Reading Train 1 Workbook

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***4;L ,4
Faffi T

I|l?EFp TimetoSing 06

{ffip lnsects in the Classroom 08

{E@l BMx! 10

{@p The Picky Eater 12

4!|!Et?$ MySillyNewDog '14

El#glrd Link unirs 1*S 16

{@p The Moon Gets a Friend 18

Illlftfi} SleepyJay 20

(@F vacation 22

{IllErip E-mails 24

{@ The Busy Firefighters 26

Word Link units 6*10 28

Fmffi €
@ Anna'sPet 30

ffi Nota Peanut 32

ffi Uncle Ted's Motorcycle u

ffi Fishing 36

ffi Fun for Max 38

W*r# LE*rk units it-1s 40

ffi Hide and Seek 42

ffip What's That Glow? 44

ffi A Delicious Dance 46

@ There is a Mouse in My Pocket 48

c[F,ffip Jay'sCamp 50

Ff*rd kink units 16-ao 52

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ffi#EH"E i.:ie.F-i
f# :l+r:rl::r:; i'r,r*il,:s

{h*os* *,'ld *.4*.

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;r6pi:v j ha!)ilr1!r iql+i rEllii

ffi& ri
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vrele I F:ig lrs iliriliir+i! ;ei!' Exciiari

Et-ti1lq aia,i'.ia" y+si4iatJf'

j;':. {irtis tl"i* {sf{ari mea*ing"
k!ij it liit!j i:,r A,ajiii
fli!l itt th* hiarks, {h**i* fv*# the s*rei= =}*t=.
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*ey -. !*ni:lrr5.j +
lilii ie'rl ii;?riF\r i$0i irijli!

{**:g}:*e* th* :*fit*:}{e,

tl tri;E lj;;lillj *iir?ilr:*iY
-rtl*iiar l+xir iiii! s.:itin ir.{: lrddjl

'c1j{iHi +eFe jr,r.ri:

xiuai? iir4l!l 4fr* lr- SliJrililis
Annfi ura riaj-
\filai wairi
il+r laYe -3ei an
:l*aerse iil* ;aL:; u! :i4eDiile
,+E*e lcsiifd al 1i6
j'i-i qf;lril tr i t5i!-G xi tlrE .4rti:$al tiircrri.
it hrd r:i.iy . ;rC the .:.ara.::ti.
li tlrF.isrk
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]ainnt uiE*iaai tn iiia toire :
i 16\: l!r,,. i".r ot'ei h*itr:" fllNir *ir!tea1

Students review the key vocabulary from the

ii'' i f;,rrgr*if;,ei+ corresponding unit in the student boak.

ln this secti+n, studenis revisw the cantent *f the

story {vocabulary and grammar} using a cloze
activity. The activity is designed to prepare studenls
for writing their own sentencss and paragraphs.

-. : :: , :i i :1i'. .,"i !.:

Target words are practiced 6 times in the student book and the workbook. This cumulative
practice will help students to memorize the new vocabulary.

3, leflrn the ffe*S3*rdg Chooseandwrila.

i*. Frac*itq tlre fferg i#+r*s a** *r+mrnar
l, Chsose aFd stite.
{:ril,v iikes h anai dacce

!:. ir"la'-{'r L.
5 p..:(
,'he tahr {iieit
Cs*hi 1 rtiy ki:ea. truJi!
Ee*ii irr ihe iibiary.

Step 1 lStuaent Book): Learn the New VVords Step 2 lStuaent Book): Practice the New Words

$ [r'ij:rif:]iil
..i: l**k and match,
4F triri."l i;e,.ir.',j ,:..'

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(omFtele lhe $eateq(e.
,I"l' "Era$i .l.t : ,oirxli6 {iLlatl! ieNl\, sirgr ,x!1

S4e Lrsliniiiill-H Snr's e g.ea:;,flg+fi

DoI I plar/ ihe orilsra s* . fdwd lhe vdjdrei
ilurEtiy srrc sEftcff louily hurl
lil aias5. fls ltafi1 aBcut llafit$ aoil :!]secis.

