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1 If fis defined as f(x) = *+hen which of following is 10 If the function f(x) = 2x-9ax+12a'x +1, where a > 0
aftains its maximum
true? NCERT Exemplar
and minimum at p and q
respectively such that q , t h e n a 's equal to
(a) Local maximum value of f() is - 2
(a) 3 () 1 (c) 2 (d)
(b) Local minimum value of f{x) is 2 2
(C) Local maximum value ot f(X) is less than local minimum 11 If f(x) =x* +2bx+ 2c and g{x) =- x- 2cx+ b' such
value of f()
that mininum f(x)> maximum g(x), then the relaton
(d) All the above are true
between b and c is
2 If the sum of two numbers is 3, then the maximum value (a) O« c<b2 (b) ]o<|b|/2
of the product of the first and the square of second iss
()|cl>|b|v2 (d) No real values of band c
NCERT Exemplar 12 Let flx) be a polynomial of degree four having extreme
(a) 4 (6)1 (c) 3 (d) 0
3 fy=alogx + b x + X has its extremum value at x=1
at x=1and x = 2
lim1 3then f(2)is
and x= 2,then (a, b) is equal to equal t JEE Malns 2015
(a) -8

) o)»G)
4 The function f(x) =a cos x+ b tan x+ x has extreme
(C) 0
13 lfa differential function f(x) has a relative minimum at
then the o(x) =f{x)+ ax +b has a relative
values at x
=0and x =then X=0, function
minimum atx = 0 for
(a) =-1 (b) a b=-1 (a) all a and all b (b) al b, ifa =0
(c) all b> 0 (a) all a> 0

(c) a-b=1 (d) a-b=1 14 The denominator of a fraction is greater than 16 of the
square of numerator, then least value of fraction is
5 The minimum radius vector of the curve
a) 1/4 (b-1/8
1 i s ot length (c) 1/12 (a) 1/16

15 The function f(x) = ax+b, x>0takes the least value

(a)1 (b)5 (c) 7 (d) None of these
6 The function f(x)=4x-18x+27x-7 has at x equal to
(a) one local maxima NCERT Exemplar (a) b (b) a (c) b (d)
(b) one local minima
(c) one localmaxima and two local minima
(d) neither maxima nor minima 16
Let f be a function defined by tanxx*0
(x)=X X = 0
7 The function f(x
Statementl x=0is point of minima of f.

point of local
no point of local maxima
Statement Il f(0 =0. AlEEE 2011
(a) Statement I is true, Statement ll is true, Statement II is a
(c) exactly one point of local minima
correct explanation for Statement I
(d) exactly one point of local maxima
(6) Statement I is true, State ment ll is true; Statement Il is
k - 2 x , if xs-1 not a correct explanation for Statement
8 Letf:RA be
defined by f(x)=2x +3, # x>-1 (c) Statement I is true, Statement ll is false
f fhas a local minimum at x = -1, hen a possible value (a) Statement I is talse; Statement llis true
of kis AEEE 2010 17 The absolute maximum and minimum values of the
function f given by f(x)= cos x + sin x, x e [0 t]
(a) 1 (b) 0 () d)-1
NCERT Exemplar
9 The minimum value of 9x + 4y, where xy =16is (a) 2.25 ano (b) 1.25 and
(c) 1.75 and 1.5 (d) None of these
a)448 (6) 28 (c) 38 (d) 18
18 The maximum value of f(x)= on [-11) is (a)(area of AABC) (b)(area of AABC)
T A t X

(c)(area of AABC) (d)(area of AABC)

(a) (b)
(C (d)
28 f y =f(x) s a parametrically defined expression such
19 In interval [1e]. the greatest value of xlog x is
hat x = 3t-18t+7 and y 2 r - 1 5 + 24t+ 10,
(a) e
()og (c) elogva (a) None of these
Then, the maximum and minimum values of y = f(x)are

