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Food Anal.

DOI 10.1007/s12161-012-9420-8

Comparison of Different Extraction Methods to Determine

Phenolic Compounds in Virgin Olive Oil
M. Luz Pizarro & Mercedes Becerra & Ana Sayago &
María Beltrán & Rafael Beltrán

Received: 10 February 2012 / Accepted: 10 April 2012

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract A comparison between different extraction meth- further refining process. Among the other vegetable oils,
ods has been performed in order to assess their effectiveness VOO provides beneficial effects to human health because of
for the analysis of total phenols (liquid–liquid extraction its antioxidant capacity (due to its content of phenols, toco-
(LLE), liquid–liquid micro extraction (LLME), and ultra- pherols, carotenoids, and other constituents) and its excellent
sound liquid–liquid extraction (USE)) and individual phe- organoleptic and nutritional qualities (Méndez and Falqué
nols (LLME, USE, and solid-phase extraction (SPE)) from 2007; Kiritsakis and Christie 2000).
virgin olive oil (VOO). Statistical analysis of the analytical The possible correlation between the antioxidant activity
data obtained for the total phenol content of a VOO, showed and the quantity of phenolic compounds has been established
that LLME and USE can represent a reliable alternative to (Servili and Montedoro 2002; Ninfali et al. 2001). These
the traditional procedure based on LLE that needs more compounds contribute to the stability of VOO and prolong
amount of sample, generates more wastes, and is more time its shelf-life compared to other vegetable oils (Angerosa et al.
consuming. When an olive oil spiked with phenols was used 2000; Toschi et al. 2005). Besides, these antioxidant species
to test the efficiency of LLME, USE, and SPE methods, the give virgin olive oil an important role towards treatment and
statistical analysis of the data obtained for each individual prevention of chronic diseases associated to generation of
phenol, again proved LLME and USE methods to be the oxidants, such as atherosclerosis, neurodegeneration, and oth-
most suitable, in terms of precision and recoveries, for this er normal process of aging. Phenolic compounds are also
purpose. The analysis of real samples (Arbequina and Picual related to the organoleptic characteristics affecting flavor and
cultivars) confirmed the results obtained for the spiked oil. taste (bitterness and astringency), and also to the nutritional
qualities of virgin olive oil (Andrewes et al. 2003; Gutiérrez-
Keywords Phenols . Liquid–liquid extraction . Liquid– Rosales et al. 2003).
liquid micro extraction . Ultrasound liquid–liquid extraction . Polyphenols is a broad term used to define substances that
Solid-phase extraction possess a benzene ring bearing one or more hydroxyl groups,
including functional derivative (Harborne and Dey 1989). The
main structural feature responsible for the anti-oxidative and
free radical-scavenging activity of phenolic derivates is the
phenolic hydroxyl group. Phenols are able to donate the
hydrogen atom of the phenolic OH to the free radicals, inter-
Virgin olive oil (VOO) is the main edible oil of Mediterranean
rupting the propagation of the oxidation process.
diet. It is directly obtained from ripe olive fruits without any
The phenolic fraction of VOO consists of a heteroge-
neous mixture of compounds, such as phenolic acids
M. L. Pizarro : M. Becerra : A. Sayago (*) : M. Beltrán : (hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic derivatives), phe-
R. Beltrán
Department of Chemistry and Science of Materials, nylethyl alcohols (tirosol and hydrohytyrosol), secoiridoids
Area of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Experimental Sciences, (aglyconic derivatives of oleuropein), and lignans. The con-
University of Huelva, centration of these species is influenced by many factors
Agrifood Campus of International Excellence (ceiA3), (García-González et al. 2010) such as the area of production
Avd. Tres de Marzo S/N. 21071,
Huelva, Spain (Tura et al. 2007; Vinha et al. 2005), climate (Kalua et al.
e-mail: 2005), cultivars (Tura et al. 2007), cultivation techniques
Food Anal. Methods