,;. Fil: iE ti* blank$. Chen* f*m the words &hove, ' . .D ' e.'l'' '! Pr.....1 ,- P. ?

iar'ij i ierl oii lhe b{i.,+ .id rn,,, i+!,

i-. rri, f:,.i;i;r..!,,


Step 3 Wor*uook): Word Practice Step 4 lwort<Uook): Word Review 1

# t,iiilj itr::!,j
i:r {ilcle the coff*ci m*ning, :r:riI r1 :ir::i :t:ir:t=,i

l*C sransia*4rtinr aijoIs*gr1

)ilsaat a sriaii anjmal a smaii iriaill
i€ieiaa He;iies
i-< : '1't'
lesgci Yve are i=a.ijng 3b+!l $.
i: C$spietetheseHtcnEe,
{id Sone i aae scare, ci lnsecis.

lank My igflci:er:re* ihred tic s.

i sludy Daih &!* o* fulcodEys.

Fitl ilie *i$ :!.i.1

iasl llre is d speaifit iank ifii fiali

VI+ i€ik+ri i)eoa:,$e 15+ bab-c rvas sieepint sctaicn The cld bjk{ hes fr4o? e5.

I e $oir,g lo il $o!q at the $chloi Ltrcerl. Her cane !o visit.

Ssmeli,tes I a$ ct the dark
'ianijl:le. tly l.;er:*'s doesn'i \ryaif iil€ bil'.e
\'r..a1., -.r"...\u ! I dn,,.

'q.v 1",a ;'n r'.di 'e,e rl c' ire ihfi $ of ihe hike fiere oiC
" n.."

tanda heaas onl? eel han1boo.

$tep 5 Worxfook): Word Review 2 $tep 6 (wormooklr word Link


&. Look and match.


{r € e o a

quietly sing science loudly hurt

ffi" Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

t loud l-

ft : loudly

SqryEUr Ery

ffiMM quietly(xe) hurting srngrng sang loudly mustc

&. Choose and write.
'fr .,..,, like / likes ,' Ann swimming.

X ,.' don't / doesn't ," She drink tea.

3 ,,.', rquietly / quiet,,.',.. Shhh! Talk , please.

at 7 o'clock last night.

@. Write the verb in the past tense.

,_i -:-:1:. -f r:r:,:lr-:_1
eSIDdP ia wa-S a l.,Pilg,i ,*
4t Say i,*p


&" Put the words in the correct order.

'E like ' Jay ' class i doesn't , music :

3 not , at , Jay , is ' good i singing :


3 singing ' quietly ' Jay : was ' very :

@" Write about yourself.

llike class, but I don't like class.

l'm good at , but l'm not good at _. :



Readins rrain r .#
&" Unscramble and write the word.
E d* 4

dki desacr setnic

tasl knat

B" Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

t child *
H . afraid

ffi ' first

utrMF@ 9li.k"t*- !i"f: r-.rll reglle ants .oot scateO

We are learning about _-_____* __"_!

My teacher has three big *_*__

One has -,"". Another has a _. The last one has "."_*."*

It's _-_._-"""_- "_"". to watch them. :

not insects.

l'm of !

I want to all about them!

&" Choose and write.
3 readingI read What are you 2

E sisters / sister My friend has two

E are / is Some students sleepy.

& to watch / watching I want a movte.

B" Circle the correct word.

E We are I about insects in science class.
learning to
E My teacher has three big tanks in I on the back of the room.
p The last is a special tank at I tor ants.
q Some kids are scared of / with insects.
S lt's cool tot / \o watch them.
fr. I want to learn all about I tot them.

D Complete the sentence.

'giglg: grlgtly !?,!ry - :llg: lyn j

€ She beautifully. She's a great singer!

fr Don't play the music so . Turn down the volume!

3ln class, we learn about plants and insects.

€ The baby is sleeping. Please speak

5 I fell off the bike and my leg.

Readins rrain r .S
&. Look and match.


ID c € c 0
scratch daughter yesterday tire uncle

ffi" Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

t Family,* son+ aunt +
3,Day'@ tomorrow+

Wtrrdffin#: jumps tires scratches uncle mind old happy bicycle

Anna was very yesterday.

Her __***_ gave her an bicycle.

Anna looked at the

It had many ....-.:.! and the were old.

Anna didn't because it was a BMX bicycle!

Anna wanted to ride some

D Choose and write.
n am/was I _..*-- very tired yesterday.

3 read / reading He's going to some books.

s happy / happily She smiled

4 were / was The children very excited.

&. Circle the correct meaning.

E kid # a man or a woman * a boy or a girl

#; insect # a small animal * a small plant

* hurt # feel happy # feel pain

@, Complete the sentence.

science tank sing scared quietly loudly last

€ I study math and -_ ._*. on Mondays.

A the
Fill * with water.
B We talked -*- because the baby was sleeping.
€ l'm going to a song at the school concert.

S Sometimes I am of the dark.

