Index Modulated Spread Spectrum OFDM With C-Transform: Hussein A. Leftah and Mohannad H. Al-Ali, Member, IEEE

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Communications Letters

Index Modulated Spread Spectrum OFDM with

Hussein A. Leftah and Mohannad H. Al-Ali, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes an orthogonal frequency divi- for single carrier modulation and time-domain spreading. For
sion multiplexing (OFDM) scheme that incorporates the index multi-carrier, [2] proposed an index modulated OFDM scheme
modulation, spread spectrum, and C-transform techniques. The with SS (IM-OFDM-SS) that selects a code from predefined
developed OFDM selects a code from a known set to spread data
in frequency, uses the code’s index and M -ary symbols to send codes and spreads data symbols over the subcarriers. Similar to
information, and applies the C-transform to modulate subcarri- [9], [10] considered using the IM based on SS independently
ers. Computer simulations reveal that our OFDM outperforms to the in-phase and quadrature components of the modulated
those of [1], [2] and achieves gains of about 15.6 dB and 15.5 data. The recent work in [13] introduced joint IM over both
dB when spectral efficiency is SE = 1 bps/Hz and 14.5 dB and frequency and code domains (CF-IM-OFDM) to achieve more
13 dB when SE = 1.5 bps/Hz at a bit error rate of 10−4 .
saving in power consumption.
Index Terms—C-transform, index modulation, maximal ratio Most of the studies on index modulated OFDM employ
combining, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, spread fast Fourier transform (FFT) for subcarrier modulation [1]–[4],
[7]–[10]. In contrast, [14] and [15] suggested using discrete
cosine transform (DCT) to improve SE. IM in these literatures
is similar to that in [1], [7]–[9] as it uses some subcarriers for
Multi-carrier modulation is an important paradigm for transmission while makes the others idle.
achieving higher spectral efficiency and reliable communi- This paper takes a further step in investigating IM for
cations under unfavored channel situations [3]. Orthogonal OFDM by regarding the C-transform presented in [16], [17]
frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a multi-carrier rather than FFT. It performs IM at each block of data bits
modulation that can offer high data rate at low hardware and selects a spreading code from the available set. The C-
complexity and simplified equalization [1]–[4]. OFDM has transform is an attractive candidate for OFDM with IM as
profound success in different communication systems such as it can fortify OFDM by high SE, immunity to multipath
long term evolution (LTE) and wireless fidelity (WiFi) [4]. dispersion, and low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR).
Recently, the notion of index modulation (IM) has been The contributions of our work can be outlined as follows,
borrowed from spatial modulation in multiple-input multiple- • We propose an OFDM system that uses IM, SS and
output (MIMO) antennas to subcarriers selection in OFDM C-transform together to increase SE and harvest more
[1]. With IM, OFDM can gain more diversity order and diversity order.
better energy saving than the conventional OFDM at the same • We derive an analytic upper bound for the average bit
spectral efficiency (SE) [4]–[7]. Interestingly, IM introduces to error probability (BEP) in Rayleigh fading channels and
OFDM completely new dimensions for sending information in investigate diversity and coding gains. Moreover, we
addition to the regular amplitude or phase modulations. obtain an expression for the maximum PAPR.
The underlaying principle behind IM is to divide the total • Our numerical results indicate that the proposed OFDM
information bits into blocks, each of which would assign part shows better performance over OFDM-SIM and IM-
of the bits for selecting an index of a transmission entity and OFDM-SS. Specifically at a bit error rate (BER) of 10−4 ,
another for data modulation. Subcarrier IM activates a subset the achieved gains measured in energy-per-bit to noise
of subcarriers from a given set and uses the index of that ratio (Eb /No ) over these benchmarks are, respectively,
subset for encoding information. The OFDM with subcarrier 15.6 dB and 15.5 dB for SE = 1 bps/Hz and 14.5 dB
IM (OFDM-SIM) [1] and precoded OFDM with subcarrier IM and 13 dB for SE = 1.5 bps/Hz.
(P-OFDM-SIM) [8] followed this sort of IM. The work of [9] The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
applied the concept of subcarrier IM separately on the real depicts concisely the C-transform and its complexity. Section
and imaginary parts of an M -ary complex symbol. III illustrates the transmit and receive sides of the proposed
Another variant for IM uses spread spectrum (SS) as a OFDM scheme. Section IV obtains expressions for the average
transmission entity by choosing a spreading code out of the BEP and the maximum PAPR. Section V provides numerical
available codes and exploiting the code’s index to map infor- results for the proposed system and related benchmarks and
mation. This class of IM was initially appeared in [11], [12] Section VI concludes the paper.
H. A. Leftah is with Basrah Engineering Technical College, Southern Tech- Notation: Column vectors and matrices are denoted by bold
nical University (STU), Basrah Province, Iraq. e-mail: ( lower-case and upper-case letters. (·)T and (·)† are the real and
M. H. Al-Ali is with the Computer Engineering Department, University of Hermitian transpose. diag(a) creates a diagonal matrix from
Basrah, Basrah Province, Iraq and also with the Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science Department, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, the elements of a and blkdiag([A1 , A2 , · · · ]) gives a block
USA. (e-mail:; diagonal matrix from A1 , A2 , · · · . Rn×m or Cn×m refers to

