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BATCH: 2020 - 2022



I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “A

Comparative Study on Investors perception towards the stock market and
mutual Fund” written and submitted by me to the University of Mumbai, in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of
Business Administration under the guidance of Prof Bincy Baby is my original
work and the conclusions drawn therein are based on the material collected by

Place: Mumbai

Date: 10-01-2022 Riya Manoj Pai


This is to certify that the project entitled “A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON

MUTUAL FUND” is the bonafide work carried out by RIYA MANOJ PAI
student of MMS, Atharva Institute of Management Studies, during the year 2020-
2022 in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of
Management Studies and that the project has not formed the basis for the award
of any other degree, associate ship, fellowship or any other similar titles.

Place: Mumbai

Signature of the Guide Signature of the Director


I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been involved in the
completion of this project

First and foremost, I would like to thank Mr. Rajeev Vora, Business Partner, who gave me this
opportunity to carry out the major concurrent project, as well as all other employees of the
organisation who helped me either directly or indirectly in this undertaking

My sincerest thanks to Dr. R.G. Ratnawat, Director, Atharva Institute of Management Studies,
Malad, to Prof Bincy Baby, Assistant Professor (Masters of Management Studies), Atharva
Institute of Management Studies, Malad and to Mrs. Renu Jaiswal, Head of Placements and
Training Atharva Institute of Management Studies, Malad, for allowing me to undergo the
major concurrent project

I am extremely to my internal guide, Prof Bincy Baby, Atharva Institute of Management

studies, Malad for her constant and timely support and supervision during my project

I heartly thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff members of Atharva Institute of
Management studies, Malad, who have helped me either directly or indirectly during the
training period

Riya Manoj Pai

M.M.S Finance, Batch 2020-22
AIMS, Malad

Due to an increase in investment options, there is now fierce competition in financial

instruments. People have a wide range of investment options available to them when it comes
to investing their savings. Choosing one of the many options with so many related factors is a
very complicated process.

This project is a comparative study on investors' perception of the Stock market and Mutual
Fund. It talks about the various perceptions people have about Mutual Fund and Stock Market.
Many people find it difficult in how to start their investment, which will be the suitable option,
Stock market or Mutual fund which instrument is safe for investing. This factor creates various
perceptions. Also, perception depends on the experiences of some in the Stock market and
Mutual Fund (positive or negative) The project will also focus on the investor’s perception and
with investor's data we can find out which is the suitable option for investment.

As a Finance Student, I talked with a few investors and other people to know how they think
when it comes to investing in Stock Market and Mutual Fund then try to find out which is the
suitable investment according to them.
Sr.No. Topic Page No.

