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Name:May Pearl T.

Utol Year&Course:1styearABPOLSCI
Subject & Section:HIS003-K16 Date:11/4/21

Activity 3
After watching the film, the students will answer the following questions:

1. What is Islam?
- Islam actually approach to give up oneself absolutely to God's will.The Muslim
person who surrenders then that is the only who practices Islam.The crucial
detail of authentic beleif for the Muslim is Monotheism,which can't be
compromised withinside the smallest way.

2. What do Muslims believe?

- They do believe that the God is the center of life and they call it Allah.They
called Muhammad as a messenger of God,and they have Five pillars to
perform so that they can call their self as a Islam.They also believe that
Muslims and Christians have similarities just like Christ,a person is the center
of Christianity the same way for Islam,the center of the book.

3. How do you become a Muslim?

- If you want to become a Muslim you need to exercise the Five pillars of
Islam,and you surrender your life with Allah.

4. Are all Muslims Arab?

- Base on what I read and watch,Muslim is originated at Arab this place start
the history of Islam but some of them can’t read Arabic words so basically
they want to learn Arabic to read the Holy Book Qur'an and we have Muslim
people that not from Arabia,Arabia is where Muslim originated. How Islam
begin? Marked in the year 610 after the first revelation to the Prophet
Muhammad at the age of 0. Mohammed and his followers spread the
teachings of Islam throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

5. How Islam begin?

- Marked in the year 610 after the first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad at
the age of 0. Mohammed and his followers spread the teachings of Islam
throughout the Arabian Peninsula.
6. How has it attracted adherents in other parts of the world?
- Islam has 1.9 billions adherents making up about 24.7 of the world population.

7. Who is the prophet Muhammad?

- He is the messenger of God and now no longer taken into consideration to be
Devine in any manner whatsoever,He turned into a turned into a man,he had
a father and a Mecca and died.For the Muslims, Muhammad is the human
tool of God's revelation and his will for man.He married on the age of 25 and
had a 6 children.

8. Who is Allah?
- Muslim beleive that Allah is the center of life and Allah is God of Islam.

9. What is the Quran?

- It is the Holy Book of Islam that was written in Arabic,Qur'an is considered not
only to be the masterpiece of the Arabic language but it is also the place
where Muslims find the final truth.It has 114 surahs or chapters all of the
unequal length and having about 6200 verses.

10. Where is Mecca and why is it important?

- Mecca is the city located at southwestern Saudi Arabia in the region of
Hejaz.It is the place where Islamic religion started.

11. What do Christianity, Judaism and Islam have in common?

- Membership is open to anyone,it has a strictly,unitary conception of
God,called tawhid or "strict" Monotheism.

12. What is jihad?

- Literal meaning of Jihad is struggle or effort and it means much more than
holy war.

13. What is the difference between Shiite and Sunni Muslims?

- Shiites beleive the Prophet Muhammad ought to have been prevailed by his
child in-law,Imam Ali,and authority of the Muslim world ought to past through
the prophet's descendants.Sunnis don't completely accept that the initiative of
the Muslim world ought to essentially go through inherited progression.



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