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Teenage bullying

Today I will talk about violence among the teenagers. First of all i will mention where we can all
experience violence: over the Internet, at home and unfortunatelly in school. The school should be a
safe place but it is not. The sad fact is that the teenagers exposed to bullying are more prone to
smoking, alcohol and drug. But I will speak in general.

1.) Now i will tell you what is bullying

Bullying is when we say or do something to someone on purpose. Nowadays this is
unfortunatelly normal.

2.) Common question is why do people bullly?

There are many reasons: to feel powerfull, because of their problems, peer presure, having
little empathy for others

Of course, there are many more reasons, but those are the most common ones.

3.) What violence look like?

Violence can be more than nasty looks and teasing (TIZING). It can come in lots of different
forms, including: name calling, telling lies about others, targeting a persons sexuality,
religion, race gender or disability.

4.) What are the worst effects of bullying?

Terrible fact is that the Bullying can completely change a person. Children who experience
physical and emotional bullying in elementary school often suffer from depression. Also you
can feel:
 Alone and helpless
 Unsafe and afraid(you dont want to go to school or hang out with friends because
you are afraid that they might start bullying you again)
 Stressed and anxious
 Depressed, sad
 You can have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself(and thats the most serious
 You can have problems with mood, energy level, sleep and appetite

To make things clear, both girls and boys can be bullies :

 Many bullies bully others because they feel insecure about themselves, and to make
themselves feel better (what is actually very sad and miserable)

What you can I do about it?

The world would be a nicer place if there was no bullying but there are many things that you can
do if you are being bullied or if you are being in situation while someone is abusing someone
 Tell a trusted adult ( parents, sister, brother, teacher)
 Ignore the bully and walk away
just say okay okay thanks for your opinion but you are not important in my life
 Talk about it

And for the end I would like to mention the most important thing and that is that teenagers
need to understand that seeking help is normal and bullying is not.

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