1089-7798 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: California State University Fresno. Downloaded on July 01,2021 at 08:31:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2021.3089043, IEEE
Communications Letters

the real or complex space of n×m matrices. aR and aI are the TABLE I
real and imaginary parts of a. is the circular convolution, C OMPUTATIONAL C OMPLEXITY OF THE C- TRANSFORM AND FFT FOR AN
| · | is the absolute value for a scalar and k · k2 is the Euclidean
norm. P(A) is the probability of an event A and E [·] is the N
C-transform FFT
expectation operator. In is an n-size identity matrix. RA RM RO RA RM RO
128 1 926 1 926 3852 2 688 1 792 4 480
256 4 614 4 614 9 228 6 144 4 096 10 240
II. C-T RANSFORM 512 10 758 10 758 21 516 13 824 9 216 23 040
1024 24 582 24 582 49 164 30 720 20 480 51 200
A. Generation 2048 55 302 55 302 110 604 67 584 45 056 112 640
The C-transform for a frequency-domain signal vector of
length N can be regarded as a DCT preceded by Walsh-
Hadamard precoder (WHP). It is obtained using the subsequent For the purpose of comparison, FFT with radix-2 needs
procedure. Let W ∈ RN ×N and D ∈ RN ×N be the matrices complex multiplications (CM ) of N2 log2 N and complex ad-
of WHP and DCT. Given the rows of W and D, permute their ditions (CA ) of N log2 N . Since CM = 4RM + 2RA and
indexes following the bit-reversed-order (BRO) in that use a CA = 2RA , the total complexity of FFT in terms of real
binary sequence to represent each index, take the reverse of operations is given by
this sequence, and finally convert back the reversed binaries RM = 2N log2 N (5a)
to a decimal index [17]. Define P ∈ RN ×N as a permutation
RA = 3N log2 N. (5b)
matrix that would shuffle the rows of W and D according to
the BRO indexes. Table I shows RM , RA and the total number of real oper-
The C-transform matrix can be constructed from D, W and ations (RO ) for the C-transform and FFT assuming complex
P through [17] input vector of size N . It is obvious that the C-transform has
C = PDWT PT . (1) lower arithmetic operations than those for FFT.
The matrix C is real and unitary with C−1 = CT . Owing
to P, it exhibits a block diagonal structure in which C = III. P ROPOSED OFDM S YSTEM
blkdiag I2 , C2 , C4 , · · · , Clog2 (N ) , where Cx denotes a The transmit and receive structures of the proposed OFDM

C-transform matrix of x × x size such that x is a power of 2. system are depicted in Fig. 1. More details about them are
For illustration purposes, the P and C matrices have the given in the sequel.
following forms when N = 8,


0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 A. Transmit Side
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 The proposed OFDM system divides the incoming infor-
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
 

0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 mation bits pT into J blocks, each of which has pj bits,
P= , (2)
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
 j = 1, · · · , J. The pj bits are split further into two parts,
0 0 0 0 1 0 0
the first one is pj,1 and it is used to choose a spreading
 
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
code si ∈ Cnj ×1 , i = 1, · · · , nj , from the columns of
C= ∆

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

an orthogonal matrix S(j) = [s1 , · · · , snj ] ∈ Cnj ×nj . The
0 1
0 0

0 
0 
 dimension nj represents the number of subcarries that are
0 0

−0.3827 0.9239 0 0 0 0 

allocated for the j-th block such that j=1 nj = N , and
0 0 0 0 0.9061 0.3753 0.1802
N is the total number of subcarriers. We consider that pj,1

0 0 0 0 0.2126 0.7682 −0.5133 0.3182
satisfies the relation pj,1 = log2 nj [2]. The columns of S(j)
 
