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EIA Report on Barapukuria Coal Mine in Bangladesh

Submitted by:
Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering

Submitted to:
Petroleum & Mining Engineering Dept.

Executive Summary:.................................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1 :Introduction:...............................................................................................................4
1.1. Geology:...................................................................................................................................5
1.2. Open Pit Mining Method:.........................................................................................................5

1.3.Mine Details:.............................................................................................................................6
Chapter 2: Review of Mining and Environmental Policy,Act and Regulations:.....................6
2.1.National Environmental Policy, 1992:......................................................................................6
Chapter 3 : Geography of Barapukuria Coal Mine:..................................................................7
3.1.Geographic setting of the mine area..........................................................................................7
3.2. Geologic properties of the Mine area.......................................................................................8
Chapter 4: Effects Of Barapukuria Coal Mining On Environment.......................................10
4.1.Subsidence impacts in field:....................................................................................................11
4.2.Subsidence impacts on the land settlement with soil permeability:........................................12
4.3.Subsidence impacts on hydrological environment..................................................................13
4.4.Impact of subsidence on different structures around the subsided area..................................15
4.5.Subsidence impacts on social environment around the mine:.................................................16
Chapter 5: Solution of mine subsidence and environment......................................................17
Chapter 6. Discussion:.................................................................................................................17

Executive Summary:
The report is on Barapukuria coal mining project in northwestern Bangladesh to evaluate the
impacts of coal mining on the surrounding environment. Coal potentially contributes to the
development of economics of a country but coal mining deteriorates the environment by
polluting air, water and soil. Besides this, it also impacts on the surrounding agricultural land that
limits the production of crops. Barapukuria coal is under bituminous coal and it consists high
energy values due to low amount of ash (12.04%) and moisture (2.83%) contents. The pH of coal
water is slightly acidic and available nutrients/heavy metal, organic carbon, exchangeable cations
of coal water treated farmland soil suggest that coal mining changes the surrounding water and
soil quality. Sulfur (0.64%) and ash content is present in the satisfactory concentration. However,
there were no significant differences in trace metal content in sedimentation tank soil, coal water
treated farmland soil and normal farmland soil.

Chapter 1 :Introduction:

Barapukuria underground coal mine in Dinajpur district is the only coal mine in Bangladesh. The
coal deposit was discovered at shallow and mineable depth in 1985 by the Bangladesh

Geological Survey. Barapukuria coal mine is run by the Barapukuria Coal Mining Company
Limited. Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited is a subsidiary of the state
owned Petrobangla. The mine is located at Parbatipur upazila in Dinajpur, this is the only active
mine in BangladeshBarapukuria Coal field has been discovered by Geological Survey of
Bangladesh (G.S.B) in 1985. However, Barapukuria had to wait 20 years before an underground
mine was established in 2005 with the technical and financial assistance of the Chinese
government. The main aim of the mine is to supply coal to the coal fired Barapukuria power
plant at the mine's mouth. Coal production continues till date to fuel the power plant. By any
standard it is a small mine running a modest power plant. But its importance is recognised in
north Bengal where a significant power demand is met by the power plant.Barapukuria mine is
not miner friendly. It is overlain by a thick water bearing sand aquifer and underlain by a regime
of high heat flow, thus it is popularly known as a mine with "water above and fire below". The
sudden and complete inundation of the mine at a point in the past testified to it being vulnerable
to being flooded by water. At several coal production areas, the working condition of the miners
is very bad with very high temperature and humidity—endangering the health and safety of the
miners. However, the underground mine has managed to be free from major accidental events
like gas explosion, structural collapse and so on. The recovery of coal from this underground
mine is expected to be only about 10 percent of the total coal deposit.