(Tovar et al. 2001), fruit ripeness (Gutierrez et al. 1999), oil methoxybenzaldehyde) (98 %) were purchased from Fluka
extraction process (Servili et al. 1996), and storage condi- (Steinheim, Germany). Gallic acid (3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic
tions (Morelló et al. 2004). acid) (99 %), rutin (2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihy-
Therefore, the qualitative and quantitative determination droxy-3-[α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-6)-β-D-glucopyranosy-
of phenolic compounds in VOO is of special importance and loxy]-4H-chromen-4-one) (95 %), and sinapic acid (4-
the development of efficient and rapid analytical methods hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxycinamic acid) (98 %) were from
for its extraction is needed (Tsimidou et al. 1992). Many Aldrich (USA). Apigenin (5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxy-
analytical procedures for determination of phenolic com- phenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one) (99 %), luteolin (2-(3,4-
pounds have been proposed within the last decade (Brenes dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4-chromenone) (99 %),
et al. 1999; Brenes et al. 2000; Carrasco-Pancorbo et al. and oleuropein ((4S,5E,6S)-4-[2-[2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)
2005). Several methods for the isolation of polar phenolic ethoxy]-2-oxoethyl]- 5-ethylidene-6-[[(2S,3R,4S,5S,6R)-
fraction of VOO have been employed based on liquid–liquid 3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)- 2-tetrahydropyranyl]
extraction (LLE) (Brenes et al. 2000; Owen et al. 2000a; oxy]-4H-pyran-3-carboxylic acid, methyl ester) (99 %) were
Owen et al. 2000b; Vázquez Roncero 1978; Cortesi and bought from Extrasynthèse (Genay, France). Hydroxytyro-
Fedell 1983; Cortesi et al. 1995), and solid-phase extraction sol [(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl) ethanol] was synthesized at the
(SPE) (Servili et al. 1999; Favati et al. 1994; Favati et al. Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of
1995; Andreoni and Fiorentini 1995; Mateos et al. 2001). the Faculty of Pharmacy (Seville, Spain).
Different solvents such as lipophilic solvents with several SupelcleanTM ENVITM—C18 SPE Tubes 6 mL (0.5 g)
portions of methanol (Owen et al. 2000a, b), methanol/water (Supelco, USA) were used for solid-phase extraction. The
(Vázquez Roncero 1978; Cortesi and Fedell 1983), tetrahy- ultrapure water was obtained from a system of purification
drofuran/water (Cortesi et al. 1995), or N,N-dimethylforma- Milli-Q (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA).
mide (Brenes et al. 2000) have been utilized for LLE methods.
In regard to SPE, different sorbents have been used for the Samples
isolation of polar components from VOO, being the most
common C18-cartridges (Servili et al. 1999; Favati et al. A commercial extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) was used to
1994, 1995), although anionic exchange cartridges (Andreoni study the repeatability, reproducibility, and recoveries in
and Fiorentini 1995), amino phase cartridges, and diol-bond total phenolic compounds extraction. Four commercial
phase SPE cartridges (Mateos et al. 2001) have also been used. EVOO and a refined phenolics-free olive oil were used to
Usually, quantitative determination of total phenolic com- study the extraction methods for individual phenols.
pounds in VOO is performed according to Folin–Ciocalteau For the individual phenolic compounds extraction assays, a
colorimetric method (Gutfinger and Am 1981), while separa- spiked olive oil was prepared adding the studied phenols.
tion and determination of individual phenolic compounds in Thirty grams of refined olive oil was weighed and transferred
the extracts often employs HPLC-DAD (high-performance to 100-mL round bottom flask. Stock standard solutions of
liquid chromatography equipped with a diode-array detector). each compound were prepared in methanol and added to the
The aim of this research work is to compare different refined olive oil. The concentration of the 13 phenolic com-
extraction methods based on liquid–liquid and solid-phase pounds selected (gallic acid, hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, vanillic
extraction procedures in order to determine total and individual acid, caffeic acid, vanillin, p-coumaric acid, sinapic acid, o-
phenol content optimizing the ratio quality-time of analysis. coumaric acid, rutin, oleuropein, luteolin, and apigenin) in the
spiked olive oil were 40 μg/g. For 24 h, the prepared olive oil
was stirred under nitrogen atmosphere. After this process, a
Experimental Procedures rotary vacuum evaporator was used to eliminate the solvent.
Doped olive oil and standard solutions were stored at 4°C.
All the reagents used for spectrophotometric measures, such
us methanol, n-hexane, Folin–Ciocalteau reagent, glacial Three different methodologies (liquid–liquid micro extrac-
acetic acid, and sodium hydroxide, were of spectrophoto- tion (LLME), LLE, and ultrasound liquid–liquid extraction
metric grade (99.9 %) (Panreac, Barcelona, Spain). Tyrosol (USE) (Hernanz et al. 2008; Rodrigues and Pinto 2007)
(2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) ethanol) (97 %), caffeic acid (3,4- were used for the extraction of phenolic fraction from com-
dihydroxycinnamic acid) (98 %), vanillic acid (4-hydroxy- mercial olive oils in order to determine the total content by
3-methoxybenzoic acid) (97 %), p-coumaric acid (4-hydrox- colorimetry. Figure 1 shows the scheme for the three pro-
ycinnamic acid) (98 %), o-coumaric acid (2-hydroxycin- cesses. Variations of two of these methodologies, LLME
namic acid) (97 %) and vanillin (4-Hydroxy-3- and USE, and a solid-phase extraction method were also
Food Anal. Methods


Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) Liquid-liquid microextraction (LLME) Ultrasound extraction (USE)

10 g sample + 50 mL n-Hexane in funnel 0.5 g sample + 1 mL MeOH 80%

0.5 g sample + 1 mL MeOH 80%
in 50 mL centrifuge tube
in 2 mL Eppendorf tubes

Add 20 mL Methanol 60%

Place the tubes on ice bath
Shake Eppendorf tubes in a
vortex during 1 minute
Apply ultrasound for 30
Centrifuge Eppendort tubes at x2 seconds in cycles of 10 seconds
Shake for 2 minutes
13400 rpm for 5 minutes
Transfer the sample to a
Extract 2 mL Eppendorf tube
methanolic phase
methanolic phase Add 1 mL
Add 20 mL MeOH 80% Centrifuge Eppendort tube at
MeOH 60% 13400 rpm for 5 minutes

Dilute methanolic phase in 10 mL Extract

Dilute methanolic phase in 100 mL volumetric flask with ultrapure water methanolic phase
volumetric flask with ultrapure water
Add 1 mL
MeOH 80%

Dilute methanolic phase in

10 mL volumetric flask with ultrapure water

Fig. 1 Scheme of the extraction methods for total phenols determination

used to obtain the phenolic extract for quantifying individ- times. The three extracts were combined and the volume
ual species (Fig. 2). adjusted to 10 mL with ultrapure water.

Liquid–Liquid Extraction of Total Phenolic Compounds Ultrasound Liquid–Liquid Extraction of Total Phenolic
The extraction procedure was performed according to the
method described in Vazquez et al. method (Vázquez Roncero Olive oil (500 mg) was placed into polyethylene centrifuge
et al. 1973) slightly modified. In this method, 10 g of olive oil tube (50 mL, conical bottom) containing 1 mL of methanol/
were dissolved with 50 mL of n-hexane in a funnel. The water mixture (80:20, v/v) and directly sonicated using an
mixture was shaken for 2 min and the phenolic phase ultrasound probe (Bandelin Sonoplus UW 2200, Progen
extracted with three portions of 20 mL of methanol 60 %. Scientific, London, UK) with a titanium tip probe immersed
The lower methanolic phase was collected. The methanolic 2 cm into solution for three cycles of 10 s at 20 °C. Then, the
phases were combined and diluted in 100 mL to the mark with solution was placed into an Eppendorf tube and it was
ultrapure water. centrifuged at 13,400 rpm for 5 min at room temperature.
This process was performed three times. The upper meth-
Liquid–Liquid Micro Extraction of Total Phenolic anolic phases were transferred into 10-mL volumetric flask
Compounds and diluted to the mark with ultrapure water.

Phenolic compounds were extracted using a variation of Mur- Colorimetric Determination of Total Phenolic Content
kovic et al. method (Murkovic et al. 2004). Olive oil (500 mg)
were extracted with 1 mL of a methanol/water mixture (80:20, The quantitative determination of total phenols in VOO
v/v) in 2-mL Eppendorf reaction tubes. After vigorous shaking was colorimetric assay, following the method described
for 1 min using a vortex (Heidolph relax top, JP Selecta, for Gutfinger et al. (Gutfinger and Am 1981), with
Barcelona), the sample was centrifuged (Eppendorf MiniSpin minor modifications. The method is based on the reac-
Plus Microcentrifuges, Eppendorf, Madrid) at 13,400 rpm for tion of Folin–Ciocalteau reagent with the functional
5 min at room temperature. This process was performed three hydroxy groups of phenolic compounds. Five milliliters
Food Anal. Methods


