Business Law Assignment

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FEBRUARY 24, 2021

Submitted to: advocate sir Riaz Uddin
Submitted by: Taj Mohammad (Stanikzai)
Section: D BBA
Task 1:

Juror 10 was clearly biased against the defendant when he stated that all slum-children are animals who
kill for fun. His bigotry clearly clouded his judgment as he generalized all people from slums to be
animals, and therefore his argument about the boy being guilty was fallacious and unjust.

Juror 3’s strained relationship with his son also clouds his judgment of the boy since he has hateful
feelings for his own son, and the defendant who is a boy seems to remind him of his own son. Therefore
he wanted the boy to be guilty but eventually gave up the hate.

Task 2
Prejudice always complicates the truth

Juror 10’s bigotry and biasness against slums and people from slums clouded his judgement and he was
extremely prejudiced. He didn’t seem to care for the reason why the boy was not guilty, but instead he
wanted the boy to be guilty as the boy comes from a slum background, and he discriminates against
such people. Therefore, his prejudice did not see the truth, until eventually everyone agreed that
prejudice did not justify the reason. That is why Juror 10 was isolated.

Task 3
Personally I find Juror 8 to be relatable since I believe that all aspects of a situation should be checked
first, all parties should be consulted first, and all evidence should be looked at first in any given
circumstance. The background, the context, and almost every possible scenario should be considered
first before passing a judgment. Otherwise it would be illogical and fallacious.

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