0 0 0 0 −0.3182 0.5133 0.7682 0.2126
−0.1802 −0.3753 −0.0747
0 0 0 0 0.9061
can be generated according to the Walsh codes [8], [18]. The
second part of bits is pj,2 and it is mapped to a real or complex
where (3) is computed as in (1) and W and D are the WHP symbol denoted here by a(j) that takes values from an M -ary
and DCT matrices when N = 8. data, where M is the same for all blocks. For the j-th block
in Fig. 1, the selected code si would spread the symbol a(j)
over nj subcarriers only.
B. Complexity
The output signal from the j-th spreader in Fig. 1 is
The block-diagonal structure of the matrix C defined in (1)
implies that two-third of its elements are zeros. Radix-2 fast x(j) = a(j) si , i ∈ {1, · · · , nj } . (6)
algorithm for the C-transform requires N2 (log2 N ) − (N − 1)
Let us concatenate signals from all the J spreaders in an
butterflies, each includes real multiplications (RM ) of 3 and
N -length OFDM vector x = [(x(1) )T , · · · , (x(J) )T ]T . The
real additions (RA ) of 3 [16]. Hence, the total RM and RA for
time-domain vector after the inverse C-transform would be
the C-transform are

3 yt = CT xR + −1 CT xI , (7)
RM = N (log2 N ) − 3(N − 1) (4a)
3 where the matrix C is formed according to (1) and applied to
RA = N (log2 N ) − 3(N − 1). (4b) the real and imaginary parts of x.

1089-7798 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: California State University Fresno. Downloaded on July 01,2021 at 08:31:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2021.3089043, IEEE
Communications Letters

p1,1 si
(1) The receiver can use the maximum likelihood (ML) criterion
Spreader to jointly estimate the spreading code index and the data
X symbols. Let us partition xe into J subvectors x e(1) , · · · , x
e(J) ,

Create OFDM vector

bits p1,2 M-ary each has a length of nj , j = 1, · · · , J. The ML estimates the
bits Mapper a(1)
index i and symbol a(j) in the j-th block by

Data Inverse (j)
bits C-transform (î, â(j) ) = arg min ka(j) si − x
e(j) k22 . (12)
i∈{1,··· ,nj }, a(j) ∈M -ary
pJ,1 si
Spreader The complexity of evaluating (12) is O(M nj ), which limits
X the application of ML to low values of M and nj .
pJ,2 M-ary An alternative low-complexity detector for estimating i and
bits Mapper a(J)
a(j) is the maximal ratio combining (MRC). This detector can
be implemented through performing correlation between x e(j)
Fig. 1. The transmit side of the proposed spread spectrum OFDM system.
and each column in S and selecting the code that produces

the maximum correlation. Thus, the spreading code index i

Similar to the conventional OFDM systems [1]–[16], a for the j-th block is detected as
cyclic prefix (CP) is added to yt as a guard interval to combat (j)
x(j) )† si |2 .
î = arg max |(e (13)
inter-symbol interference and make the signal suitable for i∈{1,··· ,nj }
transmission over frequency-selective channels.
The data symbol is then estimated using the regular maxi-
Excluding CP, SE for the proposed scheme is
PJ mum likelihood method,
j=1 (pj,1 + pj,2 ) (j)
SE = â(j) = arg min ka(j) sî − x
e(j) k22 . (14)
N a(j) ∈M -ary
= (log2 n + log2 M )/n , (8)
MRC detector is not optimal but offers affordable compu-
where (8) results by letting pj,1 = p1,1 , pj,2 = p1,2 , nj = n, ∀j tational cost [2], especially at large values for nj and M .
and noting that p1,1 = log2 n and p1,2 = log2 M .
B. Receive Side
We shall derive an upper bound for average BEP under
Let the observed signal at the receiver be rt ∈ CN ×1 . After Rayleigh fading channels and examine the maximum PAPR
removing the CP, it is given by for the proposed OFDM.
rt = ht yt + wt , (9)
A. Average BEP
where ht is the multipath channel and wt is the additive noise
in time domain. We shall assume for tractability that there is only one block,
We shall follow [14] and perform equalization in frequency i.e., J = 1, and drop the superscript (·)(j) . Let x be the OFDM
domain through the use of discrete Fourier transform (DFT) signal before the inverse C-transform in Fig. 1 and x̂ be its
and inverse DFT (IDFT) operations. If equalization is handled estimation,
√ and represent the error between them by e = (xR −
in time domain, these operations are not required [16]. The x̂R ) + −1(xI − x̂I ). It is noted from (7) and (10) that e

