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Enrolment No:


End Semester Examination, May 2019
Course: Oil & Gas Law & Policy (Program Elective) CC:OGOG 7007
Programme: MBA (OIL & GAS) Semester: II
Time: 03 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
SECTION - A (20 Marks)
Q1 Furnish requisite information Fill-up line Blanks, Say – Yes/No (Any 10) Marks CO
Under which article of Indian Constitution, contracts with companies of other
1 countries for exploration of petroleum in India are executed in the name of president 2 CO1
of India or Government of State
2 Waste from petroleum exploration are handled under ……………………… 2 CO2
3 Testing of Petroleum is done under ………………….. …...Act …………………. 2 CO1
4 Bends in pipeline should be minimum (Mention Relevant Rule) 2 CO2
5 What is Custom Airport? 2 CO1
6 Which rules lay down procedures for refining of petroleum? 2 CO1
7 Safety in Rigs is governed under ………………. Regulation ……………….. 2 CO2
8 What is prospecting License? 2 CO1
9 Sale of petroleum its Marketing is covered under……………. Act………………… 2 CO3
10 Main Objective of Oil Industry Development Act, 1974? 2 CO2
11 If Sea is polluted by Oil, under which law we proceed? 2 CO3
12 Petroleum Industry has to be under the Central Govt. as per ………………Act 1951. 2 CO1
Q2 Write Note on Any 4 Marks CO
1 Application of Safety Measures for laying pipelines. 5 CO4
2 Concept of Mining Lease. 5 CO1
3 Any 5 Prohibition in Import Export. 5 CO2
4 Analyze the Role of HPCL/GAIL 5 CO3
5 Critically evaluate Classification of Petroleum.
5 CO3

Q3 Explain Any 3 Marks CO

1 Main feature of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 10 CO2
2 Any 12-safety measures in Petroleum Industry.
10 CO1
3 Refining of Petroleum.
10 CO1
4 Constitution / Status and Functions of Petroleum Natural Gas Regulatory Board.
10 CO3

Q4 Explain any 3 Judgements on Petroleum allied subjects of Supreme Court of India

Marks CO
1 What were the points for and against with regards to promulgation of Law on use of
Natural Gas by State of Gujrat only and not by any other state (2004) 4 S.C.C. 489 10 CO2
(Association of Natural Gas consuming industries of Gujrat Versus Ors.
2 Termination of Petrol Pump dealership illegally of Allied Motors Pvt. Ltd. By
BPCL. What punishment (i.e. costs) were awarded by Supreme Court and on what 10 CO4
points Allied Motors Pvt. Ltd. Versus BPCL
3 Extension of Lease for a period of 20 Years in respect BPCL (Formerly Burma
Shell) was governed under a special Law i.e. Burmah Shell (Acquisition ) of
10 CO3
Undertaking Act), 1976 and not by transfer of property Act, 1882 (2004) 9 SCC 772
4 Allotment of Retail outlets for Petroleum (Petrol Pumps) by Minister of Petroleum
(Capt. Satish Sharma) was found malafide arbitrary and illegal. Explain the
10 CO4
observations of Supreme Court in their Judgement. (1996) 6 SCC 593 (Common
Cause, a registered society versus UNION OF INDIA
Enrolment No:


End Semester Examination, May 2019
Course: Oil & Gas Law & Policy (Program Elective) CC:OGOG 7007
Programme: MBA (OIL & GAS) Semester: II
Time: 03 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions:Attempt all four parts (A,B,C,D)

S. No. Marks CO
Q1 Statement of question

Attempt any 10 questions with, requisite information, fill up blanks, say “Yes/No”. CO

1. Under which law, uninterrupted and adequate supply of petroleum and CO2
petroleum products is ensured to different parts of India.
2. Adulteration of petroleum is handled under ………………… Act……. CO3
3. Prospecting licence / mining lease is issued under …………………
Act………… for excavation of petroleum. CO4
4. Under which article of the Indian constitution, it is the duty of the Indian
citizens to protect environment. CO3
5. Under which law, land is acquired for laying pipelines for transportation of
petroleum. CO4
6. What is customs station under S.2(13) of customs Act, 1962.
7. Import of petroleum is governed by ………………… Act……….. CO4
8. Specifications of petroleum are laid under ……………… Act ………….
9. Under which entry of Indian constitution laws on regulation and development CO2
of oil fields are promulgaled.
10. D.G.H. stands for ………………………………. CO1
11. O.I.S.D stands for
12. Cess for development of petroleum industry in India is collected under CO3
……………………………… CO4



Q2 Statement of question:
20 CO
Write short notes on any four

i. Objectives of petroleum Act, 1934 and classification of petroleum. CO3

ii. What is environment pollutant and environmental pollution. CO2
iii. How govt. exercises control over petroleum.
iv. What are objective of petroleum, natural gas regulatory board Act, 2006. CO3
What is legal status of the board.
v. What are the steps for import of petroleum. CO3


Q3 Statement of question:
30 CO
Attempt any three questions:

i. Which are ‘Dutiable Goods’ under S. 2(14) of customs Act, 1962. Under
which law duties of customs are levied. Name 8 prohibtions on
importation and exportation of goods under S.11 of customs Act, 1962.
ii. Mention safety measures in petroleum industry as laid in petroleum act,
1934/ petroleum rules, 2002.
iii. What are objectives of Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996. Mention
salient provisions of this act. Under which conditions arbitration award
can be set aside.
iv. Explain the following with reference to oil fields (Regulation and
development ) Act, 1948
a. Objectives of this law
b. Mining lease S.3(d)
c. Oil field
d. Prospecting

Q4 Statement of question CO
Explain any 3 Supreme Court Judgements on petroleum, industry

i. Allotment of retail outlets for petroleum (Petrol pumps) by minister of

petroleum were found arbitrary, malafide and illegal. Explain the supreme
court judgement on the subject (common cause, a registered society,
versus union of India) (1996)6 SCC 593.
ii. What were observations of supreme court in the case of BPCL versus
Maharastra general kamgar union (1999) 1 SCC 626 with regard to
domestic inquiries under Industrial Employment (standing orders) Act,
iii. Whether law on natural gas can be promulgated by any state legislature in
India. Explain the judgement Association of natural gas consuming
industries of Gujrat versus O.N.G.C (2004)4 SCC 489.
iv. What were observations of supreme court in the case of termination of
petrol pumps dealership of Allicd motors Pvt Ltd. by BPCL arbitrarily

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