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Page No.


elossSem- OA 6 Sem
Namy apu- E:(ommere
Cution Papeu Ib
Dah of camination oslo8|2021
Signatint d skdent h s

An :
Plahz Mony i Plastic Mon Heuy b haud thrtf
okich Can b d iutadecckual bank noes,
Maktausyp plasife mOn QA Cosh_caxda dehit cokd,
C3tditcOHo He-tad Caxos and chaxa coaxolt
Plouh an eayL0au o maki ymenbE
n eckange gotdA
d s Cndsevies to duütu_
wwnge Cosh and make paymeat BysBem.
coshles laday plastfe cods
opulauity+ CMOAAbanlcex 0 0ellas
an ad getne Gcepkdn 'maadee place
Casuing aahginhand f ue ditult
COuy at ocash Yt become Une ay aAg
o h (0alle balgaaaat kuch auahons
plostic mONeYComeA oy kolp Lue _an also atA=
dvaw Cash usi platic Cadi
Pag No 2.
Roll. alo- 10998 Dte os|os|20)1 knahoa
a a Ccuyptions SoncMuPbna euy to Scambkg_o
dlalal messag n Such my hat only A dfk
and Can e ad mesage JE s an eleci
LDfSxuningka Contenk elechoonic doa.
CncaypHbn Helen pentes Con uotir _plainer
messae o cipheukort_by - 3ndyÎn ordey to
m emeaniao u mexxa
Encxyphon Conceau mtanings by chonyi MoHCyLA
fhto unintelible messagy A a t i sndypuh a_
plain mescage. fext to a Cod?fedalgo thm and a
KeoJet an ouput ciphsq ext. Th Send
encxyk SsSagesand h xeiue hos to
decay H nxce to undsland moaAni

ation GcceAdo caha n a netuggoeokfth s conbolled

by _netooxk rd admlniskator t also deala oith u
DTEUeTtifon ad deenkon anauthotiaed adionby
usu a Combun
Nekood gudt consist _peuouA and poliuy
adopled a Aetooze admnishator to prevesE and
moniteremauthon 2ed acces mÍsue. moditiatfon or
deial a a combuter netooyt gnd eto0 Qccesible
SOUy e.
kken tontideing neBwosk.seumy must be emphati
- 2adAat _ Lokole. net:oo dc is Seure Aletuooak
seumky dou not DOy Concenfu secuH n A
Combuteu a t each end e Communiaton_chan.-
lkan tancniHna data, Communicatfon dala skould.

Rol:.lo-2109598 Date -06 o201 mth24

not be uulienable. to attack A possible hatkev
Could fanae Lommuni.cotion channelL oblein
daBa decnypE_Y and enset_atallt mesat
Seun Me ssage_ fut a _impotant u
seuing h_combukeu and tOLyp Hy_ messay

Gnleazalg -business apblfcatibn An e-business use

Pnlen lechnoloay o ataetsafsu and ulan-
CuuHonmeA Who_huu poductsand kavia.
Shreamlin supbly choln manuachuaing and prouzun
t n t Aycemdo ecrenty dleliwi u ght
paroclurts and Seviceso ustone
-businen abblications au oeb bued atblPcahena Hat
Ca b Imblenmenke peonn a tor bussine
Cammone businos applfcation pouids Som_cday {r
o inteaact Consume AnA
a Conmbony
eb bpeloma elaketo Metfy
Concumeu d LSuch a_anlm_ uckih opastul

JAlholesal enmMDCE hlhalt.sal -tommeku ?s abutnen

Ho businea B2A ecommetu medul ohunu Tnskead
sellisg y mdu adividuolly o Consumt, 4d
sell bulk and af a discoun to
oHe busine.
APKn spph ckain 4bul baially hu
alenaoijay betotan A 0anyarkur and_dismbut
OY 0 ealen

