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Bruce B.

C h e m i c a l m a s s - w a s t i n g o f t h e n o r t h e r n w m i a m Back
U.S. Geological Survey
Y u c a t a n P e n i n s u l a b y g r o u n d w a t e r d i s s o l u t i o n 431 National center
Reston, Virginia 2 2 0 9 2

ABSTRACT cal processes in landform evolution by

. investigating the groundwater hydrology
The northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula is a relatively flat, low-lying a n d geoc hemistry and utilizing water
carbonate terrane with no geomorphic expressions of stream channels. It balance and chemical mass transfer
is estimated that mean annual recharge to the groundwater system is 150 calculations,
mm. For the 6 5 , 5 0 0 km 2 study area, mean annual discharge (equivalent
to recharge) is 9.8 x 10 9 m 3 , or 8.6 x 10 6 m 3 for each 1 km of the 1,100- HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING
km-long coastline. In the interior of the peninsula, the recharging water
The northern part of the Yucatan
annually dissolves about 37.5 t (metric tons) of calcite per 1 k m 2 . When the Peninsula is characterized by a low-lying,
groundwater has become saturated with calcite, little additional water- nearly featureless microkarstic plain. The
rock interaction occurs until the active mixing (dispersion) zone is reached southwestern part of this plain is bounded
near the coastline. by the Sierrita de Ticul, which extends
from Polyuc to Maxcanu (Fig. 1) and
Theoretical calculations and laboratory experiments have shown that
Functions as a groundwater divide that
when two waters, each calcite saturated and with different salinities, are forms part of the southern hydrologic
mixed, the resulting solution generally becomes undersaturated with cal- boundary. An arcuate trend of low-lying
cite and, therefore, is capable of dissolving additional calcite. On the basis hills between Maxcanu and Campeche is
of our study of the Xel Ha lagoon on the east coast of Yucatan, we calcu- also a groundwater divide, which separates
late that as much as 1.2 m m o l / L additional calcite can be dissolved in the the swampy coastal area from the higher
interior southeast of the hills. Faulting
brackish groundwater zone of dispersion. This indicates that if the total
between Polyuc and the eastern coast also
solution potential of the amount of water discharging at Xel Ha has represents a hydrologic boundary between
focused within the lagoon area, the lagoon could be chemically incised in the low-lying coastal area and the interior
less than 3 , 0 0 0 yr. We postulate that chemical mass wasting by dissolution of the peninsula. The thin soil cover over
in the zone of groundwater mixing is an important geomorphic process in the limestone, coupled with the extremely
high permeability of the rock and the
coastal areas of limestone terranes.
relatively featureless morphology of the
area, permit unrestricted infiltration
during and after rainfall. The extremely
Tertiary carbonate rocks, predominantly high transmissivity of the limestone allows
limestone. Elevations are 30 m or less rapid lateral groundwater movement,
above mean sea level, except for a range which results in a thin lens of fresh water
In the sculpturing of most terrestrial
of low hills, the Sierrita de Ticul, that are (less than 70 m thick) floating on a re-
landforms, the most prominent geomor-
generally 100 m or less in elevation. The gional body of saline water of nearly
phic processes involve the physical actions
limestone is sparsely covered by a thin oceanic composition (Back and Hanshaw,
of water, ice, and wind. However, it is
terra rossa soil (generally 0 to 20 cm thick) 1970). The high transmissivity is demon-
well known that in carbonate terranes the
which supports a verdant but shallow- strated by (1) the lack of high head; for
dissolution of carbonate minerals plays an
rooted vegetation. Rainfall averages example, at Chichen Itza, although the
important role in the process of landscape
slightly more than 1,000 mm yr"1, yet no land surface is about 30 m above mean
formation. In most environments it is
surface runoff nor any geomorphic expres- sea level, the water table is only 1.5 m
difficult to evaluate the relative signifi-
sions of river or stream channels exists. above mean sea level at a distance of
cance of the physical and chemical proc-
Most of the rainfall is returned rapidly to about 80 km from the seacoast; (2) the
esses and usually even more difficult to
the atmosphere by evapotranspirative lack of significant drawdown observed in
determine their relative rates.
processes, and the rest percolates down to high-production wells (Lesser, 1965);
The northern part of the Yucatan Pen-
the groundwater table. Because there is (3) the ubiquitous measurable tritium and
insula provides an ideal environment in
essentially no discharge of sediment or the generally modern to greater than
which to study the process and rate of
dissolved constituents by fluvial transport, modern ages of groundwater as deter-
chemical erosion, especially in the zone of
the hydrogeologic conditions provide an mined by 14C in all samples analyzed
dispersion near the coastline. The northern
opportunity to study the role of geochemi- (Back and Hanshaw, 1974).
part of the peninsula consists of flat -lying