# We had a running race, but I came in .****

F "Hey Tim, l'm over here!" Rick shouted

Beading Train 1
&" Unscramble and write the word.

bo moab aepr geg caphe

ffi. Circle the correct word.

r A bamboo is a fruit / plant

E A ' hen i Oog lays an egg.

p A: What color is a panda? B: It's black / brown and grey I white

$mnettr i
I ffiMffi dessert bamboo picky doesn't thing panda eat

' Emma is a *-.-_*_ . _*- eater.


; She will not pears, peaches or pumpkin pie.

She like eggs, , lemons, chocolate, chicken

or strawberries.

Emma only eats one **.**** because she is a bear! l

Emma only eats

D Choose and write.
$ don't/ doesn't He "**** , play soccer on Mondays.

k want / wants My sister to eat now.

i pears I pear These taste good.

d+ go / goes She will to the library tomorrow.

&" Circle the correct meaning.
E uncle # mother's or father's sister # mother's or father's brother
P" last # at the end fu first

H insect # a big animal with four legs fu a small animal with six legs
& daughter # a girl or a woman F* a boy or a man

B" Complete the sentence.

I scared yesterday kid scratch tank tire l

€ Many people have a fish in their house.

A It was sunny but it's raining today.

He's only 9 years old. He's just a

& I can't ride this bicycle. It has a flat

S lt was dark and I was

* Ken has a _ on his leg. He fell off the bike.

Reading Train 't .,#

&" Look and match.

qB H ii


e a € e

find chase silly funny proud

ffi" fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

t lose # H cleverr#
S, follow @

! ffim* gM sing smiles silly trash tail present feet proud l


I got a new dog and she is very ,**- :

l She chases her own and she likes to

i very

She is when she finds


She brings it to me as a _-""

r Then, she **-**" _*_ in a funny way.


i And she likes to sleep on people's

D Choose and write.
t study / studies He English every day.

ffi took I lake I a bus yesterday.

s to drink / drink She wants '---__ .- some water.

5 sends / send My friend often __. me e-mail.

uncle daughter bamboo peach panda pear

&. Write the words under the correct heading.
Animal Plant
E *d**aht-er:
E ir

ffi, Complete the sentence.

Yesterday daughter tire egg uncle scratch

$ A chick comes out of an

ffi is the day before today.

ffi I got a little _* on my hand. lt doesn't hurt.

€ Mr. Wilson has three children: two sons and one

# My is two years younger than my father.

* My bike's " needs more air.

Reading Train 1
Units ({ -5)
h) Fill in the blanks.

$ science a[-'J He]ikes.

& insect =5 We'ard learning ahout

s kid 0l0l s are scared of insects.

,€ tank Sa, +"zs My teaeher has three big

s last EfrlEq A The ls a special tank for ants.

L' scratch €il T',he old, bike'haa rn*n:y gs,
p uncle '$*, as.{ol-E}+ Her 6arne to visit.

& daughter E My friend s doesn't uuant the bike.

I tire Ei0lol The s.,of the bike w,eFc ofd,

T# panda *I+ hears .gnfy'eat,bamhoo,

€E egg ss Emrna doesn't like

ta pear Hll Emma doesn't eat s^

xs peach q*ol Emnra doesn't eat e$.

t& bamboo tllL[+ Emma,only eats

T $ng }ctilElr.[' toudly pl.ease;* sai*t'heJea her,

k hurt oFsfll 6tEl

ft chase Flgtrl

& find tr[} Ffr1 dog s, tr-ash an d brings,it' $' i-.1'le.

t scared +fis6lE :..., afg of inseets.

a funny Irr way.

3 proud ?I=L:l
My dog"is'',:;.,'i.:;r.:,j;;;;=. sj:e fi*ds trash.

4 silty HTH gg Mynew'dog is very

t quietly 6E6l Jay wae singing vGry

? loudly E 6elE Jay sang

B yesterday oHl Anna:was very happy

Readins rram r@
&" Unscramble and write the word.


atr eoanl eaawk trehoegt cvero

ffi" Circle the correct word.

t She is not alone. She has : no / many friends.

fr He is awake. His eyes are open I ctoseO

* I can't hear your voice. Please speak quietly / loudly

ffinlgffi3nl 1

: ffimsffi be ,o1.. sleeping alone happy tti.nJ sad lar

The moon was . She wanted a


: The stars were too . -__ -__*__ _--__ away. Everyone else was

The moon was

The moon heard a . It was the owl.

The owl wanted to the moon's friend.

