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(A University under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)

Law Degree Examinations

November 2016
End Semester
Course Code: BBUL 302

Question Paper No. : L0774 Duration: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 100


Answer any One of the following in about 800 words

1 x 16 = 16 Marks

1. Differentiate between different types of individual behavior in


2. Discuss the effects of relay room experiments, bank wiring room

study and Hawthorne studies on organizational behavior of


Answer any Two of the foil owing in about 500 words each.
2 x 15 = 30 Marks

3. Explain the self enhancement, self verification and self

evaluation aspects in self-concept.

4. What is stereotyping? Why should it occur? Discuss the

problems associated with stereo typing.
s. Explain the various leadership competencies.

6. What is negotiation? Discuss the bargaining-zone model of

negotiations and the different skills that a negotiator has to
possess to resolve a conflict.


Write short notes for any Nine of the following in about 100
words each. 9 x 6 = 54 Marks

7. (a) Individualism and collectivism.

(b) Emotional dissonance.
(c) Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory.
(d) Types of Team building:
(e) ADR.
(f) Path goal theory of leadership.
(g) Situational leadership theory.
(h) ARA.
(i) Parallel learning structure approach.
G) Appreciate inquiry approach. ·
(k) Conflict excalation cycle.
(t) Group polarization.
(m) Recency effect.
(n) Attribution process.



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(A University under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)

Law Degree Examinations

November 2017
End Semester
Course Code: BBUL 303R01

Question Paper No.: L0725

Duration: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 100


Answer any One of the following in about 800 words

1 x 16 = 16 Marks
1.- Discuss the various styles_of leadership and its advantages to the

2. What are the importance and challenges to OB? Discuss.


Answer any Two of the following in about 500 words each.

2 x 15 =30 Marks
3. Explain the content theories of motivation.

4. What are the reasons for resistance to organizational change?

How can you overcome them? Explain in detail.

5. What are the various sources of work stress? How do we deal

with stress in the work place? Explain in detail.
6. Describe the important dimensions and functions of organization
culture in contemporary organization.


Answer any Nine of the following in about 100 words each.

9 x 6 = 54 Marks

7. (a) Elucidate the importance of OB.

(b) Explain the key traits in the Big Five personality model.

(c) What are the maJor types of reinforcement?

(d) What are the ABC components of attitude?

(e) Define EI and its importance in workplace.

(f) Differentiate type A & B personality.

(g) Explain the two factor theory of motivation.

(h) Explain the features of learning organization.

(i) What are the determinants ofHofstede's model?

G) What are the characteristics of Effective Work Teams?

(k) Elucidate different types of change.

(1) What is meant by path-goal model of leadership style?

(m) Give the advantages of Group Decision-making.

(n) Write about impression management techniques.

* *
(A University under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)

End Semester Examinations

June 2019
Course Code: BBUL 303R01

Question Paper No. : L0926 Duration: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 100


Answer any One of the following in about 800 words each.

1 x 16 = 16 Marks

1. 'Enduing characteristics that describe an individual's behavior 1s

personality trait'. Illustrate this statement by bringing out maJor
personality attributes influencing organizational behaviour.

2. 'Individuals have different levels of needs, and those levels will

drive their behavior'. Describe 'David McClelland's theory of
needs' and ways of 'matching high achievers and jobs'.


Answer any Two of the following in about 500 words each.

2 x 15 = 30 Marks

3. Explain the 'types of attitudes'. How can training activities reshape

employee attitudes concerning diversity?

4. 'People m~y experience a wide range of conflicts in organizations'.

Discuss the stages of conflict process.

5. How can an organization create an ethical organizational culture?

Explain Spirituality and organizational culture.

6. Elucidate the ways of creating a learning organization and its unique

characteristics. ·


Write short notes for any Nine of the following in about 100 words
each. 9 x 6 = 54 Marks

7. (a) State the major workforce diversity categories.

(b) Outline the key concepts of classical conditioning theory of
learning. ··
(c) How can employees express dissatisfaction?
(d) Distinguish between Halo Effect and S~ereotyping.
(e) Explain the conditions favoring high Machiavellianism.
(f) 'Employee involvement is important · to · the growth of . any
organization'. Justify this statement in the examples.
(g) 'Formal groups differs.from informal group'. Substantiate.
(h) Compare 'Workgroups and Work teams'. ,
(i) State the levels of organizational culture.
(j) Classify the main interpersonal needs dealt in the FIRO-B.
(k) 'Dependency is the key to power' . Validate.
( £) How do employees respond to organizational politics?
(m) Outline the goals of planned change.
(n) State the consequences of stress.

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