The Cell-Based Model of Coagulation

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Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 19(1) 2009, pp 3–10

State-Of-The-Art Review doi:10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00389.x

The cell-based model of coagulation

Stephanie A. Smith, DVM, MS DACVIM

Objective – To review the current model describing coagulation processes, including the critical contributions
of cells.
Data Sources – Original research articles, scientific reviews, and textbooks.
Data Synthesis – Normal hemostasis is vital for prevention of blood loss, but controls are necessary to limit
coagulation to the site of injury. The previous cascade model of blood coagulation, although refined and
updated over the last few decades, is flawed as a description of how hemostasis occurs in vivo. The recently
proposed model incorporates the vital role of cells in coagulation processes, and corrects deficiencies of the
older cascade models.
Conclusions – The cell-based model of coagulation provides a description of coagulation that more likely
reflects hemostatic processes as they occur in vivo.
(J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2009; 19(1): 3–10) doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00389.x

Keywords: hemostasis, microparticles, platelets, procoagulant membrane, thrombin

Introduction until the mid-19th century that the concept was pro-
posed that the ability to clot blood was a function of a
The hemostatic system is a vital protective mechanism
specific component of blood. Coagulation models de-
that is responsible for preventing blood loss by sealing
veloped in the early part of the 20th century described
sites of injury in the vascular system. However, hemo-
the terminal portions of coagulation where fibrinogen is
stasis must be controlled so that blood does not coag-
converted to fibrin by thrombin, but discovery of the
ulate within the vasculature and restrict normal blood
specific upstream components (formerly described to-
flow. Understanding of hemostatic mechanisms has
gether as prothrombin activity) responsible for gener-
progressed substantially over the last century, with the
ation of thrombin did not occur until the 1940s and
majority of investigations occurring in static, cell-free in
1950s.2 Newly identified coagulation factors were
vitro systems. Recent advancements in the ability to
named for either their discoverer, or for the first pa-
study coagulation have dramatically expanded infor-
tient that was described with a deficiency of that factor,
mation regarding coagulation mechanisms. New mod-
and numbered in order of their discovery. Over these
els that include the contributions of cells in vitro and
decades the plasma components of coagulation were
systems that involve real-time in vivo imaging of co-
gradually sorted into specific proenzymes that could be
agulation have significantly modified current under-
converted to enzymes, and procofactors that could be
standing of how hemostasis occurs in vivo.1
converted to cofactors but were without enzymatic
activity. In the 1960s, 2 different groups proposed
the cascade model that defined a series of steps
Previous Coagulation Models where enzymes and their cofactors cleaved subsequent
History of the understanding of blood coagulation proteins.3
Initially it was thought that exposure of blood to air
was the initiator of coagulation after injury. It was not
The cascade model
From the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, University The cascade model consists of a sequence of steps
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801. where enzymes cleave zymogen substrates (also known
Address correspondence and reprint requests to as proenzymes) to generate the next enzyme in the
Dr. Stephanie A. Smith, Department of Internal Medicine, College of cascade. The majority of the steps in the cascade occur
Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 465 Medical Sci-
ences Bldg. MC-714, 506 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801, USA. on phospholipid membrane surfaces and require cal-
E-mail: cium. The cleavage of fibrinogen by thrombin is the

