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Student: Marcelo

Chavez Ecos.
Teacher: Miriam
Class: A10.
Topic: Portfolio.
1.What he or she does/did ?
Elon Musk, he was a very intelligent child, it is possible that it
was because of his parents since they always focused on
education, and I suppose that if many people had done Elon
Musk in his youth, today they would be earning more of 100
millions dollars. What this man did is really incredible, he helps
the planet earth, reducing containment, making cars not contain,
making a safer form of payment, now with his great idea of
taking us to space, this man did great things.
2.Where and when he or she lives/live ?
Where and when he lived is complicated since he always moved
house, because of his parents work, some of the places were
Philly, Kingston, right now he is living in Bel-air, he is of South
African nationality, according to him it is normal now to be living
in different places.
3.Why he or she is considered a genius?
now why is he considered a genius? people already consider him
a genius due to his great ideas and goals in the future, elon musk
is an anxious and passionate person with his goals and
achievements, today thanks to his effort he was able to achieve
what he is, another would be that he was a very good
programmer and easily fixed and built things.
4. How he or she achieved success ?
he got his success for his effort and obviously for creating his big
companies, for example we have Paypal, Tesla Motors and Space
X, the last one is a company dedicated to going to space for a
new future. he has several ideas to improve the planet earth. ,
and obviously he is doing it with his companies, it is really
5.What is/was the result of his or her genius ?
Thanks to everything that Elon Musk is doing, many people are
having very good payments with the Paypal company, less
pollution with the electronic cars of the Tesla Motors company,
and now Elon wants to take people could live on Mars, it would
be a gigantic advance for humans. This would transform our
lives, people could walk on mars, or maybe they are making
another great scientific advance but on mars.
6.How long it took him or her to achieve genius ?
He was born with those ideas of always progressing in life, since
he was a child he was savant, because he knew and how to make
his own future,he is now a genius he is considered one of the
geniuses of the 21st century, but his great goal is to change the
world and be able to take people to Mars, it is possible that this
will happen in the distant future and maybe Elon will not be alive
to see all that he has achieved.

WRITING 1 Correction:
1.What he or she does/did ?
Elon Musk one of the richest people in the world, he is a
visionary entrepreuneur, the charismatic co-founder of PayPal
and Tesla, as well as the founder of SpaceX, Neuralink, and The
Boring Company, possibly one of Musk´s most famous inventions
is the Tesla. Founded in 2003, Tesla is an electric vehicle
designed for sustainability and reducing human dependency on
oil. He is transforming the lives of many people and reducing
contamination, which is beneficial for planet earth.
2.Where and when he or she lives/live ?
Where and when he lived is complicated since he always moved
house, First he born and raised in South Africa, Musk spent time
in Canada before finally moving to the U.S. Many people think
because of this, he should have a fixed home to be able to do his
projects, but in TIME magazine he says that he is always on the
move, he has to do too many things, that's why he doesn't stay
in a fixed place to live.

3.Why he or she is considered a genius?

Now why is he considered a genius? It is stimated that Elon Musk
´s IQ is around 150 to 155, great geniuses like Einstein and
Hawking had an IQ of 160, wich puts Elon in a very great
position, he can actually be considered a genius, he also has a
very good interaction with people, he is very good at solving
cases that have a lot of expertise.

4. How he or she achieved success ?

Elon Musk co-founded the electronic payment company PayPal
and founded the spacecraft company SpaceX. He became CEO of
the electric car manufacturer Tesla. Obviously many people
loved these inventions, several people spoke well of Paypal and
the Tesla car company, thus having respect and admiration for
Elon Musk, opening his Instagram accounts, Facebook getting
many followers, he is a really successful man.

5.What is/was the result of his or her genius ?

Thanks to everything that Elon Musk is doing, many people are
having very good payments with the Paypal company, less
pollution with the electronic cars of the Tesla Motors company,
and now Elon wants to take people could live on Mars, it would
be a gigantic advance for humans. This would transform our
lives, people could walk on mars, or maybe they are making
another great scientific advance but on mars.

6.How long it took him or her to achieve genius ?

He was born with those ideas of always progressing in life, since
he was a child he was savant, because he knew and how to make
his own future,he is now a genius he is considered one of the
geniuses of the 21st century, but his great goal is to change the
world and be able to take people to Mars, it is possible that this
will happen in the distant future and maybe Elon will not be alive
to see all that he has achieved. Time magazine, says more things
he would like to do, but will never be forgotten.

