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Goal setting and Time Management

Why do we need time?

• Activities
• Family
• Personal Life
• Study
• Work
• Sleep
• Eat

What is time management?

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time
between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter – not
harder – so that you get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are
high. Failing to manage your time damages your effectiveness and causes stress.

Why time management?

• To Be organized
• To improve study habits
• To improve grades and succeed
• To feel in control of your life
• Minimize stress
• Control the unstructured time

Steps to time management:

1. Set goals and plans: Know your goals, short term and long term Write them down and
look at them periodically. To change or adjust your plans, you need first to have them.
2. Determine how to spend time: Keep a time journal to find out what to do now and
what is next. Make a time log and use it during the day. Knowing what to do now and
later on, will make your life easier.
Say: next hour I will be doing so….
Say. My next activity is so…
3. Evaluate : evaluate yourself everyday or once a week.
How do I spend and waste my time?
What can I do to more efficiently spend my time?

When am I most productive during the day?
How does my use of time compare to my goals?
Am I eating, sleeping and exercising in relation to time?
4. Schedules and lists : Set your schedule, follow, use, respect and stick to it: classes,
work, exercise, social time, mealtime, sleep. Inform your family and friends about
your schedule and ask them to help you stick to it.Figure out your PPT; Prime
Productivity Time: when are you most productive during the day?
Schedule your difficult tasks when you are more productive, and easy ones, when you
are less productive. And write down your to-do list: list priorities, break down the big
tasks into small ones.
5. Avoid Procrastination: Pay attention to deadlines. Know what you have to do and do
on time. Stick to your schedule, to-do list and priorities. Procrastination is a bad habit
and is a symptom of stress and poor organization.
6. Reduce waste :Reduce interruptions during productivity time, and Know when and
how to say NO. Concentrate on your activity. Avoid TV, Music, Facebook, looking at
your messages….An interruption lasts on average 6-9 minutes, and requires 4-5
minutes to recover, (5 interruptions kill ONE hour)

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