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This article was published in ASHRAE Journal, April 2020. Copyright 2020 ASHRAE. Posted at This article may not be copied and/or distributed
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Variable Speed Oil-Free

Magnetic Bearing
Centrifugal Compressors

Technology and product revolutions take time, especially in the HVAC market, which
historically has relied on incremental improvements to tried-and-true solutions. But,
you need to have a starting point for those incremental improvements and that start-
ing point is frequently itself a revolution. For example, most HVAC industry compres-
sor revolutions have come in the form of the new compression technology; however,
only one has been a combination of the other component technologies beyond the
compression method itself. This technology has created a revolution which has trans-
formed the HVAC industry in terms of mid-capacity chiller efficiency, sound level,
footprint and long-term performance maintenance expectations.
For nearly 100 years, centrifugal chillers have been the coming refrigerant changes under the Montreal
popular in the HVAC industry because of their effi- Protocol and perceived that compressor manufacturers
ciency, reliability and scalability benefits in the large would not be ready. Because of this, they built on the
capacity water-cooled chiller segment. Over the years, experience from both successful businesses to create
this technology experienced incremental improvements the ‘the perfect compressor’ specification. This specifi-
with multiple stages and configurations. However, the cation included in the final product benefits, something
main component technologies including the starter, that was fully integrated, significantly smaller/lighter,
motor/stator and bearings did not significantly change quieter, environmentally friendly and more efficient
with the improvements. than what was available at the time. Plus, it had to oper-
ate without lubricant oil and result in no friction losses
The Beginnings and resulting component wear.
In the mid-1990s, a team of engineers in Australia Product revolutions enabled by multiple technolo-
recognized the opportunity for an HVAC compressor gies generally come to fruition based on one key com-
technology revolution. They saw the risk associated with ponent technology which achieves “its time.” In the
Scott Moorhouse is director, sales and marketing Asia, Danfoss, Melbourne, Australia; Edward Rodriguez is strategic marketing manager and Drew Turner is global marketing man-
ager, Oil-Free Solutions, Danfoss, Tallahassee, Fla.

54 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  APRI L 2020

250VDC PWM signals that are applied to each bearing actuator coil.

Rotor position sensors are located on rings attached to the front and rear radial bearing assemblies.
The front sensor ring contains sensors that read the rotor position along the X, Y, and Z axes. The rotor
position along the Z (or axial) axis is read by measuring the distance between the sensor and a target
sleeve mounted on the rotor. The rear sensor ring contains sensors that read the position along the X
and Y axes. Information from the position sensors is continuously fed back to the bearing controller.

case of oil-free centrifugal FigureFIGURE

3-8 Magnetic Bearing Control System
1  Magnetic bearings/control.
compressors, that tech-
nology was the magnetic
Position Feedback Bearing-Motor- Position Feedback
bearing. This technology Compressor
Controller (BMCC)
was the key, along with Channel Assignments
the associated positioning Position Command
Axi s Bea ri ng Cha nnel
Signals X Front Ra di a l Fx
sensors and permanent Y Y Front Ra di a l Fy
X Rea r Ra di a l Rx
magnet motor, because X Shaft
Bearing Y Rea r Ra di a l Ry
they enabled the high- Amplifier Z Axi a l Axi

speed, contact-free cen-

trifugal compression, Shaft axes monitored
by position sensors Y-axis
which in turn enabled Position Channels Y-axis
Target Sensor Fx, Fy Position Channels
small, quiet, efficient Touchdown
Sleeve Sensor Rx, Ry Channel Axi

and oil-free. At that time


magnetic bearings, which
X-axis X-axis
were being experimented Position Position Touchdown
Sensor Sensor
with on applications
such as large pumping Impellers
Front Rear
systems, were extremely Position
Sensor Radial
Bearing Bearing
complicated and costly. Sensor Ring
Sensor Ring
The exponential com-
puting power and cost
reduction curve of the time gave The electromagnetic field is con- FIGURE 2  First prototype compressor.
them confidence that, even if it was trolled by a high-speed processing
not economically feasible then, it system and the location of the shaft
should be by the time they get to is sensed by proximity sensors. They
market. 26 of 110 are placed
M-AP-001-EN Rev. Pradially around the shaft
The oil-free centrifugal magnetic on both sides of the motor stator

bearings invented with this devel- and the axial position is sensed by
opment consist of radial and axial an additional proximity behind the
components. The bearings control second stage impeller. The shaft
the radial position of the shaft position is fed into a real-time digi-
within its orbit as well as counter- tal processor which adjusts the elec- bearings. Versions of these technolo-
acting the axial forces placed on tromagnetic field to perfectly center gies existed previously but did not
the shaft by the thrust forces of the the shaft within its orbit and desired fit to the application or compressor
impeller. The axial force is based axial position. goals.
on the differential pressures across The first compressor prototype was From there, the first commercial-
the impellers which push the shaft commissioned in 1995. The enabling ization with compressors on chillers
in the direction of the compres- technologies were not the only in the field occurred in early 2001.
sor suction. The magnetic bearing significant technology component The compressors featured two-stage
levitates the shaft and positions it barriers. Achieving the compressor centrifugal, direct-drive, oil-free,
axially using electromagnets. The prototype also involved inventing magnetic bearing, permanent mag-
bearings use a combination of per- several other enabling compo- net motors, with fully integrated
manent and electromagnets. The nent technologies, including the power electronics. The capacity was
permanent magnets levitate the soft start, IGBT, DC-DC converter, 300k W (~90 tons) and they achieved
shaft and the electromagnets are high-speed motor, position sensors the goals of being a package which
used to fine tune the shaft position. and digitally controlled magnetic was more efficient, significantly