The moon and the owl were

D Choose and write.
t is lare My uncle a doctor.

ft belam I very happytoday.

Sbelam I will at home tonight.

€ islare -
Those boys my friends.

&, Circle the correct meaning.

t chase # try to catch * try to run away

A funny # make you angry * make you laugh

S pear # a kind of fruit * a kind of insect

@ panda # an animal from Africa * an anima! from China

@. Complete the sentence.

egg silly peach find bamboo proud

G I Iost my bag. I have to it.

& Mix flour, sugar, butter and an . to bake a cake.

s I got an A+ on the test. I am of myself.

4 is a soft round fruit with a yellow and pink skin.

5 Some people make baskets with

6 Wearing sunglasses on a rainy day is very

Readins Train 1
; r -- ''tii
@v{td ,....tii11,i

\illord Practiee

&, Look and match.

e n * e o

restaurant sleepy textbook breakfast bookshop

ffi. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

E Meals '4 + lunch + dinner

P Places 4! school + -L

WMffi t"rtn""f. ii'*o sleepy crosswalk breakfast bed church

Jay was very today.

He slept next to his

He slept on top of his " and under the blackboard.

He fell asleep at the

He slept at the theater, the restaurant, the bookshop, and at

Now it is time for _ *, but he is not anymore.

D Choose and write.
t is/was My teacher very busy last week.

H runs I ran Jay to school yesterday.

B eat I ale cereal yesterday morning.

# is/was She sleepy now.

&, Match the word with its meaning.

T awake * * a long way away

trlaro r with someone

B together * r not sleeping

ffi" Complete the sentence.

vorce chase alone find silly funny proud i

G Some dogs love to cats.

A Oh, no! I made a mistake in my test.

# She is a good singer. She has a beautiful

4 Where did you put my book? I can't it.

5 She won the first prize, and she was very of it.

# The story was so . We laughed for a long time.

F l'm the only person in this house. I live

Reading rrain r .s


&" Unscramble and write the word.

otcnviaa lehto rrlyiab eandgr ifmyal

ffi. Circle the correct word(s).

t She's on vacation. She will go / won't go to work for a week.

'- When we travel, we sleep in i visit a hotel.

q We don't have a garden because we live in a house I an apartment


Anna and her family were going on

Anna took some with her.

She read her books on the

. She read her books at the ,.-..--.----.*-.., at a museum and at a garden.

I Now, they were going

; Anna wanted to see the - because she was -.- " "-- of books.
D Choose and write.
i going / to go My mom wants shopping.

A talking I lalk Stop *, please.

3 were / was They walking in the park.

& watch / watching We are a DVD now.

&. Circle the correct meaning.

€ far # near # not near

E breakfast # the morning meal # the evening meal

S sleepy # wanting to sleep * sleeping now

ffi. Complete the sentence.

together alone textbook restaurant awake bookshop voice

E Jane has a beautiful . I like listening to her sing.

H She lives . She doesn't have any family.

B Let's go to that new for dinner tonight.

€ Are you still "*? You should sleep now!

5 We have a science test next week. I will study my
# I love books. My favorite shop is the
p I can't eat this big cake by myself. Do you want to eat it **__****--- *."?

Reading rrain r .*

Yllord Practice

&. Look and match.

* f * f s
computer send letter easy e-mail

B" Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

"€ hard -w
, *n"i" v"r' "-r", ,11r""",
. receive 1.n.,
-- tr.

ffiMW rli!'o; g,*,1

s:J !.ins computer easy

Ijust got an from Aunt Julie.

She lives -*, but she's not lonely.

She has her .**, and she can talk to all her
It',s to send her e-mail.

I like to e-mail too.

e-mail makes both of us happy.

D Choose and write.
? go / went We didn't to the museum.

k Play / Playing with my friends makes me happy.

B write / wrote a letter yesterday.

4 to listen / listen She likes to music.

&. Match the word with its meaning.

'E bookshoP 0 r a piece of land where you grow plants

k restaurant * * a place that sells books

B hotel * r a place where you buy a meal and eat

6 library $ e a place where you borrow or read books

S garden * e a place where you pay to sleep

B. Complete the sentence.

! vacation textbook breakfast family sleepy j

3 I usually eat at B o'clock in the morning.

re There are three people in my ; mom, dad and me.

B Do you have any plans for the summer 2

& I',m '*. l'm going to bed now.

S Read page 10 in the

Reading rrain r '.@

&" Unscramble and write the word.
?B €


nigr ysrpa
M- ffi
hf f iitrreeg iefr

ffi. Circle the correct word(s).