A detailed feasibility study were carried out by M/S Wardell Armstrong (U.K based
Organization) at Barapukuria coal field. Main activities of the study were drilling of 33 nos
boreholes, finalization of areal extent, reserve calculation, determination of the structure of the
basin, coal seam characteristics, seam thickness, coal quality, preliminary mining method,
hydrogeological condition etc. On the basis of the study Report a construction and development
contract (BCMP-77) was signed with a Chinese Company CMC as Turnkey basis in 7 February
1994. Shafts, pit bottom and roadway development were completed under this contract. In 4th
June 2005 first management and production (M&P) contract has been signed between the
BCMCL and Chinese consortium (XMC-CMC) for the production of 4.75 million ton of coal.
The duration of this contract was 71 months. The activities of this contract was started in
September 2005 and completed in August 2011. It was possible to produce about 3.651 million
ton of coal from the central part during that time.

2nd contract (management, production, maintenance and provisioning-MPM&P) has been signed
between the BCMCL and Chinese consortium (XMC-CMC) for the production of 5.50 million
ton of coal. The duration of this contract was 71 months. The activities of this contract was
started in 11 August 2011 and completed in 10 August 2017. It was possible to produce about
5.505 million ton of coal from the central part during that time.

Later, a 3rd contract (management, production, maintenance and provisioning-MPM&P) has
been signed between the BCMCL and Chinese consortium (XMC-CMC) for the production of
3.205 million ton of coal. The duration of this contract is 48 months. The activities of this
contract have been started at 11 August 2017 and will be completed in 10 August 2021. About
2.377 million ton of coal has been produced up to June 2020 under this contract. It will be
possible to produce rest of the coal (0.828MT) from the reserve of the central part. A detailed
feasibility study has been carried out by the consulting firm John T. Boyd at 2017-2018 for
extraction of coal from the Southern and Northern part of Barapukuria coal basin. According to
the study result necessary steps for coal production from the Northern part of the basin is going

1.1. Geology:

The areal extent of the Barapukuria coal basin is 6.68 sq. km. Total coal deposit of this basin is
about 390MT. The entire coal field is covered by Barind Clay formation (Madhupur Clay). Dupi
Tila formation is situated under this formation. This formation is sub divided in to two layers.
Upper part is water bearing upper Dupi-Tila layer and lower part is thick clay layer (Lower
Dupi-Tila). Coal bearing Gondwana formation is situated beneath Dupi Tila formation. Total 6
(six) nos of coal seams have been identified in this basin. The average thickness of seam VI is
36m. According to the categorization of coal, the Barapukuria coal is ranked into bituminous to
sub bituminous types. The main components of coal are fixed carbon-48.40%, ash-12.40%,
volatile matter-29.20%, total moisture-10% and sulphur content-0.53%. The calorific value of
Barapukuria coal is 11,040 Btu/Ib.

1.2. Open Pit Mining Method:

In October 2010, the Bangladesh government said it plans to develop the northern part of
Barapukuria coalmine through the open pit mining method to boost coal output and feed
proposed coal-fired power plants in the future. The energy ministry want to use the Barapukuria
coalmine as a pilot project for open pit mining in Bangladesh. The Prime Ministed has asked the
energy ministry to move forward with the plan, according to a senior energy ministry official.
The government would conduct a feasibility study before undertaking the open pit mining
method instead of the current underground mining.
Officials said the planned northern part of Barapukuria coalmine has 271 hectares of land, where
around 5,000 villagers have either dwellings or farm lands. The government said it will
compensate the affected people; each of the affected families might get Tk 2.0 million for each
acre, according to a senior Barapukuria Coal Mining Company official.
The vicinity of the Barapukuria coal mine is facing land subsidence from underground mining.
The first land subsidence was reported in 2005, when the Chinese consortium led by China
National Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CMC) had just completed development of
the coal mine. Another land subsidence took place in 2008, affecting croplands, commercial and
domestic spaces, houses and many other infrastructures. The villagers then forced a halt to
extraction of coal from the country's lone operational mine. Coal production, however, resumed
after compensating the affected locals.

According to The Daily Sun, to ensure uninterrupted coal production, the government has a plan
to "rehabilitate affected people in Barapukuria coalmine sites by 2012.”