Solid-phase extraction (SPE) Liquid-liquid microextraction (LLME) Ultrasound extraction (USE)

0.5 g sample + 7.5 mL n-Hexane 0.5 g sample + 1 mL MeOH 80% 0.5 g sample + 1 mL MeOH 80%
in 2 mL Eppendorf tubes in 2 mL Eppendorf tubes

Pass the diluted sample Shake Eppendorf tubes in a

through the activated cartridges vortex during 1 minute Introduce the sample in an ice bath

Eliminate apolar fraction Centrifuge Eppendorf tubes at

13400 rpm during 5 minutes Apply ultrasound for 30
seconds in cycles of 10 seconds
Wash with 5 × 5 mL
Filter through a 0.45 µm pore size
and 17 mm diameter nylon filter Transfer the sample to a 2 mL
Recuperate polar fraction
Eppendorf tube

Elut with 4 × 5 mL
Take 0.150 mL of methanolic phase and
dilute with ultrapure water up to 0.5 mL Centrifuge Eppendorf tubes at
13400 rpm during 5 minutes
Evaporate the extraction to dryness
with a rotavapor Tª<40ºC

Filter through a 0.45 µm pore size

Re-dissolve with 500 µL and 17 mm diameter nylon filter

Filter through a 0.45 µm pore size

and 17 mm diameter nylon filter Take 0.150 mL of methanolic phase and
dilute with ultrapure water up to 0.5 mL

Take 0.150 mL of methanolic phase and

dilute with ultrapure water up to 0.5 mL

Fig. 2 Scheme of the extraction methods for individual phenols determination

of the aqueous-methanolic solution of phenolic compounds temperature. The other two cycles were eliminated to avoid
extracted from VOO was diluted in 15 mL of ultrapure water, an excess of methanol that would dilute the extract and should
followed by the addition of 1.25 mL of Folin–Ciocalteau be eliminated by rotary vacuum evaporator. Methanolic phase
reagent and maintained for 3 min. Then, 2.5 mL of sodium was filtered through a 0.45-μm pore size and 17-mm diameter
hydroxide 6 % (v/v) were added. After 5 min, the reaction nylon filter. Of the methanolic phase, 0.150 mL was diluted
mixture was mixed and diluted with ultrapure water to 25 mL. with ultrapure water up to 0.5 mL.
The absorbance of the solution was measured after 2 h against
a blank sample using a UV–vis spectrophotometer (Termo Ultrasound Liquid–Liquid Extraction of Individual Phenols
Spectronic Helios-γ v4.60, Cambridge, UK) at a wavelength
of 725 nm. The calibration curve was constructed using stan- The extraction method was a variation of the one pre-
dard solutions of caffeic acid within the range 0–10 mg/L. viously described (“Ultrasound Liquid–Liquid Extraction of
Results were expressed as milligrams of caffeic acid per Total Phenolic Compounds” section) with minor variations for
kilogram of oil. avoiding sample manipulation. Only one extraction cycle was
performed. Methanolic phase was filtered through a 0.45-μm
Liquid–Liquid Micro Extraction of Individual Phenols pore size and 17-mm diameter nylon filter. Of the methanolic
phase, 0.150 mL was diluted with ultrapure water up to
The phenolic fraction for individual phenols determination, 0.5 mL.
was extracted following the method previously described
(“Liquid–Liquid Micro Extraction of Total Phenolic Com- Solid-Phase Extraction of Individual Phenols
pounds” section) with minor variations in order to avoid
sample manipulation. Five hundred milligrams of olive oil For the solid-phase extraction of the phenolic compounds, a
was extracted with 1 mL of methanol/water mixture (80:20, modification of the method described by Pirisi et al. (2000)
v/v) in 2-mL Eppendorf tubes. The mixture was vortexed for was used. Olive oil (500 mg) was dissolved in 7.5 mL of
1 min and centrifuged at 13,400 rpm for 5 min at room hexane and the mixture was stirred for 1 min with a vortex.
Food Anal. Methods

