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Answer the following questions. 1. Give the basic structure of an HTML document . ANS: Page Title Element that define the content of the page are written here 2. Creating and saving HTML document Step ANS: click on search box type the notepad click on pptepad window type HTML code click on Pu Menu than click on SAVE option one dialog box is open than give File name with .html extension then click on save button HTML stands for HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE. 4. What is different between

elements? ANS:

: block of text include between the stat

tag and end

tag define a paragraph . a paragraph always starts on a new line and browsers automatically add some white space before and after a paragraph.
: The browser does not recognise any line break gives using the enter key in the HTML code. Even when we write text in different lines in an html code, it is not shown in the same manner in a browser. To explicitly force a line break between two lines in the output we use the line break
element. 5. Discuss the use of the following CSS properties: » a. Text-shadow ANS: adds shadow to text. The shadow effect is specified by giving a comma-separated list of option which include the horizontal and vertical distance required. Blur radius optional and color optional of the shadow. b. Font-family ANS: specifies the list of font family names. If the browser does not support the first font name, it tries the next font specified in the list. c. Text-decoration ANS: specifies the decoration to be added to the text in the form of underline, overline or line-through. d. Border-style ANS: specifies the style of the four borders surrounding the element. 6. Write the correct code ANS: 7. Write steps of RENAMING a layer name. ANS: select layer Double click on the layer name and type in the new name 8. Write steps of CREATING SYMBOLS ANS: Draw ~ object Select object Y Select ropty option and click on CONVERT TO SYMBOL, One dialog box is open and change name and type than click OK button 9. How to add new layer in animation ‘Ans. CLICK ON ADD NEW LAYER BUTTON 10. Write steps of CREATING symbols in animation ANS: Select the object Click on! MODIFY option and click on CONVERT SYMBOL Then one dialog box is open Then give name and type change as a graphic Then click on OK button 11. full forms of Al ANS: Artificial Intelligence (Al) 12, full forms of ML ‘ANS: Machine Learning (ML) 13. full forms of NLP ANS: Natural Language Processing (NLP) 14. full forms of CV ‘ANS: Computer Vision (CV) 15. full forms of OT ANS: Internet Of things (OT) 16. full forms of VR ANS: Virtual Reality (VR) 17. full forms of AR ‘ANS: Augmented Reality (AR) 18, Definition of Artificial intelligence ANS: a branch of computer science that enables development of smart machines which can think and take decisions like a human being. 19, Definition of Big Data ANS: Collection of data which is very huge in size and growing exponentially. 20. Definition of Computer Vision ‘ANS: an area of Al that helps computers gain high level understanding of real world from digital images or videos. 21. Definition of Internet of things ANS: a network of physical devices around the world that are connected to the Internet and are collecting and sharing data

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