signal rt is converted to the frequency domain through the subjects to an accumulated transformation defined by C e =
DFT matrix A ∈ CN ×N . Hence, (9) becomes T †
(AC ) ∈ C n×n
, where n is the spreader length. The matrix
e is unitary as both A and C are unitary.
rf = Hf Ayt + wf , (10)
When the channel Hf is given, the pair-wise error proba-
where Hf = diag(hf ), and hf = Aht and wf = Awt are
∆ ∆ bility (PEP) between x and x̂ is [2], [8],
the DFT for ht and wt . We consider that hf has the elements
s 
kH e † ek2
h1 , · · · , hN and each follows zero mean Gaussian with unit P(x → x̂|Hf ) = Q 
f 2
, (15)
2σw 2
variance. The frequency noise wf is Gaussian of covariance
IN . The quantities hf and σw 2
are known at the receiver.
∆ where Q(·) denotes the q-function.
The frequency signal rf is equalized with Heq = (H†f Hf +
We can equivalently rewrite (15) in the form,
γ −1 IN )−1 H†f using a single tap MMSE equalizer to obtain sP !
the equalized signal req,f = Heq rf , where γ = E[|a|2 ]/σw 2
is n
k=1 δk |hk |

the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) [8]. req,f is then returned back P(x → x̂|Hf ) = Q 2
, (16)
to the time domain to yield req,t by IDFT; req,t is processed
by the real C-transform matrix C as, where δk is given by

e = Creq,R + −1 Creq,I ,
x (11) c†k e|2 .
δk = |e (17)
where xe ∈ CN ×1 is the counterpart of the OFDM vector x at ck represents the k-th column of C.
e e (17) gives the absolute
the transmit side. square value for the cross correlation between e
ck and e.

1089-7798 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: California State University Fresno. Downloaded on July 01,2021 at 08:31:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2021.3089043, IEEE
Communications Letters

Performing a procedure similar to that in [8], the average V. N UMERICAL RESULTS

PEP when γ  1 can be upper bounded by
We shall show the performance of the proposed OFDM in
P(x → x̂) = E [P(x → x̂|Hf )] terms of uncoded BER at fixed values of SE. For simplicity, we
(γ/4)−d consider that all the J blocks in Fig. 1 have the same number
≤ Q . (18) of subcarriers n, the index bits p1,1 , and symbol bits p1,2 .
2 k∈Dx,x̂ (δk /E [|a|2 ])
We include for comparison the schemes OFDM-SIM [1], IM-

Dx,x̂ = {k : δk 6= 0} is the set of k values at which δk 6= 0 OFDM-SS [2], P-OFDM-SIM [8], CF-IM-OFDM [13], the C-
and it has d elements. transform based OFDM (C-OFDM) introduced in [16], and the
It is evident Q from (18) that d represents the diversity order conventional OFDM. We shall use the tuple (n, M ) to denote
and the term k∈Dx,x̂ (δk /E[|a|2 ]) is related to the coding the configuration of the proposed scheme and IM-OFDM-SS
and (n, na , M ) to that of OFDM-SIM and P-OFDM-SIM with
gain. The value of d is determined by the transformation C e
na being the number of active subcarriers. The CF-IM-OFDM
and the Walsh matrix S and it approaches n as elaborated next.
system is modelled by (n, L, nc , M ), where L is the length of
Assume that an estimator detects correctly the spreading code
the spreading code and nc is the number of available codes
index such that sî = si but erroneously estimates the M -ary
for each block. The C-OFDM and conventional OFDM are
symbol, i.e., â 6= a. For this case, the cross correlation between
characterized by their modulation only.
ck and e is ec†k e = ec†k si (a − â), and it can be zero only if the
We implement the log-likelihood detector for OFDM-SIM
vectors eck and si are orthogonal. Since si is a column from
[1], MRC for IM-OFDM-SS [2], ML detection for P-OFDM-
S and e ck from C, e it is unlikely that e c†k si = 0. It is implied
then δk in (17) cannot have zero value for k = 1, · · · , n, and SIM [8], and square law energy detection (SLED) for CF-IM-
hence d → n. Consider otherwise that the estimator makes OFDM [13]. Our scheme uses MRC or ML for detection.
the decisions sî 6= si and â = a. Hence, e c†k e = ae c†k (si − sî ), The SE expression for IM-OFDM-SS is the same as (8)
† and for OFDM-SIM or P-OFDM-SIM is SE = (blog2 nna c +
which following the reasoning above entails e ck e 6= 0, δk 6= 0,
na log2 M )/n [8], where nna = na !(n−n n!
and b·c is the

and d → n. We can follow similar argument to conclude that a )!