; They made a fire to /
keep warm cold

s When the phone rings, it makes i stops a sound.

The little girl was brave. She was / was not afraid of the dark.

;ffiMM ;;i;; ;";;; rang hard helped rushed brave

They __ the people out of the

They sprayed on the fire.

Soon, the fire was

The firefighters were very

t'l|:n o'ltn"'l:ewas - - work

,*:-_ -:
D Choose and write.
i working / work He was still "- at 10 o'clock at night.

E studied / study I **- math last night.

s Help / Helping _ your friend is a good thing to do.

4 drinks / drank My father coffee this morning.

llllord He*ierr {unit8 - units}

&, Match the word with its meaning.

E easY ' o a message on the computer

g familY f c not difficult

B e-mail e e mother, father and children

@" Complete the sentence.

send computer letter garden library vacation hotel

E We stayed at a nice in France.

A My aunt has some fruit trees in her

* He doesn't play games. He likes to play outside.

4 l'll go to the and borrow some books.

ffi She wrote a _-* -*- to her friend.

# Many people take a in summer. They often go to the beach.

3 l'll a 'thank you' card to my grandma.

Readins Train 1 .#
Units (6-{ 0}
P> Fill in the blanks.

? vorce -E/(pl

A brealdast olEI 4i,rt

3 bookshop A'lE

4 textbook Err*l

5 restaurant -o

6 hotel g,g

t family 7LE

* garden ss
q library E,T{EI

1* vacation #7t, Btrl

I,E computer g#EJ

?a letter Exl

'ES e-mail 010fl9 I.gqt,

,fi4 H

?$ firefighter ,-\Htj].l
Vei65 eaec LlErlltb s

E send HLflET I need to my mom a text message.

A ring(rang) €elrl The fire bell

S spray +elr[ The firefighters "ed water on the fire.

Bgirt: tr'grolLl SEIiE LlEtlllb g

t awake rlxl ?** "l am all night," said the owl.

* alone arrs.l The moon was

E tar fl "The stars are too - away," cried the moon.

g sleepy €al Jay was very today.

s easy rliS It's to send her e-mail.
# brave -e.7$*l
oEld The firefighters were very

3 together *741 They rose into the sky

Reading Train I #
&, Look and match.

a s e o I
dish work trash week goat

B" Fill in the blanks. Use the words from above.

t Days of the e Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
# House + washing the -*._._,_.*-_.":-,.es taking out the

Anna wanted a **.-._"-

She did her *_._ _.___* _ _* for a week.

She liked dishes, but she did not like trash.

So, she wanted a

A goat would the trash, so she didn't have to take it

Grammar Practice

D Write the verb in the past tense.

G make Jay *..-"..- a sandwich.

3 tell I -*.,.*-.*-- my friend about the party.

S stop She -".---"- -"- playing the piano.

& enjoy He *-----* --.- the movie.

llllord Hevie*r {unit e - u*it ro} j

&. Match the word with its meaning.
G letter s a person who stops a fire

E firefighter e to make a sound like a bell

# ring e not hard

& easy e a message on paper

B" Complete the sentence.

e-mail brave Spray fire send computer

E water on the flowers.

ffi I -__.."""* -- ." a birthday present to my friend in Canada.


B There is a ---,.--- . -- in the mountain. Many trees are burning.

4 Tell me your *_-"" -,. -"-, address.

s His father is a **-**-.- programmer.

# He saved his friend from a fire. He was very

Reading Train 1
Word Practice

f#t9o Unscramble and write the word.
5t #B

oebn pnkpmui tuenpa mrrefa igd

B. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

'* Food @

fi : person @,


HffiBg* find dinosaur digging pumpkin bone peanrts museum

i A farmer started his


. He hit something large and hard. lt was a

Then, he found a whole !

He wanted to send it to the

He went to dig some more in his field.

What will he there?

D Write the verb in the past tense.
3 come My friend to my house last weekend.

ffi meet I my teacher on the street last night.

S do She her homework last night.

& give He me a birthday present yesterday.

@. Circle the correct word.

E : Spray / Ring : the doorbell. Then, someone will open the door.

H Take out the tragh / dish . A truck will come and collect it.

3 A: See you next work / week B: BYe!

@. Complete the sentence.

work brave week fire goats spray firefighters

t Some cows, sheep and have horns.

E He climbed Mt. Everest. He was very

S You should some water on the garden.

