Shs - Readwrite - q3 - Mod2 - Properties of A Written Text

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Reading and Writing

Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Properties of a Written Text
Reading and Writing Skills – Senior High School
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Properties of a Written Text
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Region XI

Regional Director: Allan G. Farnazo
Assistant Regional Director: Maria Ines C. Asuncion

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Desiree I. Rozal
Editors: Melchora Dumbase, Dareen Louise Guisehan
Reviewers: Divilyn M. Rodriguez, Crispina S. Ebdao, Christopher U. Gonzales
Illustrator: Desiree I. Rozal
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Reading and Writing
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Properties of a Written Text
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use
this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while
allowing them to manage their own learning at home. Furthermore, you are
expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included
in the module.

For the learner:

As a learner, you must learn to become responsible of your own
learning. Take time to read, understand, and perform the different activities
in the module.
As you go through the different activities of this module be reminded of
the following:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part
of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let Us Try before moving on to the other
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are done.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module,
do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that
you are not alone. We hope that through this material, you will experience
meaningful learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant
competencies. You can do it!

Let Us Learn
Hello students! Welcome to Module 2. In your
previous module, you have learned about the
patterns of written texts across disciplines
while in this module, you will learn together
the properties of a written text. Good luck!

Below is the competency for this module:

1. Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization,
coherence and cohesion).

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. comprehend the two of four properties of a written text,
organization, cohesion and coherence;
2. create an outline and a paragraph observing the properties
organization, cohesion and coherence;
3. and review the written paragraph using the checklist for
paragraph writing;
4. reflect the importance of understanding the properties of a
written text in today’s situation.

Let Us Try
Before we start this module, let us answer this pretest to check what
you already know about this lesson.
Fill in the Blanks. Write the word that is missing to make the following
sentences complete. You can choose your answers from the words inside the
box. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

topic outline spatial hence sentence outline

however organization signal devices

1. There are two types of outline, the _________________ and ___________.

2. ________ and ________ are examples of transition words.

3. _____________ is the skeleton of writing.

4. In ____________, sentences are arranged according to the geographical

5. _______________ are words that provide readers an idea on the progress
of paragraph.

Let Us Study
First Thoughts: Read and analyze the text below and answer the
questions afterwards. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
I hate rainy and windy days.
It rained a lot yesterday…a lot-like everyday; the weather in the Philippines
is abnormally wet because it rained in Mindanao from Tuesday to Sunday.
If I was Nathaniel Cruz, I might think to write a book too. Anyway, it was
another way to do when there is no TV or anything. He said that she
“passed the summer in Luzon. We occasionally amused ourselves with
some old stories of ghost. These tales excited in us with a playful want of
imitation. So people were trapped inside and bored. Nathaniel Cruz decide
to write a novel because it was disgusting outside. I can totally support his
point, you know? I too can perhaps write a book if there was nothing else
to do.

1. Did you understand the text easily?
2. What have you observed when it comes to the arrangement of ideas?
Are they arranged properly? Are they connected to each other? Why
do you think so?
3. Is there a need to arrange the sentences in the paragraph? Why?

The reader can understand easily if the

text being read is arranged properly. To achieve
it, we must keep in mind the four properties of
a well-written text. The organization,
coherence, and cohesion, language used and

Well done!
Let us know now the organization, coherence, and cohesion as two of
the properties of a well-written text.

What is organization?
Organization is the framework of writing. It is achieved when there is a
clear statement of purpose, position, facts, examples, specific details,
definitions, explanation, justifications, or opposing viewpoints. Thus, ideas
are logically and accurately presented.
To organize the ideas in a text, a writer should create an outline before
writing. Outline can be considered as a “road map” of your writing. It helps to
keep the writer in track when putting all the different paragraphs in a
composition. Moreover, an outline presents the order of the subtopics.

Rules for Outline Mechanics

1. Subdivide topics with numbers and letters, followed by a period.


2. Heading and subheading must have at least two parts each.

3. Headings for components of the paper of speech such which include
Introduction and Conclusion need not to be used.
4. Be consistent. Choose between the sentence or topic outline. Do not mix
them together.