1 Introduction to the project 1

1.1 Statement of problem 2

1.2 Research Objective 2

1.3 Importance of study 3

1.4 Hypothesis statement 3

2 Theoretical Background 4

2.1 Stock market 5

2.2 Mutual Fund 6

2.3 Difference in Mutual Fund and stock market 7

2.4 How Mutual Fund work 8

2.5 How stock market work 9

3 Research Methodology 11

3. What is a Research 11

3.1 Research approach 11

3.2 Research design 12

3.3 Sampling units 12

3.4 Sampling design 12

3.5 Sampling technique 13

3.6 Sample size 13

3.7 Data collection 13

3.8 Limitation of study 14

3.9 Literature Review

4 Data Analysis & Interpretations 15

5 Finding & Suggestions 29

6 Conclusion 30

7 Bibliography 31

8 Annexure 32
A Comparative Study on Investors perception towards the stock
market and mutual fund


It's difficult for new investors who have never invested in equity to know where to start.
However, everyone is aware that there are two ways to invest in equity. One option is to select
stocks and buy/sell them yourself. Mutual funds, on the other hand, are a good place to put your
money. The ultimate goal is the same to profit from the higher returns offered by investing.
However, the two paths are diametrically opposed in terms of what you're doing. Investing in
equities directly does not make sense unless you are an expert investor or are willing to put in
the time and effort required to become one. Many people invest on their own and achieve
fantastic results.
The odds are stacked against you. For every 100 people who try, only five or ten will be
successful. A bigger issue is that even the few who succeed will almost certainly do so only
after many failures, and each of those failures will cost them money. Many people want to
easily increase the returns on their savings. As a result, this business of learning through failure
appears to be a deal breaker.
Mutual funds are a simple solution to these issues. Fund managers work within an organized
framework that follows certain investing ground rules. These could be a set of rules defining
the investments, such as requiring a minimum of 15 or 20 stocks with no but a particular
percentage of the entire portfolio.
Money is important in everyone's life; in order to deal with problems in the future, everyone
should invest their money. Savings are invested in various assets based on their preferred risk
and return, cash safety, liquidity, available investment avenues, and so on.
The purchase of a financial product with the expectation of attractive near-term returns is
referred to as a "investment." Investing is a serious subject that will have a significant impact
on investors' future security. Investors can invest their money in a variety of vehicles. The risks
and returns associated with each of these investment options differ significantly.
Many investment avenues are available in India, some of which are marketable and liquid while
others are not, and some of which are highly risky while others are almost risk less.The investor
must carefully select investment options based on his specific needs, risk tolerance, and
investment objectives and expected returns. Investors must always highlight safe investment
opportunities. Ordinary people should develop the habit of saving a portion of their earnings in
their early lives in order to ensure a far better and safer future. Investors should also be fully
aware of their investment option in order to avoid future loss


Should we invest in Mutual funds or the stock market is always a big question to investors.
There is always a need for the common investor to know how to enter into a market and make
a profit in it and not exit with disappointment.
This project is an attempt to research and analyse the profitability of investment in various plans in
mutual funds or stock markets in order to inform investors about which one is more advantageous.


The project titled “A Comparative Study on Investors perception towards the stock market
and mutual fund” is being carried out for Atharva Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai.
The assessment of financial planning has been improved through the years, which is best seen
from the customer point of view. Now a day’s investment has presumed great importance.
People are more inclined towards investing their savings as they are aware of market
As far as research methodology is concerned, a sample of 50 respondents has been taken and
the method of sampling used is Non-probability sampling. It is presumed that data collected are
fresh i.e. primary Data and all data collected are unbiased.
The main goal of this project is to make people aware of Mutual Funds and the Stock Market,
to compare Mutual Funds and the Stock Market, and to assist new investors in understanding
the concepts of both. As an M.M.S Finance student, it is my responsibility to educate people
about mutual funds and the stock market, as well as to understand their thought process when
it comes to investing in it.
In this project, great importance is given to the investor’s mind in respect to Directly Investing
in Shares or Investing through Mutual Funds. This project will help beginners to know where
to start investing.


• Research the investor's attitude toward investing in mutual funds or the stock market.
• Through this analysis, we find out the best investment plan from the comparison statement.
• To suggest to the customers which plan is suitable for their investment in future.
• The primary goal of comparing investments is to compare mutual funds with stocks.


• The study will help investors to know the behaviour, perception, and preference towards mutual
fund or stock market
• It will help us to know the factors that why investors choose to invest in the stock market or
Mutual fund as well as the motivating factors that encourage them to invest in the mutual fund
industry or Stock Market.
• This study will help Financial Planners to make better strategies to target those investors who
are not investing in any of them, as well as those who have lack knowledge.
• It will assist in understanding the significance of mutual funds and the stock market.
• It will make it easier for researchers to use the studied data in their research.


Null hypothesis: -
Investing directly in the Stock market is riskier even when varied properly as market
unpredictability has a superior effect on it when compared to mutual fund schemes.

Alternative Hypothesis: -
Investing directly in the stock market is just as safe as a mutual fund when varied properly, and
market unpredictability has the same effect both


This project is done to compare the financial performance of Mutual Fund and Stock market
and to give a detailed explanation of the difference between Mutual Fund and Stock market.