4 I have piano lessons three times a

5 The rushed into the burning building.

# lt is fun to have a camp when you are camping.

F I have so much to do. I can't play with my friends.

Reading frain I '.#

Yllord Practice

&" Look and match.


c c a e
motorcycle visit helmet surprise arrive

ffi. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

T leave #
. Do you want to ride on a
; motorblke ft# ..-....1 ----,

ry#ffi l"il;;J helmet brought climbed engrne

, Uncle Ted ^_-_** _ ". on Sunday.


H" his motorcycle.

, ,__

, Jay wanted to "- * on the motorcycle.


He put on Uncle Ted's and _*_-_.* .* on.


," said, "Brrrrrrmmmmmm." He was an -__"--__"_- __-!

Grammar Practice

D Choose and write.

going / to go Do you want swimming?

take/ taking Are you **_ your umbrella today?

went / goes He **- **. to bed at 11 o'clock last night.

comes / coming My aunt is today.

C"resie:fr *46[.ii'*],r-r
&. Circle the correct meaning.
$ a week * has thirty days * has seven days

A farmer # works on a boat * works on a farm

3 pumpkin # an orange vegetable * an orange fruit

B" Complete the sentence.

I goats bone trash dig peanuts work dish l

€ Try the food in the big white It's delicious.

3" I like ln fact, I like all kinds of nuts.

Throw out the

4 Cows, sheep and .- * are farm animals.

5 She's so lazy. She doesn't do any - "

# lf you fall from a tree, you can break-*-a ._*--**"

g Let's a hole in the sand and make a tunnel.

Reading Train 't


&, Unscramble and write the word.

th' - ,-'(m
//;( )v'
tf, ':-7M
das gihnsfi ume nit elop htcca

ffi. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

$ nappy #
& Time :, *4, hour + + second

Sfnr$ $*t* fishing caught waited sitting

Alice got a hook and a

She put the hook in the water and

A few minutes later, she a fish.

The fish looked , so she put it in the water.

She didn't want to anything.

She thought was better than

D Circle the correct word.
? When you go inside, take on I otf your shoes please.

e Let's clean up. Put u*uy I in your toys.

S We don't need this book. Put it off I back on the shelf.

4 It's cold outside. Put on I in your jacket.

.W* l i
t iiiitz. i * ii

&" Circle the correct word.

t I want to dig / vis$ : the Opera House in Sydney.
3 Don't forget to wear a pumpkin / helmet when you ride a bike.
S My grandfather wilf ariive / surprise , dt 2 o'clock tomorrow.

@. Complete the sentence.

bone dig surprise farmer pumpkin peanut motorcycle

My old friend came to see me. lt was a big

H This is really big and round.

ft My uncle is a He has a large farm.

& I made some butter sandwiches.

# She broke a in her arm when she fell.

# Riding a is exciting, but dangerous.

p The farmer used a big fork to a hole.

Readins rrain t €58

., jr:i:::J ;:l:irjt:l+:=
''1:l'il1i:.!if :ll'.=
. t.::i.i:,.:E
. ..: ri:=ilii:i=
' ';i11!:.:E
,, , : i;;-i;].fij

A. Look and match.

e € l0 3 a

window want food out in

B. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

3tn@ M
Do you want a ride in the car?

H would like @

dragon asks food
D Choose and write.
ft is / does whv he so excited?

3 don't / doesn't My brother want to play.

3 ..,slnging I to sing,, I want a song.

& go / goes She will to a supermarket.

@. Match the word with its meaning.

tsad. * ,
a long thin stick.,i,::.,,:,. .,::,.:,:...r .

X, Iighi!1g.., ,.,,,, * o unhappy

3 Pole t .,,...,,,

@. Complete the sentence.

t A: What time is it? B: lt's ten past five.

2 The made a loud noise.

3 When do you want to Grandma?

4 A: lhavea for you. B: Really! What is it?

S The bus will soon.

# Do you wear a when you in-line skate?

7 My cat Iikes to mice.

Readins rrain r€
Units Ut-{5}
P> Fill in the blanks.

week *l-

goat E+

work 9l

dish E^I

trash ,1 Bll7l

farmer -L.r,

pumpkin EE+

bone !q

peanut frL=l

.h.f L(3
1$ surprise =Ltg

'xt motorcycle eEHtol

1t helmet gH!

