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Name : Muhammad Gus Solhan Fadlola

NIM : H1A019036

English Task 2


Male-China consumes a whopping one third of the world’s cigarettes

each year

scientists predict the ratio will rise sharply.

Chen Haiquan has performed more than 200 operations a year.

He is the lone surgeon in the hospital ward

patients He says, “They understand how bad smoking is for their

health, but it’s often too late

Decide whether the statements below are true or false. Write N (No) if the statements
are unknown.

a. Most of Chinese men are social smokers. (True)

Because 320 million smokers-more than 90 percent of them male-China consumes a
whopping one third of the world’s cigarettes each year
b. Cigarette is served in some important occasion in China. (False)
Because in China, where cigarettes are a fixture of daily life.
c. It is not uneasy to stop smoking habit in China. (True)
Because In China, cigarettes will do the trick every time.
d. Chen Haiquan performed all the operations with his team.(False)
Because Chen Haiquan is the lone surgeon in the hospital ward.
e. Chinese smokers have already got the bad result of smoking habit. (True)
Because smoking habit in China caused one in every eight male deaths in China is caused
by smoking,
f. Most of Chinese people like smoking very much. (False)
Because 320 320 million smokers-more than 90 percent of them male-China consumes a
whopping one third of the world’s cigarettes each year and in China, where cigarettes are
a fixture of daily life.
g. Chinese did not know that smoking can cause lung cancer. (False)
Because one of patients says, “they understand how bad smoking is for their health, but
it’s often too late”
h. People in China start smoking under the age of ten (No)

Vocabulary Practice

a. Classify the words below into the right part of speech

1. Go (Verb) 6. Beauty (Adjective) 11. Satisfy (Verb)

2. Party (Noun) 7. Patience (Noun) 12. City (Noun)

3. Calm (Adjective) 8. Soften (Verb) 13. Foggy (Adjective)

4. Fun (Adjective) 9. Strong (Adjective) 14. Lovely (Adjective)

5. Happy (Adjective) 10. Finally (Adverb) 15. student (Noun)

b. Look at these common noun and adjective suffixes. They are used to form different
part of speech.

Nouns -ation -ness -ence -ment

-ion -ity -sion

Adjectives -ous -tific -ly -ial

-y -less

Complete the charts below. There are some spelling changes.

Noun Verb Noun Adjective

Communication Communicate Science scientific

Discussion Discuss Friend friendly

Government Govern Happiness happy

Invitation Invite Difference different

Development Develop Danger dangerous

Explanation Explain Use Useless

Education Educate Help helpful

Decision Decide speciality Special

Enjoyment Enjoy Care Carelful

Organization Organize Noise Noisy

Improvement Improve Industry Industrial

Employment Employ Ambition Ambitious

c. Complete the sentences with one of the words from exercise b.

1. My English improve a lot after I lived in London for a month.

2. I have two ambition in life. I want to be rich, and I want to be famous.

3. ‘I am going to work hard from now on.’ ‘That’s a very good decision’.

4. There are many differences between my two children. They aren’t similar at all.

5. Thank you for your advice. It was very helpful.

6. I like Italian people. They’re very kind and friendly.

7. The United Nations is an international Organization.

8. I asked the teacher for help, but unfortunately, I didn’t understand his explanation.

9. Motor racing is very dangerous sport.

10. Fish soup is a special of this area. You must try it.

11. I’m having a party on Saturday, and I’d like to invite you.

12. This is the industry part of my town. There are lots of factories and businesses.

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