Title: “The Benefits of Biking”
I. Introduction
A. Biking is becoming popular in this time of pandemic.
B. Biking is fun exercise because it helps people to create
friendship, an activity that can be done with family
members and improves physical wellness.
II. Body
A. Friendship created
1. Joining a bike-club
2. Helping someone on the road
3. Introduce to friend of friends
B. Family Activity
1. Makes family members closer
2. Create memories
3. Being healthy together
C. Cardiovascular Fitness
1. Lowers blood pressure
2. Improves circulation
3. Strengthens heart
III. Conclusion
A. Benefits of biking make it a fun activity.

B. People who want to be happy and active this pandemic
should try biking.

2 Types of Outline
Topic Outline has headings which are presented in single words or brief
phrases while sentence outline has headings which are given in complete
Example 1:
Topic Outline

To Do List After a Breakup

Thesis: One must move on after a painful breakup to avoid devastation for a
long time and get hold of oneself.
I. Acceptance and asking support
A. Acknowledge the pain
B. Talk to your parents or family members
II. Continue Life
A. Going out and staying connected with friends
B. Finding something interesting
C. Be with happy people
III. Let go and take it slow
A. Forgive
B. Do not rush

Example 2:
Sentence Outline

To Do List After a Breakup

Thesis: One must move on after a painful breakup to avoid devastation for a
long time and get hold of oneself.
I. We must accept the pain and ask support from parents or family
A. First step after breakup is to accept the pain to release
B. Then have a conversation with your parents or a family
member who will lend an ear, apprehend and never think
negative on you.
II. An end relationship is not an end to everything so you must
continue your life.
A. You need to have a second support system by going out
and staying connected with friends.
B. Learning new skills that you find interesting may help
in meeting new people along the way.
C. Happy people are contagious and being around with
them constantly makes you forget your pains.

III. You cannot move on if you cannot let go and taking time is
is needed.
A. Healing comes after forgiving.
B. Do not rush to be in another relationship to have time
focusing and loving more of yourself.

Remember: When creating an outline consider to work on the most logical

flow of details, the correct order for the information to include, using the
subtopics you formulated. Put your subtopics with the basis that supports
them, may it be in words or phrases, into a diagram or list that presents the
flow of your information from the beginning to end.

What is Coherence and Cohesion?

Coherence is achieved when ideas are connected in a logical manner to
be easily understood by the reader. It is connected with coherence devices
(e.g. thus, moreover, indeed, etc…) to emphasize the relationship of ideas to
avoid overlook or misunderstand.
Cohesion is the connectivity of ideas in a text where pronouns,
transitional device and repetition techniques are applied.

How can we organize the details of the paragraph? Let us arrange the
details according to:
1. Chronological order is the arrangement of ideas within the order of
how they happen.
During the pandemic, my daily schedule as a senior high school
student change in a single-eye. I woke up late since I did not go to
school anymore. I then checked my phone for unread messages in
messenger and looked for new status on Facebook. I only ate lunch
though my mother prepares our breakfast early. Then went to
bedroom again to watch movie on my laptop and to avail the air-
condition since it was too hot outside. During dinner time, my
mother called me to eat with them. I helped in washing the dishes
so that she will not be angry with me. And those same routines
happened every day until now.

2. Spatial is arrangement of ideas according to geographical order.

Our vacation in Marinduque is one of the most memorable
for me. We attended a beach wedding under a sunset scene.
White flowers were beautifully arranged on the right and on the
left side of the aisle and on top of every table. White fairy lights
were hanged above and it sets the mood romantically. To the left
displayed the food after the wedding with the gorgeous cake next

to it. Everything was perfect and one of the best wedding I ever
3. Emphatic is arrangement of ideas from least to most important
details or from most to least important details.

