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Republic of the Philippines


Virac, Catanduanes

College of Education

Name of Student : TARROZA, LORRAINE S.

Student ID No. : 2019-00491 Program/Yr/Block : BSED-SOCIAL STUDIES 3F

Chapter 2 – Activity 2

FACT or OPINION. Write the word FACT if the statement is true and OPINION if it is false.
Write it before the item number.

OPINION 1. In a constitutional monarchy, the power of the King is limited by tradition.

FACT 2. Oligarchy is a corrupt form of the rule of the few.

FACT 3. Aristotle called democracy the rule of the poor.

FACT 4. One of the best features of democracy is the observation of majority rule.

OPINION 5. The ultimate power in a democracy is vested in the President.

OPINION 6. Centralization of government powers characterizes a federal system from a unitary


OPINION 7. In a federal government, the national government is in charge of defense but

foreign relations are taken care of by each state.

OPINION 8. There is no autonomy of local government in a federal government.

OPINION 9. The chief executive in a parliamentary form of government is the President.

OPINION 10. Separation of government powers is present in parliamentary system.

FACT 11. There is union of the executive branch and legislative branch in a parliamentary
system because the law-enforcers are also the law-makers.

OPINION 12. In a parliamentary form, the head of state is also the head of government.

FACT 13. The title of the head of state in a parliamentary system is the President or King or

OPINION 14. In a presidential from of government, the heads of various departments are called

OPINION 15. The President in a presidential form of government is independent of Congress.

FACT 16. The Prime Minister is elected by the people as Member of Parliament.
Republic of the Philippines
Virac, Catanduanes

FACT 17. The Prime Minister can be removed from office by the parliament anytime.

FACT 18. A Prime Minister is directly responsible to the parliament and politically responsible to
the people.

FACT 19. A president in a presidential form is directly elected by the people and cannot be
removed by the legislature at will.

FACT 20. A head of state in a parliamentary system performs only symbolic and ceremonial

FACT 21. Political equality in a democracy is expressed by the practice of one-man-vote.

FACT 22. Majority rule in democracy means the imposition of the will of the many without
respect for the will of the many without respect for the will of the few.

FACT 23. Republican democracy means the people rule indirectly through their elected
representatives in government.

FACT 24. Strictly speaking, the more republican a political system is, the less democratic it

OPINION 25. In a democracy, the legislative department is considered the supreme branch of
government because the sovereign will of the people is expressed through laws made by the
legislative department.

FACT 26. Anarchism is a belief that government unnecessary because man is capable of self-

OPINION 27. U.S. is a very good example of Direct Democracy,

OPINION 28. Social problems like increasing criminality and widespread poverty are not
considered as threats to the stability of the state.

OPINION 29. Providing for free elementary and secondary education was considered before as
a compulsory duty of the state.

FACT 30. Possible conflict or deadlock between the executive branch and legislative branch is
built-in characteristics of the presidential system because of separation of powers.

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