I3 fishing hJ^l

t4 minute {,rlz}sl)E

15 pole trfrfi7l
Iq! food E -"t

17 window +Ets

dig [ltl

&, visit gE6fr,l

J arrive EEl6ltt

4 catch xlrI
lr El

want s6Et

sad +E!

out Htoll, HfsE

in "'E gJofi,t,l

Reading rrain r fl
b 16H

A" Unscramble and write the word.

eocrv ntocu doerb dieh endru

B" Circle the correct word(s).

. I want to hide the treasure. I want / don't want anybody to find it.

3 She is bored. She has nothing I something interesting to do.

" lf you cover your eyes, you can I can't see.

ffiMffitr#* hide scared door played Finally bed seek

Jay and Anna hide and

Jay went to _* first.

First, Anna looked under the Jay wasn't there.

Then she looked behind the Jay wasn't there.

, she looked in the

"BOOO!" Jay Anna.

Grammar Practice

D Choose and write.

3 was / were My brother and I playing a game.

k sing / singing Let's a song.

F exciting/ excited l'm _* about the party.

& alan I had egg sandwich for lunch.

iI Word Heview (unir t4 - unit {f}

&. Circle the correct meaning.

G a minute # 60 hours * 60 seconds

F" want *. will not wish to have or do something

food * things you wear =- things you eat

B, Complete the sentence.


Fishing catch I

E is my father's hobby. He just loves it.

H She cried because she was

"* It's cold. Please close the

€ A: How many fish did you **---^-'--* ---? B: Just one.

Put all your books * your bag.
EF I need a new -"-
fishinq The old one is broken.

F What are you doing in my room? Get

Readins Train 1 .#
@" Look and match.

3 e 0 0
field grab bug glow light

ffi, Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

s #"
Pick uP 1.. How does a firefly glow? i
insect @

Wfiil*SM* wondered grabbed firefly strange bug country catch glowing

My uncle lives in the

Last night, I saw some lights in the field.

I ran and tried to the lights.

I one. It was a small

It was a It was

I how it glowed.
t--/ Choose and write.
t wrote / write a story last week.

? does / is What a firefly eat?

3 cried / cries The baby last night.

4 aren't / weren't They hungry yesterday.

ffi!o Circle the correct word.
G ln winter, it is good to ; count . / cov€r your ears with a hat.

. hide / want : Mom's present! She is coming!"

3 "Quick,

* Ann wasn't home. She was ' il I oui

ffi, Complete the sentence.

count window under in bored want food

€ She's the bathroom. She's taking a shower.

fr My baby brother is so smart. He can to 100 now.

# Let's get some l'm hungry!

€ There is a pencil the desk. Pick it up please.

s What do you to do now?

# The sunlight is coming through the

5 I stayed home all day yesterday. I was so

Beading rrain r €

&" Unscramble and write the word.

hktniec tyearsrwrb tfuri elg iudcseloi

B. Circle the correct word(s).

Snakes don't have legs. So, they can / can't walk.
. He's in the kitchen. He's cooking I sleeping

E This cake is delicious. I want I don't want some more.

ffiMffi*r* dream ate delicious legs woke strawberry breakfast danced

Alice had a about a dancing

It was big and red, but it had long _**

It looked and danced very well.

Alice up and went to the kitchen.

She .--- - a whole box of strawberries for

Then she around the room.
D Choose and write.
shoe/ shoes These are new.

draw / drew I a picture yesterday.

B sleeping / sleep Look at that baby. She's cute.

cB to go / going They just want home.

D Wora Review (Unit {G - unit 17)

&, Match the word with its meaning.

t grab * a small insect

Zbug# send out soft light

3 field * take something quickly

4 glow * a piece of land

@. Complete the sentence.

3 the table with some paper before we start painting.

E Don't under the bed, you silly dog!

"5 l'm Do you want to play with me?

6+ A: Can you how many chairs there are? B: There are 25 chairs.

* Turn off the before you go to bed.

# It's too hot. Let's sit the beach umbrella.

Readins rrain r€
Word Practice

&" Look and match.

o e * o
pocket playground lunchtime understand MOUSE

m. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words above.

t play + ground #
lunch + time *

I ffiM ffi likes squeaks sleeps understand every day cookie pet

Nick takes his . * mouse, Snowy, to school

Snowy to go to school.

Snowy usually in the morning.

Nick gives Snowy a at lunchtime.

Nick listens to Snowy's

Nick thinks he can Snowy the Mouse!

Grammar Fractice
t-, Choose and write.
likes / like He ** to travel.

k me ll -"
My teacher always helps

3 reads I read My father sometimes a newspaper.

& to buy / buying Do you want

-**-- some oranges?

