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I. Fill in the blanks

1. Astrophysics is the study of of matter and energy in the universe.
2. ______________ star is the remnant of a supernova.
3. E = mc2, c stands for
4. _______________ is a supermassive black hole which is about hundred times the energy output of the whole
solar system.
5. A supernova is a powerful and luminous stellar .
6. Albert Einstein formulated the theory of .
7. is usually a huge cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space from a dying star.
8. Spectroscopes determines the nature of
9. __________________ is a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or
radiation can escape, and even light cannot pass through.
10. Red giant stars are enormous cool star which emits light.

II. Explain the two postulates of relativity by providing at least 1 situation in each postulate.
 Einstein’s first postulate “Principle of relativity” (states that the law of physics are the same in every
inertial frames of reference)

 Einstein’s second postulate states that “The speed of light in vacuum is the same in all inertial frames of
reference and is independent of the motion of the source”. (it implies that it is impossible for an inertial
observer to travel at c, the speed of light in vacuum)

III. Relativistic time, length and mass.

1. Prove that simultaneity is not absolute by providing at least 1 event/observation.

2. Time dilation is the phenomenon of time passing slower for an observer who is moving relative to another
observer. Explain why.

3. A spaceship flies past earth at a speed of 0.850c. A crew member on board the spaceship measures its length,
obtaining the value 750 m. What length do observers measure on earth? (Show your complete solution and
encircle your final answer)

4. What is the mass of the proton traveling at the speed of light? (Mass of a proton at rest is 1.67262 × 10−27 kg)
(Show your complete solution and encircle your final answer)
IV. Relativistic Dynamics
1. A bus is approaching an observer on Earth with a velocity v = 0.55c. A person in the bus throws a baseball
towards the observer at a velocity of u’ = 0.75c relative to the car. At what velocity does the observer on Earth
see the ball approaching? (Show your complete solution and encircle your final answer)

2. A particle accelerator is three kilometers long and accelerates proton at the speed of 0.500c, which is half the
speed of light. Calculate the relativistic momentum emerging from the accelerator and compare its value with
the nonrelativistic momentum (mass of proton, mp = 1.67262 × 10−27 kg). (Show your complete solution and
encircle your final answer)

3. Compute the rest energy of an object with a mass of 5000kg. (Show your complete solution and encircle your
final answer)

V. Atomic and Nuclear Phenomena

1. A cook uses a microwave oven to heat a meal. The wavelength of the radiation is 3.50cm. What is the energy
of one photon of this microwave radiation? (Show your complete solution and encircle your final answer)

2. The half-life of a radioactive sample is 45minutes. If the sample originally contains 5x1015 nuclei, how may
of these nuclei remain after 6 hours? (Show your complete solution and encircle your final answer)

3. The activity of a radioactive sample is 2.7 Ci and its half-life is 3 days. Then activity after 27 days will be:
(Show your complete solution and encircle your final answer)

For items 4-5. A sample of germanium-76 of mass 200 g has a half-life of of 4.3 hours.
4. What fraction of the sample has not decayed after 17.2 hours? (Show your complete solution and encircle
your final answer)

5. What is the mass of undecayed germanium-76 after this period of time? (Show your complete solution and
encircle your final answer)

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