20 If x is real, the maximum alue of X +9x +17 ) 36, 3 (6) 46,6 (c) 40,-6 ( d ) 46,-6
valu 3x +9x+7
AEEE 2007 29 The value of a, so that the sum of the squares of the
roots of the equation x " - (a-2)x - a+1=0assume

(a) 41 (b) 1 (c) (d)

he least value is

(a)2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 0

21 The maximum and minimum values of
(x)= sec x + log cos x, 0<x< 2n ae respectivelyy 30 The minimum intercepts made by the axes on the

*NCERTExemplar tangent to the llipse 1is

(a) (1.-1)and 12 (1-log2) 2(1+ log2)}
(b) (1-1)and 12 (1-log 2),2 (1-1og2) (a) 25 b) (c) 1 (d) None of these
(c) (1,- 1) and (2, 3) 31 The curved surface of the cone inscribed in a gven
(d) None of the above
sphere is maximum, if
22 The difference between greatest and least values of the 2R
(a) h- (b) h- (c) h= (d) None of these
function f(x)=sin 2x-x, on-2
NCERT Exemplar 32 The volume of the largest cone that can be inscribed in a
(6) 27 (d) of radius R is NCERT
(a) (C) 3T
23 The point of inflection for the curve y = x*"is (a)of the volume of the sphere
(0, 0) ) (0, 1
) (1,1) c) (1,0) (b)of the volume of the sphere
24 The maximum area of a right angled triangle with
the volume of the sphere
hypotenuse h is JEE Maln 2013 (C)of
(d) None of the above
(b) (C) (d)
33 Area of the greatest rectangle that can be inscribed in
25 A straight line is drawn through the point P (3, 4) meeting
Uhe positve directon of coordinate axes at the points A

and B. If O is the origin, then minimum area of AOAB is

equal to a) ab (D) 2ab (a) ap

(a 12 squnits (b) 6 sq units

() 24 sq units (d) 48 sq units 34 The real number x when added to its inverse gives the
minimum value of the sum at x equal to AEEE 2003
26 Suppose the cubic x - px +q has three distinct real
a 2 (D) -1 (d) -2
roots, where p>0 and q>0. Then, which one of the
tollowing holds? 35 The greatest value of
f(x)=(x+ 1"3 - (x-1 on [0, 1] is AEEE 2002
(a) The cubic has maxima at
both/and- (a) 1 (6) 2 (c) 3 (d) 1

() The cubic has minima atand maxima at- 36 The coordinate of a point on the parabola y =8x whose
distance from the circlex +(y+6) =1is minimum, is
(c) The cubic has minima at- a n d maxima at
(a) (2-4) (b)(2.4) (o) (18,-12) (d)(8,8)
37 The volume of the largest cylinder that can be inscribed
(d) The cubic has minima
at both 3 and na sphere of radius r cm is
4r 4Tr 4tr
27 If A (X, Y1), B(X2. Y2) and C (X.Ya) are the vertices of a a) b d)
AABC. Aparalleogram AFDE is drawn with D, E and F 3/5 23 52
on the line segment BC, CA and AB. respectively. Then, 38 Maximum slope of the curve y =-x* +3x+9x-27 is
maximum area of such parallelogram is (a) 12 C) 16 (a) 32
39 If ab 2 a +3b, a> 0, b>0, then the minimum value of ab 40he perimeter ofa sector is p. The area of the sector is
S maximum, when is radus is
(a) 12 0) 24
(a) (D) (c) (d)
(C) (d) None of these

75 while at 40 kmh, it is 65. Then, the most
1 The minimum radius vector
of the curve isc economical speed (in km/h) of the bus is JEE Mains 2013
length (a) 45 b)50 (c) 60 (d) 4
(a) a - b ) a+b
(0) 2a+b (d) None of these
8 If f(x)=JB
3Sx <23, then the points,
2 f(x)= x*-4| x] and 2/3 sxs4
gx)= )-6sts x}, xel-6 0
: 0 < i s x ) . x e (0, 6] nen g{x) has where f(x) takes maximum and minimum values, are
(a) exactly one point of local minima a) 1,4 D 0,4
2,4 (d) None of these
(b) exactly one point of local maxima
(c) no point to local maxima but exactly one point of local
x+x*+3x +sinx|
(d) neither a point of local maxima nor minimaa
9 Let f(x)
x+0 then

