respiration and different mood states
can alter posture. Postural adjustments
The human posture represents the consists of various inputs located in the
body position and the spatial CNS namely visual, somatosensory and
relationships between its various vestibular inputs. A fine balance
anatomical segments that maintain a between craniocervical bones and
proper balance under static and dynamic myofascial structures maintain erect
conditions (i.e. anti-gravity function of position of the head. The upper cervical
the muscles) according to the spine mediates various functions
requirements of the surroundings and between the trunk and the head and
the motor goals. The mandible thus forms anatomically and functionally
represents a balancing pole that is interrelated system. However, after a

Salkar al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(6):1523-1530
certain span of life, body posture usually In 2012 Manfredini et al studied
shifts from ideal to compromised and relationship between body posture,
inefficient state, producing various occlusion and temporomandibular joint
symptoms such as headache, TMJ pain disorders and concluded that body
etc. Pain, if generated in the cervical posture and occlusion are not
spine can be relieved by maintaining functionally related. The pain related to
proper ideal alignment and upward force temporomandibular joint disorders is
generation (spinal elongation). [9] independent of any occlusal and postural
abnormality. [5]
Trigeminal proprioception that
influences body posture is mediated by SITTING POSTURE:
compensatory mechanisms through
afferent pathways to the neuromuscular Human spine has four natural curves;
system maintaining good body balance cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis,
and ideal posture. Posturographic lumbar lordosis and sacral
analytical techniques can be employed kyphosis.[12]The lumbar lordosis flattens
for the study of postural physiology, but when sitting unsupported which is a
their clinical advantages in dentistry is frequently observed posture in dentistry.
poor. Thus it can be concluded that The bony infrastructure provides very
occlusal proprioception affects and less support to the spine, which further
controls postural balance independently depends on the paraspinal structures
by the morphology of dental occlusion.[5] (muscles, connective tissue, ligaments)
at the back resulting in increased
According to Peterson Kendall et al, good tension. Paraspinal muscle ischemia can
posture is that state of muscular and emanate, resulting in low back strain and
skeletal balance that protects the trigger points.[12]
supporting structures of the body
against injury or progressive deformity. Forward head postures are common
Conversely, they describe poor posture among dentists. Poor posture amongst
as a faulty relationship of body parts dentists involves slightly bending the
resulting in increased strain and less head and neck forward to gain good
efficient balance of the body over its visibility during various dental
base of support.[10] procedures which is an unbalanced
position. In this position the head and
In 1996, Ferrario et al studied whether neck are forwardly placed and ahead of
occlusion and foot pressure variation are the central axis of the body. The
interrelated and concluded that any vertebrae cannot support the spine, and
alteration in central foot pressure was the muscles associated with the cervical
not related to temporomandibular and upper thoracic spine are in a
disorders and changes in occlusal constant state of contraction to
relationship.[11] withstand the weight of the head. This

Salkar al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(6):1523-1530
can cause pain, often referred to as supramandibular muscles elevate the
tension neck syndrome which can cause mandible towards the maxilla and cause
headache, chronic neck pain often a decrease or elimination of the resting
radiating towards arms and discomfort freeway space, as well as results in a
related to shoulders and inter-scapular more retruded position. As a result, the
muscles.[12, 13] suprahyoid and posterior cervical
muscles shorten isometrically, while the
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT infrahyoid muscles stretch, thereby
DYSFUNCTION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP causing a decrease or elimination of the
WITH POSTURE: freeway space. This altered body
position may exacerbate tension in the
Maximum skull weight and its centre of
masticatory muscles and the supporting
gravity is located in the anterior region
structures. Clinically, patients with
of the cervical spine and
forward head position are more prone to
temporomandibular joint. The complex
develop neurological disorders viz.
biomechanical and anatomical
dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing).[15]
interactions between the head and neck
position and the stomatognathic system In 1999, Eliza Saito et al studied the
are interrelated with relationship between anterior disc
temporomandibular disorders and body displacement and global posture and
posture. The forward head position will concluded that there was an intimate
alter the position of mandible along with relationship between human body
its functions, thus resulting in an posture and temporomandibular
increasing tension of the muscles of disorder, though it was not attainable to
mastication and, as a result, cause TMD. determine whether postural deviations
are the causative factor or the result of
the disorder.[1]
Forward Head Posture (FHP) is closely
related with temporomandibular In 2001, Mariko Fujimoto et al studied
disorders (TMD). Forward head posture the effect of different positions of
(FHP) consisting of slumped or rounded mandible on the equilibrium of the body
shoulders with collateral extension of and concluded that any changes in
the upper cervical spine, results in the mandibular position could affect gait
anterior shifting of head beyond its stability. These changes in the
normal axis. This posture may result in mandibular position caused strain of
altered neuromuscular influence on the head and neck muscles thereby the body
entire masticatory apparatus, further equilibrium was impaired leading to
altering the mandibular rest position. walking imbalance.[6]
Forward Head Position has an immediate
effect on the closing movements of In 2006, Olivo et al carried a systematic
mandible. In Forward head position, the review to evaluate the evidence