&" Circle the correct meaning.

E delicious # very good to look at # very good to eat

E leg # used for walking 4+ used for writing

3 strawberry e,? a small red fruit * a big orange fruit

4 kitchen # a room where you cook * a room where you sleeP

ffi. Complete the sentence.

grabbed light bugs field glow fruit

G The farmer is working in the

A Look at these toys. They in the dark.

S I like reading about They are small and interesting.

4 He _- -* my hand and ran.

5 Grapes are my favorite

# Please turn on the -- *. I can't see anything.

Reading Train 1#
:i:t ::l:i!.:ij,:!r::,i j


' ,l-,,..i:ij

&" Unscramble and write the word.


#w rsoyt otshg ielltt pamc krbaydca

B" Circle the correct word(s).

t You are too little. You can I can't travel by yourself.
a I don't like ghost stories. I get / don't get : scared.
E When you camp, you live in a house / tent for a short time.

i ?sMM teddy bear little backyard "gl?.] :u1p sandwiches blanket

; Jay's sister, Anna, went to ."__ last summer.

Jay couldn't go because he was too

A week later, Jay made his own camp in the

He made a tent out of a He made to eat.

He told stories with his

Anna came to Jay's camp.

Grammar Pradtice

D Write the verb in the past tense.

€runl to the door.

e sing He a song at the concert.

S get She up at 7 o'clock this morning.

4 say My mom , "be careful."

\llford Heview'turit t8 - untt te)

&, Circle the correct meaning.

T playground +s where children play f: where children study
k fruit # beans *
onions, peppers, apples, bananas, peaches

B mouse # a small animal * a small insect

ffi. Complete the sentence.

pocket legs kitchen understand delicious Lunchtime Strawberry

E She cooks food every day.

k Stand up and stretch your

ice cream is pink.

& l'll get some cups and spoons from the

is from 12 o'clock to 1 o'clock.

6 Sorry, I don't . Can you tell me again, please?

F A: What's in your ? B: I have some coins.

Readins Train 1
ffi6ffi Units (16-20) i,
p Fill in the blanks.

T field .=EI
I saw some strange lights in the

H light H.l
Itried to catch the S.

H bug There was a small

€' leg rlFl

*tEt It had long *"_"* *-_s.

S strawberry 'S7l It was big and red like a normal

# fruit -1Lo I
Are strawberries your favorite _-
F kitchen tcol
-ra Alice went to the

u pocket +DlLl Nick puts Snowy in his

# playground 8BS, tsolE'l Do you want to go to the

T# lunchtime ##AlZ! At **----*. **%, Nick gives Snowy a cookie.

t T mouse g+l Nick has a pet

Efi backyard ?lg, filnlg Jay made his own camp in the

$ B camp *s, ot$ At the Anna slept in the tent.

1& story oloFTl Anna told ghost .*.**._

E# ghost *H Jay told stories with his teddy bear.

1 eount $q

,Z cover Hrt

hide *r.|

& glow BJ€ $6FEI

3 grab E4+rrt

s understand, 0l8lfiFtl

bored , xl+=el

delicious 5l*I*t.'" '

? little qg, oifl

under ,".E oBiloll

I lf1$.$ed;';i...,::.

Readins rrain tp
is a three level reading series for young learners of English. ln each book,
carefully graded reading passages are supported by a variety of exercises. By completing
these exercises,students build vocabulary,extend grammatical knowledge,and progressively
consolidate their reading skills.To make the passages and exercises appealing, the authors
have created fun, same-aged characters for the fictional passages. ln student book 2 and 3
these fictional passages are interspersed with a small number of non-fiction passages that
reflect the varied interests of elementary school students. &eadimg; Train also provides an
easy-to-follow lesson format that enables students to actively take part in the reading and
thinking process.

. A memorable and interesting family of characters

. Exciting passages with warm feelings and humor
. Cumulative vocabulary and reading skill practice
. Vivid illustrations to spark learners' imagination
' A systematic lesson process
. A picture dictionary in each book
. Accompanying audio recordings
. Fun Comics

. Student Eook 1 2 3 .Workbookl23

" Teachsr's {Ulanual '&udia {D {lnctuded in Stud*nt Book}

mffiffi@ gffi wd M@ mvgCIemgm 8ffi tu Hemwery &luo]mb

fieading Boat 1 2 3 (forGrades I & 2)

ffi ReadingTrain t 23(forGradesS&4)

re Reading Rocket I 2 3 (forGrades s &6)

lsBN 978-89-5635-281-7

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