A stock market is a place where people can buy or sell shares of publicly listed companies. In
simple terms, if A wants to sell shares of Bajaj Finance, the stock market will help him to meet
the seller who is willing to buy Bajaj Finance. Shares can only be purchased or sold via
electronic means. It is important to note that a person can only trade on an exchange with the
help of a stockbroker. Stockbrokers are authorized intermediaries.
There are two important purposes of stock exchange first is to supply investment to the
businesses so that they will use that fund to expand their business. If an organization issues a
million shares of stock that originally sell for 100Rs a share, then that gives the company 100
million of capital that can be used to grow the business. Instead of borrowing the capital for
expanding business company offers stock shares to avoid incurring debt and paying interest
charges on debt.
The second goal is to provide investors – people who buy stocks – with the opportunity to share
in the profits of publicly traded companies. Investors can profit from stock purchases in one of
two ways. Some stocks pay out dividends on a regular basis. Another way for investors to profit
from stock trading is to sell their stock at a profit if the stock price rises above their purchase
price. For example, if an investor purchases shares of a company at Rs and the stock price rises
to Rs 150 per share, the investor can realize a 50% profit on their investment by selling their


A mutual fund is a type of investment scheme that collects money from individuals and invests
it in various types of assets. Generally, funds raised from various investors are invested in
financial securities such as stocks and money market instruments such as certificates of deposit
and bonds. Asset classes are broadly classified as equity, debt, and money-market instruments.
These investments could be made in the short, medium, or long term. The risk factor of the fund
is also determined by the asset type invested.

Mutual Funds in India are created as trusts. The events concerned are:
1) Sponsor – This is frequently the only one who units up the mutual fund or agrees with. A
sponsor is similar to a promoter of an organization. The sponsor of a mutual fund appoints/units
up the board of trustees, the asset control company, or the fund residence and appoints the
2) Board of trustees -The trustees' role is to ensure that mutual fund holders' interests are
protected. The board of trustees should also ensure that the fund residence complies with all of
the standards established by the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI).The trustee's
actions are consistent with the agreement reached through the sponsor. The board ensures that
the fund residence has connected the preferred infrastructure and that strategies are in place to
effectively manipulate and control the fund. The board appoints the majority of fund residence
participants, which include the board of administrators and fund managers (scheme-wise). They
additionally devise the fund residences manipulate and audit strategies consisting of the
standards for enrolling and handling brokers/agents.
3) Asset Management Company (AMC)/Fund residence - An AMC or fund residence will
act due to the funding supervisor for the agree with. It may be responsible for everyday
operations. This manner that it is been looking after all of the coins installed through investors.
The AMC or fund domestic is appointed through the sponsor or the board of trustees. SEBI
approval is needed for solving the AMC. 40% of its internet really well worth have to be
contributed through the sponsor.
4) Custodian – A custodian has custody of all of the stocks and securities invested in through
the AMC. The custodian is accountable for the funding account of a fund residence.


1.Net Asset Value (NAV)

The net asset value of a scheme is the market value of its assets less its liabilities. The NAV per
unit is calculated by dividing the scheme's net asset price by the number of units outstanding
on the Date Of valuation.

2. Sale Price
It is the price you pay when you invest in a scheme. It is also known as the Offer Price
and may include a sales load.

3.Repurchase Price

It is the price at which units in open-ended schemes are repurchased by the Mutual Fund,
and it is related to the NAV.

4.Redemption Price

It is the price at which closed-ended schemes redeem their units when they reach maturity.
These prices are NAV-related.

5.Sales Load

It is a charge collected by a scheme when it sells the units. Also called, Front-end ‘load.
Schemes that don't charge a load are called No Load ‘schemes.