1.3.Mine Details:

• Sponsor: Barapukuria Coal Mining Co. Ltd

• Parent company: Petrobangla
• Location: Barapuluria District, Dinajpur District, Bangladesh
• Coordinates: 25.547269, 88.960620 (exact)
• Status: Operating
• Production: 0.8 million tonnes per annum
• Proposed Expansion: 0.5 million tonnes (1.5 million tonnes total)
• Mineable Reserves: 64 million tonnes
• Total Resources: 300 - 400 million tonnes
• Coal Type: Bituminous

Chapter 2: Review of Mining and Environmental Policy,Act and


2.1.National Environmental Policy, 1992:

The Bangladesh National Environmental Policy, approved in May 1992, sets out the basic
framework for environmental action together with a set of broad sectoral action guidelines. Key
elements of the Policy are:
• Maintaining ecological balance and ensuring sustainable development of the country through
protection and conservation of the environment
• Protecting the country from natural disasters
• Identifying and regulating all activities that pollute and destroy the environment
• Ensuring environment-friendly development in all sectors
• Ensuring sustainable and environmentally sound management of the natural resources
• Maintaining active association, as far as possible, with all international initiatives related to

The Environmental Policy of 1992, which amongst other policies, seeks to ensure that transport
systems, including roads and inland waterways, do not pollute the environment or degrade

resources. The Policy states that Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) should be conducted
before projects are undertaken.
2.2.National Environment Management Action Plan (NEMAP), 1995:
The National Environmental Management Action Plan (NEMAP) is a wide-ranging and
multifaceted plan, which builds on and extends the statements, set out in the National
Environmental Policy. NEMAP was developed to address issues and management requirements
during the period 1995 to 2005, and set out of the framework within which the recommendations
of the National Conservation Strategy are to be implemented. NEMAP was developed based on
the following broad objectives:
• Identification of key environmental issues affecting Bangladesh •
• Identification of actions necessary to halt or reduce the rate of environmental degradation
• Improvement of the natural environment
• Conservation of habitats and bio-diversity
• Promotion of sustainable development
• Improvement of the quality of life of the people 14.

To this end, it has grouped all the relevant necessary actions under four heads: institutional,
sectoral, location-specific and long-term issues. The institutional aspects reflect the need of
intersectoral cooperation to tackle environmental problems those need new and appropriate
institutional mechanisms at national and local levels. The sectoral aspects reflect the way the
Ministries and agencies are organized and make it easier to identify the agency to carry out the
recommended actions. The location-specific aspect focuses on particularly acute environmental
problems at local levels that need to be addressed on a priority basis. The long-term issues
include environmental degradation of such degree that it might become more serious and
threatening than they seem to be if their cognizance is not immediately taken.

Chapter 3 : Geography of Barapukuria Coal Mine:

3.1.Geographic setting of the mine area

Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited (Figure 1) lies between the latitudes 23°31′45″ and
23°33′05″N and the longitudes 88°57′48″ and 88°58′53″E. This coal field stretches 4.9 km
northeast, with proved area of approximately 5.8 km2, and has an unproved possible extension
area to the south approximately 1–1.5 km2 (Wardell 1991). Geomorphologically, the area is a
part of alluvial plain of rivers Ghirnai and Khorkhori, and occupied by Barind Tract, Old
Himalayan flood plain and Tista flood plain (SRDI 1999). The population density of the study
area is about 685 people per sq. km. Climate of the study area slouches in the north of the

“Tropical of Cancer” exhibiting a subtropical pattern characterized by relatively arid cool winter,
and hot and humid sweltering summer with substantial amount of monsoon rainfall

Figure 01: Location Map of the Barapukuria Coal Mine.

