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Plastic Surgery Phenomena

The need to be accepted in one's social circle is the motivating reason behind most people's
pursuit of flawless beauty from head to toe. People today are more willing to spend money on their
appearance than ever before. Many people are not happy with how they look, and plastic surgery is
often an easy way for them to get what they want and gain public recognition. Apart from correcting
anatomical defects, plastic surgery has also been used for cosmetic purposes along with the
development of society. Even though there are many risky things that a person may have to bear after
undergoing plastic surgery. However, many people believe that despite the risks associated with plastic
surgery, they should do it regardless of the consequences, and they will fight back against those who
disagree with them. The phenomenon of plastic surgery has made many people take big risks that
should not be done if the goal is only for the sake of unhealthy obsessions. People believe that by going
against all laws of urgency of plastic surgery using courage and obsession, all risks can be handled.
However, this is not true, plastic surgery still has a big risk that must be considered in terms of urgency
and functionality. The reasons why plastic surgery actions that must be considered urgency and
functional include the following. As with other types of surgery, plastic surgery has a risk of
complications. Plastic surgery may fail or do not match expectations. Worse, all losses, failures, and
discrepancies caused by plastic surgery are not covered by insurance.

Plastic surgery has a risk of complications like other types of surgery. Every act of changing a
good body part must have a risk of damage and infection regardless of the size of the risk. This risk is
even owned by cases of body changes that are recommended by medical experts. An example of a small
risk of changes to the body part suggested by a doctor which has a risk of infection is surgical removal of
a boil. A class of boil removal, which is urgent, can have a risk of damage to body parts and infection if
not done properly. Just imagine the risk of complications that may occur in plastic surgery which in fact
changes the shape of the face as an area of the body that is quite sensitive, especially if it is done
because of an obsession without medical expert advice. If they are lucky, the risk that the patient will
suffer is only muscle damage, system damage such as scar system, or infection. However, it is not
impossible for the risks mentioned above to occur simultaneously and cause complications after plastic
surgery which can result in death. According to research by Tunjung and Putri (2021), the incidence of
post-plastic surgery complications in Indonesia reaches 20%. This can occur due to wounds that do not
heal after surgery, decreased immunity or the patient's health, or other factors. With the tearing of the
skin and flesh layers in plastic surgery activities, complications are a potential thing that commonly
occurs Ramachandran (2016)

If all the implementation of plastic surgery can be run smoothly, it will satisfy the patient’s
obsession. However, if there is one thing that run not smooth and not suitable, it can lead to failure and
discrepancies in the results with patient expectations. In the process of surgery, all forms of cutting,
surgery, and removal are only done by eye reconstruction of the face. There is no definite result of the
skin being torn off or the flesh being removed. Calculations must be carried out very observantly, as well
as operations must be carried out very carefully. The slightest inaccuracy or carelessness appear, it will
produce surgery results which are not in accordance with the patient's expectations as at the beginning
when they decided to do plastic surgery. Many examples of cases that occur regarding the results of the
operation that failed and did not match the patient's expectations. Some end up with a face shape or
part of the face which is no longer symmetrical, some end up with a decreased function of face organ
such as eyelids that can't blink, and many more. The failure rate of plastic surgery in Indonesia in 2021
reach 15%. Even more, the discrepancy between results and expectations can occur due to simpler
things such as poor communication between patients and providers (Barton et al., 2020)

The scarier thing is that of all the risks of loss, failure, and discrepancy caused by plastic surgery,
they are not covered by insurance. Indeed, there is insurance that covers the cost of plastic surgery, but
it is functionally designated for plastic surgery that occurs as a result of an accident (traffic accidents,
work accident, or something like that). Meanwhile, plastic surgery aimed at aesthetics, beautifying
oneself, or fulfilling an obsession will not be covered by any insurance. Over 95% of insurance
companies will refuse plastic surgery coverage outside the functional purpose due to an accident. That
way, if there is a failure or discrepancy in the results of plastic surgery or even malpractice, the most
severe thing the patient can do is carry out legal prosecutions or compensation for what happened
(Santoso, 2018). However, there is no guarantee whether their money or their faces can return to the
way they were before. If that happens, their initial goal of being recognized and accepted by society will
be turned around one hundred and eighty degrees.

In conclusion, despite the uncertain results, plastic surgery has some major risks that are
dangerous for the patient, especially if it is based on an obsessive nature. First, when complications
occur from surgery, it is possible to risk death. Second, if an error occurs in the plastic surgery process, it
can cause a discrepancy between the results and the patient's expectations at the beginning of decision
making. Then, various forms of losses, failures, and discrepancies from plastic surgery cannot be covered
by insurance. Worst case scenario, if these things happen, the patient will end up with losing money and
face that will never be returned, which can actually lead to a more severe rejection from society.
Therefore, someone who wants to do plastic surgery must ensure that it is needed functionally, not just
to fulfill unhealthy desires and obsessions. Likewise, plastic surgery providers should provide more
reviews of the patient's decision-making motivation.


Barton, N., & Janis, J. E. (2020). Missing the mark: the state of health care literacy in plastic
surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open, 8(5).

Ramachandran, S. (2016). Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis: Review Dari Fitur Imaging Dan
Komplikasinya. Intisari Sains Medis, 4(1), 74-82.

Reswan, A. Perancangan Sistem Pakar Untuk Menentukan Diagnosis Dan Rencana Terapi Bagi
Penyandang Cacat Celah Bibir Dan Langit-Langit Berdasarkan Protokol Operasi Bedah Plastik.

Santoso, B. N. (2018). Tanggung Gugat Dokter Atas Kelalaiannya Dalam Menyampaikan Informed Conset
Dan Hasil Operasi Yang Tidak Sesuai Dengan Keinginan Pasien. SAPIENTIA ET VIRTUS, 3(2), 178-197.

Tunjung, N., & Putri, N. M. (2021). Keystone Flap for Reconstruction of Sacral and Ischial Pressure
Injury. Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, 8(1), 30-37.

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