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009 3

S.A. Smith

Table 1: Abbreviations for participants in coagulation

aPC: activated protein C

AT: antithrombin
BK: bradykinin
FII: prothrombin
FIIa: thrombin
FV: factor V
FVa: activated factor V
FVII: factor VII
FVIIa: activated factor VII
FVIII: factor VIII
FVIIIa: activated factor VIII
FIX: factor IX
FIXa: activated factor IX
FX: factor X
FXa: activated factor X
FXI: factor XI Figure 1: The cascade model of fibrin formation. This model
FXIa: activated factor XI divides the coagulation system into separate redundant path-
FXII: factor XII
ways (extrinsic and intrinsic) either of which can result in gen-
FXIIa: activated factor XII
eration of FXa. The common pathway results in generation of
Fg: fibrinogen
Fb: fibrin
thrombin and subsequent cleavage of fibrinogen to fibrin. Many
Gla: glutamic acid of the enzymes and enzymatic complexes require calcium
HMWK: high molecular weight kininogen (Ca21) and binding to active membrane surfaces (PL) for full
HSPG: heparan sulfated proteoglycans activity. See Table 1 for abbreviations. For simplicity, feedback
K: kallikrien activation of procofactors to cofactors and the many inhibitors
PAI: plasminogen activator inhibitor of the various enzymes have been omitted.
PC: protein C
PK: prekallikrien
ProS: protein S
using calcium chelators. The description of the cascade
TAFI: thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor
TF: tissue factor
model has also allowed for clinically useful interpreta-
TFPI: tissue factor pathway inhibitor tion of laboratory tests for plasma coagulation abnor-
TM: thrombomodulin malities. Specifically, deficiencies in the extrinsic or
vWF: von Willebrand factor common pathways are identified using the pro-
thrombin time, while deficiencies in the intrinsic or
common pathways are reflected with prolongation of
most notable exception to the membrane requirement. the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). Ad-
Some enzymes cleave their substrates poorly without ditional less commonly used tests such as the Russell’s
binding to their required cofactor. The model was di- viper venom time, the thrombin time, and assays for
vided into the familiar extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. function of specific factors, have allowed for further
The extrinsic system was localized outside (or extrinsic isolation of the exact site of coagulation defects.
from) the blood, and consisted of TF (for abbreviations The description of the cascade model has also al-
see Table 1) and FVIIa. The intrinsic system was local- lowed for isolation and study of specific steps in pro-
ized within the blood (or intrinsic to) and was initiated tein-dependent coagulation processes, leading to better
through the contact activation of FXII on negatively understanding of the properties of individual enzyme
charged surfaces, which subsequently activated other complexes. Continued experimentation based on the
contact components. Either pathway could activate FX cascade model has led to the discovery of previously
to FXa, which in turn (with its cofactor FVa) could unidentified cross-interactions between different com-
activate prothrombin to thrombin, which then cleaved ponents, and to identification of and understanding of
fibrinogen to form fibrin. This latter portion was gen- the roles of the more recently discovered specific in-
erally referred to as the common pathway4 (Figure 1). hibitors of coagulation.
The cascade model, as modified over the last few
Utility of the cascade model decades to include these new intersections between in-
The cascade model was extremely useful in advancing trinsic and extrinsic pathways, functions reasonably
the understanding of how coagulation enzymatic steps well to explain the way coagulation occurs in plasma or
occur in plasma-based in vitro coagulation. The under- purified protein-based fluid systems where the fluid is
standing of the calcium dependence of coagulation al- static and does not interact with vascular wall or cell
lowed for prevention of coagulation in blood collection surfaces.5

4 & Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00389.x
Cell-based coagulation