The stock market and mutual funds are not the same thing. A stock exchange is a place where
people buy shares in a company those who believe will make profits in the end, whereas mutual
funds invest your money in other kinds of investments such as bonds or real estate. Mutual fund
investing can be very profitable if you know what to look for when selecting an investment
option. However, before deciding which one is best for you, you must first understand how
each one works.
Mutual funds and equity markets both are equity-oriented investment tools, but through the
first, investors gain indirect equity exposure - they contribute money to MFs, which then invest
it. Investing in stocks on the stock exchange is a direct investment option available to investors.
According to tax and investment experts, both are market-linked investment options; however,
within the stock market, investors should select the stock in which they want to invest and then
invest directly.
Mutual funds benefit from fund managers who invest in the stock market on the investor's
behalf. They are professionals who have been trained in the business of investing and are thus
expected to generate greater amounts of wealth in a safe and risk-free manner. Investors who
invest directly, on the other hand, face far greater risk. In terms of making money, experts
believe that mutual funds will provide a minimum of 12% returns over a 10-year period. The
stock market, on the other hand, will return around 16 percent. Direct stock market investment
is an option for those with a high-risk tolerance.
In the long run, an investor can expect a minimum of 12 percent returns from equity mutual
funds and a minimum of 16 percent returns from the direct stock market. In the stock market,
if stocks are carefully chosen, one can expect one's money to grow by a minimum of 16 percent
each year during the same period. Stock market investments are expected to outperform equity
mutual funds by a minimum of 4%. However, how much of one's portfolio is allocated to equity
mutual funds and the stock market is determined by one's risk tolerance.
The most obvious distinction between a mutual fund and the stock market is that the mutual
fund is a low-risk, low-profit investment, whereas the stock market is high-risk, high-profit.
The returns in the stock market are much higher and faster, and there is no better option
available if you can devote your full unbiased time to the stock market. However, the risks are
doubled at the same time. As a result, if you don't have the time, never invest in the stock
market. As you understand, the stock exchange is fraught with danger, but if you can avoid
them, you will be successful.
A stock market is a market in which shares of listed companies are issued and traded via
exchanges or over-the-counter markets. The stock exchange, also known as the equity market,
is one of the most important components of a free-market economy because it provides
companies with access to capital in exchange for giving investors a stake in the company. It is
regarded as a viable option for raising capital rather than incurring debt in order to fund the
company's growth.


A mutual fund is a group of investors who pool their money to sell all of the shares in the profits
of the corporation whose shares they own. This implies that rather than just one person
purchasing shares of a particular company, more people do so quickly. When a person
purchases stock in a company, they become a part-owner of that company. If the company does
well, everyone benefits because dividends are paid based on the number of profits made by an
organization. On the other hand, if the company fails, no one benefits except those who invested
in it in the first place.


Investor Securities



Stocks operate in a very different manner than mutual funds. Instead of investing in lots of
different companies, stockholders purchase shares in a single company. The share price
represents the amount of money the company will make if its products continue to be sold later
this year. Once the product is available for purchase, the company paid shareholders for each
unit sold. Each shareholder receives a portion of the proceeds based on their percentage of
Let us look at the benefits of mutual funds and the stock market. This will allow us to
distinguish between their characteristics.

• One don't need much knowledge to start using them. All you need to do is open up a bank
account with enough cash to cover the initial costs of purchasing shares. Then, whenever you
would like to shop for new shares, simply transfer a number of your existing savings into
another account. It's pretty simple!
• There are lots available with thousands of mutual funds being offered today, finding the right
one shouldn't be difficult. Most major banks offer free online research tools that allow you to
match various options without paying a penny until you discover something suitable.
• They supply diversification. One thing that sets mutual funds aside from individual stocks is
that they tend to spread risk around multiple companies. For example, if you were to take a
position of Rs 100,000 in Tata steels, L&T technology, Reliance, Bajaj Finance, you'd only lose
half your original capital if either of those companies went bankrupt. But if you had invested
Rs 100,000 in 10 separate mutual funds, you'll potentially lose everything if even one among
these companies failed.
• They give you tax advantages, as long as you keep track of your expenses carefully, you may
be able to deduct specific fees associated with mutual funds against your income taxes. These
deductions include management fees, sales charges.

• It helps to protect your portfolio by spreading your money across numerous companies, you
reduce the chances of losing significant amounts of money due to poor performance. Since
mutual funds usually hold many securities, they also function insurance policies against
unexpected events like natural disasters or economic downturns.
• Mutual Fund lets you take advantage of low-interest rates which are currently meager, but
they won't stay this way forever. So, instead of putting your money under lock and key, consider
taking advantage of the present situation by opening up a high yield bank account.