Salkar al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(6):1523-1530
concerning the relationship between 1. The posture during sitting should be
head, cervical posture and upright, erect and bilaterally
temporomandibular disorders symmetrical.
(intraarticular TMD and muscular TMD).
They concluded that this association is 2. The shoulders should be relaxed with
still unclear and better control studies, the arms besides the body.
greater sample size and objective
3. The forearms should be lightly
evaluation is required.[16]
elevated and comfortable.
In 2007, Sakaguchi et al evaluated the
4. The angle between upper and lower
effect of different positions of mandible
half of legs should be approximately 105-
on body posture and reciprocally, body
posture on mandibular positions and
concluded that changing the mandibular 5. Both the legs should be at an angle of
position affected body posture. 30-45° and should be slightly apart.
Conversely, changing body posture
affected mandibular position.[17] 6. The patient’s head should rest
comfortably and should be adequately
In 2009 Cuccia et al, studied relationship rotated in 3 directions.
between the stomatognathic system and
body posture and concluded that tension 7. The dental operating light should be
in the stomatognathic system can lead to properly focussed and adequately
impaired neural control of posture. If the parallel to the working area for good
proprioceptive mechanism of the visibility.
stomatognathic system is improper and
8. The sitting position normally should
inaccurate, then body position and head
be between 09.00 - 12.00 o’clock and for
control may be affected.[18]
left-handed person it should be between
In 2009 Cesar et al, verified possible 03.00- 12.00 o’clock.
relationship between global body
9. The feet should be flat resting on the
posture and internal derangement of the
temporomandibular joint and concluded
that the features of the analyzed 10. The patient’s head and the sitting
samples in terms of quantity and degree position should be adjusted before the
of severity of TMD and also the method start of any procedure.
used for postural analysis proved too
scrupulous in drawing any conclusive 11. Instruments to be held at 3
relationship between TMD and body supporting points and with a proper
posture.[19] grasp to increase the working efficiency.

PARAMETERS FOR THE CORRECT 12. The upper body should be

WORKING POSTURES:[20] perpendicular on the chair and the spine
Salkar al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(6):1523-1530
should not be curved during any forward Appearance of any symptoms related to
movement. craniocervical systems along with their
underlying pathology may be
13. The head should be bent at 20°-25° interrelated to TMJ either
approximately. neurophsiologically or
arthrokinematically. As a result accurate
14. The arms should be as close to the
diagnosis along with proper treatment
body as possible.
planning plays an important role in
CONCLUSION: prevention of any further abnormalities.
According to the various authors,
As the occurrence of postural alignment and musculature
temporomandibular disorders is reconditioning devices have proved to
increasing amongst the growing be an excellent method for correcting
population it has become mandatory to abnormalities related to the forward
investigate the relationship between head positioning. Correcting the
global posture and TMD. Evaluation of abnormalities related to FHP will
postural abnormalities in TMD patients is normalize the muscles associated with
of prime importance for further head, neck and face, thus, eliminating
prevention and control as well as the requirement of any other treatment.
adequate treatment. These evaluations
will be of great help to the physicians, According to the literature
physiotherapists and dentists for a very reviewed, various authors have
precise diagnoses and thus selecting the suggested that there is a positive
best possible functional rehabilitation correlation between TMD and body
techniques. When treating the TMD posture. However, due to various factors
patients, it is important to have a good being involved related to TMD and
level of interaction among the postural abnormalities, the available
individuals of different therapeutic research has left important gaps in
specialties. understanding. The findings are too
critical to reveal any conclusive
Any changes in mandibular positioning relationship between TMD and body
affects the gait stability, may it be posture. Large clinical trials with long
directly or indirectly. Research quality term clinical evaluation of various
needs to be more precise and sound. symptoms along with patients follow up
Large trials need to be carried out so and improvement in research
that the results are more valid and methodology is required. The quality of
reliable. Methodologies for the research study available is relatively
posturographic analysis should be low and further studies with higher
improved. quality are required for conclusive

Salkar al, Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(6):1523-1530

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