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TV has become an accepted reality of

society.Nowadays, not only do people watch ordinary TV

shows, but also online shows. Most people are now
subscribed to Netflix, an online streaming service.
However, debate rages on as concerns over whether TV
makes us smarter have been raised throughout the
years.In this speech, I will put forward the argument that
watching TV makes us smarter, because watching TV
programs can polish our language proficiency, help us
broaden our horizons and raise our awareness of the
The most important benefit of watching TV is that
TV programmes can polish your language proficiency. By
watching foreign TV channels like BBC or National
Geographic, the audience can listen to more English and
learn from fluent English speakers. From animal
documentaries toNational Geographic, people can learn
English by reading the English subtitles. They can learn
the correct pronunciation of difficult words.In addition,
National Geographic is produced by people from different
countries, such as America, British, Australia or Mexico
etc. From watching different TV programs, people can be
aware of and familiar with accents from different
countries. As English is an international language, it is
important for us to learn better English, so we can foster
better communication with others all over the world.
Watching TV isn’t just entertainment, but also a
meaningful activity to help you to become a more
eloquent speaker.
In addition to polishing our language proficiency,
watching TV can broaden your horizons. From news
programmes such as BBC news, not only can you listen
to more English, but also learn interesting topics and
social issues. People can learn about areas where there
are always conflicts, like the Middle East, Syria and Iraq.
People can know more about these countries' culture and
what is happening in the world through watching the
news. Moreover, people can know about what the
professionals do. For example, the Woodwright’s Shop—
The Spirit of Woodcraft is a series of documentaries that
let us know how carpenters make the breathtaking and
fascinating woodwork. It is good for us to keep connected
with the world; watching news can no doubt broaden our
Last but not least, watching TV can also sharpen
your life skills. For example, there is an interactive
American adventure reality television series on Netflix
called“You vs Wild”. In this television series, Bear Grylls
faces different harsh environment. Unlike traditional TV,
this is interactive because viewers will choose the story
that Bear Grylls will undergo, and they can learn the
survival skills from the TV shows. For instance, finding
water sources and food in the wild, making a simple
shelter, and so on. Although most of us never need to
stay overnight in the wilderness, this is useful in an
emergency . TV shows can therefore teach you important
life skills such as knowledge related to survival, and
provide it in an interesting way.
In short, TV programmes have many advantages. It
can make you smarter through teaching you different
fields of knowledge. TV is also now interactive and can
elaborate information through vivid and colorful animation
or video.I highly recommend watching TV as a habit !

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