There are many reasons why people prefer to own their stocks rather than buy mutual funds:

1) They can control where their investment goes. When to dump any remaining shares, investors
have complete control over which companies receive their profits. This means that they will
never find themselves owning a whole company simply because somebody else wanted to urge
eliminate all their holdings right away.
2) It can earn higher returns since stocks represent actual ownership stakes in businesses, they
typically pay more dividends per share than mutual funds. Dividends are cash payments made
to shareholders supported by the profit earned during the previous fiscal quarter.
3) Mutual fund managers don't always explain exactly how their portfolios are structured.
Stockbrokers, however, are required to disclose detailed information about the companies
whose shares they trade. Therefore, it is easier to know the structure
4) While mutual funds charge annual fees ranging between 1% and 2%, some brokerage firms
waive them entirely. In addition, most brokerages offer free trades, so there is no need to worry
about paying commissions.
5) You'll be able to quickly liquidate your position if you choose to sell your shares before they
mature, you will probably incur little or no penalty. On the opposite hand, if you wish to unload
your mutual fund shares immediately, you may end up facing steep fines.
6) It is easy to begin small. Many individuals who've tried both kinds of investments agree that
starting with individual stocks is much simpler than trying to navigate through the complexities
of mutual funds



Research is the methodical and objective documentation, Collection, analysis distribution, and
use with the aim of improving decision making associated with the identification and solution
of the matter and opportunities.
The information is collected using the foremost appropriate method, analysed, interpreted and
inferences are drawn.
Finally, the finding is presented within the sort of a report that enables the data to be used for
the aim of the management deciding and helps to resolve the confusion of individuals


This study employed both a qualitative and quantitative approach. However, the emphasis was
primarily on the quantitative approach.

Quantitative Methodology
Quantitative data refers to a collection of data in quantitative form that can be formally and
firmly subjected to difficult analysis.

Qualitative Methodology
The qualitative approach is concerned with the specific evaluation of opinions and behaviour.


The pre-selection of techniques for information gathering and analysis with two important
factors in mind is known as research design. –

• Time Availability
• Purpose of Research
To put it another way, Research Design serves as a road map for the researcher, informing him
of each and every turning point that occurs.
As a research design, descriptive research is used to study a comparative study on investors'
perceptions of the stock market and mutual funds.
Descriptive research refers to studies that are concerned with relating the characteristics of a
specific individual or group.


Sampling units consists of Investors and Non-Investors
A total of 50 units constitutes the sample for the study.


Sampling is one of the most fundamental concepts in any research project. Furthermore, most
research studies attempt to simplify or draw interpretations about the population based on their
study of a subset of the population known as the sample.

There are two types of sampling techniques:

1. Method of Probability

2 Non-Probability Method

In this study, I used non-probability sampling and snowball sampling method. In general, my
Sample consists of both retail and corporate investors. Based on this sampling, I created this
project and eventually arrived at the findings and conclusion.


In terms of the Sampling Technique, the Investors submitted a well-written Questionnaire while
dealing with their requests for information.
Because most corporate investors do not have enough time to fill out the form, it was discovered
that filling out the information at the time of handling queries was more convenient.


Sample Size --- 50 Respondents
Sample Type --- Due care was taken that all the 50 respondents comprised in the sample were
investors. In other words, Efforts were also made to include investors who had fluctuating levels
of investment frequency


Data can be collected in two ways: -
1) Primary Data
2) Secondary Data

As a Comparative study has been conducted on investors’ perception towards Mutual Fund and
the stock market, Primary methods of data collection are used.
All the data collected is unbiased


• The project's duration is insufficient to cover such a broad subject, and time has become a
major constraint.

• The sample size used to reach a conclusion was insufficient to provide an accurate result.

• Changing people's minds about investing in a specific financial product is a difficult task.

• Getting people to fill out the questionnaire was a difficult task.