An octadecyl C18 phase cartridge was placed in a vacuum by scanning from 190 to 700 nm. Quantification of phenolic
elution apparatus and conditioned by consecutive addition of compounds was carried out using the area values measure-
2×5 mL of methanol and 2×5 mL of hexane. The vacuum ments at 280 nm for gallic acid, hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol,
was then released to prevent the column from drying. The oil vanillic acid, caffeic acid, vanillin, o-coumaric acid, and
solution was applied to the column, and the solvent was pulled oleuropein, at 320 nm for p-coumaric acid and sinapic acid
through, leaving the sample on the solid phase. To eliminate and at 360 nm for rutin, luteolin, and apigenin. Figure 3
the apolar fraction, the cartridge was eluted with 5×5 mL of shows the elution phenolic profiles of a standard mixture (a–
hexane, and the polar compounds retained were recovered c) and Picual virgin olive oil extract (d–f) at 280 nm (a, d),
with 4×5 mL of methanol. Methanolic phase was evaporated 320 nm (b, e), and 360 nm (c, f). The chromatograms show
under vacuum and dissolved with 0.5 mL of methanol. Meth- that phenylethyl alcohols and simple phenols eluted in first
anolic phase was filtered through a 0.45-μm pore size and 17- place before 45 min, while flavonoids due to their greater
mm diameter nylon filter. Of the methanolic phase, 0.150 mL hydrophobicity, elute after 60 min increasing the concentra-
was diluted with ultrapure water up to 0.5 mL. tion of methanol in the mobile phase. Identification of
chromatographic peaks was carried out by comparing their
HPLC retention times and spectra with those of standards.
Quantitative assays were achieved using external calibra-
All individual phenols were analyzed by high-performance tion curves for all standard phenols. The extraction methods
liquid chromatography. An Agilent 1100 series (Palo Alto, were applied to the refined oil in order to use the results as
CA, USA) chromatograph equipped with a diode-array de- blank. All analyses were carried out in triplicate and the
tector was used. A gradient of solvent A (water–methanol– results were expressed as mean values.
acetic acid, 93:5:2, v/v/v) and solvent B (methanol–acetic
acid, 98:2, v/v) was applied to a reversed-phase Nova-pack Statistics
C18 column (4 μm, 300×3.9 mm I.D, Waters Co., Milford,
Massachusetts, USA) as follows: from 0 to 5 min, Significant differences between extraction techniques were
100 %A:0 %B; from 5 to 50 min, 60 %A:40 %B; from 50 tested by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Statistical
to 60 min, 40 %A:60 %B; from 60 to 65 min, differences with p values under 0.05 were considered sig-
25 %A:75 %B; from 65 to 70 min, 0 %A:100 %B; and nificant and means were compared by 95 % least squares
from 70 to 80 min, 100 %A:0 %B. The flow rate was differences test (LSD).
1 mL min−1 and the column was termostatized at 20 °C. Two multivariate methods were used for the data analy-
The volume injected was 100 μL. Detection was performed sis: cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis

Fig. 3 Elution phenolic profiles of a standard mixture (a, b, c) and derivate; 3: tyrosol; 4: vanillic acid; 5: caffeic acid; 6: vanillin; 7: p-
Picual virgin olive oil extract (d, e, f) at 280 nm (a, d), 320 nm (b, e), coumaric acid; 8: sinapic acid; 9: o-coumaric acid; 10: rutin; 11:
and 360 nm (c, f). 1: Gallic acid; 2: hydroxytyrosol; 2′: hydroxytyrosol oleuropein; 12: luteolin; 13: apigenin; 13′: apigenin derivate
Food Anal. Methods

