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Sincere gratitude is hereby extended to the following who never ceased in helping until this
research paper’s is structured:

Mr.Harold Delos Reyes, our research adviser, for the unwavering guidance;

Our adviser Mrs. Sheryl Amihan for giving her time so that we can make our Investigatory
Project (IP);

For the unwavering moral, emotional and financial support of the proponents’ family and

Above all, utmost appreciation to the Almighty God for the divine intervention in the academic




















Oil may the world’s favorite fuel, but not for much longer. Modern homes are powered
mostly by electricity and it won’t be long before most of us are driving electric cars as well.
Electricity is super convenient. You can it in all kinds of different ways using from coal and oil
to wind and waves. You can make it in one place and use it in the other side of the world if you
want to. And, once you’ve produced it, you can store it in batteries and use it days, weeks,
months, or even years later. What makes electric power possible-and indeed practical-is a super
electromagnetic device called an electricity generator. A kind of electric motor working in
reverse that converts ordinary energy into electricity.

All of us love electricity. From charging our phones to watching the latest news story
unfold, electricity is an integral part of our daily lives. But, have you ever thought about how
electricity gets to your house? We all know it comes from a power plant, but how do you
actually ’make’ electricity? Power plants contain large generators, or turbines, that convert
mechanical energy into electrical energy.

In electricity generation, a generator is a device that converts motive power (mechanical

energy) into electrical power for use in external circuit. Sources of mechanical energy include
steam turbines, water turbines, internal combustion engines and even hand cranks. The first
electromagnetic generator. The faraday disk, was invented in 1831 by British scientist Michael
Faraday. Generators provide nearly all of the power for electric power grids.

The reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done by an electric
motor, and motors and generators have many similarities. many motors can be mechanically
driven to generate electricity and frequently make acceptable manual generators.

A popular topic today is how to use renewable energy sources like wind, water, or solar
energy to make electricity for our homes.

Wind and water plants use mechanical energy generated by wind, or falling water to spin
their turbines. To refresh yourself on how wind and water turbines work, you can check out this
lessons: creating energy from solar, wind, and water sources. The turbines spin large coils of
wire around a magnet, which creates electricity.


Statement of the problem

To prove whether a mechanical energy can be converted to electrical energy and can
produce electricity


This project is made for producing even a small amount of electricity that can help most
of people.

To conserve energy specially electricity.

Review of Related Literature
According to Froilan G. Destreza

The re-emergence of the wind as a significant source of the world’s energy must rank
as one of the significant development of the late 20 century. The advent of the steam engine,
followed by the appearance of other technologies for converting fossil fuels to useful
energy, would seem to have forever relegated to insignificance the role of the wind in
energy generation. In fact, by the mid 1950s that appeared to be what had already happened.
By the late 1960s, however, the first signs of a reversal could be discerned, and by the early
1990s it was becoming apparent that a fundamental reversal was underway. That decade saw a
strong resurgence in the worldwide wind energy industry, with installed capacity increasing over
five-fold. The 1990s were also marked by a shift to large, megawatt-sized wind turbines, a
reduction and consolidation in wind turbine manufacture, and the actual development of offshore
wind power. During the start of the 21 century this trend has continued, with European countries
leading the increase via government policies focused on developing domestic sustainable energy
supplies and reducing pollutant emissions. To clearly understand what was happening, consider
five main factors.

adverse effects of burning those fuels for energy had caused many people to look for alternatives.
Second, there was
the potential. Wind exists everywhere on the earth, and in some places with considerable energy
density. Wind had
been widely used in the past, for mechanical power as well as transportation. Certainly, it was
conceivable to use it
again. Third, there was the technological capacity. In particular, there had been developments in
other fields, which,
when applied to wind turbines, could revolutionize the way they could be used. These first
three factors were
necessary to foster the re-emergence of wind energy, but not sufficient. There needed to be two
more factors, first of
all a vision of a new way to use the wind, and second the political will to make it happen (James
F. Manwell, Jon G.
McGowan and Anthony Rogers, 2009
Although wind is an abundant source of energy, and the same is true for solar energy, one has to
bear in
mind that it is not a continuous source with a constant supply. Any renewable energy, although
plentiful, suffers
from two major drawbacks; it is a low-level energy and it is not continuously available. Being a
low-level energy
implies that we cannot expect to have a wind turbine with same capacity as a thermal plant. A
thermal plant (steam

and gas turbines) can have a capacity of 500 MW or more with only one or a few turbines,
whereas for that capacity
we may need at least 200 wind turbines in an onshore wind farm. Moreover, a 500 MW
thermal power plant is

normally capable of delivering that much power on a continuous basis, whereas the output of a
wind turbine depends
on the wind and fluctuates with the time of the day and the month of the year (Hemami, 2012).
Output estimation of the wind turbines (Gipe, 2004)

Area Method


A= area of the rotor

D = diameter of the rotor
AEO = annual energy output
P/A = power per area

In this estimation tool, if the diameter of the rotor is 12 inches (0.305m) and at a speed
of 10mph and

approximately 100W/m , the possible AEO is 19.18kWh/yr.

