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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Tanggal | Date: Senin, 01 November 2021

Nama Satuan Pendidikan Kelas
SMP Harapan Bangsa 8A Semester 1
School Class
Mata Pelajaran Materi Pokok Plant Alokasi Waktu
Subject Content Processes Time/Period

Pertemuan Ke

Tujuan Pembelajaran Kemampuan Berpikir

Learning Objective Thinking Level
Student is able to describe part of leaves 3 Menerapkan 6 Mencipta
2 Memahami 5 Evaluasi
1 Mengingat 4 Analisis

Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran | Teaching Grid

Kegiatan Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber
Pembuka Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources
Lead-In Allocatio Prosedur | Procedure Instruksi | Instruction
1. Siswa diminta menyebutkan  Hi everyone! Good morning. I have something for
bagian favorit mereka dalam film you!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  So for today we are going to start the class with
5M watching an old movie with the title “Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory”
 I want you to tell me which one is your favorite

Kegiatan Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber

 PPT : Plant Proceses
1 Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources
Allocatio Prosedur | Procedure Instruksi | Instruction
1. Siswa menganalisa bagian-bagian  Our topic for today has something to do with the
dalam daun factory
 The factory is also producing something sweet but
not chocolate. Food factory in plants a.k.a Leaves
 Leaves is different from root and stem. On Roots
and stem, we can easily identify the ground and
thermal tissue
Presentati 40 M
 Leaves has also three tissues. Let’s talk about the
first one, Epidermis. Here’s the way when the gas
will go in and out.
 On the bottom of the place where gas exchangeous
happen. We have stomata as our guard cell, so its
only for the gas not other substances
 Mesofyl is in two different layer we call it

Kegiatan Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber  PPT : Material Properties

Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125
+62542 8510111
2 Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources
Allocatio Prosedur | Procedure Instruksi | Instruction
Find me 1. Guru menjelaskan physical  Next we will learn about Physical properties of
the properties of materals materials
picture  There are four physical properties based on the way
it behaves in test.
 Lets star with Brittle Materials : Smash or break
40 M 2. Siswa mencari contoh dalam apart when struck with a hard object
Brittle Materials dan mengganti  Now Let’s write the example of brittle materials
background yang sedang  I want you to find 1 picture about example of Brittle
digunakan Materials and then show us with changing the
background with the Brittle Materials.
 Next we have Flexible Materials

Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber

Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources
Closing Prosedur Kegiatan | Procedure Instruksi | Instruction
Conclusio 5M Guru menyimpulkan fakta-fakta Okay Lets conclude our facts today:
n pembelajaran hari ini

Penilaian | Assessment
1. Guru menilai worksheet yang telah siswa kerjakan

Balikpapan, 08 September 2021

Disusun oleh (Created by) Disetujui oleh (Approved by) Diketahui oleh (Acknowledged by)

Febriyanti.Menasetiabudi, B. Ed., S.Pd Henriko Turangan, S.Si Ruth Muwarni D., S.Sos., M.Pd.
Guru Mata Pelajaran Koordinator Kurikulum Kepala Sekolah

Refleksi | Reflection

Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125

+62542 8510111

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