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Technical Note

Oedometric Behavior of Diatomite–Kaolin Mixtures

Desh R. Sonyok 1 and Paola Bandini, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE 2

Abstract: This paper discusses the results of an experimental program to study the compressibility of mixtures of kaolin and diatom micro-
fossils, particularly the effects of diatomite content (DC) on consolidation, swelling, and long-term compression. Thirty long- and short-term
oedometer tests were performed on laboratory-sedimented, preconsolidated specimens of diatomite–kaolin (D-K) mixtures. The compression
and swelling of the mixtures were affected by the DC, especially when the DC was 60% (by dry mass) or greater. The effect of preconso-
lidation on the compression curve was much less evident as DC increased. For soils with diatoms, Cα does not have the same meaning of
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secondary compression or creep as for fine-grained soils. Greater Cc and Cα values with increasing DC were explained by contributions
from three mechanisms that may overlap during loading: faster pore pressure dissipation due to larger interparticle and intraparticle poros-
ities, rearrangement and bending of kaolin particles around frustules, and elastic compression and eventually breakage of frustule particles.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002084. © 2019 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Consolidation; Particle breakage; Diatom; Microfossils; Frustule; Compression index; Swelling index; Secondary

Introduction large vertical stresses. Deformation or breakage of microfossils

is expected at much higher stress levels compared with the clay
Natural soil deposits that formed in marine or freshwater environ- matrix and depends on the frustules’ geometry, size, composition,
ments may contain various amounts of diatom microfossils. Such and orientation (Tanaka and Locat 1999).
deposits can be found within the depth range of engineering interest The Cc values of artificial diatomite–clay mixtures tend to be
in numerous places around the world (Mesri et al. 1975; Day 1995; lower than those of natural diatomaceous clays because specimens
Shiwakoti et al. 2002; Hong et al. 2006). The distinct index proper- for laboratory testing are often prepared using commercially
ties and compressibility of diatomaceous fine-grained soils depend available diatomaceous earth (DE) powder, which contains many
greatly on their microfossil content, stress level (Shiwakoti et al. fragments of broken frustules and lacks fabric and particle bonding.
2002; Diaz-Rodriguez and Gonzalez-Rodriguez 2013; Al Shatnawi In addition, natural diatomaceous soils have a greater initial void
and Bandini 2018) and loading history (Mesri et al. 1975; Tanaka ratio (eo ) than laboratory-reconstituted specimens (Shiwakoti et al.
and Locat 1999; Hong et al. 2006). Mexico City sediments contain 2002), leading to greater compressibility. Reconstituted diatomite-
large amounts (up to 65%) of diatom microfossils, which are clay specimens have shown a gradual Cc increase with the addition
responsible for their unusually high index properties such as water of diatomite, from approximately 0.54 for either Singapore clay or
content (w) up to 400%, plasticity index up to 350, and compres- kaolin to 1.52 for diatomite (Shiwakoti et al. 2002). Another study
sion index (Cc ) as high as 10 (Mesri et al. 1975; Diaz-Rodriguez on reconstituted diatomite–kaolin (D-K) mixtures reported Cc
et al. 1998). In another case, geotechnical and constructability values that increased progressively from 0.45 for kaolin to 0.91
challenges were encountered when soils containing about 65% for 60% DC (Diaz-Rodriguez and Gonzalez-Rodriguez 2013).
diatom microfossils were used as fill in California (Day 1995). Despite the important research efforts documented in the liter-
In this fill material, the deformation-log(time) curves had no dis- ature, questions remain on the influence of diatom microfossils on
tinct end of primary consolidation (EOP), which was attributed to the short- and long-term compressibility behavior of diatomaceous
frustule crushing at large stresses (up to 1,600 kPa) (Day 1995). soils. This paper discusses the results of an experimental program
Osaka Bay clay also contains microfossils and has Cc as high to study the effects of DC on the compressibility of D-K mixtures
as 4.7 (Tanaka and Locat 1999). The high Cc values were explained using oedometer tests.
by an initial gradual compression of the interparticle pore space
followed by deformation of the clay matrix around frustules
and compression of the intraparticle pore space (frustules) under Experimental Program
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, New Mexico State Univ., The experimental program consisted of 18 short-term and 12
P.O. Box 30001, MSC 3CE, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001. Email: long-term one-dimensional oedometer tests on preconsolidated specimens of D-K mixtures according to the test procedure of
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, New Mexico State ASTM D2435/D2435M (Method B) (ASTM 2011). Tests were
Univ., P.O. Box 30001, MSC 3CE, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001 (corre- performed on duplicate specimens as a minimum. One of the con-
sponding author). ORCID: Email: solidation cells was set up for pore-water pressure measurements.
Loading and unloading cycles in the short-term tests lasted 24 h
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 24, 2018; approved on
February 5, 2019; published online on June 25, 2019. Discussion
each; loading and unloading cycles in the long-term tests lasted
period open until November 25, 2019; separate discussions must be sub- 7–21 days and 2–7 days, respectively. In the long-term tests, load
mitted for individual papers. This technical note is part of the Journal of increments lasted until at least one logarithmic cycle of secondary
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN compression was completed or the axial deformation rate was less
1090-0241. than 0.0025 mm per day.