A large number of studies have been conducted in India, covering various aspects of mutual
funds, consumer behaviour, how much people are aware of it, and what factors attract them the
most when investing, among other things.
1.4.1 Madhusudhan V Jambodekar (1996) conducted a study to determine investor awareness
of Mutual Funds and to identify the factors that influence purchasing decisions and fund
selection. Newspapers and magazines are the primary sources of information for investors
seeking information on mutual fund schemes, and fund provider service is an important
consideration when selecting Mutual Fund Schemes.
1.4.2 The SEBI – NCAER Survey (2000) was carried out in order to estimate the number of
households and shareholders, as well as their demographic and economic pattern, portfolio size,
and investment preference for shares and other savings instruments. This is a unique and
comprehensive study of Indian investors, with data collected from over 3,000,000
geographically diverse rural and urban households. Some of the study's main insights are as
Households prefer instruments that match their risk perception; bank deposits are appealing
across all income classes; 43 percent of non-investor households, equivalent to approximately
60 million households (estimated), appear to lack awareness of stock markets; and, when
compared to low-income groups, higher income groups have a higher share of investments in
Mutual Funds (MFs) and stocks market indicating that mutual funds and the stock market have
still to become truly viable investment vehicles for small investors.
Sarishand (1.4.3) Ajay Jain (2012), the purpose of investment or saving, investors have the
option of investing money in mutual funds and other financial instruments such as equity shares,
debentures, bonds, warrants, and bank deposits. A typical investor who invests their savings in
various assets is unfamiliar with mutual funds.


A survey of 50 people has been conducted to learn about investors' attitudes toward mutual
funds and the stock market. Mutual funds and the stock market are gaining popularity as
investment vehicles in India. Beginners frequently have doubts about where to invest their
money, and they are unsure whether to invest in the direct stock market or in Mutual Funds.
The study sought to ascertain investors' attitudes toward investing in mutual funds and the
stock market, as well as to compare the two in order to determine which option is preferable.
This Questionnaire addresses the majority of the requirements.



4.1.1: Graphical Interpretation of where do investors find themselves on a

scale of 1 – 5

Source: Authors Creation

As per the observations, it can be seen that out of 50 respondents 30% of people find themselves
on the average of 3 which means they are not highly aware of the stock market and Mutual
Funds and not least aware of Mutual Fund and the stock market. They come in a neutral
12% of people are highly aware of Mutual funds and Stock Market. 28% of the respondents
have selected 4 scalings.
18% & 12% respectively are least aware of Mutual Funds and Stock Market.

4.1.2: Graphical Interpretation on do they invest in the stock market

Source: Authors Creation

As per the observations, we can see that 60% of respondents are investing in the stock market,
and the rest 40% of respondents do not invest in the Stock market

4.1.3: Graphical Interpretation on do they invest in Mutual Funds

Source: Authors Creation

As per the observations, we can see that 66.7% of respondents are investing in the Mutual
Funds and the rest 33.3% of respondents do not invest in the Mutual Funds

4.1.4 Graphical Interpretation on why respondents are not investing in the
stock market

Source: Authors Creation

As per the observation, out of 50 targeted respondents, 60% invest in the stock market and 40%
do not invest in the stock market following are some reasons why they do not invest
33.3% of respondents are not investing in the stock market because of a Lack of interest.
16.7% of respondents are not investing in the stock market because they find it risky
8.3% of respondents think that they can earn more through own their business
8.3% respondents there is the complexity of Products
16.7% of respondents have lack of knowledge
8.3% of respondents are waiting for the opportunity

4.1.5: Graphical Interpretation on why respondents have not invested in
Mutual Funds

Source: Authors Creation

As per the observation, out of 50 targeted respondents, 66.7% invest in mutual funds and
33.3% do not invest in Mutual Funds following are some reasons why they do not invest
10% of respondents are not investing in the stock market because of a lack of interest.
10% of respondents are not investing in the stock market because they find it risky
10% of respondents think they have a better option
50% of respondents have lack of knowledge
20% of respondents are waiting for the opportunity

4.1.6: Graphical Interpretation on which instruments they would prefer to

Source: Author Creation

As per the observation, it can be seen that the majority of respondents have invested in Mutual
Around 52.6% of respondents prefer to invest in Mutual Fund
36.8% of respondents prefer to invest in Stocks
8% of respondents prefer to invest in both that is Stocks and Mutual Funds
And rest 2.6% of the respondents prefer to invest in Fixed deposits, Gold.

