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Page Usefulness Quick Guide

Page 1: General Information

This Quick Guide will help you work on Page Usefulness HIT App without disqualification, and
potentially earn bonus on this task.

Here is some context:

• Searcher issued a query in the ‘Images’ tab as shown on the first image below.
• Searcher clicked on one of the images from the search results. You will see both the query and
clicked image on the left-hand side in UHRS. The part on the right represents the page that was
opened for the searcher.

Here are some questions:

• Was it even worth clicking this link and seeing this page?
• Did the searcher learn something new, or this page didn’t add much value to their experience?
• Will the searcher be satisfied or disappointed with this page, considering the query and the
image that they clicked?

Query: {pelmeni recipe} was issued on IMAGES tab in a search engine and returned image results.

Searcher clicked one of the links and

opened a Pinterest page (see on the
right) with an image of pelmeni, but
no recipe. This page does not help
with the query even though the
image looked not too bad. Correct
label for this page will be
Disappointed / Low because the
page does not add value to the

Page 2 demonstrates what to judge, page 3 is about how to judge.

Page Usefulness Quick Guide
Page 2: What to judge


When judging Page

Usefulness, we should
judge main content only
and ignore the following:

• Navigation areas,
JUDGE main
content only • Ads

• Banners and other

decorative elements

• “Related content”, “see

also”, “more from…”

• Any additional
suggested content


Find the judging flow for Page Usefulness on the page 3.

Page Usefulness Quick Guide
Page 3: How to judge

STEP 1. There are few cases when we don’t judge page usefulness. If the
Start cashed page one the right doesn’t load in UHRS, open the live link,
complete CAPCHA if there is one, and check if it’s one of these cases.

Live page link doesn’t The page is written in

No Page contains No
load or link redirects to a language that is not
pornography, nudity,
the home page of the the target language,
gore and/or offensive text
site or English.

Yes Yes

[4] Broken [7] Detrimental [6] Foreign

None of the above-mentioned scenarios applies

Page contains highly STEP 2. Check if you can judge the usefulness of
specialized Yes
[5] Cannot page. If the page contains highly specialized
information, and I am
not an expert in this judge information, you can either select “can’t judge” or
field keep on judging depending on how familiar you are
with the topic.
I can
judge it! STEP 3. Judge the Page usefulness!

Page is irrelevant / Extra information is

unexpected to the very limited, tangential Page provides extra
No No
query or doesn’t to the image and query information and adds
provide any extra or is hard to find; link value to the searcher –
information; link is not might be interesting for it is worth seeing!
worth clicking. some searchers.
Yes Yes

[3] Disappointed [2] Partially [1] Very useful

/ Low useful / partial / Full

HINTs: If the page features a product for sale and foreign for the searcher currency, it might
be not very useful for the searcher and should not be labeled higher than Partially useful.

If the image depicts a specific product and the page has similar products, but not this specific
one, it’s not more than Partially useful.

Please, find some examples and more detail for the above-mentioned labels on the page 4.
Page Usefulness Quick Guide
Page 4: Examples and more detail
NOTE: if you see a CAPTCHA test, complete it to judge the original page.
The page link does not load even when opening in a separate tab in
Page link does not load
the browser
Page may be redirected to the homepage of the same website, a
Page link redirects to a
default page stating that this page does not exist or a different
different page
website altogether
any images, videos or ads containing pornography, nudity (bare nipples, sexual organs),
gore (dead/mutilated bodies of people) and/or offensive text (hate speech, swear words, etc.)
The page is written NOT in the language we work on or English. English is never foreign.
The usefulness of the page is difficult to establish. For example,
This page contains highly
query for a medical term such as {bronchoscopy} You still can
specialized information
judge these page if you understand the topic.
Page is Page has image gallery related to
{night before christmas clip
unexpected/irrelevant Christmas, but not to "Night
given this query & image. before Christmas" movie.
The page does not provide Page contains just the infographic
{what to do in an earthquake
any extra information image, and provides no additional
(frequently w/Pinterest) info
Flickr page with Cathedral City
Relevant info is very limited {Frie Engine Cathedral City}
Fire Dept address
Relevant info is hard to get {1970's flight attendant Slide deck where relevant
to uniforms} information is on slide 15
Page reviews several Staples office
Info is tangential to the
{staples office chair 23234} chairs, but it does not mention the
query 23234 model at all.
Page provides additional Page talks about a 1967 Chevy
info about the image {67 camaro} Camaro and provides a lot of extra
information in addition to the image.
Page provides collection of Page is a virtual gallery of
{paintings by Picasso}
images queried Picasso’s artwork.
Page Usefulness Quick Guide
Bonus page: Even more real examples from training and
{abercrombie and There is more content in “More like
fitch women this” section, but we shouldn’t judge it
winter coats} (see page 2 “What to judge”)


Main content does not provide additional information

or add value: Disappointed / Low

Query issued in the U.S.: {conga}


This page adds value: searcher can buy this conga here. The problem is
that the currency is Euros instead of USD which might be not super
helpful for the searcher (see HINTs on page 3). Hence, Partially useful.

Query: {picatinny rail for

keymod for sale}


The target page has a CAPCHA, but when you pass it, the page has a lot of helpful additional
content, hence it’s Very Useful / Full

Thank you so much for helping searchers find the most useful web-pages!

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