© ASCE 06019005-1 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(9): 06019005

The diatomite contents were 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and at the end of the loading increment (EOI). The data for the EOP
100% (by dry mass). On the specimen labels, the digits before curves were estimated from the deformation-log(t) curves using
D and K indicated the percentage by dry mass of diatomite and log-of-time curve fitting. The EOP curves for specimens with 80%
kaolin, respectively (e.g., specimen 20D:80K contained 20% diato- and 100% DC in this test series are not available due to the diffi-
mite and 80% kaolin). The samples were prepared using a modified culty in identifying EOP graphically. For p > pc, the vertical sep-
version of the slurry consolidation method (Mesri et al. 1975; aration between the EOI and EOP curves increased gradually with
Diaz-Rodriguez and Gonzalez-Rodriguez 2013) and were precon- increasing DC (Fig. 2), which means that, for a given p, there was
solidated to 60 kPa. The materials used were DE flour and kaolin. more compression after EOP as DC increased. The addition of
The DE was crushed diatomite composed mostly of whole and diatomite to the kaolin significantly increased compressibility and
broken hollow cylinders (amorphous silica frustules) with numer- eo (after preconsolidation). For the test series in Fig. 2, the kaolin
ous micropores and nanopores distributed throughout the surface. specimen had eo ¼ 1.42; adding diatomite increased eo to 1.56,
The DE flour was purchased from Perma-Guard (Albuquerque, 1.99, 2.44, 2.74, and 3.28 for 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% DC,
New Mexico) and contained particles mostly in the silt range. respectively. As the DC increased, the greatest contribution to
The pulverized kaolin sample was purchased from Edgar Minerals increasing eo of the mixtures was the large intraparticle porosity of
(Edgar, Florida) and contained 97.8% particles smaller than frustules (Bandini and Al Shatnawi 2017).
Downloaded from by Lund University on 07/22/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

