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To whom it may concern:

We met Lauren a few years back when we hired her to be our son’s math tutor his
sophomore year in high school. This quickly morphed into her being more than just a
math tutor. We all bonded very quickly and our son ended up working with her on
almost all of his school subjects from that point until he graduated from high school.
Lauren is absolutely amazing. She worked tirelessly with Conner on all of his school
subjects and he really worked hard for her more so than myself and his dad or teachers.
She was able to connect and get through to him and provide help in more ways than
just school. He had a very difficult time his Junior and Senior year and she helped us and
Conner advocate with his teachers. I truly don’t think he would have been able to get
through high school if it hadn’t been for her. She truly will make an excellent teacher
she is kind and compassionate but also firm and was truly able to get through to our son
so he was able get through high school. She holds a very special place in our family’s
heart. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Have a great day,

Kelly G Julien

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