Rol No. 21O99 a o608o &t

AddPionaltysinu 0 A Halkin About ohalesals

ecomkMCJaL A element uing ond seliu
OnliA Dmuthing atafwly A B28 bukinis
model, but qooonqa
Poll Alo-2109S48 Dah
66b?|p021 m Puge Ne.5
An 2 CommAHCL
E-commezce e to ad xong
ont bustnen adfuiykor pmduk ond eatas
aluo peanaa anany{oamobusine tonacho
n ubh potiu olkruc electaon?callysathon
an by phyca txchongu oa clireeh phyulcal
e- ommet h elechori Lommun ades
and dPaftal akoxmahon pxengtechnology
HusineM Aanca.chonAfe creaP nanitomasd
edeine elahonshipA aolue treatön betoean Ar
among OrganisaHEnA and hehoeen organfahfens_and
ndYui dunl.
Aduaatages elenaonlin or eLommtzLu),

eLonDmy By any landaxd ommertL i

econOmicca nlik brfkbrfck -ond-_ncatal (had iond
RnuTgnamen L Bno entel o physital store
gpuc Insuaaneg er hashuctue. inveutment.

GAlobal ean N nienat an Accestedbs-

anuDNL at Anlin a em anypheu, h u
Moyeet Kach o a Combn
0e beyond Y geogauphi._loation and tHns
xtined olthustomu
o3ona u0 081d._
Dm all ou

and Con unience £leconít apklt

1aazmatiin hOHÍn
ape N6-
Rol. No. 210958 Dau OCD82021 Amyhre

platu inopaDLL nioamabbn shahg betuwenmezchandu

and utomeu ondprombk qufkdelPueti. Gustom
and mxchont kau. monayxpenenu u t jams,-
and clo_not a to cay OA
40Costeketthu _Busnex ogon?sat'ans emluat
o s t ehectivenas oulpouttelore makBp_
huLanonat hat£-LommuHL
tatalCosk o buiress th o _p0cessiha cot
pocuatmaat pUKchoda cot selhng ond mace hy

Rad lr ope ahen -tomManu enahley

hoh buSine houses And cutomanloengage
a buaintst Condach 24 X9 s apporhumtu
ho ncealea al- busines_oherabenu and.
Cuw tomuy Connechvity obusnesi

saoluan Tage
Hidden Cost o n u Qu vauoy Kidden_Losh
associouteecd dth produ Ch fr exambleonnv
puerhose au oto actonmbanied b4 gh skipphg aad
stocYn te hok au maY -lomne»ck_tomponi
OUEohaee ustorma Jor skiphhg_ond
lehwodemeliabiky rletuooxle elfoblity prbkm
a'se nn etommextl be Cau AYctooS such_a
Pag N
Roll Alo-21p999 D o6lo82021oha

LOn espon d udu to nceoyd_nelhuoo

ihcatajed Lond &or'dHh.

EquipmenB_laiut Yn h ehoostE Connechon_pou

Actidenlal_pokdems Lawsedby atwy suth

Hooda eathquakas at_ohftct LommunicaHon

13 acka Seunk Setumh°enk_on u

nkanetE_ TS a_ma0 coocem InAL-etommert
Payment CabdLquirs tarth h k
yLtem_ seumy ustoo _a co0ed about
CredtCard delails to endors_bete-
u o H uty suepeYaleaE h h

4 D l Aanilion inblentationotmntot
Sqwe echnologlfc hase a Loe_a 3iled
tadtional yttem omMertLto erLomnrei
Suskem_ adoda inttaly.Pata_pudeetiey ad
nteantyoSlem hathandly w data au
SerioA Cocexna Combuter viul ca unerea
delays kile barkupsstoag_pmblkm eke: heu ?sa
dangt o hackex Qccessiho fiyand LoruHi
Onli CacCcunt e oanizatfea._