3 fx)4x -x* + log(a -3a+3). 0sx<3

number of points .where, f(x) attains ts minimum valuej
X23 IS
(b) 2
Complete the set of values of a such that f(x ) has a local
C) (d) intinite many
maxima at x =3, is
(a) (b) (-, 1) u(2) 10 Awire of length 2 units is cut into two parts which are
2 bent respectively to forma square of side = X units and a
(C) [12 (d) - ) u(2-)
circle of radius = r units. If the sum of the areas of the
4 The point in the interval [0,2t]. where f(x)=e" sin x has
square and the circle so tormed is minimum, then
maximum slope is
(a) 2x= (T+ 4} (6) (4- T)x= t
(a) (D) - (C) X= 2 (d) 2x =r

(C)T (d) None of these 11 Let f(x) =x+and g{x) = x -xER--10.1. If

5 The total number of local maxima and local minima of the h(x) = then the local minimum of h)is
9(*) Mains 2018
function f ( x ) = + X - 3 < x s - 1 ,
(a)3 (b)-3 (c)-2/2 (d) 2/2
xa3-1<x <2
(a) 0 (o)1 (c) 2 a) 3 12 The largest term in the sequence a, 2009en Dy

6 1f 20 m of wire is avaiable for fencing off a flower-bed in

a) ()
the form of a circular sector, then the maximum area (in 49
sqm) of the flower-bed is JEE Mains 2017
(C) (d) None of these
(a) 12.5 (b) 10 (c) 25 (d) 30 543

13 All possible values of the parameter a so that the function

7 The
costof running a bus from A to B, is Rav+ (x)=x*-a7-a)x*-39-a )x +2 has a negative
where v kmh is the average speed of the bus. When the point of local minimum are
bus travels at 30 km/h, the cost comes out to be75 (a) all real values (b) no real values
C) ,0)
14 The circle x + y =1 cuts the =1 15 Given, Px)= x* +ax + bx* + cx + d such that x = 0 is
X-axis at P and Q. Another circle the only real root of P(x) =0. If P-1)<P(1), then in the
with centre at Q and variable *AEEE 200
radius intersects the tirst circle at
interval -1,
o- P (a) P(- is the minimum and P(1) is the maximum of P
R above the X-axis and he line
(b)P-) is not minimum but P(1) is the maximum of P
segment PO at S. Then, the
maximum area of the AQSA is (c)P-)is the minimum andP) is not the maximum of P
(a) NeitherPE1) is the minimum nor P(0) is the maximum
(a) 4 3 sg units (6) 14/3 sq units of P
(C) Sq urns (d) 15/3 sq units

SESSION D (d) 2 (a) (d) 4 (a) 5 (b) d 7 8 (d) 9 (a) 10 ()
11 12 (o 13 (6) (b) 15 (d) 16 (t 7 (6) 8 (C) 19 a) 20(a)
21 b) 22 a) 23 (b) 24 d) 25 ( 26 (b 7 ) 29 b 30
31 (a)
32 (6) 33 (C) 4 35 (b) 36 (a) (b) 38 (b) 39 (b) 40 (d)

SESSION 2) 1 (6)
11 (a)
2 (d)
12 (c

4 (b)

14 (c)
5 (
15 (b)
7 C (6) 9 (a) 10 (c)