3.2. Geologic properties of the Mine area

Geologically, the entire territory of Bangladesh is occupied by the Bengal Basin (Bakr et al.
1996). Bangladesh largely covers two major tectonic elements:
(a) Indian Platform (Shelf area): a stable shelf with reduced thickness of sediment, and
(b) Bengal Foredeep (geosynclinal area): a deeper part of the basin with rapid increase in
thickness of individual formation (Khan and Agarwal 1993).
The geologic structure (Figure 2) and stratigraphy of the Barapukuria coal basin have been
delineated with the help of borehole data and seismic survey by the Geological Survey of
Bangladesh and the Wardell Armstrong. The study area consists of a half-faulted graben-

controlled sedimentary basin of Permo-Carboniferous age. The lower most Permo-Carboniferous
glacial and fluvioglacial sediments resting unconformable on an ancient denuded Archean
basement complex. Above this zone, thick predominantly continental arenaceous sediments with
a number of coal seams of Permian age are present. This basin is concealed by an unconformable
cover of about 100–200 m of Tertiary sediments known as the Dupi Tila Formation, which is
supposed to be of Pliocene age (Bakr et al. 1996). Based on the core analyses and drill hole data,
the sedimentary succession of the basin has been divided from bottom upward into three units
such as Gondwana Group, Dupi Tila Formation and Modhupur Clay Formation (Uddin and
Islam 1992; CMC 1999). The coal-bearing Gondwana Group of sediment is Permian in age and
rests unconformably on Precambrian crystalline igneous and metamorphic basement. The
Gondwana Group is predominantly composed of hard sandstone with some shale, conglomerate
and coal beds (Khan and Rahman 1992). Dupi Tila Formation is composed of unconsolidated to
poorly consolidated, medium- to coarse-grained occasionally pebbly sands with some minor clay
beds. It is Pliocene in age and lies above the Permian Gondwana Group with major
unconformity. The poorly consolidated Dupi Tila sand unit is a freshwater-bearing aquifer, and it
may pose problem for mining of the coal. The Modhupur Clay unit in Barapukuria coal field area
is characterized by 3–15 m thick silty clay unconformably overlaying the Dupi Tila Formation
(Imam 2005).

Figure 02: Location of Barapukuria Coal Mine.

Chapter 4: Effects Of Barapukuria Coal Mining On Environment
Coal mining has some unavoidable negative impacts on humans and the environment. In its
review of the mining industry of Bangladesh, the U.S. Geological Survey states that the country
has “small reserves of coal, natural gas, and petroleum”. In May 2011, the country’s overall coal
production was around 3,000 tons a day, from the lone operational state-owned Barapukuria coal
mine in Dinajpur. There are five coal field discovered such as Khalashpeer, Rangpur (1995) coal
field depth at 257-483 meter which is about 12 Km2 in area and proven reserve coal is 143
(GSB), 685 (Hosaf) in million tones. Phulbari, Dinajpur (1997) coal field which is about30 Km2
in area and depth at 150-240 meter and reserve coal is 572 million tones. Jamal gong, Jaipurhat
(1965) coal field which is about 16 Km2 in area and depth at 900-1000 meter and proven reserve
coal is about 1050 million tones .Dighirpar, Dinajpur (1995) coal field is at 327 meter depth and
area not yet to known and reserve coal is about 200 (partly evaluated) million tones. The major
findings were as under about Barapukuria, Dinajpur Coal Field Reserve of coal 390 Million
tones, Depth of coal is 118-509 meter, Nos. of coal layer is 6, Average thickness of coal seam is
36 m, Composition of coal: ash 12.4%, Sulphur 0.53%, Moisture 10%, Rank of coal is
Bituminous (high volatile), Calorific value of coal is 25.68 MJ/KG (11040 BTU/lb), Yearly
Production is 1 million tones, Coal extraction method is Multi-Slice Long wall, During
development of Barapukuria Coal Mine as well as load testing /trial run , coal as obtained from
the mine, on the chemical analysis, confirmed composition of coal, Rank of coal and Calorific
value of coal as predicted (Petrobangla, Govt. Bangladesh, 2005).
Structurally, the Barapukuria basin is a long, narrow, and shallow Permo Carboniferous rift
basin. The basin trends approximately north-south for over 5 km, ranges from 2 to 3 km wide,
and is over 550 m deep. Below a prominent unconformity, covered by an unstructured
Pleistocene through Tertiary classic sequence, steeply dipping normal faults bound tilted half
graven fault blocks. The northern, western, and southern boundaries of the basin are also
truncated by several small-scale normal boundary faults. The faults and igneous dyke decrease
the cohesion and friction angle and reduce the shear strength through fault plane and filling
materials. The overall structures of the Barapukuria Basin imply a tectonically active highly
disturbed zone (Wardell Armstrong, 1991; Bakr et al., 1996; Islam, 2005; Islam and Hayashi,
2008a; Islam et al., 2009).
The Barapukuria half-graven basin is assumed to be related to its tectonic origin. The basin area
is very close (about 200 km) to the convergence boundary of the Indian and Eurasian plates. As a
consequence, the far field tectonic stress field is highly significant to the structure of this basin.
A 5 km long Eastern Boundary Fault of the Barapukuria basin is the best structural evidence for
recent tectonic activity. However, the basin geometry and its stress field are directly related to
the tectonic displacement gradient. Usually, the Barapukuria type intracrationic half graben basin
in a convergent regime is developed due to local crustal weakening, where archeology strongly
affects the dynamics of basin formation (Buck, 1991; Cloetingh et al., 1995).