Poll-lo-21098 DatiO62201 Amyhn


Unit -I
Pu T In7ustuchu £-tomneaco _onlin buineM
eliablt.Rahoort. 1n\aushutu to.
MOU Pntoamahb and xeul q aktuathen-
nq_distn buted enuivonmoat 1k -ommente
atplitah'mw upon o0 ka Comporent
Hechnolog ie t bublfsinechnology
or H (Cahono dilal account
and olPsffbuhon lechnology to uniyeysuly mou
digdalConlents CNd Hansattfons Mtomahen.
natoon h^rastaudtuu Maior
oundah en Lolul pulPtad?en and dish bufen
echnalogi au hon pllani at suppont
Coeaion dshmbuttoe Lommontu ppicabeau
haddi Hondo dechrologital asteauttu buiney
Tahaastauthoa alo
aluo es ential lor
CommoytL ftoussh buines sevie
insaauttunu Comis directonSevtes
otah enC seanch gerui ol, and a toust_
mechansm or paiuateceunt eliahleand non-
ehadiablL rangactionAalongcoih an Onli
rantia_stattmend mech Cu'sm
oY QmiLDO ommeste
onGKet llouoiu oi elemnh

JNihooxtbauctuoz kanetuooak ntausiHuckux

OYM loundahion electoonfe
CommosL _play uolt a F anabzuy
2oudonspoat ighiaays hte hadional
Rall No- 210959 Da 061o3}20 tyt

Commeate Nletooak, ohatuAtrudur slice mds

eo0ak tot a Pnterconnecttd and ad
di eunt uictengtha and qualiy. for
excnmple Inttana 1ANs ntronotthe. lngormation
pmaton qooclyand hanhsa dongmou betwecn
ltnt and Com mexc prourde hrou4h
neooak Khhumyi Neiwak
nutuctuuA auo-
uee dwea ama&uth o Calellik br
cellu lauJechnologyet.
ulimedia a Conttat adNetoost PubiRkiy
Inknrhuth MulimaolPa conteutPs Creaed wi
VTAiouy uch HTNLcud AVA.
Conont Can b Ve diut oth utyiug
dagas comblny simila to didtant
Vehiclu Toaullng dodyor ecam]blz, fect on,
or mort COmplex onapphcotion Ruch a omaula_
gam Containng Videoaudio,g2mphits anda
pq2tienw publichi ahaotauchuucanb un
a h aahuttun e uehicles and 0aehoude
ohSch etort Cid honspoxeltctonfe data
aNd mulHnedla conenalong u hatwoak

3Magig and hhogmahfonDlbuhon_lnaosthautunt

MKagnqOnd lpaimahid distipuh'en hkutuctoy
Q ue_ and fuol, okich toansto
Ke data aoLno A_Metuoovt, Once th
Mul madla conlen i i created suha to
aMaM sendd aAd vehnwlng hisator
iatHenfor exanble. by ¬dItmaulHpiN_

Roll. No- 2109598 Dat- 06|08 201 Amw Puge NeJb.

Text Tacunae Paototol glectwnic. Dada InteschongL

CED)f used b o29onfsaties4or pont ueben
ha ccuy on qulan u to q pDe
delerminoa ai cA conists diruE
Combuteua ompulen ironcmfssn odata amo
Vauo Ps ued Paq num beo
dad gectos f he10xanÍsahbnel29ulan

4)Comm.oA uinestSeuiCR oneuUNOnce

Consent d daa hodban decläred,dfablayd
and hspnimHedcuppotiy busints Seávre au
neceasay oY lailifahng buyibui selPa nd
othon anyadie saely and eiably for
ekample manr caou authonhtcah enelechonit
DpnauakdihettoniuCotaloguL,ett. fo e-tommehc
o b oble u hoofmpatat Íssuug nd
o be addaesedi putehi on_uhu geurtu o
|iokormathion Aat P ba- madlaualabe,
onli and pnkection aAA haanscctien JAat
auelsCou httoodt. Tue Puuos
baddaCed by deploying shong_eik
Seuity LaLu Aai Lonstany_MO tor e_
i ox unAuthentisatedand _auhonied actfui1y
vixudeHRrhinonl liinatioy4lema ad
nuon delerton urkems,encybtion methawmy
and he L0glu
Page e. .


