Classm Conkanyo W: Quhan Yotay Ia-52 Sy2

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Ondunsthy Rol Mo g081196

n Jabada igkt Ze»0 Eight C Seven Seven x
claSsm -BBA Sem
Conkanyo w
QuhanYotay IA-52sy2
Dak oxom - 19-02-2021
Tolad no- fau



A 2 Memoandum. oAAociakdn
Accoyding Sec2 2 (22) o t umnaiu Acl 1956
Memo dncdum man h Utmacandum Auoahen a
Hom dnsuNan ay- COmpcny
Memorandum Asodahen aa oumndha has
le oih uagiktasay Comaneu a
oncxahn compa is sfkn
CodJed memoanelum and comhnead
undlamanta Adlhen mhhois
a Company apeaas
Memodand um Amuahon s most mbovlant
documand acempan t Aales oliect
ch Coron s ud Contei
9Ugt pyeu Compu ayd is CulUed iceactM_
Page Ne 2

chaule compay
Hemonandum Asoiahenis Most_mpo--
alotumend_ Meea to be muled
a uumost Cau cloumank Hal
ueluhan ghih baluoen (ambaun aAd outhd.
L0aaNemoaandun o Assouatbn RemVea dhe
naulien d h Combany Hat dleinu all
Xule Ond agulahsnaht M b comhiled
coMbg 4 ismanolaby or ewexy
LomqnH- taoiereed

memonandumo Assocouhen..
Once Hu doumout prepawol as A cambany
do o peom beyana t s MonHn
conarold a Auhxtm olocument

Decmnt Oo-Viaes

Uhaapnouhbeyondund Uink heApo0UY.M

Achon o uheb tMenogund ume oaho is ulta.
Ues compan lochoneUhaUiu
gtale han an actOk ch 13 beyond_hg soey
combon e kichis aotialed or
H ohieck elaut
Memoanclun o soqahen s Wholly openah and
oid. Congequniy olae nof bind k
Comon ortouu ole bocy_ ghas. holelee
i s co/ledoben lha
Vias which hog beas hm e>lab 3had t
o Ashbuy Hay/uay arduaq end aon d.
Roll No- PosI776 Dak-19/o6/2
docmcochN Ulha Ui ko bean eslablislad to
mouid gCunyto nuatoxs cnd rea hri
Prouiolugthat ua
VA_Cchly- Alal not be hantea
haComa Compay h _noney &ha be uhi
2dîn q besii aHOA 0ny and consequnh_
t seucal p s ttair inuetmAE dace
dochinoulta-Ue nd i_uuh wu
banuak out alaaly n h emou Ca
sh busy RaulaayCo
Caxuag and on Comban . y
Rith uahj2ek u Comban thsc04
C 0 o wnokond sel lend on hour alou Come
and p04ons ond all Bro alo0ylan_et
CLY 20on di buiak aMeckan cal engngs
ndqeniAa Conrocnri

coma_eakrdAko a Cansue t h M Rick

mo ailayconaton, nany H
tonstushian a Ailoaus lne PelaiumO
epudfaken o s caHtra hyt (om2y
beinguulba- viae, Ricke
soug an achen r domageso breach o
Conba cese on tae nudkat a d genea
COntactos qaue ou doh Comban wente
Ratn uch conhau ond hat kay e
LOHAn dh podeuo Lompem4

Roll No - 8081726 Dae 19-06-2 P 4

Docmnt Ulta-i o n qllusory

Polechonot gkaekoldy and PiHalL

Te doch ba-viat i nlend o oleet

a t h CDmbay an ced hrd h o
elea oih an bais qr Comban4
MeMOrandum o soduhenAny ac beyond Tu
pexmiHed ao 0 Opeyohen AUoic and a
AO ega elec Bat H Coxpoyahion s_uoid_
A ka alegal e e
alwayendeauaaeal to escabe a utafhon inko
Sed by t dochn Dlha -Ue by datin
Ha objech cley emend um o AssouasHe
i nuey uioltesm hoato Inorporak al
on üeyable objiet.
Aton orth to oljerk y wuaysbell at
20LA Lich compan doi/ b eniHedo
exy CSA inËadouung oyecta, e Ault
con cieuabl achorky and podey
nclucloo In_mem Orand um ComeLokau benaath Hy
mos oly s pple t cogbony om b
haleagRd ulbq-ur
urthan okae any a h_Contbany alha
Ahclas but k inda-uisc
Company_pnayalley iclu
Mumbrandum o
Od 2ahu tu acd, i e act o_oluaectozs i
H Outhomy deegoted fo om, y_
|Pag 5
Roll alo Ko81926 Dale -19/os/2
Ho them Com May kuth
an Odlinay or eiaesaluhem, a
Mau b& podod suth oatk ou AT lha-v
ombunyL Such aHacaho1 an be
pmediuclicf t aukaots_
Conasquenty Hu pottchon ooed hu tu_docm
Vn ot skaHeholdeu ansHu Hizd
psts deakag to hi pax u al beilyonay
to soMe erlen
Pg Ne .
Rol Ne- 8goS|774 Dak 1962
UNit L
Ary uChawaialA jolat elock Compeny houlel kau mpila
to nance
_capita by ssuovhase k Memoand um a
ksod oukion mus stake te aMount s _capital oih
och Caman elekired to b Soisterp
deur ded. Wkon ola apih aCombeunug deviold
ino ghaA. n Cale shau Gpra
otlas oedy t cohilallleokeolba jow shek.
ombay basineu apeaahen tnoan_aA shay
a ta. Gta s olaj sum 4 amo unt o
capilad tolseled om ghoehaldan or athitin
Lommon g0al o Compan Rlaled in
Hemoendum oApciahen

