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Lesson Plan
Grade/Class 4 Date n/a
Topic Canadian Citizenship 4.2.2. Time 75 minutes
Unit title Living in Canada Designer Kathy Rowan

Lesson Outcomes / Purpose

Essential Understandings Curricular Outcomes/Achievement Indicators
The students will know: The student will be able to:

Students will know and understand the 4-KC-004 Explain from a personal perspective
importance of being a good Canadian citizen and what it means to be a citizen of Canada.
why we should be kind, respectful, inclusive, and 4-KC-004A Explain from a personal perspective
helpful. what it means to be an Aboriginal citizen of
4-KC-004F Explain from a personal perspective
what it means to be a francophone citizen of
4-KE-049 Describe media influences on their
perceptions of people and places in Canada.
4-VC-002 Value Canadian citizenship.

Q-1.1 recalls and/or records prior knowledge;
constructs questions with assistance
P-1.1 uses given criteria to produce work
P-2.1 uses a given format to demonstrate learning

I Can … (statements)
TSWBAT…(The student will be able to…)

…recognize how a good Canadian citizen should act and behave.

Essential Questions Cross-Curricular/Real World Connections

What are the qualities and actions of a good ELA – students can write a reflection about what
citizen? being a Canadian citizen means to them.

What are some challenges that new comers to Visual Arts – students can represent Canada using
Canada may face? an agamograph.

Materials (ICT considered) Differentiation Strategies

Resources referenced, handouts, ICT equipment, etc. Consider cultural diversity, adaptations, and groupings
Include exemplars / samples
Verbal/Linguistic: listen to a story about
- I Am Canada book Canadian citizenship
- Smart Board Visual/Spatial: view a video explaining Canadian
- Internet browser citizenship
- Iphone for iMovie Logical/Mathematical: graph how many people in
- Lined paper and pencils for every student Canada came from other parts of the world
- Red and white construction paper Bodily/Kinesthetic: participate in the Terry Fox
Musical: sing a song about Canada
Intrapersonal: students create a Canadian
Citizenship test
Interpersonal: students work in pairs/groups to
complete a Canadian Citizenship test
Natural/Spiritual: students go for a walk outdoors
to appreciate the beauty of Canada

References/Sources for Lesson Key Words/Vocabulary

MB curriculum - Citizen
- Newcomer

Assessment Evidence
Description FOR AS OF
Teacher can use the student created video to assess whether students X
understand what it means to be a Canadian citizen.

Learning Plan
Considerations for the Learning Plan: What strategies / activities will I use? How will I
encourage active thinking? What questions will I pose to foster student critical thinking?
Hook Time
Activate 1. Read I Am Canada Book
2. Have students discuss/brainstorm what it means to be a Canadian
citizen with their table groups. They can:
- Share personal stories 10 mins
- Times they felt proud to be Canadian
3. Have a class discussion. The students can share what they discussed in
their groups to create a web of what it means to be a Canadian

Acquire 4. Provide the students with a paper and pencil and have them keep notes
what being a Canadian means to them. Tell them they will be making a
video or poster on what being Canadian means to them.
5. Watch What does it mean to be Canadian video: (3:50) 45 mins
Discuss how others describe Canadians:
- We are lucky (to be Canadian)
- Friendly
- Canadian by choice
- We all work together
- Help others (refugees)
- Mixture of nationalities, being diverse
- Harmony
- Opened up opportunities, best decision parents made (immigrate to
- Diversity
- Freedom to speak truth, can’t do that other places
- Freedom
- Nature and beauty
- “Group of people who want to be good”
6. Read article written by Roshaan, What Being Canadian Means to Me:
- Sacrificed old life for opportunities
- Classroom was something she saw in movies
- Differences in school - had to stand to speak in Pakistan, others
laughed and made unpleasant comments when she stood
- She questioned whether she’d fit in
- Grateful for multiculturalism in Canada
- … “being Canadian may mean different things to different people.
For some, being Canadian may mean having been born and raised in
Canada. For others, being Canadian may mean moving to a new
community and becoming acclimated to a new home.”
- … “means coming together as a country and listening to the voices of
7. Watch what citizenship means to new Canadians:
Tahina Rabezanahary:
I travel a great deal for work, and one question people often ask me is,
but where are you from. I often answer that I am from Canada, I am
Canadian. I can see on peoples’ faces that beautiful smile that
appreciation of Canada and Canadians. We have a good reputation
abroad. But the question always refers back to my origins: but where
were you born? What is your country of origin? And I always answer: I

am from Madagascar I was born in Madagascar, but now I live in Canada

and I am Canadian. And all this, in fact, reflects this image of the
Canadian family… Where we all come from different parts of the country
or different corners of the world, but we are all part of the big Canadian
Guy Gérard Ngako Chabe:
The most important decision that I have ever made is the decision to
come to Canada, because I think today that all those who decide to come
to Canada, those who come to Canada, they’re blessed. It is a blessing for
me, because when you see what is going on in the world … around the
world, everything that is happening, you realize that Canada, in all this,
is a country of peace, integration, people are welcomed, and there is
development, there are opportunities. So, I think … without a doubt …
today I feel very proud, my family and I, to have chosen Canada and to
be here.
Jonathan Mpunge:
I am proud to be Canadian because it… I think that Canada is a people, a
friendly people, a welcoming people. And I am proud to belong to these
people because it’s not everywhere in the world where you can go and
feel at ease as if you were home. And I think, I believe that here in
Moncton, in particular, when you first arrive, the people don’t really
treat you like a newcomer. They treat you like one of them. That is why I
am proud to be Canadian.
8. Ask the students: is there one simple definition when I ask you, what is a
(Hopefully they say no) and reiterate how different “being Canadian”
can look and everyone has their own and unique definition.

9. Using iMovie (iphone app) Cooperative groups of students create a
“Proud to be Canadian” electronic multimedia presentation. Using a map
of Canada as a background, students include representations of personal 15 mins
experiences, symbols, events, or places that represent what it means to
be a citizen of Canada, or make them feel connected to Canada. Compile
group presentations in a class presentation.
10. Students trace their hands on red paper and write or draw a phrase or
picture describing what it means to them to be a citizen of Canada. Post
the red “hands” on a white background to recreate the Canadian flag.

Closure 11. Ask the students why it is important to celebrate Remembrance Day. 5 mins

Reflections about the lesson:

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