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4.1.Subsidence impacts in field:
Subsidence is an observable feature associated with different factors such as compaction of
natural sediments, groundwater dewatering, extraction of petroleum and geothermal fluids, and
mining of coal, limestone, salt, sulfur and metallic ores (Soliman 1998). The type and rate of
subsidence that results from longwall mining depend upon the width of a longwall panel, the
depth at which mining takes place, the height of the coal seam, the width of the panels and a
variety of geotechnical factors (Bell et al. 2000). The type of subsidence is generally localized in
extent, affecting a relatively small area on the overlying surface (Park 1987).
In the case of Barapukuria Coal Mine, the fully mechanized multi-sliced longwall pillar-less
mining method has been employed for extracting coal from mine and consequently the
subsidence incidence occurred over the coal extracted areas. The longwall pillar-less mining
method where seam is removed in one operation by means of a long working face or wall. The
workings (face) are undercut by removing a slice causing it to cave under its own weight. The
broken ore is removed from below, and as the caved mass moves downward, it is further broken
by pressure and attrition. This research physically investigated the subsidence in field through
traverse method.

Figure 03: Stratigraphic seams of the barapukuria Coal Field

As to this method, firstly the total subsided area marked in different direction and following
directions such as NS, EW, NE–SW and NW–SE, the depth of subsidence measured from the
starting point/edge of subsided area to the center of subsided area which shows that maximum

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subsidence of the center of subsided area is about 1 m which is gradually decreased toward the
landward area and consequently forms a well-developed trough-like structure. The nature and
shape of subsidence in field are almost trough shape over the whole mined area. Moreover, these
results compared with NCB, numerical and empirically predicted subsidence model by
Quamruzzaman et al. (2009), Mamun (2011), Hasan (2011), Howladar and Hasan (2014) in the
area. The comparison shows the field investigated subsidence pattern and maximum depth of
subsidence are well matched to each other. However, the development of subsidence trough
above multi-slice longwall face may play a significant role to generate the fracture plane and
opening of the preexisting weakness planes between the mining horizon and the surface. In this
case, it can be implied that this fracture planes would be well enough to intercept surface water
body and forming a direct flow path between the surface and the mining horizon consequently
affects the mining as well as natural environment as a whole.

4.2.Subsidence impacts on the land settlement with soil permeability:

