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Nizal, Maria Cristina A.

44642 BSBA-FM

(General Improvement of Community Life)

The first problem or issue that our community encounters is having a little amount of trees and
illegal mining where people tend to cut and destroy trees the effect of this is we encounter floods that
can really affect our lives. Ways or solutions of this we need to implement or conduct a tree planting
activities and implement a law about illegal mining which we need to involve or cooperate on this
activity by the help of barangay officials and government. This would really a big help to reduce floods
that we encounter when there is a calamities. And also barangay officials should implement a law that if
someone caught destroying or cutting a tree and do an illegal mining would have a punishment in that
way people will be afraid to do these illegal activities.

The second problem or issue that our community encounters is poor waste management that
adds to environmental change and air contamination, and straightforwardly influences numerous
biological systems and species. Discarding waste has immense natural effects and can cause significant
issues like floods. I think the good solutions on these problems are to educate people about how poor
waste management can affect our environment by conducting a symposium with the help of barangay
officials. On this symposium it will tackled the ways to reduce waste like Take reusable bags to the store
when shopping. Lessen or wipe out the utilization of paper plates and cups. Store extra food sources in
reusable holders rather than single utilize plastic packs. Lessen or limit utilization of plastic packs. Each
barangay should implement R’s (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle) which everyone involves on this so that it
can help to lessen the waste that can affect our environment.

And lastly the problem or issue that our community encounters is teenage pregnancy where
mostly of pregnant today is a teenage mom where the reality is young ladies today have gotten too free,
too unconcerned about morals and values. I believe that if our standards are raised, this issue may be
reduced enough to make a difference. Ways or solutions that should do I think that parents or guardians
should talk to their children about conception prevention or have the family doctor or specialist to talk
to their children about contraception, and teenagers should look at how a pregnancy would affect them.
And we need to have sex education at a young age to educate children about the concept of early
pregnancy so that they are aware how important not getting involve on teenage pregnancy. This can
possibly happen by conducting a symposium that tackles this issue involved the parents and a teenagers.

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