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One day, when we were practicing for our graduation, a sudden knock
came on our classroom doors. A student from a neighboring class has asked our
teacher for her presence in a meeting. A few minutes later, our teacher said that
there will be no classes for a while. At first we were happy, but little did we
know how long that “while” will last.
We are now staying at home for almost one and a half year now. A lot
has changed, a lot of people were isolated from others and it has affected all of
us. People has been struggling to survive because a lot of jobs had disappeared.
A lot of people had been starving. Others’ life has been harder than mine, so I
don’t complain much about my situation.
As a student, the pandemic had killed my joy in studying. I enjoyed
going to school and seeing my friends, but now no one can even get out of their
houses. It is much harder to study because I get easily distracted by my phone, I
am less productive and has a hard time studying without a teacher to explain
our lessons, but I still submit my modules on time by cramming.
Everything might have been chaotic, but it does not prevent me from
learning and having fun. As we were put in quarantine, I learned a lot of things. I
learned how to draw basic cartoon characters, I tried planting, I got better at
playing games, I met some friends that were from all over the world and I also
got closer to my family. As time passed by, I got used to my new life. It became
easier and I grew as a more adaptable person.
Life is a rollercoaster ride. It’s not complete without ups or downs.
These things take turns and switch. We need to wait for their turns just like how
the sun and moon has their own time to shine. We need to look in the bright
side of life to be happy. We need to remember that we can only die once, so we
have to enjoy every bit of moment we have. If we ever get tired, we have to rest
to start another day and if things doesn’t go well again, we can always start
again tomorrow.

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