Deficiencies in the cascade model requires that coagulation control and regulation be lo-
While separating the various enzymatic processes of calized specifically at a site of injury. The control re-
coagulation into this Y-shaped cascade was useful in sponsible for localization is accomplished primarily via
further understanding of how coagulation processes the contribution of membrane surfaces to coagulation
occur in plasma-based in vitro coagulation, it is obvious processes.
that this model does not adequately explain the hemo-
static process as it occurs in vivo.1,3,6,7 The cascade Interactions of coagulation proteins with membranes
model suggests that the extrinsic and intrinsic path- The speed at which many of the enzymatic reactions in
ways operate as independent and redundant pathways, coagulation proceed is profoundly affected by the pres-
while clinical manifestations of individual factor defi- ence of an appropriate membrane surface. These enzy-
ciencies clearly contradict this concept. Deficiencies in matic reactions are enhanced by membrane binding of
the initial components of the intrinsic pathway (FXII, the participating proteins in part because localization to
HMWK, or PK) cause marked prolongation of the aPTT, a membrane surface helps properly align the partici-
but they are not associated with a tendency for bleeding pating proteins. TF is the only coagulation protein that
in mice or humans.8 Furthermore, FXII is clearly not is permanently attached to the membrane surface.9
required for normal hemostasis because some mam- Other coagulation proteins (eg, FVII, FIX, FX, pro-
malian species (such as whales and dolphins) do not thrombin, protein C, protein S, protein Z) contain glu-
have this protein.8 Deficiency of the next downstream tamic acid (Gla) residues that allow for binding of the
enzyme FXI (hemophilia C) is associated with variable protein to a membrane surface via interaction between
hemostatic deficits in humans, with some individuals calcium and negatively charged phospholipids. Cal-
experiencing bleeding. In contrast, deficiency in either cium binding of the Gla regions of these proteins
of the next downstream components of the intrinsic requires that their Gla residues be carboxylated in a
pathway (FVIII and FIX) results in the serious bleeding post-translation modification via the vitamin K cycle in
tendencies seen with hemophilia A and B, despite the the liver. Without complete carboxylation, these Gla
fact that these patients have an intact extrinsic path- proteins do not develop the required ability to properly
way.8 Similarly, deficiency of the primary enzyme of the bind calcium. As calcium binding is necessary for in-
extrinsic pathway (FVII) can be associated with bleed- teraction of the Gla residues with the membrane sur-
ing, despite the presence of an intact intrinsic pathway.9 face, Gla proteins that have not been adequately
The clinical manifestations of isolated abnormalities in carboxylated are unable to properly bind the activated
either the intrinsic or extrinsic pathways argues against membrane surface. The importance of carboxylation in
the idea that these enzymatic systems operate as inde- membrane binding is dramatically illustrated by the
pendent generators of FXa. profound adverse impact that vitamin K antagonists,
such as warfarin, have on the ability of Gla proteins to
function in hemostasis.
The Contribution of Cells to Coagulation
Some cofactors (FV and FVIII) also have regions that
The incorporation of the role of cells in coagulation al- interact with phospholipids, allowing for formation of
lows for an integrated understanding of the mecha- the fully functional enzymatic complex on the mem-
nisms by which coagulation may occur in the dynamic brane surface. This mechanism of membrane binding
vascular system. This model also allows for inclusion of by cofactors is less well described than that for Gla
the role of specific platelet binding sites for coagulation proteins.
proteins. The cell-based model further incorporates the
concept that some coagulation proteases, while able to Membrane surfaces
participate in the enzymatic cascade of coagulation, All cells are surrounded by lipid membrane bilayers
may function primarily in roles outside of hemostasis, that contain a large number of constitutively ex-
such as inflammation, vessel wall function, and cell pressed membrane surface proteins. The composition
proliferation. and distribution of membrane phospholipid mol-
ecules is tightly controlled. In the inactive resting
Cellular localization of coagulation reactions membrane state, neutral phospholipids (primarily
In order to control hemorrhage in response to injury, phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, and sugar-linked
hemostatic processes are required to create an obstruc- sphingolipids) are located on the external leaflet
tion at the site of injury. Lack of regulation of hemo- of the membrane, and phosphatyldserine (PS) and
stasis has the potential to initiate coagulation (and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) are localized to the in-
consequently impede blood flow) at sites where no in- ner surface of the membrane. This membrane asym-
jury is present. Appropriate hemostasis consequently metry is essential and tightly controlled under normal

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00389.x 5
S.A. Smith

conditions. When cells are activated or injured, they and monocytes, but in certain disease states, MPs may
shuffle the PS and PE to the outer membrane leaflet. arise from granulocytes and erythrocytes. The quantity
This membrane phospholipid shuffling is controlled by of circulating MPs is increased in certain illnesses such
a variety of enzymes. Flippase actively transports PS as diabetes mellitus, sepsis, and cardiovascular disease
from the external to the internal leaflet while floppase and may contribute to pathologic coagulation in a va-
transports PC in the opposite direction. These ATP-de- riety of disorders.11,14,15
pendent enzymes maintain asymmetry in the resting MPs contain cell surface proteins similar to those
state. When a cell is activated or injured (such as occurs found on their parent cell (eg, ultra large vWF mono-
when platelets are exposed to platelet activators, or mers on endothelial cell-derived MPs, P-selectin on
when other cell types are stimulated to undergo platelet-derived MPs, TF on monocyte-derived MPs)
apoptosis) the enzyme scramblase actively shuffles that can participate in coagulation reactions, especially
the phospholipids between the 2 surfaces in response when the MP expresses a procoagulant membrane. The
to increased concentrations of calcium in the cytosol. contribution of MPs to normal hemostasis in currently
This results in the appearance of PS and PE on the under intensive investigation.
external membrane surface.10–12

Contribution of the procoagulant membrane Other anticoagulant properties of endothelial cells

