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Holocaust Unit Final Evaluation

The holocaust took place between 1933 and 1945. The holocaust was when Hitler was

the leader of Germany at the time. Hitler would put the jew in concentration camps and gas them

or work them to death. My book was called “The Cage”, and it talked about this girl that's a jew

and lived in this time. She lived in the ghetto for a while and then decided that she and her

siblings couldn't live there anymore. They ended up going to a concentration camp, and there it

was even worse. Then got moved to another and stayed here for a while. Finally, there was

liberation and she was free . In the video that I watched in class about a girl named Big Sonia

directed by . In the video the girl talked about what she went through when she was in

concentration camps and that she had to do to stay alive. She also went to schools and other

places to talk to them about what she had to go through to stay alive.She had a little shop that

kept her busy, so she could keep her mind of what she had gone through. In order for them to

survive they had to have hope.

For people to stay alive they had to have hope. What I mean by this is a lot of them have

lost their hope and if you lose your hope it's almost like giving up on life. If they kept their hope

it was just like telling themselves that they are going to make it, and everything will be ok. Even

though I think that The holocaust is very fun to learn about it was a horrible thing that happened.

The video talked about a lady nicknamed Big Sonya. She was a very nice old lady who

respected everyone. She had a big family before the war but by the end it was only her and her

sister. In the video she talks about how when they got caught by the Germans they seperated her
and her mom. At this moment in her life she had to keep her hope that her mom was still alive.

She also needed to have hope that she could stay alive without her mom.

In my book it talks about a girl named Reva and her family. She was the only person

from her family to make it out of the holocaust. She was the oldest of two siblings and her mom

was taken by the nazi’s. The text states,”If hope is lost all is lost” (Sender 132). The book talks

about a bunch of different things that her mom told her Before she was taken. The saying if hope

is lost all is last was one of those things that she was told by her mom, and it's the one that I

heard the most. She told herself this when she was feeling like she was going to give up so she

wouldn’t forget that she still had a chance to make it out alive.

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