Hints and Explanations

ALXp 18-12 -
8-12-b 6> 0 minima
Let y x+ 1- 5 The given curve ls 1
Now, =0 * =1
d -6<0 Putx r cos6, y = rsin , we get
X = t1 d (2 sec f + (3 cosec ey
dy So, P is maximum at x = 1.
So, r will have minimum value
dx Maximum value of P 1 (8-1f - 4
(2+3 .
1)> 0 or r have minimum vaBlue equal to 5.
6 fx4x-18s+ 27x-7
ind a t x-1)<0
+ ) 2b + 1=0 (x)=12x*-36x+27
Hence, local maximum value ot y is at 3(4x-12x+ 9) 3(2x-3}
X - 1 and the local maximum value
fx)-0 x=(critical point)
=-2 and +4b1-0 2
Local minimum value of y is at x =1 Since, flx)> 0 for all x <and for all
and local minimum value = 2.
2 + 4b +1-0
Therefore, local maximum value- 2 is
less than local minimum value 2. - b+ 4b +
03b =
2 Let two numbers be x and (3- x) Hence, x i s a point of inflection ie.,
Then. product P= X3- x b= and a =-1= 3 neither a point of maxima nor a point
-2x{3-x)+ (3 x of minima.
4 flx)=-a sin x + b sec x + 1
x i s the only critical point and f
(3-x)K3-3x) and -6x-12
dx Now, f(0)= Dand f"| 2
has neither maxima nor minima.
For maxima or minima, put 0
D+1= 0and-++1 0p 7 For y
3-x)3-3x)=0 x =3,1
g for x< 0 and maximum ol x)=-(4c*+ 4b) f[x)is maximum at x *
dx glx 4(-1) and at x=-4,f"(x)> 0,f(x)is
and for x> 0 =b+
Least value of
Since, min f(x)> max glx)
Thus, x 0 is the point of local maxima 2c-b°>b+c 4
a16+16 B
for y.
Now,0).. ;Ppositivej Thus, 2b
x =0s also the point of local
Icl>2 ]b 15 Given, S(x)= ax +
12 Central ldea Any function have
maximum for y On differentiat ing w.r.t. x, we get
(maximum or
minimum) at its critical points, where lx)= a-
8 if f(x)has a local minimum at x = -1,
For maxima or minima, put J'[x)=0
hen Since, the function have extreme values
at x= 1 and x = 2

T x ) = Oat x = 1 and x = 2
lim 2x+ 3 = lim 1 < - 2 x
Again, differentiating w.r.L. x, We get
-2+3 k+2 k=-1
it is
f"2) =0
Also given that
At x f)=positive
0=1-2 fi)=2x+3 lim-2
-1. -fxjis minimum at x -

S)will be of the form

a+bx'+ 2x
Sxjis of four degree polynomial :fx)hasthe least valhue al x=

Let flx)- ax*+ bx+2x f x )

16 f ) ,tan,
* x0o
9 LetS 9x + 4y - 4ax +3bx+ 4x
Since, xy -15 1s 8iven.
11)=4a +3b +4 8 0=0
y-or S 9x+ and f2)=320+Ba+3b+2-0
Tan> 1, Vx *0
On differentiating both sides, we get On solving Eqs. (i) and (i), we get
= 9- fAt (0+0,h> 0) and f(0- h)> f[0)
dx ab-2 x=
J(x)altains minima.
Now, f'(0)= lim O
0 =9>*=+; o -2*+2x
s ( 2 ) = 8-16+ 8 0
Tan n
Again, on differentiating Eq. (4)
13 (x)= f(x)+ a h
w.r.x,we get using L' Hospital's rule]
(0)= 0 >f(0)+ a=0
Hence, it is minimum at x =and FTTo)= 0 a :lan 0= sec 0-1
minimum value of S is Also, (0)>o :f"(0)>
lim h=0 0
4)- 40 (x) has relative minimum at
X= Ofor a l l b , if a = 0 2h
Therefore, Statement I is true.
10 We have,
14 Let the number be x, then Hence, both statements are true but
fx)=2x-9ax +12a x+ 1
StatementI is not the comect
(x)= -18ax + 12a x+16 explanation of Statement 1.
( x ) = 12x- 18a
On differentiating w.r.l. x we get 17 Given, f(x)= cos* x sin x, x
For maximum and minimum, + E [g z
ftx)- 0P1 x2x)
6x-18ax+ 12ar
*-3ax + -
- 0
0 fla)=(+ 167 Now,

f'(x)=2 cOs x(-sinXx)+ cos x

X*aor X 2a - 1 6 - 2 . 16-x ...(4)