h Shou aia)_ea limited Conpuny y gha

11Yse eenca Sta op1tU.

12) qwty ghaL Capital.

L0reyen cho a maauu ad por of

Cata u Lompan ich
L preeyendia) sighk fo poyhntenk diui clen
axed_htt Houtt ouring u e fim
hCoyyon conding ap R ombany mele
o be 1epaud
t o amound d
ghs Cata aujol u
Pogr Ne
Rolh ao-&oRI776 Dole 19/062
12) Cqulty
_mean oth2efyencedo a Combpon bnited by
shooul aghadu_capit pot prejoyens_ghau

&echon 2 Coman Acl Fb3

Acsadi d i e l into
shak apita n 6

Suth Cupita i authonzed by memoxn

o cafien a Com pe fo b y
MOAimum_ amoun skau Cepre e t Com
ZEs lso femmod
Nomina OX
cobila o u combay

as thomponSRA
L Maan guch coplku
Aimor Cubtenpio tonsish t ska
im to Ou
to1thin e
eesor bscaiphen
okith a
euthomgd i

)Subcnbed Gpital
uch pasut M Capal olh+ch s
me by d mem o
Hm bei ub&Hibed
s Com pan e e d nt
SSued Coditdwith hos_been dubscn hed andalbl
2haye CSuegdo
rel Lws inckude any bony
ako. heldebu
Rol. No- 8aS79 Due 19p4J

1 Calad-u-apitel : n simplu cooyd 21 Moany

Such pc o fo Cabita) tihich_hu Lean_alleol or
puynaa. Whorouu_a_xhcu a wmount 1s Calleda
skanchol Laila amoun all ox
pwhally iknoon o alled-up omount o
Calt aHheau o ubbajd_col
Ao amoun du dn shauSubscnhed mo
be calleced anm eohaneholelu
in leen n e Callad - u apitl fs Hat
mOun shaANormina ualudkoy gubs
hed oahich Compey ho cted
shaseholdes o pu b wRO o dals ba

akich is yu pud bu HMambasy is kno-

a paid ab-(apital. n_othu L0oelu
ocid-upabrtd ertsent ateu_poymah Mad
gayehalduu auCompAns eance
b deduchy to_allin
Comhan Colculated
rom cplal
Pogr N 9.
Roll. No 8o91774 Dak-19/04/

Afrtu,7MeciagAmechng a qaheinq teo- 3

_achituinga eu
nenarhen, uth a eholnA
eachina CLqseepMLA_
Accaading Pk.lakoth Any 0thing, akembly
comA aaeth01 koo o MOxe peon r
ho antacho ocomll bsRK Common
Loncen is called meehnp

A_companu mee hngma be dlere er

cocuande ecoaingtogetha a t leat_a_
QuDyOm memberu
an aem bl apeio ho au Cannee d
ampein or dsCsTen t ombany_
MatheA `ie)ahng o alicOCnt_Cthuia
Vosic nds o Neeliags

121 Oer Meeiss
Neehrs dHo layehobesu
Thase ascbs1iedBo unod unda

a)&rahub Meeling
comany lied bu gha and
evy mtecoma lisaniedby qudante and.
haui ng gha apiteu_ aPMod
ono les Han on month nd aat mort Hoat
SaxmondhA_ a hich Hu
Company enh Hed o commente buine, hold a
9enya mehg a Aaycholdk wkich to be
Called asioy Meehng
Drual stuy
is meethng
haueo scw ot b
Drector& naona taduzoy Repo alich_(onta -
palhiub reloing o dyemaien H lom>un

bAnnua eneaa ehag

Annua Mene ol Meehng i an rant
C o m p a n 94 i usualu helo onte.
AGHMciuld Le (onduiked ba
poth muaeand puble_tedcaMban
JRnuhedby skaue_ax
annua- buLinR
Es Orinau Greneaa Meeig
ALfkay ehngs h fhan Clotu tory Meing and
ArMuo yenesa)Neehi i Colted_aainc
genoa Meoir

koll. nb. &os716 Dale-19/ps/2

EobiM oL qenerallu Calleslar da ansachap
Sonse ugn L4cciabuKnoM w onnot
beospoAad_RIL -he hes Annua 1enxal-
Meeti Euey bugina hsanaants at u
cal peaDin

g Class Neehng_
Cla Meef au dhast Neetingsialh a_hula_
by h elaHekoldlaku a aMhtulayclaus
exenc skaueholeley o debeñtux -
ahauuk nlodau
Clas Mee tir a genero Conducled akon t
eilah_cla (lo shauksldeu.
ellechn uch ehans i nececsn=
a tt sebarak Mee
CLAd HA matt
i to b appoULa a MeuHN by q