The land settlement of the study area is prevailed by plain land topography (Fig. 5a, b) lies on the
high Barind Tract region where the land use is dominated by agriculture. The most of the lands
around the mining area are cultivated in natural way where crops are harvested in two to three
times per year. The soils of the land consist of high acidity at the surface besides low acidity at
depth with an excellent range of permeability which is good for water drainage characteristics
(EIA 2006). Thus, the overall land settlement and permeability of the soil are good for
cultivation which was the common features before the mining operation, and on the other hand,
the total mine out area has already been subsided and consequently changed total land settlement
and crops production after the mining operation. From these scenarios, the present research
conducted a number of field investigations and collected different data and soil samples for
laboratory analysis.
The investigated field data show that more than 1 sq. km land area affected by mine subsidence
and in future it would be about 2.2 sq. km or more. The laboratory analysis of surface soil
permeability shows that the permeability in the virgin land is slightly higher than the subsided
area (Table 1) which reflects that the soil or overburden materials in the subsided area has
compacted more and decreased its permeability characteristics which might be the direct impact
of subsidence in the study area. Consequently, the total subsided area has water logged
permanently and lost its crops production ability.
Moreover, the similar explanation on such issue has been depicted by many researchers earlier
which are mining subsidence and affects the surface land uses, crop production and grazing
(Steve et al. 2002); the surface land settlement affected by ground movement is greater than the
area worked in the seam (Bell et al. 2000; Hartman 1992a, b); subsidence-caused damage to
surface land use is generally characterized by either a diminishment or loss of use or productivity
(TEC 2007) and so many. From these discussions and also considering the present and future
mining operations, this research implies that the subsidence and its associated impacts on land
settlements are inherent and contemporaneous to each other which would be more by nature with
time in the area. Thus, this study recommends that mining authority should take the intensive

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subsidence monitoring and mitigation plan which would be helpful to safe the land and

4.3.Subsidence impacts on hydrological environment

The frequent impacts of mining subsidence on hydrological environment are to reduce the
thickness of aquifer vertically, lowering the water level, reduce the permeability and porosity of
aquifer bearing geologic formation, modify the hydraulic gradients, transforming the flow path
and velocity, changing the natural retention features, creating the permanent water logging
situation, and contaminating the surface and groundwater in the subsided area.
The subsidence changes in surface slope which can adversely impact drainage along irrigated
fields, canals, sewers, and natural streams (Bhattacharya and Singh 1985). Subsidence cracks
increase hydraulic conductivity and interconnection of water-bearing rock units, which in turn
cause increased infiltration of precipitation and surface water, decreased evapotranspiration and
higher base flows in some small streams (Hobba 1993). Subsidence motivated fissuring and
fracturing in overlying and neighboring strata, which influences hydrologic systems in ways that
grounds change to both water quality and quantity (Steve et al. 2002).
Subsidence can cause a decrease in water quality such as reduced oxygen availability,
encouraging bacterial growth, smothering native plants and animals (TEC 2007). It can also
increase the amount of iron oxides in the water which directly affects native plants and animals
(TEC 2007). Here in this research, the impact of subsidence on hydrologic environment has been
explored by conducting the field investigation in the water logged area, collecting water samples
from there for qualitative analysis in laboratory and also examined the characteristics of water
level since 2001–2011 for some selective deep observation wells in the area. The results of the
field investigation shows that the entire subsided area has been permanently water logged and
forming a big lake where this water thoroughly entrapped and cannot be moved anywhere
excluding rainy season causing primarily the contamination of the quality of water.

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Figure 04: The contour map Water Table (2011)

Figure 05 Lowering level water from 2001 to 2011.

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In the case of water level in the area, the level of water in the whole mining area lowered and
changed considerably shown in Fig.5 , resulting in the interruption of local water supply chain.
The identical consequence inferred by Howladar (2012) that is the water is normally available in
rainy and winter season but problematical in summer season. In fact, this characteristic is not
formed by the subsidence incidence alone but mostly by the underground mine operations.
Meanwhile, the Barapukuria coal basin is an asymmetrically faulted half-graben-type
intracratonic basin (Bakr et al. 1996; Khan 1991). However, this major fault has affected the
Basement Complex and thought to be plane of active subsidence along the southeastern
extremity and marked less subsidence to the north of the basin which might have a significant
role for directly infiltrated this subsided area trapped water into the aquifer as a result imbalance
the water environment in the area.