43XCOS + Cos X

Al x = anmaxim um and at x = 2a (+16 16 For maximum or minimum put

minimum. Put f ( x ) = O for maxima or minima S'(x)= 0
p 16-*
d 2a a= 2or a = 0
S'(x)= 0 =0 - 2 s i n xcos x + cos X = 0

But a> 0, therefore a 2 Again, on different íating w.r.t. x, we

cOS (- 2Sin X* 1)0
cos X= 0 or sin x =
11 Minimum of f(x)= -
(x+16f (-2x)- (16- *) x

fx)=- 2(x+16)2x_At
+16 For absolute maximum and absolute
minimum, we have to evaluate
2c-b x 4f"(x)< 0
1+ and ( a i n t - -
Clearly, is the grealest value and-
fo)=cos 0+sin0 =f+0-1 So, the maximum value of f{x)at is the least.
Therefore, difference=+ =x
2 2
23 Given, y = x**
=1 40- 41
xt ,
21 Given, f(x)= secX + log cos *
At x =
1-1 f(x) sec xX+ 2 log[cos X)

Al X
Therefore, a n d i s not defined,
f(x)= sec x tan x-2 tan x
Sr) = cosT+ sin x -(-1f + 0=1 when x=0, y 0
t a n x (sec x-2)
Hence, the absolute maximum value of T'()=0 :(0 0jis a point of inflection.
fs1.25 occurring at x = and the 24 Area of triangle, A
absolute minimum value of f is 1
t a n xX=0 or seC X 2>cos x =
Therefore, possible val ues of
occurring at x = and .
2 x =0, x =

T and or x x
Note lf close interval is given, to determine Againf"()= sec x(sec x-2)
global maximum (minimum), check the +lan x( sec x tan x) x
value at all critical points as wel as ena -secx+ sec x la * - 2 sec*
points or a given interval. s e c X (secx + lan' x - 2 sec x)

18 J"0)=1(1+0-2)=-1<0
fC) 4+ X+ * Therefore, X = Ois a point of maxima. Vh-x
On differentiating w.r.l. we get
x, S ( r ) - 1(1+ 0+ 2)-3<0
Slx)=*** XII + 2X) Therefore, xX = Tsa point of maxima.
4+X* *T G - 2 4 + 3 - 4 ) - 6> 0
For maximum, put j (x)= 0
4- x Therefore, 0 at x =
0(4+x+ * x =
2, -2 x
-sa point of minima. d (2

Bolh the values of x are not in the

interval [-1,1).
r 24+3-4)-6> 0

Therefore, x = i s a point of minima. 25 Let the equation of drawn line be

)4-1+14 Maximum value of y at x = 0is +1,where a> 3
f1)= 4+1+1
Ja) 6(maximum) Maximum value of yat x = x IS b>4, the line passes through (3 4)
and meets the positive direction of
19 Given, f(x)= * lo8* CDordinate axes.
Minimum value of y al x = i s b=-"U
On differentiating w.r.t. x, we get We have, + 1
f(x)= (2 log X+
1) Xx
2(1-log2 Now, area of AADB,
For a maximum, putj (x)= 0
( 2 1 o g X+1) x= 0
Minimum value
of y at x=is
AaD (a-3)
* e,0

log-2(a-log 2 da-2a (a- 6)
22 Given, fx)= sin 2x * da ( 3
crilical points lies in the
ne o nese fX}=2cos 2x-1 Clearly, a=6 is the point of minima for A.
interval1, Put f'x)= Thus, A 24 sq units
So, we
only compute the value of f(x) at
0 cos
2x 3
the end potnts 1 ande.
We have, f(i)= fe)=e* 2x-or *--or 26 Let f(x)= * - px+

