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How to Operate

MSC Pool yields attractive ROI

MSC Pool yields attractive ROI

MSC Pool is increasingly popular with operators due to its numerous advantages, such as load balancing and
enhanced network reliability. A closer look reveals it possesses a range of benefits that can contribute to an
attractive ROI rate.
By Deng Weifeng & Wu Zhaojun

Advantages of MSC Pool distributed among MSC nodes. Redundancy

capacity configuration costs are saved, and NE

resource utilization is enhanced.
ears of technological evolution and MSC Pool technology can also facilitate more
commercial application have shown MSC extensive service coverage, while inter-MSC
Pool to be a solution ensuring reliable location updates and handover operations can be
voice services. MSC Pool networking converted into intra-MSC operations. This cuts
copes with surges in traffic, greatly reducing the the number of handovers and signaling overheads
threats caused by unbalanced load on NEs. It also incurred on the MSC and HLR, and saves
implements disaster recovery at the VMSC layer to transmission bandwidth and device resources. The
guarantee stable and seamless services. subsequent freed up capacities can be allocated to
process traffic to realize additional performance
Increase resource utilization
The resource-sharing mechanism of the MSC
Pool balances loads among network elements Improve system reliability
(NEs) to mitigate threats from imbalanced traffic
loads and surges that may arise based on time and Mechanisms for sharing resources, balancing
location. Traditional systems require each loads, and flexibly distributing traffic are the
network office to configure foundation for reliable disaster recovery. Automated
equipment capacity based on load-balancing across the MSC Pool achieves real-
the maximum traffic model, time redundancy protection by switching service
which is highly inefficient. requests from a faulty MSC to another in the
Conversely, the MSC network pool.
Pool network sets its The MSC Pool utilizes network resources more
capacity in line with the efficiently to curtail CAPEX and OPEX, and its
total traffic volume to be innovative technologies, including geographical
supported, allowing redundancy and immediate mobile terminating
user traffic to call recovery, boost network reliability tenfold to
be evenly 99.9999%.

ROI analysis
The advanced MSC Pool network architecture
and optimized traffic models combine to minimize
investment, which can be demonstrated through
an ROI analysis. This analytical method evaluates
key indices such as the investment yield, the cost
recovery period, and quantitative benefits. For the
MSC Pool, the assessment process primarily focuses
on CAPEX, OPEX, and revenue, and then looks at

39 DEC 2010 . ISSUE 58

Huawei Communicate





2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

-4.000 Fig. 1 Investment return of Operator A’s MSC Pool

financial outputs, such as the break-even The solution yields a range of direct is deployed. For Operator A, this
and pay-back periods, and EBITDA. and indirect benefits: translated into a first year revenue
CAPEX and OPEX can be increase of USD70,000.
obtained from financial statements Direct benefits
and the management data released by Indirect benefits
maintenance departments. Quantitative E n h a n c e d n e t w o r k re l i a b i l i t y :
revenue requires in-depth analysis as it The reliability rises from 99.999% Reduced churn and higher brand
relates to the solution features, service to 99.9999%; the shor ter ser vice equity: The Huawei analysis revealed
deployment, business models, user interruption times have in turn boosted that the MSC Pool helps effectively
behaviors, macro economic conditions, returns. In the first year of deployment, avoid 12% of network faults. Enhanced
and competition. Revenue analysis is the the Huawei MSC Pool stimulated reliability increases customer loyalty, the
core of ROI analysis, and thus only an a USD20,000 revenue increase for operator’s image, and indirect revenue
objective and precise analysis of revenues Operator A. gains.
can guide proper investment decisions. More calls completed: The solution Reduced maintenance costs: The
has reduced inter-MSC handovers greater efficiency of the MSC Pool’s
and location updates within the MSC unified O&M system reduced costs for
Case study Pool, and has significantly raised Operator A by USD70,000 in the first
network KPIs, such as call completion year of deployment.
In 2010, Huawei performed an ROI rate, which directly increases MOU. The Huawei MSC Pool solution
analysis on the Huawei MSC Pool of In its first year, the improvement in has been commercially deployed in 40
Operator A based on six fiscal years call completion rates yielded an extra scenarios across the globe. ROI analysis
of projected data. In its first year, the USD2.76 million for Operator A. testifies that the Huawei MSC Pool is
MSC Pool will: 1) increase revenues for Reduced investment: Load-sharing an effective solution for raising revenue;
Operator A by over USD2.76 million; 2) easily copes with peak traffic hours minimizing CAPEX, OPEX and O&M;
cut maintenance costs by USD70,000; by efficiently utilizing network-wide reducing customer churn; and boosting
3) save USD70,000 in C/D interface resources, rather than just those of network performance. Huawei has the
bandwidth costs; 4) help to avoid 12% individual sites. This also means that experience, capabilities, and solutions
of network problems. the network can be expanded much to form long-term partnerships that
Fig. 1 shows the projected trend of more cost-efficiently. Message traffic maximize returns for operators.
Operator A’s MSC Pool up to 2015. within the pool has decreased, slashing Editor: Li Xuefeng
Low CAPEX and OPEX coupled with the bandwidth needed and lowering
increased revenues as a result of the transmission costs. Lab tests reveal The electronic version and subscription information are
available at Questions
solution will ensure that the investment that interface C/D bandwidth can be and suggestions may be directed to the editor concerned.
costs are rapidly recouped. cut by over 20% after an MSC Pool

DEC 2010 . ISSUE 58 40

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