58.6 μm and 38.8% particles smaller than 2.3 μm (determined via The effects of DC on Cc and swelling index (Cs ) are presented
the hydrometer test). in Fig. 3. This figure includes long- and short-term tests. The seg-
mented lines suggest possible trends. The average Cc values for
kaolin at EOP and EOI were 0.293 and 0.327, respectively, and
Results and Discussion for diatomite at EOI the value was 0.532. The average Cs values
for kaolin and diatomite were 0.021 and 0.050, respectively. The
Deformation-Time Characteristics average Cc and Cs values for kaolin and 20% DC were very similar;
further addition of diatomite caused a gradual increase in these two
Table 1 provides average initial values of w, eo , and dry unit weight indexes (Fig. 3). The Cc values of artificially sedimented D-K spec-
(γ d ) of the specimens after preconsolidation. The volumetric strain- imens in this study as well as other values found in the literature
logarithm of time [εv - logðtÞ] curves of a representative series of for similar D-K mixtures [e.g., Cc ¼ 0.52, 0.66, 0.82, 0.88, and
oedometer tests for five values of axial effective stress (p) are pre- 0.91 for 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60% DC, respectively (Diaz-
sented in Fig. 1. The kaolin specimens and D-K mixtures with up to Rodriguez and Gonzalez-Rodriguez 2013)] were lower than those
40% DC exhibited the typical S shape (often called the Type-I of natural diatomaceous soils [e.g., Cc up to 4.7 for Osaka Bay clay
curve) of fine-grained soils. The compression of the D-K mixtures (Tanaka and Locat 1999), Cc up to 10 for Mexico City sediments
was markedly affected by the DE when the DC was 60% and (Diaz-Rodriguez et al. 1998)]. Obtaining relatively low Cc values
greater, at which point it was either difficult or, in some cases, in this study was related to using DE flour, which contains partly
impossible to identify graphically the end of primary consolidation crushed or broken frustules and lacks the structure of natural soils.
for stress levels equal to or greater than the preconsolidation pres- Micromechanical measurements and numerical modeling on
sure (pc ). The addition of diatomite to kaolin increased particle size living diatoms and frustules have determined remarkably large
and interparticle and intraparticle porosities of the mixtures, which Young’s modulus (E) and strength against compressive, tensile,
in turn accelerated the pore pressure dissipation. This explains why and indentation failures. The measured strength varies greatly de-
the initial part of the εv - logðtÞ curves was slightly concave down pending on frustule size, geometry (species), wall thickness, silica
for the D-K mixtures with 60% and 80% DC and straight for content, and loading location and direction (e.g., Almqvist et al.
mixtures with 100% DC (Fig. 1). Pore pressure dissipation times 2001; Hamm et al. 2003; Subhash et al. 2005; Vebner 2013). The
in select tests in this study and oedometer test results reported by E values for whole frustules vary greatly from 0.347 to 300 GPa
Shiwakoti et al. (2002) support this mechanism. (Almqvist et al. 2001; Hamm et al. 2003). Tensile and compressive
strength varies from 155 to 560 MPa and 330 to 680 MPa, respec-
Deformation-Stress Characteristics tively, depending on the part of the frustule (Hamm et al. 2003).
Frustules deform elastically under high compressive stresses, and
Fig. 2 shows the compression curves in terms of e-log p for the
fractures are brittle (Hamm et al. 2003), which is consistent with the
test series shown in Fig. 1. The compression curves for the D-K
smooth and sharp edges observed in the DE sample in this study.
mixtures with up to 40% DC clearly showed the effect of precon-
The stress range in which plastic deformation of diatom particles
solidation. For 60% DC and greater, the effect of preconsolidation
occurs is likely narrow.
was much less evident and the radius of curvature of the compres-
In this study, the compressive strength of whole frustules was
sion curve around pc ¼ 60 kPa increased noticeably. Fig. 2 also
likely greater on average than the applied effective stresses. How-
compares the compression curves using e values at the EOP and
ever, randomly oriented and broken frustules have much less strength
than whole frustules overall; thus, the strength of particles in this
DE material is anisotropic and the particle compressibility depends
Table 1. Average initial values of water content (w), void ratio (eo ), and on the applied stress level. Under sustained loading, specimens with
dry unit weight (γ d )
high DC deformed in part because of elastic compression and break-
Diatomite age of frustules. In addition, the observed increase in swelling
Mixture content (%) w (%) eo γ d ðkN=m3 Þ (in terms of Cs ) with additional DC during unloading was due to
0D:100K 0 52.5 1.42 10.64 the recovering of elastic compression in some diatomite particles.
20D:80K 20 57.8 1.58 9.73
40D:60K 40 76.5 1.99 8.26
60D:40K 60 97.9 2.44 6.87 Deformation after Primary Consolidation
80D:20K 80 113.1 2.74 6.25 Fig. 1 shows deformation during and after primary consolidation.
100D:0K 100 135.6 3.28 5.35
The secondary compression index (Cα ) was estimated graphically

© ASCE 06019005-2 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(9): 06019005

0 0
0D:100K 20D:80K
1 (100% Kaolin) 1


2 2

Volumetric strain,

Volumetric strain,
3 3

4 4
61.93 kPa 61.93 kPa
5 5 123.86 kPa
123.86 kPa
247.73 kPa 247.73 kPa
6 6 495.45 kPa
495.45 kPa
990.91 kPa 990.91 kPa
7 7
0.1 10 1000 100000 0.1 10 1000 100000
Time, t (min.) Time, t (min.)
Downloaded from by Lund University on 07/22/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

0 0
40D:60K 60D:40K
1 1

2 2

Volumetric strain,

Volumetric strain,
3 3

4 4
61.93 kPa 61.93 kPa
5 123.86 kPa 5 123.86 kPa
247.73 kPa 247.73 kPa
6 495.45 kPa 6 495.45 kPa
990.91 kPa 990.91 kPa
7 7
0.1 10 1000 100000 0.1 10 1000 100000
Time, t (min.) Time, t (min.)

0 0
80D:20K 100D:0K
1 1 (100% Diatoms)


2 2

Volumetric strain,

Volumetric strain,

3 3
4 4
61.93 kPa 61.93 kPa
5 123.86 kPa 5 123.86 kPa
247.73 kPa 247.73 kPa
6 495.45 kPa 6 495.45 kPa
990.91 kPa 990.91 kPa
7 7
0.1 10 1000 100000 0.1 10 1000 100000
Time, t (min.) Time, t (min.)