The presence of trees everywhere is important ever since.
Primarily, trees give beautification and shades around. However,
the most important purpose of trees is that they provide oxygen,
improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water,
preserving soil and supporting wildlife. That is why people should
understand the benefits the trees provide to the environment.
In the above paragraph, the organization moves from the
least important idea (trees give beautification and shade around)
to the most important idea (trees provide a lot of benefits to the

These are the words that supply readers an idea of how the details of
the paragraph are progressing.
1. Transitions are the words that connect ideas to each other in order
to have clear flow of details.

a. Time (while, when, until, thereafter, then, subsequently,

shortly, later, meanwhile, before, during, finally,
earlier, after, next, since, etc.)
b. Sequence (first, second, finally, last, another, besides,
moreover, further, furthermore, etc.)
c. Space (behind, below, above, next to, etc.)
d. Illustration (to illustrate, for example, specifically, for
instance, specifically, etc.)
e. Comparison (in the same manner, likewise, similarly, also, in
comparison, too, etc.)
f. Contrast (on the other hand, though, yet, at the same time,
however, nevertheless, but, despite, on the contrary, although,
g. Cause & Effect (because, for this reason, if, otherwise, so,
then, thus, etc.)
h. Conclusion (on the whole, therefore, that is, to sum up, in
short, in conclusion, in other words, etc.)

2. Repetitions could be a word, a phrase, or a full sentence, or a

poetical line being repeated to feature its importance in the entire

It’s okay to try than not to try at all.
The girl was a good singer, because his mother was a
singer, and his great grandmother was a singer.

3. Synonyms are words or phrases that has similar in meaning to avoid

experience - expertise
mature – adult
receive – take
creature - individual

4. Pronouns are words that connect to the original word that the
pronoun replace.
Incorrect. Felix Castro is the new CEO of HappyBee
Company. Aside from that, Felix Castro is a philanthropist who
helps people during the pandemic. Felix Castro is also known as
strict but effective leader in his workplace.

Correct. Felix Castro is the new CEO of HappyBee

Company. Aside from that, he is a philanthropist who helps
people during the pandemic. He is also known as strict but
effective leader
in his workplace.

Let Us Practice
Connect The Two. A. Combine the following sentences using the appropriate
cohesive devices. Choose from among the options listed in the box below.

because however similarly as can be seen so

1. The boy was afraid of being alone. He did not like the feeling of being
left out.
2. All the facts have been presented. The results are very clear.
3. Michael didn’t have enough money to buy his mom gifts. He wasn’t old
enough to get a job.
4. A person is unique to one another. He should embrace for what he is.
5. I will never marry that woman who doesn’t have love for herself. She is

Multiple Choice. B. Read and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
it in your answer sheet.

1. The following are types of outline, except for _________.

a. Signal devices b. topic outline c. sentence outline
2. This are the words that provide an idea to the readers on the
progress of paragraph.
a.spatial b. organization c. outline
3. This is known as “the skeleton of writing”.
a. spatial b. organization c. outline
4. It is where ideas are connected logically.
a. coherence b. cohesion c. outline
5. It is where sentences are arranged according to the geographical
a. spatial b. organization c. outline

Let Us Practice More

I know you can do
this! Fighting!

Dig In. Create an outline of your choice topic which is relevant

nowadays. Make sure that the parts of an outline are presented
(Introduction, Body and Conclusion). You can choose between
topic outline and sentence outline. Below is a template that you
can use. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Outline Template
Title : _________________________________
I. Introduction
II. Body
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________

C. __________________________________
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
III. Conclusion
B. _________________________________

Let Us Remember

Organization is the framework of writing

Outline helps to keep the writer in track when putting all the
different paragraphs in a composition. Moreover, an outline presents the
order of the subtopics.
The two types of outline are topic outline which are presented in
single words or brief phrases while sentence outline which are given in
complete sentences.
Coherence is achieved when ideas are connected in a logical
manner to be easily understood by the reader.
Cohesion is the connectivity of ideas in a text where pronouns,
transitional device and repetition techniques are applied.
Chronological Order is where ideas are arranged within the order they
Spatial is where sentences in a paragraph are arranged according to
the geographical order.
Emphatic is when information found in a paragraph is arranged to
stress certain points counting on the writer’s purpose.
Signal devices are the words that supply readers an idea of how the
details of the paragraph are progressing.