4.4.Impact of subsidence on different structures around the subsided area

Currently, the consequences of mine subsidence upon artificial/man-made structures are well
known. In principle, the longwall steps forward with the panel length causing the development of
the cavity. With time, the size of this cavity increased and ultimately collapsed under the burden
of the overlying layers as a result of damaging the environment and human infrastructures. In
principle, the major components of subsidence such as vertical displacement, horizontal
displacement, slope, horizontal strain and vertical curvature are influenced the damage of
environmental (SME 1992). Settlement, sinking or lowering of the surface typically manifests by
vertical displacement. Horizontal displacement causes lateral movement at the surface (Karmis et
al. 1983; Howladar and Hasan 2014). Horizontal strain relates to horizontal displacement, with
tensile or shear forces resulting in cracking and buckling of the surface (Allgaier 1982), and is
responsible for most of the damage to structures and other surface features located above mining
areas (Howladar and Hasan 2014). This damage to structures can be categorized into cosmetic,
functional, or structural based on the intensity of the effect of subsidence. According to Waltham
(1994) and Matthew and Peter (1997), impact of subsidence on different structures can be
ranking from very slight to very severe shown in Table 4. The damage due to subsidence also
classified as negligible, slight, appreciable, severe and very severe by National Coal Board
(Anonymous 1975; Bell et al. 2000). In this research, during the field investigation it has been
observed that the mine area is surrounded by rural community and farmland where most of the
structures (mud wall/brick wall or others) are suffered by cosmetic or very slight to slight
damage since there is just the physical appearances of the structure are affected, such as cracking
in plaster or mud/drywall (Figure 5).

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Figure 06: Evidence of subsidence impact from Barapukuria Mine field.

4.5.Subsidence impacts on social environment around the mine:

On average, 565 people per square kilometer are living in the surrounding area and
approximately 0.18–0.20 hector land is available per capita (Alam et al. 2011). The inhabitants in
this area are largely engaged in farming with personal business, forestry, animal husbandry,
industry, mining and also government/nongovernment services. In the case of education, the
residents in the surrounding area, in general mostly older, are illiterate. Some young are attained
only in the primary education. Few have a secondary, higher secondary and tertiary education
qualifications. Though the residents are not highly educated or familiar with modern technology,
nevertheless, they are very much accommodating to each other as a result a strong social
environmental chain exists in the area.
However, in order to figure out the impact of subsidence on overall environment including social
environment, this study conducted the community consultation/individual questionnaire survey
with some selective questions to some residents around the area. The results of the survey
generally demonstrate that most of the old illiterate male and female residents think that they
have lost their cultivated land, residential house, playground, storage area and others due to mine
subsidence. They also think and afraid very much that probably has to leave their inherent area
and shift to other in future resulting loss their social environmental chain and status.
In the case of illiterate to higher secondary level literate young people think that the effect of
subsidence on land, infrastructure, agriculture, forestry, and water environment are much but
most of them have part-time or full-time job in the mine industry. On the other hand, the literate
residents have the basic idea about the impact of underground coal mine subsidence and they
think that the mining industry as well as the government should take the proper rehabilitation
programs in the area. Besides from the field observation, the land settlements, water resources,
agricultural prospect, water and air quality of the area are slowly getting worst day by day. Thus,
this investigation suggests for precious and immediate action plan against this incident that can
be included into decision-making and show the way to reduce the social conflicts regarding the
mine operation, subsidence and its impact on environment which ultimately be helpful to
protected the total social–economic environmental chain and sound coal production from this
mine as well as the development of other coal mines field in Bangladesh.