aRetoile A xetuleu s a pexonagEnyorr
Conaniyax_an (ogonfkah'nkat Pashiumanded.
sdahing good, MaRhondire and trviy
hRld dutoman.
tlau toad a 82C_dien Qttilortunun
play a Cxucial ole in relal tads a buuA.
hdd at buin taanacions au tm dhueteg
dixey_ath. Relevl faigu ue

-comnaenc.a toolA haue hlptel k reales

elea ling pmovidu an e artek to maiki
Onli mausa hlac sac o Apkauteßau nd
ArMOron alloco 14ON a up a Tmble
onli ghop dnd relpaoclu etsohl n miuuki
9elline DaiN CAn elimnaH Aad or apNiu
dai pxmite a ConMum dath tal albon
yon huat h bekymatain nd ltomas
expPMenCLonuouur etommL k

GHe-Hina a i n nnouabu product to MayERt_hough

od HenChannuain erpeniuatnol Hmi ontumiy
Put elechDAic. tdanlin allooc_a_qeocduclk deutlope
to bypcRs ispro(eSS Qnd sel_dinecty to end
Jugp ' p 12
oll. o-21p959: Dau 04|o9 2o1 myoa

A majox advonta of olectoonic. elail oul

pMUSe bctd cle obilily b
expand mauket beyond loul coutomou
qicelyYou may dtou a Shoy demand
or rodtutts n oth ounhiu i h yo4
Co nepond to by tage.led manbeling b y
qouyLebatk n a d4Atnlanpuoj.
to le n i maehing tool to asgut raua
ctonu ad websÝle nyeis hro o gao
i g h t nta yDu Ctomok nuu

AM b) Aneik e-eai
ay QC to manktt lechon' rekaulbnE roduy
to mahcer Og novtetpla
such as pkaa eay ond Anazon allow ayon to
sc u impl onlin shop d rellpmducts o n
mAue seli hrouyh onli mostatplaus i uy
204 and eFasle.

Radu tuod outyhsadai sell onli Can elimhati salw

Ax ensLetai prem'4 and Curtomuy
acdiy datallo y0u fo mwt n beHey
anlehy aAd CuyonmuexpeiLnLL on youh tomeru.

amnouahu ar Ugu Podut e hyawo

Roll No21095+8 Dab 06|08|20 dog

Innouatiu _product o man kxoug tadhora)

channelk cpeAi Ond tim-Conumin. at
elechonic actihhg allnu _proclut'h dwelqpe.
toba po0ceA_ and c ditchy toeno

Wideny o Nauyleat Erpot: A mapr aolunta

u pxm?itu baedelailuy f the
abi pexpandyou maeL beyondlocal.
uttomuAUy quickly. Youma distOUer a
shor demand
Coun is ich yDu n shond to by
axgeked oayktti riy youuoebsile in a
dileunb Or hy patnuiq h an
Con pay

Cuyto Me lalelhiscÁce le chonie aRhailky paouidy

ahi to ue bnP maykethy tooly h_
ADLS Cuutonm anodotbyk analy
otiA ogain faigh 2nto_qnuy utomy's
RolNo-210998 Dat 06fo8|2021 Artahu


A lechiquua -
d 4as Dada euwn4 au
Enca4bhinr £cayphione4to4
toshLSLaambiny 9/_
dgital_MALagasi kuch 0u AAE mly
and eCitu Co ad I mda
is_ g poces a Con uyh h -plainkt
megagk aphektby tH Kendufa coeeto
Aeunh Condents electunit du
encuph on coceala Ha moanine by changiy MMay
cohatw diy

algothm and a kytoqut an outat cip let

H sudu entaylpks iaye and #u
e kou todecyprt in oxelas o unulrland

etiu Cnopxathtol eoy LSQAL

-d a datq hiy haumted oNG skooxt
Sendo monautÝen_encpk_Hat elatea
uin a Sece cod and nly Hu
peciid Cayn detxubh data uiy