An electric generator is a device designed to take advantage of electromagnetic

induction in order to
convert movement into electricity. A generator is designed to obtain an induced current in
a conductor as a result of
mechanical movement, which is utilized to continually change a magnetic field near the
conductor. The generator
thus achieves a conversion of one physical form of energy into another – energy of
motion into electrical energy-
mediated by the magnetic field that exerts forces on the electric charges. In this sense,
generator is the opposite of an
electric motor, which accomplishes just the reverse: the motor converts electrical energy
to mechanical energy of
motion, likewise mediated by the magnetic field. As far as the physical principles are
concerned, electric generators
and motors are very similar devices; in fact, an actual generator can be operated as a
motor and vice versa (Meier,
The stator and rotor are made from iron plus 0.5 %silicon very low carbon steel sheet.

The shapes are stamped out of the thin gauge sheet and stacked together to make the
solid shapes. Sometimes the individual
stamped segments have an insulating coating to cut down on heating in the machine but
that would be most common
in large and/or expensive machines. Big electrical machines are made from iron
alloys with up to 3.5% silicon
(Yahoo Answers).
In very small electric motors which run on dc (direct current) a permanent magnet
made of iron - or of
some other alloy of elements capable of being magnetised - is used to create the two
poles of the stator. The rotor is
built-up using windings made of insulated copper wire wound onto poles made of layers
of well-insulated thin cast
iron sheets which are called "laminations". The thin sheets must be well insulated from
one another to minimize
power wastage caused by internal eddy currents that are induced as the rotor's poles
continually break the stator's
magnetic field. In larger motors, which may run on either dc or ac (alternating current),
the stator's magnetic field is
created by field windings made of insulated copper wire wound around pole pieces
which are not permanently
magnetized. For use with ac the stator, like the rotor, must be constructed either: using
laminations of thin cast iron
sheets, well insulated from one another, to minimize power wastage caused by
internal eddy currents that are
induced into the stator by the field winding, or using a non-magnetic material, such as
aluminum, which cannot have
currents induced into it (Martinel).

Cables are normally used for a low-voltage application, where the overhead line
erection is impractical.
Normally, cables are placed under the ground but sometimes it is also handed on towers.
Since copper is normally
used in cables, the cost of conductor is high in the case of cable compared to
overhead lines where aluminum
conductors are used. Another cost involved in cables is the cost of insulation which is air
in the case of overhead
lines. The erection costs of overhead lines are higher than that of the cable (Singh S. N.,

 According to Joshua Asis:

Electricity starts with atoms. Atoms are tiny bits of matter much too small to see. Everything in
the universe is made of atoms. Huge electric power plants generate or make electricity. Steam or
falling water in dams make big machines called turbines turn. The turbine drives another
machine called an electric generator. The generator makes electricity. Electric currents makes
lamps and all other electric devices work. Electric current is actually electrons moving in a big
Something must give the electrons a push to get them moving. Batteries can start electrons
flowing. Batteries are sources of electrical energy. A battery series and a light bulb can make an
electric circuit.

 According to the Electrical engineering community

Electric generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. The
mechanical energy can be supplied by the prime mover which combustion engines, steam
engine, can water falling through turbine or even an electric motor or any such mechanism that
can be source of mechanical energy. Usually this energy is obtained from a rotating shaft that is
also called the armature of the generator. The electric energy then produce can be used for power
transmission to commercial, industrial or even domestic level. Generators supply current which
usually has a frequency of 50 HZ, which is used here.