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Chapter 5: Solution of mine subsidence and environment
Since coal mining began in 2005, there have been a series of fatal and near-fatal accidents,
including the death of a British mining expert caused by inhaling poisonous gases, a gas leakage
accident in 2005 that required the closing and sealing off a portion of the mine, and a roof cave-
in on May 11, 2010 that killed one worker and wounded 19 people. Engineers report that
government policy makers have failed to heed their warnings about inadequate health, safety and
environmental provisions in the Barapukuria mine, with some stating that standard safety
procedures are virtually non-existent at the mine.
According to Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) (2012), about 59.60 % of the
people in the country are getting electricity access at present. However, the available electricity
in Bangladesh is 6992 MW in day and 7525 MW in the evening, whereas forecasting current
demand is 7400 MW and 8900 MW in day and evening, respectively. Therefore, there is a huge
gap between the energy generation and the existing demand. In order to meet this demand partly,
this mining industry must be continuing the extraction of coal. But by now it is observed that
there is moderate to severe subsidence problem occurred around mining area. It is consistently
interrupting the different components of environment. As a result, the local residents, social
organizations, environment associated societies and others are much agitated and almost against
to have the production of coal from this mine as well as from the other coal fields. Therefore,
based on the present field and environmental condition around the subsided area, this research
suggests that primarily improve the environment in the whole mining areas, secondly monitor the
related environmental pollutions, and thirdly appreciate the sensitivity of the local population on
environment. In addition, this research proposes the following recommendations for managing
future mine subsidence and environment in the area. The recommendations are as follows:
1. Thoroughly review the existing subsidence management plan, and update it considering the
contemporary field conditions and necessities around the present and projected subsided area.
2. If necessary, change the ongoing mining method partly and apply the LTCC or Coal Bed
Methane (if feasible) techniques which would be more efficient to extract the coal and
avoiding/reducing the subsidence.
3. Back filling mining method should be considered with the existing caving method which
would provide the additional support for the stabilization of coal face upper strata, controlling
ground collapse and surface subsidence.

Chapter 6. Discussion:
Coal is primarily used as fuel to generate electric power in the United States. In coal-fired power
plants, bituminous coal, subbituminous coal, or lignite is burned. The heat produced by the
combustion of the coal is used to convert water into high-pressure steam, which drives a turbine,
which produces electricityCoal is a very important but dirty fossil fuel. Coal mining has severe
environmental, ecological, human-health consequences. If not done properly, coal mining has
potential to damage landscape, soils, surface water, groundwater, air during all phases of
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exploration and use.The polluted air of coal mine area can cause high toxicity of acid rain. The
acidic pH may limit the growth of plants and even cause sources instead of fossil fuel
dependence. The chemical properties of surrounding soil of coal mine, such as concentration of
Ca, Mg, Pb, Fe, Cu, Zn etc is greatly increased by the mixing of coal water and greatly impacts
on the farmer’s field soil. These heavy metals contaminated soil may also halt the flora and fauna
of the surrounding environment. Appropriate steps have been taken by the company to preserve
environment. As part of this, 40,000 (Forty thousand) saplings of various species have been
planted on 113 acres of acquired and leased land. Saplings of various species were planted this
year. The mine water released on the surface is treated through water treatment plant using
requisite amount of chemical substances. Chemical and bacterial test of the mine water is done
every 2/3 months to ascertain whether it contains any hazardous substances. Recently as per
direction from department of environment, steps are being taken to perform chemical test of
underground water and water from outside boundary drain by Bogura Regional Laboratory,
Bogura under Environment Department. Water flows at a quantity of 2,300 m3/h through an 8-
kilometer-long canal to Fulbari and Nawabganj Upazila. During dry season this water is used for
irrigation over an adjacent area of nearly 30,000 (Thirty Thousand) acres. Owing to existence of
trees and plants and prevalence of favorable environment in the mine area, seasonal birds throng
here to build nestles and expand their species; this has created a pleasing environment in the
area. Fish cultivation is being done in the water land of the subsidence area.


4. Alam JB, Ahmed AAM, Khan MJH, Ahmed B (2011) Evaluation of possible
environmental impacts for Barapukuria thermal power plant and coal mine. J Soil Sci
Environ Manag 2(5):126–131

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5. Bickerstaff K, Walker G (2001) Public understandings of air pollution: the localization of
environmental risk. Glob Environ Change 11(2):133–145
6. CMC (1993, 1994, 1999) Preliminary geology and exploration report of Barapukuria
Coal Mine, Bangladesh. Unpublished report
7. CMC (2013) Daily report of Barapukuria Coal Mine, Bangladesh. Unpublished report
8. EIA (2006) Bangladesh: Phulbari coal project (Summary of environmental impact
assessment), Project Number: 39933, p 132
9. EQS (1991) environmental quality standards guidelines for Bangladesh. Dept. of
Environment, Bangladesh
10. Ramani, R.V., 2013. Coal mining. Retrieved 10 January, 2013, from

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