4.1.7: Graphical Interpretation on investor needs some level of expertise to
invest directly in the stock market

Source: Author Creation

As per the observation, it can be seen that,
76.7% of respondents say there is a need for some level of expertise to invest directly into the
stock market
13.3% of respondents are not sure about this, they think maybe there is a need for some level
of expertise
10% of respondents do not think there is a need for expertise.

4.1.8: Graphical Interpretation on do investors think Mutual fund is as
profitable as directly investing in stock Market

Source: Author Creation


As per the observations, it can be seen that

43.3% of respondents are not sure whether Mutual Fund is as profitable as directly investing
in Stock Market.
30% of respondents think that Mutual funds are not as profitable as directly investing in the
stock market
26.7% of respondents think that Mutual funds are as profitable as directly investing in the stock

4.1.9: Graphical Interpretation on do investors think Mutual fund is safer
than directly investing in stock Market

Source: Author Creation


Source: Author Creation


As per the observations, out of 50 respondents, it can be seen that 43.4% of respondents think
Mutual Fund is safer than directly investing in Stock Market.
36.7% of respondents think that Mutual funds are safer than directly investing in the stock
20% of respondents think that Mutual funds may or may not be safer than directly investing in
Stock Market
The highest respondents think that mutual fund is safer than directly investing in the
stock market.

4.1.10: Graphical Interpretation on having invested in mutual fund through
a financial advisor

Source: Author Creation

As per the observations, it can be seen that 50% of respondents have invested in Mutual funds
through financial advisors. 50% of respondents have invested in Mutual Fund but not through
a financial advisor.

4.1.11: Graphical Interpretation on having respondents invested in the stock

market through a financial advisor

Source: Author Creation

As per the observations, it can be seen that 27.3% of respondents have invested in Stock Market
through a financial advisor. 72.7% of respondents have invested in Stock Market but not
through a financial advisor.

4.1.12: Graphical Interpretation on which factors influence the most while

Source: Author Creation

As per the observation, out of 50 respondents
High returns influence around 60% of respondents the most while investing.
Low-risk influences’ around 68% respondents the most while investing
Liquidity is influencing around 50% of respondents the most while investing
Last but not least company’s reputation is influencing 60% of respondents the most while

4.1.13: Graphical Interpretation on time horizon preferred by investors for

Source: Author Creation

As per the observation, out of 50 respondents
40% of respondents invest their money in the stock market or mutual funds for the year between
5 years to 10 years
33.3% of respondents invest their money in the stock market or mutual funds for the year
between 1 year to 5 years
23.3% of respondents invest their money in the stock market or mutual funds for less than 1
3.4% of respondents invest their money for more than 10 years

4.1.14: Graphical Interpretation on overall experience with investing in
mutual funds?

1 – Highly Dissatisfaction

3 – Averagely Satisfied

5 – Highly Satisfied

Source: Author Creation

Source: Author Creation

Out of 50, 66.7% of respondents are investing in Mutual Funds this graph represents
overall experience in investing in Mutual funds.
We can see that,
41.2% of respondents have average satisfaction experience in investing in Mutual Funds.
35.3% of respondents are satisfied with their investment in Mutual funds.
11.8% of respondents are highly satisfied with their investment in Mutual Funds
11.8% of respondents are not satisfied with their investment in Mutual Funds

4.1.15: Graphical Interpretation on overall experience with investing in stock

1 – Highly Dissatisfaction

3 – Averagely Satisfied

5 – Highly Satisfied

Source: Author Creation

Out of 50, 60% of respondents are investing in Stock Market this graph represents
their overall experience in investing in Stock Market
We can see that,
25% of respondents have average satisfaction experience in investing in Stock Market
37.5% of respondents are satisfied with their investment in Stock Market.
25% of respondents are highly satisfied with their investment in Stock Market
6.3% of respondents are not satisfied with their investment in Stock Market
6.3% of respondents are highly dissatisfied with their investment in Stock Market.

