Reaction Paper - Money and Power

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Kofi Anokye


February 18, 2022

Money and Power

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), as mentioned before, are a set of

17 goals with 169 targets measurable for completion by 2030. One of these goals,

particularly the first one, is “to end poverty in all its forms everywhere”. However, there

have been some rather questionable practices as to how this is being affected.

Particularly through the use of money and the position of power for some. Barrett and

Worden’s novel Oil Culture explains, “In addition to this Andersonian sense at the scale

of the nation-state, unimagining has other meanings in sites of oil extraction like the

Niger Delta, where underdevelopment produces wealth for some and poverty for

others.” (Barrett, R., & Worden, D. (2014). Oil culture. University of Minnesota Press.)

There are certain areas where wealth is top priority for some and

In order to further the SDG Goals, I feel as if FDU should further educate

students about the SDGs and their benefits. I will acknowledge that we have professors

who are already letting them know about the subject and what it is for. However, there

should be more of a strive to get them invested. We should have more classes teaching

them about the SDGs and their purpose. Maybe get more and more students interested

in the topic and persuade them to help. Have them start clubs about the SDG and get
more students involved. If we have more students informed and active in pushing the

goals, they can bring in newer perspectives on the solutions and then possibly educate

other students about them so that they can inform others and so on.

As for what I would do to further the SDG’s, I would have to consider every SDG

and the resources I would need. I could educate myself more about the SDG in order to

gain a better understanding of what they’re meant to do and how they plan to achieve. I

would have to speak to the people involved with the SDG’s and listen to their

perspectives on the topic. Writing down everything I can learn and then applying that

information into my part of furthering the SDG’s. This is also taking into the fact that I

can’t just further them by myself. I feel as if a task like this invokes a lot of outside

assistance to make the process quicker and more sustainable. For this, I would have to

inform other people either close to me or some who I wouldn’t know directly. I could

teach/inform them about the topic and convince them that taking part in the SDG seems

like a plausible achievement for ourselves and the environment. As more and more

people are informed about the Sustainable Development Goals, they would consider

their actions and how they consume, produce, and reduce products can either help or

harm the environment and work to step back on their more harmful actions while

increasing on positive attributes.

Barrett, R., & Worden, D. (2014). Oil culture. University of Minnesota Press.

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