Transitions are the words that connect ideas to each other in order
to have clear flow of details.
Repetitions can be a word, a phrase, or a full sentence, or a poetical
line being repeated to feature its importance in the entire text
Synonyms are words has similar in meaning to words or phrases to
avoid repetition.
Pronouns are words that replace the original words to avoid using the
same word many times in a paragraph.

Let Us Assess Are you ready?
Let’s do this!

Outline Making. Make an outline of the title “Students’ Life in the Time of
Pandemic” using the outline template below. You may add or delete lines in
the outline template.
Outline Template
Title : _________________________________
II. Introduction
II. Body
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
C. __________________________________
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
III. Conclusion
B. _________________________________
After creating your outline, check it using the Outline Guidelines below.

1. Are the parts express the ideas properly/clearly?-thesis/main idea,

main headings, and subordinate headings and labeled as
introduction, body and conclusion?
2. Did you observe the outline rules on mechanics? Are your headings
parallel or with identical in grammatical forms in keeping with the
kind of outline you’re using?
3. Is your outline considerately specific, specifically your thesis/main
idea and the main idea headings?
4. Is your outline arranged logically? Do all parts connect together? Does
every supporting detail firmly fit your thesis or main idea?

Let Us Enhance
Paragraph Writing. Write a paragraph about the outline that you have
created above and assess your work with the checklist presented below.

Editing Checklist for Paragraph Writing

(Self & Peer-Assessment)

Writer's Partner's
Checklist Items to Check Checklist
Yes No Did I spell all words correctly? Yes No
Yes No Did I indent the first line of every paragraph? Yes No
Did I capitalize the first word of every
Yes No sentence? Yes No
Did I punctuate the end of each sentence
Yes No correctly? Yes No
Yes No Am I consistent with my verb tenses? Yes No
Yes No Is my handwriting clean? Yes No
Yes No Is my title correctly capitalized? Yes No
Yes No Did my verbs agree with my subject? Yes No
Did my pronouns agree with the substituted
Yes No noun? Yes No
Yes No Did I write a correct paragraph pattern? Yes No
Did I write a strong topic sentence for each
Yes No paragraph? Yes No
Yes No Did I avoid irrelevant topics? Yes No
Yes No Did I use appropriate transition words? Yes No
Yes No Did I use appropriate emphatic devices? Yes No
Yes No Did I use appropriate words? Yes No
Congratulations! How do you feel about it?
Wonderful! Is it not?

Let Us Reflect
Take a Glimpse. In this module, you obviously enjoyed learning. Think
back on the task you’ve just finished, concepts you’ve learned, and on the
activities you did. Reflect on and answer these questions on your answer

1.What is it that you found most enjoyable? Most difficult in this

2. What would you do to cope with these difficulties? Write at least three
(3) possible ways to solve them?
3. What do you think is the importance of knowing the properties
(organization, coherence & cohesion) of a written text as a student?
How can it help you?
4. What do you hope to strengthen in the next module/s?

Complete the chart as shown with entries called for:

Name Grade/Section:
Part of the lesson that I consider
most enjoyable most possible importance of to strengthen
difficult ways to the lesson next module/s
cope the

You are now ready for the next module.

1. Topic Let Us Practice
outline, A.1. similarly
outline 2. as can be
2. Answers 3. because
may vary, 4. so
all 5. however
words B. 1.a
3. organizati 2. b
3. c
4. spatial
4. a
5. signal
devices 5. a
Answer Key

Annaden T. Dolino, “How Can I Move On,” Health and Home

2019, 8-9.
Carlo D. Casinto, Reading and Writing Strategies for Critical
Purposeful Communication Cebu City: MegaTEXTS Phil.,Inc.,
Jessie S. Barrot, Academic Reading & Writing for Senior High
School Cebu: 2016, 104-109.
Shiela D. Tandoc, Reading and Writing Skills for Senior High School
Manila: 2016, 47.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region XI

F. Torres St., Davao City

Telefax: (082) 291-1665, (082) 221-6147

Email Address:

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