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Examen completa carrera 6to

Name: _____________________________Date: __________________________________

Completa las oraciones con el Condicional 1 if presente simple + Will o won`t

1- I ______________ (stay) at home, if it ___________ (rain) this afternoon.

2- If my brother__________ (go) abroad, I______________ (be) very worry.
3- You _____________ (not earn) enough money, If you________ (not work) more hours.
4- Melissa_____________ (can) to gout later, if she _______________ (not finish) her homework.
5- If I ____________________ (go) to the supermarket later, I____________ (buy) some tomatoes.

Conditional 2 if +past simple y would

1- If Linda ______________here (be), I’m sure she ____________ (help) us.

2- What_______________ (do), if you ____________________ (see) a ghost?
3- If I ________________ (find) some money in the street, I ___________ (take) it to the police.
4- If we ______________ (not catch) the nine o`clock bus, we _____________ (arrive) too late.
5- Michael _______________ (be) angry, if someone _____________ (take) his computer without permission.

Present perfect continuos

1- My cat _______ _________ (sleep) ____________all day.

2- ___________Jim __________ (do) ____________ exercises.
3- You look tired. ___________you _____________ (work) hard.
4- I`m sorry I`m later. _______________you __________ (wait) a long time?
5- Tracy and Tom_______ ________ (play) ____________tennis for an hour.

Choose the correct option present simple

1- I play/plays football every Saturday.

2- I often help/helps my mum.
3- Do/does your friend go/goes to school by bike?
4- Helen vacuum/vacuums the carpet once a week.
5- Where do/does you spend/spends your holidays?

Complete the Clark with Past simple

infinitive Past simple Past participle infinitive Past simple Past participle
buy lay
think leave
do grow
hold slide
begin stand
bring stick
burst slay

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