Table 1 Repeatability, reproducibility, and mean value of total phenol coefficient of variation (%RSD). The information of the re-
extraction methods
peatability was attained by analyzing five replicates of the
Method r (%) R (%) Mean value same oil sample (EVOO var. Picual for total phenol content
and prepared oil for individual phenol extraction methods) in a
LLE 2.7 6.8 427.08 a work session, while the internal reproducibility was studied by
LLME 5.1 7.4 449.58b five independent assays performed under the same analytical
USE 9.4 7.9 459.57b conditions in five different days by two different analysts.
Each day five replicates of the same oil sample were analyzed.
r repeatability, R reproducibility expressed as relative standard
deviation Concerning the precision of the total phenols extraction
Different letters (a,b) in the same column imply significant differences methods (Table 1), the coefficients of variation (%RSD)
were fine for the three methods, displaying values lower
(PCA). Cluster analysis provides means for classifying a than 9.4 % for repeatability and 7.9 % for reproducibility,
given population into groups (clusters), based on similarity being LLE the method that showed better values. In the
or closeness measures. PCA is one of the most powerful and other hand, USE method showed the highest values for
common techniques used for reducing the dimensionality of precision (9.4 % for repeatability and 7.9 % for reproduc-
large sets of data without loss of information. New variables ibility); this fact could be attributed to the difficulty on
obtained as linear combination of the original ones are maintaining the temperature of the sample during the pro-
calculated in such a way as to keep most of the information cess. Finally, LLME method presents good values of RSD
present in the original data set in the least possible number for repeatability (5.1 %) and reproducibility (7.4 %) and has
of new variables or principal components (PCs). PCA was the advantage of needing less amount of sample, generating
applied for visualizing data trends. less waste and being less time consuming.
All the statistical analyses were performed using Statis- Concerning the values obtained for total phenols (Ta-
tica® v.6.0 software (StatSoft Inc., Statistica 6.0 for Win- ble 1), a one-way ANOVA test was applied, significant
dows Computer Program Manual, Tulsa, OK, 2001). differences (p<0.05) were observed as a function of factor
“extraction method”. When LSD test was applied to deter-
mine the significant differences between the methods, no
significant differences were found among the LLME and
Results and Discussion USE methods, whereas they presented average values sig-
nificantly different compared to those obtained by LLE.
Precision and Recoveries Although the best results for precision were obtained by
LLE method, this technique showed the lowest values for
The precision of the method was evaluated by determining the total phenols extracted from olive oil. This method also
repeatability and internal reproducibility of the recoveries; the needs more amount of sample, generates more wastes, and
precision was estimated by means of the averages of the is more time consuming than the other studied methods.

Table 2 Repeatability and re-

producibility of individual phe- SPE LLME USE
nol extraction methods
r (%) R (%) Re (%) r (%) R (%) Re (%) r (%) R (%) Re (%)

Gallic acid 7.3 11.3 53.6 0.8 1.2 77.3 1.3 3.5 82.3
Hydroxytyrosol 7.7 9.3 73.0 4.7 3.7 83.6 2.7 4.4 93.0
Tyrosol 6.6 7.5 96.6 2.4 3.0 84.0 2.3 3.0 94.9
Vanillic acid 5.9 7.5 96.6 2.5 3.5 84.3 2.7 3.2 95.7
Caffeic acid 4.7 9.0 72.4 1.3 3.8 80.1 1.6 2.5 92.6
Vanillin 6.3 6.7 93.8 1.6 3.3 78.3 2.1 2.7 85.9
p-Coumaric acid 5.3 7.9 92.8 2.7 2.7 84.4 1.9 2.3 95.8
Sinapic acid 5.5 8.0 74.3 0.7 3.7 82.6 4.4 4.6 88.5
o-Coumaric acid 5.8 11.9 90.9 3.2 4.6 82.1 3.5 4.2 95.9
Rutin 6.3 10.7 40.6 0.9 3.2 81.6 8.3 6.6 82.2
Oleuropein 4.9 6.2 40.8 3.2 4.8 85.0 7.2 5.4 89.7
r repeatability, R reproducibility Luteolin 6.1 8.5 61.7 1.8 3.2 74.4 1.4 2.9 86.8
expressed as relative standard Apigenin 4.9 7.3 74.2 1.6 2.9 72.0 1.6 2.5 82.1
deviation, Re recoveries
Food Anal. Methods

Table 3 Individual phenols values of four commercial extra virgin olive oils assessed by applying the three extraction methods (milligrams per kilogram of oil)