2 Nehoor Setum Netoo3 eCuMks e-

acca o daa n a mhooyt
akch 9s Conolle by AAatLoos_dmnsoJor
Age N 1S
2o11 o-210959 Dab 06lb8|202 nukm
9t cdso deoly oith t pxunhbn and. deltthn e
unaulthon20d ach nk by ue Acompuly.
Netooat.Seuity ntist the proufsfou cd
poli'u4adopl-ed by a nofoole. administoator to opra
Ond monitor unautheraieed accom?1 modiya
-on r_ dental _LoMbule nuhoot and
atoo octexibu'ejouneeu Khan consideng netwoA
Rumy ut_ emplhaAized Hat okol/
utot Is_ceu Oehuo o secun doe not
anly Cmcean 4seuy_n a comauleys at ead
ed 4a Lommundtatien cain. ohn toanini i
datu communicahen_ckannel. shauld noE
b ulOY&H tn akack ApOSsibk hacleu
could dease.e
could th Lommunitahen_channeloblain
dadedade decyph andl Pacet a falyo
MaicLge ecuiny ntkoo s Put a mbo
adant as eums omputHes nd eayptiy

13 0ia shnahuu A dPgaldonaky

Cutoganphic echanicm Aat beor-ea a4inla
unctioa a wmHtn_ignatuu ta
uu tA and contati e messa9
a n e-iqnatuseaithwntrcatcalthaogh
encxypHonae passuooo Digia Ygnactu.
ene Outuniu o akomatYen,
an authenhican on_ Machanism Hat eble
Ceator aLtdg.e fo atech a Co
Phat acds a 4 STqu-fun sgnatuxe
omod ky tathe ho hash 4ask_and

Roll N 210 198 Dab 061082014 m z o

encxypti messge oth he Ceatox_pouok.

Tobe voalid eisilal signaBus mut hou lau Jdllbuoiny

Authunhiciy Avali aignatuot Înpiy aat u

i n delherakly 2nad atotkiatd

signatuu toate axosiatednuag

Aaa-Tuabiii e inictac cdacumant_
COnnot be uedL On ancth documLat
Non-aepudiationi u siangh CaAADt denu hun
14n0d a doumaat hotha1alfd si natuhy
mkegnty Eentuku hit H_clocumuat hauu not
hoen modtird

4) Axwall: A atuoull is a ckooat ceik

4t lemdeignod optat_unauthonsahn_
OCCe fo 0ipom aLpaiuakAaooyk.E
lacod a yuncren or 9ateuoaubetocern
to00 Ntuoot
tuallA_ Con mplemoAted a both kaudwane
and Sofkoay Or a conbirah 9 hoth. Jetwoyt
egentl4 Luedto_peent_
unauhoi2d_alezno u a om acekbiy puat
oor Lonnerted to Intermetexpecialy
inkaneti ALL enlenngal~au'ng t
Phteact parsAough A tiakich exaninay
each 11ag. cvd blocE ko ab donnt . NOt
Roll No.210198Dat 0gs kmyhou

tspedd Secwnty Cnteya

ecuiy_Lorifitaleale Seuoy4 Eeztigiudts a wgu
daital dwed-o e dentil o a 0
ndiuicual oebte Cetiele
Cnalko wed t o authenitoat a Cutomeh
becau Contein ntomahen_about Hu
we uuallyStoRd Pn h bnuosey,_AH_
denicah én ce lao up
eohal zecod dhe olataba to eelezmias
s or ko yinpaplien
opienpatRHRI ouo_pAnb_
albahiupnduct, lntomaPon er kevisea,to
Dii1a cetifcatt s enn eectooNc elocument suud
h acezt?{icate.authouiy CeA o establ3h_
a mchans _deits. Ky a he hoat aceu
toansation Laseshopbing_pa he nteraou
buyA Sed UTdenc ttat ihy ean u t he
Andor Sone rasbucha. digkal s+gnatuy
and others u e drstal signatuwe and okus
w diglal_cextiiaks do establ1?sh MOchan
Ydently 1 a diaitl extfcat is on ekchon
Cocrd ak_establRshos O aedentiaLa oken doin
businesson e oeh.

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