Villa Savoye Vs Vanna Venturi

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Matthew Mitchell

LA 319 OL1
Laura Brugger
July 7, 2021

Comparison Paper 3

The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal Station built in 1878 is a train station of the Central Railways

company located in Bombay, India. Built in the Indo-Saracenic or Mughal style it became symbolic of

the main commercial port of India, Mumbai, often called by some the “Gothic city”. Designed by

architect Fredrick Williams Stevens, with a Victorian Gothic architectural concept and intended to be a

similar revival of Indian Gothic architecture (classical era), the station was built in 1887 in the Bori

Bunder area of Bombay to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria. The layout of the

floorplan, its stone dome, its turrets and its pointed arches bear similarities to the classical palace

architecture of India. Chhatrapati Shivaji is an exceptional example of the encounter between two

cultures, as British architects worked with Indian artisans to incorporate indigenous architectural styles

and traditions, thus creating a new style uniquely characteristic of Mumbai.

The Basilica Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain, designed by Antonio Gaudi in 1882 and still

under construction belongs to the Catalan modernism, which is also known as Spanish art nouveau.

The style is in keeping with the fiercely independent culture of Catalonia, is recognized for its similarity

to Gothic cathedrals dating as far back as the Middle Ages but it is also influenced by modernism —

which was rapidly spreading throughout Europe —all melded into a style completely of their own. As

the industrialized era began to transform architecture, the Catalans used artistic, history and myth to

form a new expression of identity based on a historically European precedent.

Matthew Mitchell
LA 319 OL1
Laura Brugger
July 7, 2021

Works Cited

1. Nonell, Juan Bassegoda (2004). Antonio Gaudi: Master Architect. New York: Abbeville Press. ISBN 0-
7892-0220-4. «Chhatrapati Shivaji Station». World Heritage Site.
Consultado el 3 de diciembre de 2008.
2. ↑ «To add ‘Maharaj’, Maharashtra Cabinet renames Mumbai airport, CST». The Indian Express. 8 de
diciembre de 2016.
3. Consultado el 8 de diciembre de 2016.
4. Fitzpatrick, Lisa (28 September 2011). "The Gaudí code". Barcelona Metropolitan. Retrieved 13
February 2019.

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