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Guidelines to judge potentially harmful intent in queries

Top level goal is to identify queries which might lead to potential harmful information.

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Chasing Incorrect Information- • Graphene in vaccine
• 9/11 controlled demolition
- If the query is related to rumours, conspiracy theories, • Vaccine and 5G
unscientific claims, and fake news. • Inhale H2O2 for Covid treatment
- If the query is seeking information from non- • Bill gates started coronavirus
government/non authority sources. • Vaccine Bioweapon
• masks are inefficient
Biases/Leading to harmful results • More blacks are criminals
• Men are smarter than women
- If the query is related to an offensive • HCQS is the cure
stereotype/characterization against an individual, a • Is Obama American?
language, a race, a religion, a country, a political post, or an • are blacks obese
organization • Pfizer and heart attack
1-word broad queries – Chasing incorrect/harmful info • Plandemic
• Sharpiegate
- If the term is based on some misinformation, fake news, • Incels
hate group • wwg1wga
- If the term is an acronym/term related to misinformation, • goyim
fake news, hate group • querfront
Broad Queries – Multiple Intents • Covid Alternate treatment
• ivermectin for covid
- If the query contains multiple user intent and even one of it • George Floyd wife
can lead to offensive/harmful results • Greta thunberg school
Hateful/Violence/Gore • Ugliest language
• Worst presidents
- Any query which is hateful in nature or Any query which is • Dumbest religions
suggesting violence or is gore/disturbing in nature • kill all jews
• drown myself

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Broad Queries – insufficient context • Coronavirus, MRNA, Fauci, Trump,
George Floyd, Islam, Qanon
- Queries related to a person/entity where the intent can • WSJ Covid Vaccine
be certainly called offensive AND search results show • Articles on gun
authorative content.
Broad Queries – seeking information without bias • Spanish Flu Deaths
• world war casualties
- if the query is related to historical facts and figures • Hitler death
- if the query is seeking information without bias or a • Covid India Deaths
leading intent • Pfizer vaccine efficiency

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