The expression of PS and PE on the cell surface has a In addition to the resting membrane that does not sup-
profound impact on the procoagulant properties of the port coagulation reactions, nonactivated resting endo-
membrane surface. Although a full understanding of thelial cells express a number of other anticoagulant
how coagulation reactions occur on activated mem- properties via proteins expressed on their surface.
brane surfaces has not yet been achieved, it is known These include heparan sulfated proteoglycans (HSPGs),
that the presence of PS on the membrane markedly in- thrombomodulin (TM), and tissue factor pathway in-
creases the speed of some coagulation reactions hibitor (TFPI).16–18
(4thousands of times faster). Less PS is required for Endothelial cells produce HSPGs, a small amount of
maximum speed when PE is present.13 It is currently which is expressed on the luminal surface in contact
thought that Gla proteins preferentially bind to PS with the flowing blood. The HSPGs are a binding site
clusters on the membrane surface, and that PE aids in for antithrombin (AT), which then is fully capable of
grouping PS into these clusters. The expression of PS inactivating thrombin produced in the vicinity of
(particularly with PE) on the external leaflet turns the the HSPG. The inactivation of thrombin by HSPG-AT
cell membrane into a procoagulant surface. Because is similar to that by heparin-AT which we exploit
coagulation reactions occur very slowly on membranes clinically when administering soluble (nonmembrane
that do not contain PS, resting cells are essentially in- bound) forms of heparin.
capable of supporting the coagulation cascade. Under Resting endothelial cells also express TM on their
normal physiologic conditions cells do not express a surface. Thrombin, once bound to TM, converts from a
procoagulant membrane. Consequently, generation of procoagulant to an anticoagulant protein because the
coagulation enzymes is extremely slow, and insufficient thrombin-TM complex rapidly activates protein C
to generate enough fibrin to form a clot. Production of (aPC). aPC (with its cofactor protein S [ProS]) then ir-
thrombin is consequently limited to surfaces of cells in reversibly cleaves FVa and FVIIIa, preventing their fur-
an injured area that have been triggered to express a ther participation in generation of additional new
procoagulant membrane. As a result, the ability of cells thrombin molecules. aPC-ProS also inactivates an im-
to control the nature of their membrane surface consti- portant inhibitor of fibrinolysis (plasminogen activator
tutes a powerful method of regulating coagulation inhibitor 1) which ultimately upregulates lysis of any
reactions.12 fibrin that is formed. It is important to note that ex-
pression of TM is 100-fold higher in capillary endothe-
Role of microparticles lium as compared with endothelium in the major
Microparticles (MPs) are intact vesicles derived from vessels. Therefore, any thrombin circulating in large
cells which are surrounded by membranes. They vary vessels will be quickly extracted when the blood passes
somewhat in size (2–20% of the size of a RBC) and arise through a capillary.16
when activated or apopototic cells shed bits of mem- TFPI on the endothelial cell surface prevents addi-
brane. Cytokines (such as tumor necrosis factor and tional thrombin generation by acting as an upstream
interleukin-6), thrombin, shear stress, and hypoxia can inhibitor of FXa and FVIIa. It irreversibly binds to FXa,
stimulate MP formation. Under normal conditions MPs then forms a quaternary complex between TFPI, FXa,
are primarily derived from endothelial cells, platelets, FVIIa, and TF, preventing further participation of these

6 & Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00389.x
Cell-based coagulation

protein molecules in the generation of additional


The Cell-Based Model of Fibrin Formation

Our new understanding of hemostasis incorporates the
role of cells. Evaluation of this model suggests that co-
agulation actually occurs in vivo in distinct overlapping
phases. It requires the participation of 2 different cells
types: a cell-bearing TF, and platelets.