Hence, greatest value of f(x)= e Maxima

20 Let S(x)=1+ 10 Now sint- R)

2 6 -vp/3
- -
6 2 p/3
fo)=3-P At
d 11 "o =

In A0AB, R=Y+(h-R
-1sa point of local maxima. r=V2Rh
At(t 4 dy 0 S - rl z(v2Rh-XVh+ r)
Now, ( x ) - 6x_
t =4is a point of local minima. (m V2Rh-h U/2Rh)
Al )-o LetS P
At(t 3 a n d a r e not defined
minima dx PT 2R(2Rh -h')
and change its sign. S is maximum, it P 1s maximum,
and at x <0 maximal Since,

27 We have, AF| | DE and AE || FD i s unknown in the vicinity oft = 3,

2 R ( 4 R h 3h)= 0
thust 3 isa point of neither maxima
nor minma. h
Finally, maximum and min imum values
d expression y = f(x) are 46 and -6
Again, on differentíating we get
29 Leta and p be the roots of the equation d 2 R(4R -6h)
0at h *
Then, a+ =a-2aß=at1
Z a +B 32 Let OC= x,CQ =r
Now, in AABC and AEDG,
(a 2 +2(a-1)
- Now, OA R =

Height of the cone

lgiven h =x+ R
2RAC, ZACB is common. 2a+ 2

Volume of the
Now, y AEDC
2a-2 cone
da -V fh ()
Now, -a*,-y)
b C
Put 0, then
Now,S Area of parallelogramn
AFDE 2(area of AAEF)
2> 0
So, 2 has minima at a=1.
=-vysinA So,a+B has least value for a =1.
This is because we have only one
sinAB-2) stalionary value at whichwe have

Sign scheme of Hence, a = 1.

dy Also, in right angled AOcQ.

30 Any tangent to the ellipse is OC+CQ -00
the point of
Hence, S is maximum when y
cost+sin t =1, where = R- 1
ontact is (4cas t, 3sint) Eqs. (i) and (i),
or VT{R*\x+
R) ..i)
: h =x+ R
means the axes Q (4sec t, 0) and
sinA -lara ofAARC R(Q 3 cosec I
On differentiating Eq. (1l) W.I. X, We
28 We have, The distance of the line segment QR is
Q =D = 1 6sec't + 9 cosec't n{ - *)-2Mx + R}
6-30t +
24-6(t -1)(0-4) So, the minimum value of Dis(4+3 - * - 2x* -2xR)
and 6t -18 6(! -3) orQR-7. dx
31 LetS be the curved surface area of a V

Thus, D -4) cone. -2x-3)

-3 {R-3x](R + x) iv)
which indicates thatt =1,3 and 4 are
the critical poínts of y = f(x} For maxima, put
Now, d
3x)(R+ x) = 0

B :::::# x = o r x=-R » *=
-3 6t-3) A
since, x cannot be negative
On differentiating Eq. (iv) w.r.t. x, we get Any point on parabola is (af",2at et g(x)= f'lx)) = -3x+ 6x +9
dV +x)+ (R-3x)| i.e., (2",
For its min im um
On differentiating w.r.t. x, we get
distance the
2R-62)-(2R+ 6x)
circle means its distance from
(a-6)of the circle.
the centre 8x)=-6x+6
For maxima or minima
Let z=(2+(4+6
put 8 (x)0
At X=1
4+4"+12+ 9) Now, g' "(x) = - 6< 0 and hence, at

4(4r+8t +12) *18JSlope) wil have maxim um

So,V has a local maxima at x R/3 16+2+3)=0 ls(1=-3x1+ 6(1)+ 9=12
Now, on substituting the value ol x in +10-t+ 3)=0 39 Given,
E. (i), we get i-1| aD za + 3
[a-3)b =2a
v-5.) 16(3*+2>a
So, point is (2-4)
hence minimum.