d is almost n for the case sî 6= si and â 6= a. floor function. SE for CF-IM-OFDM is SE = log2 (nn Ln
cM )
. For
Based on (18), the average BEP has the union upper bound both C-OFDM and conventional OFDM, it is quantified by
1 XX SE = log2 M .
P(x → x̂) ≤ p P(x → x̂)eb (x, x̂) , (19) We set the total number of subcarriers to N = 1024 and
p2 x
x̂6=x the cyclic prefix to N/4. The proposed scheme, IM-OFDM-
where p = p1,1 + p1,2 and eb (·) gives the number of error bits SS and CF-IM-OFDM employ Walsh codes for spreading
between x and x̂. the data symbols and P-OFDM-SIM uses Walsh matrix for
precoding. The transmission occurs over the international
B. PAPR telecommunication union (ITU) pedestrian A channel model
The PAPR formula can be expressed by that characterizes frequency-selective multipath channels.
Fig. 2 shows the BER performance as Eb /No varies for the
max |yt,l |2 proposed OFDM and the benchmark schemes when SE is set
0≤l≤N −1
PAPR = , (20) to SE = 1 bps/Hz. The proposed OFDM is evaluated when
E [|yt,l |2 ]
the length of the Walsh code is n = 4 and when n = 8. It
where yt,l is the l-th element of the vector yt defined in (7). is observed that our developed OFDM system has comparable
It has the following expression, performance to that of P-OFDM-SIM. It furthermore outper-
X (j) (j)
forms the other systems and the performance gap becomes
yt,l = (cl )T si a(j) , (21) clearly noticeable as Eb /No increases. For example at n = 4
j=1 and a BER of 10−4 , the proposed scheme achieves an Eb /No
where cl is the l-th column of C and cl is partitioned as the gain of about 5 dB compared with C-OFDM, 15.5 dB with
(1) (J)
OFDM vector x such that cl = [(cl )T , · · · , (cl )T ]T . IM-OFDM-SS, 15.6 dB with OFDM-SIM, and 22.5 dB with
For simplicity assume that |a | = E |a| and the j-
(j) 2 2 CF-IM-OFDM. This superior performance can be attributed
th block uses the code index i and the code length n, ∀l. It to the C-transform that offers incremental diversity order.
becomes straightforward to show that the maximum PAPR is The schemes IM-OFDM-SS, OFDM-SIM, CF-IM-OFDM, and
conventional OFDM can be easily affected by bad channels as
PAPR ≤ (J/2)n . (22)
they use DFT only. Fig. 2 indicates that the proposed scheme
(22) is achieved by examining the structure of the matrix C has improved performance over the benchmarks except P-
and realizing that its columns have at most (Jn/2) non-zero OFDM-SIM when n = 8 with some loss in Eb /No gain.
elements. This loss in performance is expected as the constellation size
Clearly, our scheme can reduce the maximum PAPR by a M gets larger. The ML and MRC detectors give similar per-
factor of two over the conventional OFDM by recalling that formance for the proposed OFDM at the considered channel
the number of subcarriers is N = Jn. Furthermore, it exhibits model.
lower PAPR than the scheme of [13] when choosing n < 2L, In Fig. 3, we depict the BER performance versus Eb /No at
where L is the length of the code spreader employed in [13]. SE = 1.5 bps/Hz. Since C-OFDM and conventional OFDM

1089-7798 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: California State University Fresno. Downloaded on July 01,2021 at 08:31:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2021.3089043, IEEE
Communications Letters

do not support the SE of 1.5 bps/Hz, we evaluate their VI. C ONCLUSION

performance at SE = 1 bps/Hz and SE = 2 bps/Hz. For We have developed an index modulated OFDM system that
high Eb /No regime and 10−4 BER, the proposed scheme selects a spreading code from an available set and uses its
has considerable performance gain over IM-OFDM-SS and index to convoy information. This system is equipped with
OFDM-SIM by about 13 dB and 14.5 dB. Moreover, we the C-transform instead of FFT for subcarriers modulation in
can notice the proposal achieves 1 dB gain over C-OFDM the sake of enlarging SE and diversity order. Numerical results
at SE = 2 bps/Hz and it becomes in close performance with have been conducted over standardized multipath frequency-
the latter when SE = 1 bps/Hz. It also performs quite well selective channels and shown the performance of the proposed
compared to CF-IM-OFDM at high Eb /No . P-OFDM-SIM OFDM is quite encouraging. The proposal exhibits Eb /No
exceeds our OFDM system by about 2 dB as the former uses a gains at BER of 10−4 over IM-OFDM-SS, OFDM-SIM, and
matrix precoder at the transmitter and a decoder at the receiver the regular C-OFDM of 15.6 dB, 15.5 dB, and 5 dB with
to gather more diversity order. SE = 1 bps/Hz and of 14.5 dB, 13 dB, and 1 dB with SE = 1.5
bps/Hz for the first two schemes and SE = 2 bps/Hz for the

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