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This study was anchored on the theory of Multiple Intelligences developed in 1983 by

Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the

traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner

proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in

children and adults. These intelligences are: Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”), Logical-

mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”), Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”),

Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (“body smart”), Musical intelligence (“music smart”),

Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”), Intrapersonal intelligence (“self smart”) and

Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”).

Dr. Gardner says that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on

linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence. We esteem the highly articulate or logical

people of our culture. However, Dr. Gardner says that we should also place equal attention

on individuals who show gifts in the other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians,

naturalists, designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in

which we live.

The theory of multiple intelligences also has strong implications for adult learning and

development. Many adults find themselves in jobs that do not make optimal use of their most

highly developed intelligences (for example, the highly bodily-kinesthetic individual who is

stuck in a linguistic or logical desk-job when he or she would be much happier in a job where

they could move around, such as a recreational leader, a forest ranger, or physical therapist).

The theory of multiple intelligences gives adults a whole new way to look at their lives,

examining potentials that they left behind in their childhood (such as a love for art or drama)

but now have the opportunity to develop through courses, hobbies, or other programs of self-


Howard Gardner provided extensive research to support his contention that human

intelligence is multifaceted rather than singular. To qualify as an intelligence in Gardner’s

multiple intelligences (MI) theory, each ability must satisfy a range of criteria: the potential for

isolated breakdown of the skill through brain damage; the existence of savants, prodigies, and

other exceptional individuals with this ability; support from psychological training studies and

from psychometric studies, including correlations across tests; evolutionary plausibility; and a

distinct developmental history culminating in a definable set of master performances. In

addition, each intelligence must have an identifiable core operation or set of operations as

well as susceptibility to coding in a symbol system (e.g., language, mathematics, picturing, or

musical notes).

The null hypothesis shall become the basis in the formulation of the objectives and

designing of methods employed in this study. Following the objectives and the conceptual

framework, the general flow charts of the research process and methods shall be laid down

as guides in the conduct of the study. The flow chart of the research process explicitly

presented the issues on the proper alignment of the Multiple Intelligence to the preferred

collegiate course among students. Qualitative approaches shall be used in the study to

address the objectives while it shall use a survey questionnaire as the research instrument

of the study coupled with interview and focus group discussions to attain the objectives.

The matrix on the objectives and variables, data sources, data gathering instruments

and analysis techniques and weakness further shall serve as guides in the conduct of the

study (Table 1). Each objective shall be categorically described on how it shall be conducted

including the possible sources of data for the research study, the data gathering instrument

and the tools for analysis. Due to the limited time and research resources, this study shall be

undertaken only once in year 2017 focusing on 10 respondents in MSUN-IDS SHS. The table

of contents of this study entitled “MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: IT’S VERTICAL ALIGNMENT


SCHOOL” stipulates the detailed outline containing the preliminary pages and the headings

and subheadings of each of the 3 major sections of the manuscript with an introduction

covering the background of the study. The publication plans shall be specified since research

outputs must be published for information dissemination.

General Profile of Naawan, Misamis Oriental

Multiple Intelligence of the students and its vertical alignment to their

preferred collegiate course.

Subject Profile (Onder, 2006) Perceptions on student’s Multiple


 Age Student’s Multiple Intelligences

 Gender Advantages and Disadvantages of having
Multiple Intelligence
 Address
Implication to the students, teachers and
 Monthly family income parents
 Educational attainment

Implication of the proper alignment of the multiple intelligences to the

preferred collegiate course of MSUN-IDS SHS Students

Socio-economic Profile of the Respondents

Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study.

Table 1. Matrix on the objectives and variables, data sources, data gathering
instruments and analysis techniques and weakness.

Data Data Gathering Analysis

Objectives Variables Weakness
sources Instrument techniques

1) To determine the Socio-economic indicators: Data collection

socio-economic Primary data Survey Quantitative was done only
conditions that Demographic profile and questionnaire analyses once in 2018 in
influence the Age Secondary Respondents’ only 5
respondents’ Gender data interviews respondents in
perceptions. Monthly family income MSUN IDS
Educational attainment

2.) To determine the Perceptions on Multiple Primary data Survey Quantitative Data collection
multiple intelligence Intelligences: and questionnaire analyses was done only
of students that Secondary Respondents’ once in 2018 in
match with their Student’s Multiple Intelligences data interviews only 5
preferred collegiate Advantages and Disadvantages respondents in
courses. of having Multiple Intelligence MSUN IDS
Implication to the students,
3.) To determine the
teachers and parents
advantages and Basic competencies
disadvantages of Common competencies
having multiple Core competencies

4.) To determine the Implications of Multiple Primary data Survey Quantitative Data collection
implications of the Intelligence to and questionnaire analyses was done only
socio-economic Secondary Respondents’ once in 2018 in
conditions matching Preferred collegiate course data interviews only 5
with preferred course of the Students, to the respondents in
and advantages and teachers and parents MSUN IDS
disadvantages of
multiple intelligence
to proper vertical
alignment of MI to
preferred collegiate


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