222 GEOLOGY, v. 8, p. 222-224, M A Y 1980

By way of comparison, the P o t o m a c
River Basin in the eastern United States
drains an area about half the size of our
Yucatan study area; the mean annual
discharge of the P o t o m a c at Chain Bridge
above Washington, D . C . , is about 9,800
x 106 m 3 yr" 1 (Ward Hickman, 1979, oral
commun.). Rainfall is nearly equal for
both areas, but évapotranspiration may be
Figure 1. Location of study area and average amounts significantly higher in the Yucatan Penin-
of precipitation, real évapotranspiration, and groundwater sula than on the east coast of the United
discharge, northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.
States. It is not surprising, therefore, that
the two discharges are about equal even
though the areas differ by a factor of two.

From our previous work (Back and
Hanshaw, 1970, 1974), we know that the
hydrogeochemistry of the northern Yuca-
tan Peninsula is relatively simple. As rain-
water infiltrates the vadose zone, lime-
stone dissolves until the groundwater
becomes saturated with calcite. Virtually
all samples of water f r o m the northern
Yucatan Peninsula are in equilibrium with
calcite. The other m a j o r control on the
chemistry of groundwater is mixing (essen-
tially hydrodynamic dispersion) of the
Average Ground-Water Discharge :: overlying lens of fresh groundwater with
8 . 6 x 1 0 6 m 3 y f 1 km"1 coast W * the underlying regional body of water of
nearly oceanic composition. In the fol-
lowing calculations on the chemistry of
WATER BUDGET the potable groundwater, we removed an
9,450 x 106 m 3 yr" 1 as the total discharge
The study area (Fig. 1) çovers about along the coastline for the aquifer system. amount of calcium equivalent to the con-
65,500 km 2 , with a coastline of approxi- Dividing this by the approximate length centration of sulfate; this accounts for
mately 1,100 km. The various long spits of coastline, 1,100 km, gives an average solution of gypsum as the source of all
are ignored because most groundwater is discharge of about 8.6 x 106 m 3 yr" 1 for sulfate and some calcium ions in the
discharged at or very close to the shore- each 1 km of coastline. Of course, these potable groundwater. The remaining
line; thus, the spits generally do not con- calculations assume steady-state condi- average calcium content in the fresh
tain appreciable fresh groundwater. The tions—a reasonable, long-term assumption. groundwater is about 2.5 m m o l / L , which
mean annual precipitation in the northern is equivalent to the amount of calcite
On many sandy beaches along the coast,
Yucatan Peninsula ranges f r o m a low of dissolved. In other words, each litre of
tiny sand boils indicate groundwater dis-
about 500 mm, near the coast north of water moving through the subsurface of
charge at sea level. Typically, these dis-
Merida, to more than 1,500 mm, in the the Yucatan Peninsula has dissolved about
charge points are too small to permit
eastern part of the study area (Back and 2.5 mmol of calcite. Multiplying this by
measurement of discharge. However, in
Hanshaw, 1974). The average annual pre- recharge to the study area gives 24,500
some places, particularly along the east
cipitation of the entire area was calculated x 106 mol of calcite dissolved per year,
coast, discharge rates can be measured,
to be 1,050 mm (Lesser, 1976). Using a or about 37.5 metric tons of calcite
especially in areas such as at Xel Ha, a
mean annual temperature of 26 °C, Lesser removed by solution for each square
picturesque lagoon or caleta (Back and
(1976) determined annual évapotranspira- kilometre per year.
others, 1976). Here the groundwater dis-
tion to be about 900 m m . Therefore, charge is concentrated locally and is ex- The preceding calculations are for the
because surface drainage does not occur pressed by a layer of brackish water over- interior part of the study area; at the
within the study area, the difference lying marine bottom waters in the lagoon; coastline another process removes signifi-
between precipitation and évapotranspira- the estimated potable groundwater dis- cant amounts of additional calcite. A field
tion, 150 mm, is the mean annual recharge charge at Xel H a is about 76.7 x 106 m 3 example (Back and others, 1979) of theo-
to the limestone aquifer system. Multiply- yr" 1 for a coastal length of 1 km (Back and retical calculations and laboratory experi-
ing this figure by the area of the study re- others, 1979). Because Xel H a is believed ments (Runnells, 1969; Plummer, 1975)
gion gives a figure for the total recharge to to be an area of much higher than average indicates that when two waters, both
the system of about 9,800 x 106 m 3 yr" 1 . discharge (Back and others, 1979), this saturated with calcite and having different
According to Lesser (1976), the ground- estimate is in reasonable agreement with salinities, are mixed, the resulting solution
water consumption by the population the average discharge of 8.6 x 106 m 3 yr" 1 is generally undersaturated with calcite;
is about 350 x 106 m 3 yr" 1 , leaving (calculated above). that is, the resulting solution of interme-