37 We N o w , let 2= ab =
3 9 3 know that, volume of cylinder,
V xHh
V-x Volume ofsphere On differentiating w.r.t. x,
we get
dz 2[(a-3]20-d 2(r-6o
da (a-3
(-a cos 6,b sin ) a cos6, b sin )
Fora minimum, put 0
T- 6a-0

a cos 8,-b sine) (a cos ,-bsin ) Ata- 6, positive

Y When a= 6 b=4
Area of rectangle ABCD In A0CA.-) * i(ab 6x4=24
2 a cos 6) (b sine)= 2ab sin20
40 Perimeler ot aB
Hence, area of greatest rectangle is
Bclor p
equal to 2ab when sin 291.
Let AOB be
34 Let V-
Jx) x+ the sector with O
radius r.
"(x) 1 V-zr'h- f
angle of


sector be 8 radians,
For maxima and minima, put J TX)=0 On differentiat ing Eq. (i) both sides then area ol sector,
w.r.l.n, we get

1-0>x-t1 a z-3xh A-re

dh 4
Now, f"(x)=5 and length of arc, s = re 0 -
At x=1,f"(x)=
and at
min ima] . Perimeter of the
x -1/"[x)-ve maxima For maximum or minimum value of V,
Thus, (x) altains minímum value at
Pr+s+r =2r +s i )
ddh 0 r-S. 0 On
substituting 0 =in Eq. (), we get
35 Gven that, f()=(x+ 1" - (x- 1"
On differentiating w.r.t. x, We get
N- h
f'u)= 1 1 x-1 r<0
Now, on substitut ing the value of s in
E4-(u), we get

=-1-{x+ 1 Thus, V is maximum when h = then -2r

2A =pr - 2r*
3( 1
On differentiating w.r.t.r, we get
Clearly, fx)does not exist at t 1
Now, put f(x)=g then

2 p-4r
-1 (*+ 1°9*=0
Max V rfh = For the maximunm area, put
At x 0 33 dA
flx)= (0+ 1 " -(0-1)" =2 0
Hence, the greatest value of f{xjis 2. 38 Let S(x) = - *+ 3x+9x-27

The slope of this curve P-*

36 y=8x. But -4ax
4g=8 f(x)=-3x +6x +
SESSION 2 Clearly, f"(x) changes its sign at x = -1
from positive to negative and so f(x) has So, at v the speed is most
1 Let radius vector is r.
local maxima at x
x+ -1 economical.
Also, f"(0)does not exist but f0<0 Most economical speed is
and f (0")> only be inferred

that f(x) has

possibility of minimum
a a

at x
uHence, it has one local maxima
For minimum value ofr,
at x 1 a n d one local minima at x 0

0 2yb'a 2y -0 So, total number ol local maxima and

- bF E+ local minma is 2.
c2x 1800 2 x30

-bfa +b) 6 Total length = 2r +rê= 20

ala +b) I*-2-1sx<s
r(a+ bf r=a+b
8 f)- 3sx< / s
2 Bold
line represents the graph of
y glx), clearly g{x)has neither a 13-X,23s xs4
pOInt ot local maxima nor
local minima.
a point of

-2 +X
2 2N3
Now, area of flower-bed,
y=3-. X

Prom the above graph,
3 Clearly. S(x)in increasing just betore Maximum occurs at X= 0and

x = 3 and decreasing after x = 3 For

minimum at x 4
X = 3 to be the point of local maxima. A 10r- x+x+3x+ sin x
9f-ain (
J3)2f30) ir