Arbequina Picual



Hydroxytyrosol 10.33±0.69 18.45±0.82 19.42±0.62 9.68±0.50 18.17±0.94 19.47±0.23 20.30±1.32 29.23±1.06 33.29±0.19 17.59±1.65 30.83±1.12 32.67±0.34
Tyrosol 7.24±0.55 6.62±0.41 6.63±0.23 6.08±0.14 6.53±0.73 6.63±0.58 13.22±0.58 14.82±0.58 15.99±0.66 13.73±0.50 14.74±0.21 15.10±0.09
Hydroxytyrosol 4.75±0.34 7.40±0.14 7.79±0.21 5.23±0.28 7.37±0.04 7.92±0.13 3.98±0.20 3.88±0.03 4.87±0.19 3.04±0.14 3.62±0.03 3.98±0.08
Σ Phenylethyl 22.31 32.48 33.84 20.99 32.07 34.02 37.50 47.93 54.15 34.36 49.19 51.74
Gallic acid nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Vanillic acid 0.43±0.04 0.44±0.01 0.46±0.01 0.43±0.02 0.44±0.02 0.46±0.03 0.45±0.02 0.45±0.01 0.52±0.01 0.45±0.02 0.46±0.01 0.51±0.03
Σ Benzoic acids 0.43 0.44 0.46 0.43 0.44 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.52 0.45 0.46 0.51
Caffeic acid nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
p-Coumaric acid 0.18±0.02 0.22±0.01 0.25±0.02 0.15±0.01 0.19±0.02 0.20±0.02 0.39±0.01 0.46±0.01 0.49±0.01 0.31±0.01 0.35±0.00 0.39±0.01
o-Coumaric acid 0.09±0.01 0.09±0.00 0.09±0.01 0.09±0.00 0.09±0.00 0.09±0.00 0.03±0.00 0.04±0.00 0.06±0.00 0.03±0.00 0.03±0.00 0.03±0.06
Sinapic acid nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Σ Cinamic acids 0.27 0.31 0.34 0.24 0.27 0.29 0.42 0.50 0.55 0.34 0.38 0.42
Vanillin (phenylethyl 0.35±0.03 0.32±0.01 0.34±0.02 0.35±0.01 0.32±0.01 0.35±0.01 0.33±0.01 0.32±0.01 0.33±0.01 0.34±0.02 0.32±0.01 0.35±0.01
Oleuropein nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Rutin nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Luteolin 2.23±0.27 3.12±0.06 3.36±0.12 1.61±0.12 3.28±0.07 3.52±0.21 1.99±0.23 3.60±0.06 4.11±0.20 2.13±0.13 3.38±0.06 3.95±0.01
Apigenin 0.85±0.02 0.98±0.01 1.08±0.03 0.79±0.07 0.97±0.04 1.03±0.06 0.77±0.05 1.00±0.01 1.13±0.04 0.84±0.06 0.91±0.01 1.03±0.00
Apigenin derivate 0.41±0.01 0.67±0.01 0.72±0.01 0.50±0.03 0.66±0.00 0.62±0.01 0.33±0.02 0.42±0.01 0.39±0.01 0.31±0.02 0.39±0.01 0.38±0.00
Σ Flavonoids 3.49 4.77 5.16 2.90 4.91 5.18 3.10 5.02 5.63 3.28 4.68 5.36
Food Anal. Methods

Therefore, and also in order to avoid the high generation of Taking into consideration the 13 phenolic compounds
wastes from LLE method, this method was excluded for the studied, LLME was the best method in terms of precision
following experience of determining individual phenols and hence the method providing highest repeatability and
compounds, and a new method based on solid-phase extrac- reproducibility (Table 2).
tion was applied. To determine recoveries, an average value of the consec-
Concerning the precision of individual phenols ex- utive extractions performed on each method was applied to
traction methods, the recoveries and the coefficients of the spiked oil. For each phenolic compound, the recovery
variation (%RSD) for repeatability and reproducibility of rate was calculated by the ratio (C1/C2)×100, where C1 is
the individual compounds are displayed in Table 2. In the means of measured concentrations in sample, and C2 is
relation to SPE method, the repeatability shows values the amount of the analyte added to prepared oil. When the
ranging from 4.7 to 7.7 % of RSD while reproducibility SPE extraction procedure was applied, recoveries ranging
presents higher values, being greater than 10 % for from 40 to 96 % (73.9 % in average) were obtained. The
gallic acid, o-coumaric acid, and rutin, the lowest RSD lowest recoveries (<60 %) were obtained for rutin, oleuro-
were obtained for oleuropein (6.3 %). With regard to pein, and gallic acid whereas the highest ones (>90 %)
the repeatability of LLME extraction the RSD values corresponded to tyrosol, vanillic acid, and o-coumaric acid.
were lower than 4.7 % for all phenolic compounds. Recoveries of gallic acid, flavonoids (luteolin, apigenin, and
Likewise reproducibility values show relative standard rutin), and secoroids (oleuropein) obtained with SPE meth-
deviations (%RSD) ranging from 1.2 to 4.8 %. Repeat- od showed smaller values than the other extraction method.
ability of USE method showed RSD values around With regards to the LLME method, recoveries varying from
1.5 % for gallic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, 72 % (apigenin) to 85 % (oleuropein) were obtained with an
luteolin, and apigenin being in the 2–4 % range for averaged recovery of 80.7 %. When USE method was
the rest of the compounds except to oleuropein (7 %) applied, the best recoveries were found, achieving values
and rutin (8 %). However reproducibility, displays val- between 82 % (gallic acid, apigenin, and rutin) and 95 %
ues lower than 6.6 % for all the phenols studied. (vanillin acid, p-coumaric acid, and o-coumaric acid)

