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The factor that made JR successful

Written by Misael Mendoza

(intro) Jackie Robinson was a legendary major

league baseball player, As a baseball player his
teammates finally started respecting him by
winning for the dodgers. And what I think is
the most important factor in Jackie Robinson
succuss is having a great partner.

(paragraph 1) My first reason to show why his

important factor of success is that without
Branch Rickey Jackie Robinson wouldn't be
successful, or have his fans knowing him or be
apart of major league baseball and playing for
the dodgers, Branch Rickey invited Jackie
Robinson to play for him. He said to Jackie
Robinson “Your the right man for the job”
Jackie Robinson was going to break the color
barrier, By having self-control of his anger.
(paragraph 2) And My second reason of his
factor of success is his teammates and fans,
they were happy and celebrating for Jackie
robinson winning for the dodgers, And they
were happy because in in page 43 it says
“Dodgers fans celebrate their team’s 1947
pennant win”

(Conclusion) Now you know the factor of

success that was most important in Jackie
robinson’s success is having a great partner,
without Rickey he wouldn't be successful or be
playing for the dodgers in major league

The end

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