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Optimum Gas Liquid Ratio

Students : _ Mohammed Abdallah Bhere , 1741130 .

_ Zied Musbah Zied , 1741059.
Defintion :
 The gas-liquid ratio is the ratio of a volume of gas divided by a
volume of liquid at the same temperature and pressure. The
gas-liquid ratio, or GLR, is useful for characterizing the behavior
of a reservoir. The choice of GLR depends on the fluids in the
reservoir , is a sensitive indicator of the behavior of a gas
reservoir connected to a water source, such as an aquifer or
injected water , The optimum GLR is liquid flow rate
dependent and can be found from traditional gradient curves
such as those generated by Gilbert (1954). Similar curves can
be generated with modern computer programs using various
multiphase correlations. The computer program
OptimumGLR.xls in the CD attached to this book was
developed based on modified Hagedorn and Brown method
(Brown, 1977) for multiphase flow calculations and the Chen
method (1979) for friction factor determination.
Calculation of optimum GLR :


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