Mechngs ePoaseDirehs
Lsveped h H
Ina managmenE a Compau4
oauobirecto hexetort t Diasectors oY
venth o_deddl bolh poliy
Ouhng maHeu
Kol) No-808)26 Pae N2

b Heehi o- Comnteex
Doand fod
Drectoy ma
and delkgae Som d H om_extaun _ommtteae
2k powu h tAam
a CommiHees skoild_consás
_de leaahfm_ pou to suchGly disecai,
o las CommiiHeog s
autho~ed byR Arles o AgocahE
OA0A) CAnd slhould subec opDuL Oms
H Campan Ac
ag comane DunN Ma Hen_ike
Allotmoat honler asd ianc a randled b4
Sub-_ COMMeas e t Boaxd o
arnmiteg a hole
Mectins Gredilns
1ho meiGAC held akin - 2pabany hana
on intDdiauyalatien o do aßcextan tho fola_
aMO LAt d 4 th Comban 4 jCredito
MOJ A- o tuus MookiApib ahtan
Caediha angConhibume
t o gaue o compa mminania duulhe
Some ianes Louat Ma aond- adleJar
Such a mehn t o be hold.

d)Debenture bolele Meeings

meehrgs 1 Ca lled CCcoxclinaa tho Jule
ard SHeulan A hutt Deed or Debentyde
Dond Such Mee-hg a holel omhw-to_
t kohe w ndeyesk_deberkothdter
Ro o-P08)776 Poge N 3
Dute 190|

au nwlitaa H timu
3eeontuchon_ar_00ing up _combany.
u l e egardn ppontnent aiman
nptce t Meehing guoum,ek Deu_condJe
nad_aln h e Tus_Deed

Roll. No 80FITN6 ate 19/o/2

An ppexon Sechon 290a)

Seion 99900 a oMbania Ad pouida
that anu moMbe LompenyaÁD Comung
that -tuala o Lomban
Conducteol 9 mahn prejudiid
tn ublic
akrc Mann eNn obredicnto a
MmbeL 08 memberA
huna_or an odeh tus to
Accordia Lad oobe
eyene ohemape)_
hat ho Ccondu d onplwno o ghode
a tulowestineolut a uisiole debahuec m h
elandaroh o deadinganel o violehen e _
Londihn ar playon chch wuy shareholele
who enuts i s mon combesisenhHed fzel

houisior 4
o looinau proui on Companiy At 19$t
or uuntion Oppoesien i s a ompony

(ombuns aas a ben Conoytd n_menne

Reudy o br leyast i n a monnah
memba or mcmbuA ond

o 01n n u huConcanyL0ow bs unla oand

o2 membeybut at
uidia o suth membeh
ofhsoise u aus
Roll hlo. 20P|"T16. Dole 1912
CAAd eulabl o LLompony 0ua
t o m a 0h hvie end mality
Camplain Meuma/ th02dey oy it
Pogr e16-
Roll. o, 8O91996 Pte -1/0sfa
Sechon A

An ialichng O hCtodinHo.
iiy- a CombA
Eacdad pmperty Ir adminídled ru
bengit N diox d Mombn An-
adnunistxah en aled lipui.clatoxr apbinted cnd o_
akas corbol a Loamban olleck k ate
CL eb Jebkadinal oYdihude a_a uapl
amonadh MEmbeM _aLcoxclnce alth hur

Liv_iabiity (laue
nis Claule o Nemorandum eUy combay MAt_
Slee_Lokthon to_Pabity embeu smi
by shar

moh en)sedin a m2ahn a tompuy i deeec
membu preen eth pfxong
memb' ight akich
b y p o r i a A A_vole meon
/eha MO ereyos os almodi n_kis uy oler
Bu sucha vole mut exercsad keeping 70
m AHheat iokres o ho Lomban

e Memoand um a. Assogjohen ons e decumds
Loith_ t b e ilkd pith + Regisoaly n
Loopeny iboh) Haaore

Rol).o 80817)6 Date 19os 2

Nemosand um 6 Assp ohen cnm com ik
Main_Ox in.apal doseumat.No compan con be
Ttaishaeo bhou i

-w P a c k okanes
tmm buy backoshauimpliey acd o
auTlhaMm. OMA shanta a_combe4
Dmpan Puha ik_
Ocon_ skau oich i le a

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