APRI L 2020  A S H R A E J O U R N A L 55


smaller/lighter with lower sound, FIGURE 3  Sound level and associated issue comparison.
and oil/friction free.

Coincident Industry Change

Around the time that this com-

pressor was first commercializing, ~8 dBA Quieter vs. Inherently Quiet, With No Annoying Tonal Sound
Comparable Size Screw No Expensive Sound Issues
the industry was also coming to the Compressor Attenuation Required
realization that part load efficiency
was critical, with ASHRAE 90.1 equipment efficiency rat- FIGURE 4  Regional variations in air-cooled chiller ambient rating conditions/
ings changing to reflect the ~1% of the time that an aver- weighting factor.
age chiller operates fully loaded. The compressor tech-
nology choices and resulting oil-free operation enabled
several benefits, most of which relate to part load effi-
ciency and/or increased efficiency at higher differential
temperatures (pressure ratios):
• Compressor turndown—Turndown with previous
compression technologies was significantly limited by
the differential temperature and resulting pressure
required to move oil through the system.

• Variable/high-speed—Variable speed in combina-
tion with high-speed operation enable highly-efficient
operation, specifically around the 75% and 50% load
points, which the industry has determined to be most oil and its management.
critical for minimizing operating costs. The bet was that the market would value these ben-
• Two-stage centrifugal compression—Two stages of efits enough to pay the premium that the combination
centrifugal compression enables more efficient opera- of technologies required. Historically, the HVAC market
tion, at higher pressure ratios and especially in combi- in this capacity range had been significantly driven by
nation with an economizer. product price, with little consideration for efficiency or
• Economizer—Two compression stages also enables the other potential benefits of alternatives; if it met the
the economizer cycle, where intermediate pressure gas code and/or customer requirements, then best price
is injected into the second stage suction, also increasing won. This is in contrast to the larger capacity segments,
efficiency at the higher differential temperatures (pres- where customers were used to purchasing product
sure ratios) based on life-cycle cost, including the efficiency and
other benefits in the long-term operating cost-driven
The Bet decision. The inventors of this technology were bet-
This was not a low-cost solution. That first ~90 ton/300 ting that there was an unserved ‘latent” life-cycle cost
kW compressor was created on a bet that the mid-capac- focused market in this mid-capacity HVAC segment.
ity HVAC market would pay a premium for a compressor They knew that the first-cost focus was changing,
that was: albeit slowly/regionally, based on a combination of
• ~30% to 50% more efficient than it’s constant-speed related regulatory and industry trend factors. The
competitors regulatory trend factors included increasing efficiency
• ~25% of the physical footprint of the positive dis- requirements along with the transition to non-ODP
placement competition refrigerants. The pace of these regulatory changes was
• ~8dBA lower sound than the positive displacement increasing, which along with rising energy costs and
competition environmental concerns drove more focus on the effi-
• Simplified the system design and eliminated ciency and long-term performance maintenance ben-
long-term performance degradation resulting from efits which this technology provides. They knew that the

56 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  APRI L 2020


FIGURE 5  Oil-free vs. oiled chiller system diagram comparison.

Traditional Oiled Chiller Oil Free Chiller

30%-50% efficiency benefit which it enables relative to FIGURE 6  Montreal Protocol High-GWP refrigerant phasedown chart, in terms of
the positive displacement constant speed compressor CO2 equivalent emissions.


technology it would replace would grow in importance
to an increasing portion of the market. Developing
The Long Road to Success EU
Fortunately, they were right. But success and indus-
try transformation were not immediate. It took several
U.S. and Other
years from that first compressor installation, before Developed
industry adoption and resulting volume drove a profit- Countries
able business. Industry adoption ultimately required
expansion to four different platforms and integration

in the portfolio of several OEM chiller manufacturers,
including a related chiller OEM startup investment. Baseline % in CO2, Equivalent Tons

