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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Tanggal | Date: Rabu, 22 September 2021

Nama Satuan Pendidikan Kelas
SMP Harapan Bangsa 7A Semester 1
School Class
Mata Pelajaran Materi Pokok Solid, Liquid Alokasi Waktu
Subject Content and Gases Time/Period

Pertemuan Ke

Tujuan Pembelajaran Kemampuan Berpikir

Learning Objective Thinking Level
Describe characteristics from solid, liquid and gases 3 Menerapkan 6 Mencipta
2 Memahami 5 Evaluasi
1 Mengingat 4 Analisis

Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran | Teaching Grid

Kegiatan Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber
Amazing Science page 115
Pembuka Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources
Lead-In Allocatio Prosedur | Procedure Instruksi | Instruction
1. Siswa dan guru berdiskusi tentang  Hello Everyone! Welcome back to science class!
Yesterday soal pada pertemuan sebelumnya  Let’s finished our question yesterday. Nathan can
Assignme 5M you answer question 5B? Thank you
nt  Okay for 5 C, does anyone wants to answer that?
Okat Fellien. You can go.

Kegiatan Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber  Amazing Science book page 145
1 Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources  PPT : Solid, Liquid and Gases
Activity Allocatio Prosedur | Procedure Instruksi | Instruction
1 n
1. Siswa kembali diingatkan tentang  Okay. Before I start, Karen can you tell me the
materi solid, liquid and gases example of solid, liquid and gases?
 Thank you. So today we will talk about the solid,
liquid and gases all over again
 So, particles for solid, liquid and gases. You can use
your hand to analyse that
Pre-Task 20 M
 Put your hand together like this. Here is what we
called particles in solid
 Now make a space between the hand and her is the
 Also, we talked about changes states of matter.
 And last is about the physical and chemical changes.

Kegiatan Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber

 PPT : Material Properties
2 Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources
Allocatio Prosedur | Procedure Instruksi | Instruction
Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125
+62542 8510111
During 1. Siswa mengerjakan soal-soal  Okay. To make you know more about Solid, liquid
task latihan untuk MIDTERM and gases. We will do the question from number 1-
 Please write it on the notebook and submit in
50 M
 Lets take a look at number one, the question is
asking about which states of matter at 20*C. You
can answer it with solid, liquid or gases.
 If you still confuse about the question. You can ask
me on the meeting chat okay. Good luck everyone!

Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber

Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources
Closing Prosedur Kegiatan | Procedure Instruksi | Instruction
Closing 5M Guru mengingatkan siswa untuk Okay. Thank you for your participation today. Please
mengerjakan dan mengumpulkan don’t forget to answer and submit your assignment. You
tugas yang telah diberikan can leave the meeting. Good bye everyone!

Penilaian | Assessment
1. Guru menilai tugas yang telah siswa kerjakan

Balikpapan, 22 September 2021

Disusun oleh (Created by) Disetujui oleh (Approved by) Diketahui oleh (Acknowledged by)

Febriyanti.Menasetiabudi, B. Ed., S.Pd Henriko Turangan, S.Si Ruth Muwarni D., S.Sos., M.Pd.
Guru Mata Pelajaran Koordinator Kurikulum Kepala Sekolah

Refleksi | Reflection

Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125

+62542 8510111

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