Fig. 1. Volumetric strain-time curves for a test series.

using e-log(t) curves. Several specimens with 80% and 100% DC porosities; (2) rearrangement and bending of kaolin particles
did not clearly show EOP. Thus, when pore pressure measurements around frustule pieces; and (3) elastic compression and eventually
were available, the time near the condition of zero excess pore- breakage of frustule fragments and whole frustules. The first and
water pressure was considered as the EOP and/or the beginning last mechanisms explain why the εv - logðtÞ curves for specimen
of secondary compression to estimate Cα (Mesri et al. 1997). 100D:0K (100% diatomite) in Fig. 1 were straight lines during
The Cα index increased gradually with DC and p, but the influence the test duration.
began to be significant for 40% DC and greater (Fig. 4). Using the The Cα =Cc ratio is a fundamental parameter that relates to com-
classification based on secondary compressibility (Mesri 1973), pressibility and is not affected by p, e, or elapsed time of consoli-
kaolin and 20% DC mixtures were shown to have medium com- dation (Mesri and Godlewski 1977). The Cα =Cc ratio increased
pressibility and mixtures with 40% DC or more were shown to have with increasing DC (corresponding to steeper best-fit lines in
high compressibility. The observed deformation in specimens with Fig. 5), but the increase in Cα =Cc was relatively small between
high DC was not caused by primary consolidation and secondary 60% and 100% DC. For 60% DC and greater, compressibility was
compression as expected in fine-grained soils. Greater Cc and Cα dominated by the presence of diatom fossils. A larger Cα =Cc ratio
values with increasing DC were the result of three mechanisms, with increasing DC means that the deformation rate in the long term
whose effects may have overlapped as they occurred: (1) faster pore (given by Cα ) is greater than in the initial loading part in soils with
pressure dissipation due to greater interparticle and intraparticle diatoms. The Cα =Cc ratios for 40% and 60% DC (0.028 and 0.035,

© ASCE 06019005-3 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(9): 06019005

3.5 0.030
100D:0K (EOI)
80D:20K (EOI)
3.0 60D:40K (EOI)
C = 0.038Cc
60D:40K (EOP)
0.020 R² = 0.87
40D:60K (EOI)
2.5 40D:60K (EOP) 0.015 100D:0K

Void ratio, e

20D:80K (EOI)
2.0 20D:80K (EOP) 0.010 60D:40K
0D:100K (EOI)
0D:100K (EOP) 0.005 20D:80K
1.5 C = 0.015Cc
R² = 0.82
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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1.0 Compression index, Cc

Fig. 5. Relationship between Cα and Cc . R is the coefficient of

0.5 correlation.
10 100 1000
Axial effective stress, p (kPa)

Fig. 2. Compression curves for the test series in Fig. 1. respectively) were very close to those of Mexico City soil
(i.e., 0.03–0.035) (Mesri and Godlewski 1977) which consists of
55%–65% silt-size siliceous microfossils that are mostly diatoms.
0.8 0.24
Cc EOI (long term)
0.7 Cc EOI (24 hours) 0.20 Conclusions
Cc EOP (long term)
Compression index, Cc

0.6 The compressibility and swelling of D-K mixtures were affected

Swelling index, Cs

Cc EOP (24 hours) 0.16 by DC, but the effects were more significant when DC was 60%
0.5 Cs or greater. The Cc and Cs values for 20% DC were very similar to
0.12 those of kaolin, but increased gradually with further addition of
0.4 diatomite. Greater swelling during unloading with increasing
0.08 DC was explained by recovered elastic compression of some diato-
0.3 mite particles. Compression in terms of Cα (i.e., compression after
EOP) also increased noticeably with DC. Specimens with 40%–
0.2 0.04
100% DC had Cα values 2–5 times greater than kaolin and were
described as having high compressibility. The Cα =Cc ratio also
0.1 0.00 showed a tendency to increase progressively with increasing
0 20 40 60 80 100
DC, meaning that the deformation rate in the long term (given
Diatomite content (%)
by Cα ) is greater than before EOP. For soils with diatoms, Cα does
Fig. 3. Effects of diatomite content on Cc and Cs . not have the meaning of secondary compression or creep as for
fine-grained soils. For D-K mixtures, greater Cc and Cα values with
increasing DC result from faster pore pressure dissipation, rear-
rangement and bending of kaolin particles around frustules, and
0.030 elastic deformation and eventually breakage of frustules.
0.025 80D:20K
60D:40K Acknowledgments
0.020 40D:60K
The second author thanks Prof. J. Abraham Diaz-Rodriguez for the
enlightening discussions about the mechanical properties of soils
0.015 0D:100K

with diatoms that eventually motivated this study.

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(9): 06019005

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