4.1.16: Graphical Interpretation on Considering the risk appetite and
expected returns

Source: Author Creation


As per the observation, the above graph represents investors risk appetite and in which
instrument they think that they get good returns

33.3% of respondents have chosen Both Mutual Funds and Stock Market
26.7% of respondents have chosen Mutual Funds
23.3% of respondents have chosen Stock Market
16.7% of respondents have chosen none as their option


• This project demonstrates the significance of investor perception in mutual funds and the

stock market.

• Appropriate knowledge and statistics, as well as good brokers, are important when investing

in mutual funds and the stock market.

• According to this study, investors invest more in mutual funds than in the stock market, but

the difference is not significant.

• This study also demonstrates that some investors prefer both the Mutual Fund and Stock

Market options. They make investments in both instruments.

• Many people avoid investing in the stock market and mutual funds because they lack

knowledge and believe it is risky.

• The majority of investors invest for a period of five to ten years.

• Before investing, investors should gather accurate information about mutual funds and the

stock market, as well as conduct extensive research.

• Investors should gather proper information regarding mutual funds and Stock Market before

investing and should study well before taking any decision Investors should analyse all the

risk factors and performance of the investment plans with proper study they should invest.


• Financial advisors should encourage investors to invest in the stock market and mutual funds.

• The Indian stock exchange is playing a critical developmental role in the allocation of scarce
resources in the emerging economy.

• According to the respondent, mutual funds are safer than the stock market because investing
in a share by a single person can result in loss due to his lack of knowledge about the stock
market, whereas in a mutual fund, a pool of money from several people is invested in the
stock market with various research.

• According to the advisor poll, 66.7 percent of people are interested in investing in a mutual
fund, but the remaining 33.3 percent are not. The reasons for this are as follows: lack of
knowledge, lack of interest, finding it risky, and waiting for the opportunity

• Financial advisors should encourage investors to invest in the stock market.

• According to an advisor poll, 60% of people are interested in investing in the stock market,
but the remaining 40% are not. The reasons for this are as follows: lack of knowledge, lack
of interest, finding it risky, and waiting for an opportunity.

• As a result, the research study concludes that people are investing more in mutual funds, but
they are also investing in the stock market, with little difference.


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by Individual Investors in Singapore.” Accounting and Finance Research,

Bussière, Matthieu, and Kate Phylaktis. “Emerging Markets Finance: Issues of International
Capital Flows – Overview of the Special Issue.” Journal of International Money and Finance,
vol. 60, 2016, pp. 1–7.,

“How Mutual Fund Works.” Bankbazaar,


Van Rooij, Maarten, et al. “Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation.” Journal of
Financial Economics, vol. 101, no. 2, 2011, pp. 449–472.,

“Mutual Funds vs Stocks.” Bankbazaar,


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“Stock Market and Mutual Fund.” Corporate Finance Institute, 14 Dec. 2019,


1) On a scale of 1 - 5where do you find yourself as an investor?

least aware
most aware

2) Have you invested in direct stock market


3) If No, what held you back from investing in Stock Market?

Lack of Interest
Lack of knowledge
Waiting for the Opportunity
Find it Risky
Complexity of Products

4) Have you invested in Mutual funds?


5) If no, what held you back from investing in Mutual Fund?

Lack of Interest
Lack of knowledge
Waiting for the Opportunity
Find it Risky
Complexity of Products

6) Among the following instruments, which would you prefer to invest in?
Mutual Fund

7) Do you think you need some level of expertise to invest directly in the stock market
8) Do you think a Mutual fund is as profitable as directly investing in Stock Market?
9) Do you think Mutual Fund is safer than investing indirectly Stock Market
10) Have you invested in Mutual Fund through a financial planner /advisor?
11) Have you invested in stock markets through a financial planner /advisor?
12) Which of the following factors influence you the most while investing
High Returns
Low Risk
Company Reputation
13) What is the time horizon preferred by you for investments?
Less than 1 year
1 to 5 years
5 to 10 years
More than 10 years
14) Your overall experience with investing in mutual funds?
Highly Dissatisfactory
Highly Satisfactory
15) Your overall experience with investing in stock markets?
Highly Dissatisfactory
highly Satisfactory
16) Considering your risk appetite and expected returns, which among the following is a
Favorable option to you.
Mutual funds
Trading in the stock market


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