 According to Sean Sugimoto and James Lau

One of the many ways to produce electricity is using a permanent magnet, copper wires, and
kinetic force to be transitioned into electrical power. This device is an electric motor. Powered in
either AC or DC, depending on the type of motor, it can run various machines. From saws and
drills to fans and hair dryers, motors are used a lot in our daily lives.
The idea of motion of coil wire moving in a magnetic field was developed by an English
physicist and chemist, Hans Christian Oersted, in the 1820s. His idea lead to the invention and
creation of electric generators and motors. Originally, electric motors were created to operate
machinery powered by a DC current. A Serbian born Nikola Tesla invented the AC motor in
The difference between AC and DC motors is a special mechanism called the commutator.
Commutators are found mostly in DC motors and controls the flow of current. Because there is
an positive charged magnet and negative charged magnet on the opposing side, a motor without
the commutator would push the current in on direction and switch to other side after a half
revolution. By switching the current every half rotation of the axle, it can keep the current in one
To make electricity first we need to make a generator and find a power source. This power
source could be anything, but will usually depend on what kind of generator that we are using.
There are two types of generators, an AC and DC generator. These determine the type of electric
circuits that we use. The DC is a direct circuit in which electricity flows only in one direction
while AC flows in both directions. AC is an acronym for alternating current where the flow of
electricity travels in multiple directions instead of just one.
To make an electric generator a motor produce electricity and instead of having electricity
sent into the motor to make it operate a machinery, we are going to use that motor and turn it into
a generator. Using either DC or AC electric currents, we can connect a fan to the outside of the
generator and then have the wind push the wings of the fan. The wings are attached to a rotor
inside the motor which is surround on each side by magnets. When an outside force turns the fan
and the rotor inside starts to move then it will react to the magnets that are surrounding them and
create a magnetic field. Since there are already magnets inside the motor, there was already
previously a magnetic field there. The movement of the rotor will cause another magnetic field to
be made which will affect the magnetic field that is already there and will produce electricity.
Using that electricity we can connect it to something else which we could power it up.

 According to the Foreign literature
Electricity is an important need to human live nowadays. It is a form of energy
that easy to produce, to use, to transport and to control. To produce electricity, a
terminal or power plant need to build. There are many type of power plant such as
thermal, hydraulic, gas turbine and nuclear power plant. Steam power plant is among of
the commonly used terminal to produce electricity and it is becoming increasingly used
as electrical or energy generators for mass electrical production for industry around the
world. For this particular purpose power plant have been and are being used for case
study to improve and maximize the produced energy of electricity.
Reciprocating steam engines have been used for mechanical power sources since
the 18th Century, with notable improvements being made by James Watt. As generator
sizes increased, eventually turbines took over due to higher efficiency and lower cost of
construction. By the 1920s any central station larger than a few thousand kilowatts
would use a turbine or prime mover. The theory and design of power plant have
advanced significantly during the past 89 years. Today‟s power plants are very easy to
be operated and to be analyzing in term of energy study because of the size and
technologically control. The power plant unit used for this project is Cussons P7690/SP
Steam Power Plant. It is designed as a comprehensive self-contained unit with all
relevant items of equipment factory mounted on a common steel bedplate.

List of materials

 Plastic bottle large lid

 Nut and bolt
 Electric board
 Dc motor (dynamo)
 Led
 Plastic straw
 Solder
 Rubber band


1. Put a two hole in the cap (in the middle and in the end of the cap).
2. Put the nut and bolt in the hole.
3. Put the cap in an electric board and attach them using a nut and bolt.
4. Put the dc motor (dynamo) with the led attach to it.
5. Stick them using stick glue.
6. Next put straw in the bolt and put the rubber band and connect it to the dc motor and
the bolt.
7. Lastly turn the bolt with straw and the led will light


We have perform the procedure in making electricity generator the result have
failed and the factors we thought that affect the bad result of the experiment is the rubber band.
We repeated the procedure and try new materials like changing the electric board, the DC Motor
(dynamo), cap, the rubber band and it resulted successfully but the LED does not light yet
because it still need more energy and force because the needed force must be equivalent to the
energy given by a battery.


We have study all the factors and things so that the Electricity Generator would
be successful. what are the things we should so that the miniature generator would work? Should
we apply great amount of force to it? Does the miniature generator will able to work? We
analyze all the factors that might affect the result of our project. There are some components of
the project that can affect the result of it .Finding and placing the correct material is needed so
that the project can have a better result. Applying great amount of force will also help for a better
result of the project. The miniature generator might work if we give patience and time in waiting
and experiencing trial and error in achieving the best result .


There are many kinds of generator and nowadays its very expensive depending
on its capacity of giving energy. In our experiment we will be using affordable materials to
generate electricity. Trying many kinds of DC Motors (dynamo) will help us to determine the
correct materials to make the project successful.


 DC Motor (Dynamo) can be used to produce a small amount of electricity.

 The process of rotating the handle fast efficient in generating electricity.

We therefore conclude the one can make an improvised miniature generator.

This will be very efficient and cheap because the materials needed can be found in your
home and some materials like nut and bolts can be bought in hardware in your


Based in the conducted experiment we recommend the following for better enhancement
of the product . To have a better result we suggest that you used big size of DC motor(dynamo)
these can be found in old hair blower etc. We also recommend to give more time and patience
when rotating the handle so that the diode light (LED) will work.


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