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NAME: _______________________________

DATE: __________________


TEACHERS COMMENTS: _________________


LEVEL 5 FINAL _____________________________________


February 2022
Level 5 Final Exam

Part I: Comprehension, Vocabulary & Grammar (52 points)

Read the passage below.

Spanish Civil War

Sarah: Hi Kate. You look so pale. Didn’t you sleep last night?

Kate: No, I spent the whole night working on my essay, but I’m OK. I’ve stayed up
all night lots of times before.

Sarah: Have you finished your essay?

Kate: No, not yet. I’m still working on it. It’s about the Spanish Civil War. I’ve
read two articles on it, but I’m still not ready to start writing yet.

Sarah: It’s an interesting topic. What have you found so far? Have you found
anything interesting?

Kate: Well, it was between the Republicans and the Nationalists, and ended just
before World War II. Actually, it looks like a rehearsal for World War II. I want to
read more about it.

Sarah: I remember my World War II essay. I did quite exhaustive research on the
topic and wrote a long essay about it. There was so much to read. I even went to
the National Library in the city center.

Kate: You handed in your essay the last term, right?

Sarah: Yes, I did. But if you need to do some more research, I’m happy to go with
you to the National Library sometime.

Kate: Really? That’d be great!

Sarah: No problem. I think I need some coffee. Shall we go and get some for us

Kate: Good idea.

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Level 5 Final Exam

1. Are the statements true or false according to the text? If False, correct the
false ones. (5 points)

1. It’s the first time that Kate has stayed up all night. ______


2. Kate finished her essay last night.


3. Spanish Civil war has attracted Kate’s attention.


4. Sarah completed her essay.


5. Sarah has seen National Library before.


2. Give the meanings of the underlined words in the text above using your own
words. (3 points)

Pale (line 1)

Stayed up (line 2)

Exhaustive (line 12)

3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word from the list below. (13 points)

Skiing listen to worried a cookery program

have something to eat farmer pass an exam dress up presents

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attractive head excursion plane tickets
Level 5 Final Exam

a. I was ___________ because my dad arrived late at night.

b. Mom ___________ music before going to bed.

c. I watch ____________________ on TV to learn new meals.

d. Sara and her sister are hungry. They _____________ on the way to school.

e. ______________ is a winter sport most people enjoy practicing.

f. The ____________ watered the corn field at sunset.

g. ______________ formally for the meeting to look professional.

h. We booked our ________________ to France last month.

i. The students _________________ when they get 10/20.

j. I got a lot of ________________ on my birthday last summer.

k. When you exercise, you move your _________ right, left, front and back.

l. Our company received an ____________ offer with a good discount to sign the

m. The school took the students on an _____________ to Faraya during the winter

4. Complete the gaps with the correct tense using the verbs in parentheses.

(16 points)

1. They (not, have) _______________ similar lives. They have very different lives.

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Level 5 Final Exam

2. Do you like pasta?

Yes, I ______

3. How (be) _________ your evening with Oliver yesterday?

4. The First TV Soap opera (not, appear) _____________ before the second world

5. You (speak, should, not) ______________ with your mouth full.

6. (borrow, I, Can) _______________ your dictionary?

7. You (take, not, can) ______________ the written test before taking the oral one.

8. You’re lucky Sam. You (have, not,) _____________ to get up early every day
and go to school.

9. Do I have to pay for the room now?

________________. When you can leave whenever you want.

10. Good evening. (enjoy, you) ______________ yourselves at the party?

Oh, Yes! We (have) ________________ a fantastic time at the moment.

11. (like, She) ______________ our coffee?

12. A: Where (plan, they) ______________ to move?

B: To California.

13. Do you think we (buy, be able, to) _______________ tickets when we get

14. A: Will Antonella be at the party on Friday?

B: Yes, _____________

15. I (just, see) ______________ a friend of mine on TV.

16. The Earth (exist) _____________ for more than 4,000 million years.
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Level 5 Final Exam

5. Find the errors and correct. (15 points)

1. I’ve told you twice already.

2. A: Is Ernesto here?

B: No, yet he hasn’t arrived.

3. There be any food at the party?

4. Sue’s little brother’s got green big eyes and blond long hair.

5. Marie’s dress is very similar than mine.

6. Amazon River is the taller river in the world.

7. Today’s weather is hoter than yesterday’s.

8. My mom feels gooder than usual.

9. Peter seems old than he really is.

10. When you are having your next English lesson?

11. you could move over please?

12. I’m really tired but I’m going to bed.

13.My grandmother was born at 1939.

14. Never I play video games.

15. Who did win the football match last night?

Part II: Writing (12 points)

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Level 5 Final Exam

Write a postcard while being in Turkey to your friend Alexa in Lebanon. Tell
her about your holiday, the weather, the city you are in, activities you made so
far, when you will be back while sharing your feelings about the trip.

You will be graded for the following criteria:

Layout: 1 point
Content: 5 points
Spelling: 2 points
Sentence structure: 2 points
Punctuation/capitalization: 1 point
Use of vocabulary: 1 point

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