All evidence to date indicates that the sole relevant ini-
tiator of coagulation in vivo is TF. Cells expressing TF
are generally localized outside the vasculature, which
prevents initiation of coagulation under normal flow
circumstances with an intact endothelium. Some circu-
lating cells (eg, monocytes or tumor cells) and MPs may
express TF on their membrane surface, but this TF un-
der normal conditions is thought to be inactive or en-
crypted. The exact role of this blood-borne TF is
controversial. Some investigators believe that circulat-
ing TF is encrypted in that it contains an additional
bond that must be cleaved for activity. Others believe
that circulating TF is not fully active because the mem-
brane surface on which it resides is not a PS-containing
procoagulant membrane.9,19
Once an injury occurs and the flowing blood is ex-
posed to a TF-bearing cell, FVIIa rapidly binds to the
exposed TF. Note that FVIIa is the only coagulation
protein that routinely circulates in the blood in its active
enzyme form, with approximately 1% of total FVII cir-
culating as FVIIa.9,20 All other coagulation proteins cir- Figure 2: The cell-based model of fibrin formation. The cell-
based model incorporates the contribution of various cell sur-
culate solely as zymogens. The TF-FVIIa complex then
faces to fibrin formation. In this model thrombin generation
activates additional FVII to FVIIa, allowing for even
occurs in overlapping phases. (a) Initiation Phase. This phase
more TF-FVIIa complex activity, which then activates occurs on the TF-bearing cell. It is initiated when injury exposes
small amounts of FIX and FX. Although it occurs the TF-bearing cell to the flowing blood. It results in the gen-
slowly, FV can be activated directly by FXa. The FXa eration of a small amount of FIXa and thrombin that diffuse
generated by TF-FVIIa binds to the few generated mol- away from the surface of the TF-bearing cell to the platelet. (b)
ecules of its cofactor FVa to form the prothrombinase Amplification Phase. In the second phase, the small amount of
complex, which subsequently cleaves prothrombin and thrombin generated on the TF-bearing cell activates platelets,
generates a small amount of thrombin. Any FXa that releases vWF and leads to generation of activated forms of FV,
dissociates from the membrane surface of the TF-bear- FVIII, and FXI. (c) Propagation Phase. In the third phase the
ing cell is rapidly inactivated by either TFPI or AT. The various enzymes generated in earlier phases assemble on the
procoagulant membrane surface of the activated platelet to form
FXa generated is consequently effectively restricted to
intrinsic tenase, resulting in FXa generation on the platelet sur-
the surface of the TF-bearing cell on which it was gen-
face. Prothrombinase complex forms and results in a burst of
erated. However, the FIXa generated can dissociate and thrombin generation directly on the platelet. See Table 1 for
move to the surface of nearby platelets or other cells. abbreviations.
FIXa is not inhibited by TFPI, and much more slowly
inhibited by AT than is FXa3,6 (Figure 2a).
It is important to note that because TF is always ex- lation. The gaps in the endothelial barrier under normal
pressed in the perivascular space, any FVIIa that leaves conditions are very small. Most of the upstream coag-
the vasculature through minor breaks in the endothelial ulation proteins are relatively small (eg, FVII: 50,000 Da)
barrier will bind to TF and potentially initiate coagu- whereas some of the downstream proteins are much

& Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00389.x 7
S.A. Smith

larger (eg, FV, 330,000 Da; fibrinogen, 340,000 Da). This therefore be generated directly on the platelet surface
means that platelets and large proteins are sequestered through cleavage by the intrinsic tenase complex. The
from the extravascular space. Coagulation progresses FXa generated on platelets then rapidly binds to FVa
beyond the generation of the small amount of thrombin (generated by thrombin in the amplification phase) and
that occurs with initiation only when the injury allows cleaves prothrombin to thrombin (figure 2c). This pro-
platelets and larger proteins to leave the vascular space thrombinase activity results in a burst of thrombin gen-
and adhere to the TF-bearing cells in the extravascular eration leading to cleavage of fibrinopeptide A from
area.3,6 fibrinogen. When enough thrombin is generated with
enough speed to result in a critical mass of fibrin, these
Amplification soluble fibrin molecules will spontaneously polymerize
Once a small amount of thrombin has been generated into fibrin strands, resulting in an insoluble fibrin ma-
on the surface of a TF-bearing cell (the initiation phase), trix.3
that thrombin diffuses away from the TF-bearing cell
and is available for activation of platelets that have Additional aspects of hemostasis
leaked from the vasculature at the site of injury. Binding Generation of enough thrombin to result in a clot is not,
of thrombin to platelet surface receptors causes extreme however, the end of coagulation. There are many steps
changes in the surface of the platelet, resulting in vital to normal hemostasis that occur temporally after
shape change, shuffling of membrane phospholipids to generation of the fibrin gel. Approximately 95% of the
create a procoagulant membrane surface, and release of thrombin generation occurs after the time of fibrin gel
granule contents that provide additional fuel for the formation as detected in routine plasma-based clotting
fire. Platelet granules contain a large number of pro- assays such as the prothrombin time and aPTT. These
teins and other substances that include raw materials assays are consequently unable to detect abnormalities
for clotting reactions and agonists to induce further associated with hemostasis that are due to deficiencies
platelet activation. Calcium may induce clustering of PS in hemostatic function that occur following initial fibrin
(increasing the procoagulant nature of the membrane), polymerization.5
and promotes binding of coagulation proteins to the Thrombin generation subsequent to fibrin polymer-
activated membrane surface. In addition to activating ization plays many important roles in the structure of
platelets, the thrombin generated in the initiation phase the clot that is formed. In addition to the cleavage site
cleaves FXI to FXIa and activates FV to FVa on the for fibrinopeptide A, fibrinogen contains a site where
platelet surface. Thrombin also cleaves von Willebrand thrombin cleaves off fibrinopepetide B. While removal
factor off of FVIII (they circulate bound together), re- of fibrinopeptide B is not strictly required for fibrin
leasing it to mediate platelet adhesion and aggregation. polymerization, its removal results in changes in the
The released FVIII is subsequently activated by structure of the fibrin that is formed.21
thrombin to FVIIIa3 (Figure 2b). Thrombin additionally activates FXIII to FXIIIa (Fig-
ure 3). This enzyme modifies the polymerized fibrin to
Propagation form cross-links between fibrin strands. Cross-link for-
Once a few platelets are activated in the amplification mation drastically impacts the strength and elasticity of
phase, the release of the granule contents results in re- the fibrin clot that is formed. The importance of cross-
cruitment of additional platelets to the site of injury. linking in clot structure is demonstrated by the bleed-
The propagation phase occurs on the surface of these ing phenotype observed in mice and humans with FXIII
platelets. Expression of ligands on their surface results deficiency.22
in cell–cell interactions that lead to aggregation of Some of the thrombin generated will bind to TM on
platelets. FIXa that was generated by TF-FVIIa in the the endothelial cell surface. TM bound thrombin can
initiation phase can bind to FVIIIa (generated in the activate thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor. This
amplification phase) on the platelet surface. Additional recently discovered enzyme acts to modify the fibrin
FIXa is generated due to cleavage of FIX by FXIa that molecules by removing their terminal lysine residues.
was generated during amplification on the platelet As lysine residues are the necessary binding site for
surface. Once the intrinsic tenase complex forms (FIXa– several fibrinolytic proteins, fibrin that has been
FVIIIa) on the activated platelet surface, it rapidly acted on by activated thrombin activatable fibrinolysis
begins to generate FXa on the platelet. FXa was also inhibitor becomes markedly more resistant to fibrin-
generated during the initiation phase on the TF-bearing olysis23 (Figure 3).
cell surface. As this FXa is rapidly inhibited if it moves TM bound thrombin has an additional role in termi-
away from the TF-bearing cell surface, it can not easily nation of coagulation due to its activation of protein
reach the platelet surface. The majority of FXa must C. aPC forms a complex with its cofactor ProS, which

8 & Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2009.00389.x
Cell-based coagulation

these proteins are required for generation of FXa (and

subsequently thrombin) on platelet membranes. The
model better defines the parameters required for ade-
quate thrombin generation. In order for coagulation to
occur effectively, thrombin must be generated directly
on the activated platelet surface, not just on the surface
of the TF-bearing cell. This model suggests that the ex-
trinsic and intrinsic systems are in fact parallel gener-
ators of FXa that occur on different cell surfaces, rather
than redundant pathways.3,6 An improved understand-
ing of the hemostatic process, including the contribu-
Figure 3: The central role of thrombin. Thrombin plays a central
tions of cells, will allow for better diagnosis and
role in hemostasis. Thrombin is generated in small quantities
during the initiation phase which occurs on the TF-bearing cell, management of derangements in hemostasis as they
then in larger quantities on the platelet surface in the propa- occur in vivo.
gation phase. Thrombin becomes anticoagulant via thrombo-
modulin-mediated activation of the protein C system. Thrombin
also impacts clot structure through activation of cross-linker References
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