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Topic 1
1. I buy an ice cream at ice cream shop.
2. Mr. Ruben sells the fried chiken in Banjarmasin.
3. He will not import the car from Japan.
4. Last year, Indonesian exported coffee’s to Japan.
5. I ordered a cup of coffee at a restaurant.
6. I offered to help for my uncle.
7. My boss will hire you in this company.
8. His boss will fire him from his job.
9. Mr. Jamal works as a directur in this company.
10. I lead my team in the classroom.
Topic 2
1. He manages a football club in Jakarta.
2. Can you pay your debt now?
3. I plan to give a surprise to my lecturer.
4. I recruit some of my friends to join my team.
5. Why did you resign from your team?
6. I negotiated the price to buy that cow.
7. He invested money in the business in that company.
8. They advertise their products on social media.
9. Can I borrow your pen?
10. The cashier calculated the total price of my groceries.
Topic 3
1. Director : Direktur
2. Leader : Pemimpin
3. Supervisor : Pengawas
4. Secretary : Sekretaris
5. Employee : Karyawan
6. Seller : Penjual
7. Buyer : Pembeli
8. Costumer : Pelanggan
9. Supplier : Penyedia
10. Guest : Tamu
Topic 4
1. Finance : Keuangan
2. Accounting : Akuntansi
3. Administration : Administrasi
4. Production : Produksi
5. Industry : Industri
6. Factory : Pabrik
7. Marketing : Pemasaran
8. Enginee : Mesin
9. Tax : Pajak
10. Warehouse : Gudang
Topic 5
1. Company : Perusahaan
2. Office : Kantor
3. Main Office : Kantor Pusat
4. Office Loby : Lobi Kantor
5. Meeting Room : Ruang Rapat
6. Workspace : Ruang Kerja
7. Toilet : Toilet
8. Pantry : Ruangan Membuat Kopi dan Snack
9. Parking Area : Area Parkir
10. Canteen : Kantin
Topic 6
1. Meeting : Rapat
2. Salary : Gaji
3. Permission : Ijin
4. Leave : Cuti
5. Procedure : Prosedur
6. Invoice : Faktur
7. Purchasing : Pembelian
8. Overtime : Lembur
9. Agreement : Persetujuan
10. Allowance : Tunjangan
Topic 7
1. Ads : Iklan
2. Profit : Keuntungan
3. Benefit : Manfaat
4. Budget : Dana
5. Deadline : Tenggat Waktu
6. Cost : Biaya
7. Goods : Barang
8. Payment : Pembayaran
9. Promotion : Promosi
10. Receipt : Tanda Terima
Topic 8
1. Duty : Tugas/Kewajiban
2. Deal : Kesepakatan
3. Risk : Resiko
4. Price : Harga
5. Merchandise : Barang Dagangan
6. Signature : Tanda Tangan
7. Reimburse : Pergantian Dana
8. Shipping : Pengiriman
9. Supply : Persediaan
10. Estimation : Perkiraan

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