-15212-27+ 1o8 (f -3a+3) For maxima or minima, put a

0<-3a+3s11sas2 ir
Let glr)=*'+*+3x+ sin x
4 10-2r 0 > r =5
(Slope) fx)=e* sin
xecos x+
8'(x)- 3x +2x+3+ cos x
e 2 sin (x + /4)
"lx)-e lsin (x +
cOs (X+ 4))
x 25x 2-25sq m
2e sin (X+ T2) s X>0
For maximum slope, put f"(x) = 00 7 Let c = av +
sin (X+ T/2)- 0
When v = 30 km/ h, then c = { 75 and 2< 3+ in
cos X0

X /2,3n/2 75-30 a+ 30 Hence, minímum value of f(x)is 0 at

S"{X)= 2e cos(x+ 2) *=
When v 40 km/h, thenc = R 65
S"(T2) = 2e cos t = - ve Hence, number of points 1
Maximum slope is at x = n/2 85- 40a+ ii) 10 According to given information, we
*-3< xs-1 On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get have
5 flx)= *
f Exr",-1< x<2 a and b = 1800 Perimeler of square + Perimeter of circle
L 3 2 2 units
On differentiat ing w.r.t. v in Eq. (i), 4 x + 2tr =2
For maximum or
minimumc,3 Now, let A be the sum of the areas of
the square and the circle. Then,
-2. 0-1,0) a A-*+ nr
*+ 2)
-3, 0)
Alx)= x -2xf
Now, for minimum value of A{x) and B-3r
dx 44-
4, t h e greatest termn.
2x+ -2) 0 543 when r(8-3r)-0givinB
13 f(x)= *-3(7- alx-3(9- d x +2
For real root D 2 0, 44-(8-9r)

2 49+t-14a + 9-d20
- (8r-3rA-F
as 8
Now, from Eq. (0), we get 16(4-
-2- For local minimum
J(x)= 6x-7-a)>0
has x must be negative
Hence, A is maximum when r
T + 4 -a<0 Then, maximum area
Prom Eqs. (i1) and (ii), we get a7
Thus constradictory, i.e, for real roots
11 We have, asand for negative point of local 15 Give
fx)- * and glx)= - x
minimum a>7. P(x)= * + ax + bx+CX+d
No possible values of aa P ( x ) = 4x + 3ax+ 2bx +c
solution for
14 From the given figure coordinate of Q is Since, x= 0sa
P'x)= Q then

The equation of circle centre at Q with
variable rad ius r is
Plx) x* ax bxr
Also, we have P(-1)< P(1)
+ + d

1-a+b +d<1+a+b+d

Since, PX)= 0, only when x= 0and

P(x) is differentiable
in (-,1), we
should have the maximum and

minimum at the poinls x-1,0 and 1.

Also, we have P(-1)< P(1)
. Maximum of P(x)= Max {P(0), P(1)}
x-<a and minimum of P (x)= Min
P-1), P0)}
2w2 In the interval [0, 1.
(x+ 1+ =* +3ax +2bx
P'lx)= 4x
Local minimum value is 2/2. This circle meets the line segmentQP at = x(4x+ 3ax+ 2b)
S, where Since, P"(x) has only one root x =a
12 Consider the
function meets the circle x +-1at..(i)
then 4x + 3ox + 2b= Ohas no real

fx)+200) oots.

3a32b <0
Sx)=xDR)- on solving qs. (i) and (ii)
200 A = Area of AQSR <b
when x = (400, (* x * 0) x Q S x RT
x = (4007"-h=f)>0 Thus, we have a > 0andb > a
x (400 h»f'w)< 0 -) P"x) 4x+ 3 ax'+ 2hx >a
X e (Q 1)
f(x)has maxima at [since, RT is the y-coordinate of R]
x =
(400" Hence, Plx) is increasing in [o, 1.
Since,7< (400 <8 either a, or a, is Maximum of P(x) = P(1)
the greatest term of the sequence.
Similarly, P{X)s decreasing in =1, 0.
Therefore, minimum P(x)does not
4-F Occur at X - 1 .
= 12r(4-r-P)

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