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Maria del Rosario Hernandez.

ESL 105 Reading and Vocabulary Development III

Assignment # 1 (Chapter 1-3 pgs. 1-41)

Tuesday- April 15th, 2008.

Francisco Jiménez.

I. SUMMARIES (Forced out, Home alone and stepping out)

In the 1940s Francisco and his family left Mexico and went to California because

they wanted to leave their life of poverty. When they arrived, they found jobs in the

fields, at the same time, Francisco and Roberto went to school. When Francisco was in

the 8th grade, the border patrol arrested his family, and they forced them to leave the U. S.

Therefore, they returned to Mexico and filed a petition for visas, which was eventually

accepted. After that, Francisco and Roberto returned to the U.S., but the rest of the family

went to Guadalajara.

Roberto and Francisco lived for the first time alone in their house, and they

missed their family who were still in Mexico. However, Francisco was excited and

nervous because he could return to school. Unfortunately, Roberto lost his job as a

janitor, so they had to return to the fields. Later, Roberto found a part-time job, and his

boss invited them to dinner in a restaurant. Luckily, Roberto got his janitor job back;

therefore, they could send money to their family, but a month later their money was

At school he felt alone most of the time, but he did get some attention from his

classmates, because he was a good student in math. The student with the highest score

had the honor of sitting in the front seat, and a few times, he took the first place. For him,

music and dancing were more interesting and fun than sports or cars. During recess, he

and his friends talked about different songs and singers, or about going to dances on

Saturday nights at the Veterans Memorial Building. Eventually, he and his brother asked

girls to dance, and he enjoyed dancing with Peggy, one of his friends; therefore, he loves

the music, and her favorite singer was Elvis. While Francisco and Roberto sometimes

went to the movie theater; Francisco enjoyed American movies, because they helped him

to improve his English.


1. - I was getting ready to recite the preamble to the Declaration of Independence, which

our class had to memorize. (Page3)

Definition: (noun) an introduction to a book or a written document; an introduction to

something you say.

My own sentence: She gave him the bad news without preamble.

2. - We struggled to make ends meet, especially during the winter, when work was

scarce. (Page 2)

Definition: (adj.) if something is scarce, there is not enough of it, and it is only available

in small quantities.
My own sentence: Hospital beds were scarce, and medicines were practically non-


3. - I trembled and could feel my heart pounding against my chest as though it too

wanted to escape. (Page 3)

Definition: (verb) to shake in a way that you cannot control, especially because you are

very nervous, excited, or frightened, etc.

My own sentence: I trembled at the thought of having to make a speech.

4. - My brother grinned and nodded. (Page 15)

Definition: (verb) to smile widely.

My own sentence: They grinned with delight when they heard our news.

5. – The clerk caught my eye and said, ¨ Those are copper pyrite rocks ¨ (Page 15)

Definition: (noun) a person whose job is to keep the records or accounts in an office,

shop, store, etc.

My own sentence: The clerk at the counter gave me too little change.

6. – We were excited and a bit anxious about eating in a restaurant for the first time.

(Page 23)

Definition: (adj.) feeling worried or nervous:

My own sentence: My parents are naturally anxious for their last child.

7. - I wanted to keep on learning and to escape the loneliness I felt for my family (Page


Definition: (noun) unhappy because you do not have or people to talk to.

My own sentence: My best friend is living a period of loneliness in her life.

8. – Mr. Milo arranged our desks according to how well we did on math tests. (Page 29)
Definition: (verb) to plan or organize something in advance/ to put something in a

particular order; to make something neat or attractive.

My own sentence: The books are arranged alphabetically by author.

9. – His slow songs were melancholy, like some Mexican ranchera songs. (Page 31)

Definition: (adj.) very sad or making you feel sadness.

My own sentence: The melancholy song died away.

10. - Small clouds of cigarette smoke come up from the middle of their huddles. (Page


Definition: (noun) to gather closely together, usually because of cold or fear.

My own sentence: People stood around in huddles.


1. The next morning Roberto and I woke up to the rattling sound of

the alarm clock…(Page 19)

I just arrived in San Diego, in May. I was very sad because my

mother woke me up all the mornings, so I missed my family,

especially my mother. When I was in Mexico, I used to have breakfast

with my mother and sisters or with my friends, never with strangers.

2. I buried my head in my schoolbooks. I wanted to keep on learning

and to escape the …..(Page 29)

In the first week of class at Grossmont Collage, I did not know

anyone except Atlacomulco’s students, so I was nervous, and I missed

my family most of the time; therefore, I wanted to go back to


3. I enjoy American movies because…(Page 41)

I like to watch movies with my boyfriend and friends. I remember

that my last week in Mexico, I went to the cinema with Adrian, my

boyfriend. He is a cute boy, and most of the time he speaks English

with me to improve my level of English. When I was reading this part

of the book I cried….


a. What did you learn about the experience of Francisco Jiménez?

b. What do you know of migrant farm workers in your community?

c. Do you think things are similar or different for immigrants in this time?

d. What did you learn from the three chapters?

e. What did you feel when you were reading the first chapter?

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