Invoice@Regal Court

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Room 702, Hing Wai Center,

7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Tel: 9278 3274 / 6890 2003

Ref. BLSP0003
Date 10 Jan 2022
Name Regal Court
Attention Mrs Yeung
Address Room A , 11/F , Regal Court, 94-96 Waterloo Road, Hong Kong
Tel. +(852) 5181 9004 Fax.

From Mr. Brandon Y.P. Lau & Oli Lam

Tel. +(852) 5917 0328 Fax.

Item Description Unit Price Total Amount

天花牆身油漆, 2浸批灰 1底2面油漆 (包執裂紋, 崩爛, 止 $ 53,000.00 $ 53,000.00

1處30平方厘米 石矢剝落, 油鉛水油,防水層及執英泥 $10,000.00 $ 10,000.00

房門門鎖 X3
$ 850.00 $ 2,550.00
冷氣機, 連清 及安裝
$ 3,800.00 $ 7,600.00
$ 6,500.00 $ 6,500.00

行政費 Waved

$ 10,000.00 Waved

Total: $ 79,650.00
Room 702, Hing Wai Center,
7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Tel: 9278 3274 / 6890 2003
Terms & Price: As Stated above, including delivery charge, installation & commissioning.
Conditions 價格: 以上報價包括產品運費、安裝、及測試。
Delivery: Delivery of goods and services will be prepared within 7 days.
送貨: 當客戶確認訂單後7內提供產品及服務。
Cancellation Order: 50% Cancellation charge will be imposed upon cancellation of confirmed order.
取消訂單: 確認訂單取消後,將被收取此工程單總額的60%的行政費用 。
Validity: The above offer will remain valid for 10 days from date of issue.
有效期: 以報價單發出日期10天內有效。
Payment: 60% Balance as deposit, 40% Balance to be settled upon work completion
付款: 工程款項 60% 為定金, 餘下之40%,完工後支付。
Ownership: The ownership of the goods to be delivered by us shall not pass to the buyer until the
buyer has paid to us the purchase price and other incidental charges, if any. Should the buyer
resell the goods before the purchase price and other incidental charges, if any; have been
Paid to us in full, the buyer shall account to the proceeds of our resale thereof.
產品擁有權: (1) 在客戶未完成所有付款的情況下,本公司持有產品的最後擁有權。
(2) 在客戶未完成所有付款的情況下,客戶不可以將產品銷售。
Overdue Payment: Customers have the liability to pay for debtor agency service.
延誤付款: 客戶如果未能按照付款細則付款,則需要支付追討收帳過程的所有費用。
Contract: Unless otherwise agreed this quotation will become a valid contract once it is accepted.
銷售合同: 除非有其他協議,否則當客戶簽署確認報價單後,即成為一份有效的銷售合同

For & on behalf of Confirmed & Accepted by


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