Success ultimately required working to develop product

with several innovative early adopter OEMs, including be a consideration. They have in-turn recognized from
small and large, from all regions. this realization, the opportunity to optimize equipment
These equipment manufacturers have learned that designs and derivatives of them to take advantage of
it’s not a single technology benefit that any one end these benefits / combination of benefits.
customer values for any specific application; it’s not all
about efficiency or low sound level or the small physi- Recent History
cal footprint or the ability to maintain the high perfor- One of the main drivers for the original compressor
mance over time. It’s some combination of those and development was the phaseout of ozone-depleting sub-
ultimately any of them can be critical. stances under the Montreal Protocol and the perception
For example, if the application is replacing an old that a compliant solution was needed quickly to help
chiller in a small/crowded equipment room which customers meet the requirements. Now we are amid
is adjacent to an auditorium or operating room, the the industry phasing out high global warming potential
technology footprint and sound level benefits are para- substances. Europe is the first to move globally with this
mount. In cases such as this, efficiency may not even phaseout, implementing the F-Gas regulations with the

58 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  APRI L 2020


FIGURE 7  Compressor development timeline.

first phaseout step in-place in 2016 their original performance over FIGURE 8  Recent compressor developed for higher
and the second in 2018. time, validating the long-term lift (differential temperature/pressure) conditions.
This has presented ongoing chal- performance maintenance ben-
lenges to the industry as a whole— efit. Recent studies have shown
but also raises opportunities. With that oil-free compressors do not
the combination of technologies incur any mechanical wear that can
also comes the flexibility to adjust adversely affect performance over

the design to accommodate alter- time. Independent studies have also
native refrigerants, including one shown that most chillers installed in
of the HFO alternatives that meets the field have excess oil in the sys-
the long-term ultra-low GWP goals, tem which can also adversely affect to higher lift applications with an
and allows an efficiency gain vs the performance (ASHRAE Research oil-free magnetic bearing-based
current refrigerant baseline while Project Report RP-751). This risk is centrifugal compressor design
trading off capacity. This long-term eliminated with oil-free compressor is in managing forces. Managing
solution furthers a user’s ability to technology. these forces becomes significantly
meet current and future environ- In the last few years, the indus- easier with a mechanical design
mental goals, lower both direct and try has recognized the value which that separates the two compression
indirect CO2 emissions, and also oil-free centrifugal compression stages, balancing the axial (back-
minimize the long-term risk associ- provides, including with the valida- and-forth) form of those forces. This
ated with utilizing the refrigerant tion coming from several additional new design expands the technology
it replaced. Thus, oil-free magnetic related technology developments. application potential from tradi-
bearing compressor technology has The result has been that, what was tional water-cooled and temperate
expanded from a single compressor once the dream of a development climate air-cooled to higher ambient
with a single HFO, to four different team in Australia, has become the air-cooled, heat pump (water-to-
platforms with an additional low- mainstream HVAC industry technol- water and air-to-water), thermal
GWP option. ogy solution for mid-size air- and storage and medium temperature
In the larger capacity segment, water-cooled chillers. process applications.
where customers were already mak- For the most recent developments,
ing purchase decisions based on we determined the opportunity to What The Future Holds
life-cycle cost analysis, the same bring those same technology ben- With over 70,000 compressors
technology concept could provide efits to an expanded application installed mostly in water-cooled
benefits vs the currently-available array. Expanding a compressor and air-cooled chiller applications,
solutions. application array in our industry additional improvements to reli-
On the oil-free long-term perfor- generally means higher differential ability and performance, it is now
mance benefit and after extended temperatures and pressures (lift, time to determine the next oppor-
period of operation, oil-free com- in dynamic compression terms). tunity. Luckily, the constantly-
pressors have proven to maintain The main constraint in expanding evolving refrigerant and efficiency

APRI L 2020  A S H R A E J O U R N A L 59


regulatory standards are helping to change the game develop and transition away from new construction and
ahead of technology developments. The evolving stan- building space becomes tighter.
dards are pushing up the efficiency requirements and Any time there is a refrigerant change there is opti-
driving refrigerants to new low-GWP alternatives, mization of the designs to the new fluid. Optimization
which are optimally lower-pressure to maximize effi- is more critical when there is a significant pressure
ciency and capacity while minimizing flammability change. It is not only critical for the compressors but
and GWP. This in turn helps enable the opportunity for all components in the system which govern the flow
alternative technologies which are optimized to move and heat transfer of that fluid. Component develop-
a high volume of low-pressure fluids, such as multi- ment and optimization is more critical when the fluid
stage, direct-drive, high-speed, magnetic bearing, oil- pressure change is higher and for applications which
free centrifugals. are significantly vested in the existing solutions. This
In other words and keeping in mind the industry is of course true in general for the HVAC industry.
lesson to not forget the customer problems you were But, as our history and the history of the industry
solving in the first place, the efficiency, refrigerant and shows, we are always capable of change, especially
long-term performance maintenance factors are only when there are a combination of external drivers
becoming more important for all potential applications, and inherent technology benefits with the change.
in-turn helping more customers meet their operat- It’s even better when you can incrementally build on
ing cost reduction and environmental goals. There is the last few compressor developments to achieve the
a latent market need wherever this technology is not future goals, not requiring the bravery of those who
already available. And, the sound level and footprint ‘changed the game’.
benefits are also becoming more critical, as the markets
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60 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  APRI L 2020

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