Fig. 4 Cluster analysis obtained from the extraction methods for individual phenols. (A: Arbequina samples; P: Picual samples)
Food Anal. Methods

(89.6 % in average). The existence or not of significant Analyzing the information provided by the three extrac-
differences in the levels of phenols detected, as function of tion methods for individual phenols, it was found that for
the extraction method was evaluated by the analysis of Arbequina samples the predominant phenolic compounds
variance (ANOVA). The result obtained when the values were phenylethyl alcohols, representing 84 % of total phe-
of all the phenols were considered, showed that there were nolic compounds analyzed, followed by flavonoid com-
statistically significant differences (p<0.05) between the pounds representing 12 %, benzoic acids 1.3 %, phenolic
methods applied. When the univariate results were ana- aldehydes 1 %, and the last one were cinamic acids, 0.8 % of
lyzed, the existence of significant differences for individual total phenolic analyzed. A similar profile was obtained for
phenols extracted was obtained except for tyrosol, vanillin, Picual samples with 88, 8.7, 0.9, 0.8, and 0.6 % for phenyl-
vanillic acid, and o-coumaric acid. ethyl alcohols, flavonoids, benzoic acids, cinamic acids, and
When LSD test was applied, similar behavior was ob- phenolic aldehydes, respectively, of total phenolic com-
served for phenols belonging to the group of acids and pounds analyzed. When ANOVA was applied, significant
phenylethyl alcohols, in which USE and LLME showed differences (p00.037) were observed as a function of vari-
no significant differences, and the percentage of extraction ety. The univariate results showed that there were significant
was higher than for the SPE method, while phenols belong- differences (p<0.05) in levels of phenylethyl alcohols, ben-
ing to the group of flavonoids presented significant differ- zoic acids, o-coumaric acid, luteolin, and apigenin derivate.
ences between the three methods being the USE method The data set obtained from the three extraction methods
which offers higher rates of extraction. for individual phenols was employed to perform a cluster
analysis, applying city-block Manhattan distance algorithm
Analysis of Real Samples and Ward's method as linkage rule. The results were
reported as a dendrogram, shown in Fig. 4. On the basis of
The phenolic profile of four commercial extra virgin olive the connecting distances, two main clusters were defined,
oils of two different varieties (Arbequina and Picual) was one for each of the varieties of olive oil. Each of the clusters
assessed by applying the three extraction methods. The is subdivided into two groups, one including the samples
values obtained have been summarized in Table 3. taken with a solid-phase extraction method (SPE) and the

Fig. 5 Principal component analysis from the extraction methods for individual phenols. (A: Arbequina samples; P: Picual samples)
Food Anal. Methods

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It was noticed that the method leading to higher mean values
Méndez AI, Falqué E (2007) Food Control 18:521–529
for total phenols was USE. However, the existence of no Morelló JR, Motilva MJ, Tovar MJ, Romero MP (2004) Food Chem
significant differences between this and LLME, added to the 85:357–364
latter has better values for repeatability and reproducibility, Murkovic M, Lechner S, Pietzka A, Bratacos M, Katzogiannos E
(2004) J Biochem Biophys Methods 61:155–160
and its inherent advantages such as lower solvent and time
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Sanchez Rodas (University of Huelva) for their helpful assis- Servili M, Montedoro GF (2002) Eur J Lipid Sci Technol
tance. We also thank industrial olive oil mills from Beas, San 104:602–613
Bartolomé, Trigueros, and Gibraleón (Huelva, Spain) for provid- Servili M, Baldioli M, Miniati E, Montedoro GF (1996) J Am Oil
ing us with the samples for this work. This investigation has Chem Soc 73:1589
been supported by RISE (0042_RISE_5_E) grant. Servili M, Baldioli M, Selvaggini R, Miniati E, Machioni A,
Montedoro G, Alm J (1999) Oil Chem Soc 76:873–882
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