Well, I will begin to write the story of a good friend, his name is
Juan Carlos Alvarez, we all affectionately called him Juancho, I
met him at a basketball academy, he was very good at playing,
but everyone always saw him wearing old sneakers and broken,
an extremely old backpack, and we always saw him happy, so I
had the courage to ask him why he comes that way and he's
still happy, he told me that the way of dressing was not
important, that the important thing was to train and have fun,
training for Juancho was more important than clothes, that's
why he always dressed like that in training, and I thought,
that's possible he doesn't have the necessary resources to be
able to buy good clothes, but he didn't need the money to be
happy, I needed to know more about Juancho, so at the end of
the game I asked him if he could say more about his life and he
Walking towards our houses, he told me his whole story, first
he was born in Peru, he is 23 years old right now, he was older
than me, which was normal because the basketball academy
accepted any age in case you asked, he was a boy like any other
but he was a very poor person, coming to his area everything
was poverty, that made me too sad, I knew that it was not easy
for him, he had also told me that he moved a lot since because
he never paid the rent on time , now he lives with his great-
uncle, and why does he live with his great-uncle? It is because
when he was 18 years old his mother suffered a heart attack,
that marked him for life, and I would also feel that way because
losing a mother must be painful, and I can't imagine how he will
still feel but I admire his courage.
I wanted to continue listening to his story, but after what he
told me I felt too bad to continue, he never felt defeated with
all the things that had happened to him because he always
brought out a smile, and if you looked closely he seemed like a
free man of problems, his mother must be very proud of him in
paradise, with everything he told me and all the obstacles he
had to go through, I learned to value my family more and what
I have, because without them I would not be who I am today
nowadays, he showed me that you never have to give up, you
always have to get ahead with your best smile, Juancho is a
very admirable person.

- Poverty - Juancho is a very humble boy, he does not have
the best resources but he will always be with his best
smile for everything.
- Moving place to place - Because Juancho did not have
enough money, he moved from house to house because
he did not pay the rent, in the end he lived with his great-
- Tragic death of his moter - His mother suffered a heart
attack, which marked the life of young Juancho, he always
loved his mother, which was something very difficult to

WRITING 2 Correction:
Well, I will begin to write the story of a good friend, his name is
Juan Carlos Alvarez, we all affectionately called him Juancho, I
met him at a basketball academy, he was very good at playing,
but everyone always saw him wearing old sneakers and broken,
an extremely old backpack, and we always saw him happy, so I
had the courage to ask him why he comes that way and he's
still happy, he told me that the way of dressing was not
important, that the important thing was to train and have fun,
training for Juancho was more important than clothes, that's
why he always dressed like that in training, and I thought,
that's possible he doesn't have the necessary resources to be
able to buy good clothes, but he didn't need the money to be
happy, I needed to know more about Juancho, so at the end of
the game I asked him if he could say more about his life and he
Walking towards our houses, he told me his whole story, first
he was born in Peru, he is 23 years old right now, he was older
than me, which was normal because the basketball academy
accepted any age in case you asked, he was a boy like any other
but he was a very poor person, coming to his area everything
was poverty, that made me too sad, I knew that it was not easy
for him, he had also told me that he moved a lot since because
he never paid the rent on time , now he lives with his great-
uncle, and why does he live with his great-uncle? It is because
when he was 18 years old his mother suffered a heart attack,
that marked him for life, and I would also feel that way because
losing a mother must be painful, and I can't imagine how he will
still feel but I admire his courage.
I wanted to continue listening to his story, but after what he
told me I felt too bad to continue, he never felt defeated with
all the things that had happened to him because he always
brought out a smile, and if you looked closely he seemed like a
free man of problems, his mother must be very proud of him in
paradise, with everything he told me and all the obstacles he
had to go through, I learned to value my family more and what
I have, because without them I would not be who I am today
nowadays, he showed me that you never have to give up, you
always have to get ahead with your best smile, Juancho is a
very admirable person.

- Poverty - Juancho is a very humble boy, he does not have
the best resources but he will always be with his best
smile for everything.
- Moving place to place - Because Juancho did not have
enough money, he moved from house to house because
he did not pay the rent, in the end he lived with his great-
- Tragic death of his moter - His mother suffered a heart
attack, which marked the life of young Juancho, he always
loved his mother, which was something very difficult to

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