diate salinity has the capability of dis- diately west of Xel H a (Back and others, nant geomorphic process in that area; we
solving additional limestone. Thus, in the 1979, Fig. 2). The highly permeable spit believe that it may also be significant in
zone of dispersion, which averages about serves as a local focus for groundwater other limestone areas with similar geo-
3 m thick and extends inland approxi- flow and accounts for the higher than chemical and hydrologic regimes.
mately 1 km (Fig. 2), as much as 1.2 average discharge. The calculations indi-
m m o l / L additional calcite can be dissolved cate that if the total solution potential of REFERENCES CITED
(Back and others, 1979). Therefore, using the amount of water discharging at Xel
Back, William, and H a n s h a w , B. B., 1 9 7 0 , C o m -
the calculated average discharge of 3.6 H a was focused within the lagoon area, it parison o f c h e m i c a l h y d r o g e o l o g y o f the
x 109 L yr - 1 km" 1 of coastline and could be chemically incised in 3,000 yr or c a r b o n a t e peninsulas o f Florida and
assuming that 1 m m o l / L of additional less. According to Brady (1978), marshes Y u c a t a n : Journal of H y d r o l o g y , v. 1 0 ,
p. 3 3 0 - 3 6 8 .
calcite is dissolved in the zone of disper- and swamps lying landward of coastal — 1974, Hydrogeochemistry of the northern
sion, 8.6 x 106 mol is dissolved annually lagoons located north of Xel H a are less Y u c a t a n Peninsula, M e x i c o , in Weidie, A. E.,
e d . , Field seminar o n w a t e r and c a r b o n a t e
per 1 km of coastline. than 5,000 yr old, at which time sea level
r o c k s o f the Y u c a t a n Peninsula, M e x i c o :
The zone of dispersion in a coastal was 3 to 5 m lower than the present level. N e w Orleans G e o l o g i c a l S o c i e t y G u i d e b o o k ,
Therefore, the active zone of dispersion Field Trip 2 , G e o l o g i c a l S o c i e t y o f A m e r i c a
block of limestone 1 km 2 and 3 m thick A n n u a l Meeting, p. 4 5 - 7 7 .
contains 7.5 x 109 kg of calcite. There- would have been several kilometres sea- Back, William, H a n s h a w , B. B., and Pyle, T. E.,
fore, if 8.6 x 106 mol of calcite (8.6 ward of its present location at Xel H a at 1 9 7 6 , Preliminary results o f a g e o c h e m i c a l
that time; on the basis of this physical and h y d r o l o g i c s t u d y o f Caleta Xel Ha,
x 10 5 kg) are dissolved f r o m this block Quintana Roo, Mexico, with a note on the
annually, then the block would dissolve evidence, the development of Xel H a must g e o l o g y o f Xel Ha, in Weidie, A. E., and
completely in about 8,700 yr. Obviously, have occurred in less than 5,000 yr. Ward, W. C., e d s . , C a r b o n a t e r o c k s and
h y d r o g e o l o g y o f the Y u c a t a n Peninsula,
we can m a k e several assumptions regard- Along the entire eastern coast of the M e x i c o : N e w Orleans G e o l o g i c a l S o c i e t y ,
ing the amount of calcite dissolved per Yucatan Peninsula are many semicircular G u i d e b o o k , A m e r i c a n A s s o c i a t i o n o f Petro-
l e u m G e o l o g i s t s and S o c i e t y o f E c o n o m i c
litre of discharge, and likewise the number bays that extend about 1 km back f r o m P a l e o n t o l o g i s t s and Mineralogists Field Trip,
of litres of discharge, f r o m one stretch of the coastline. We conclude that although 1 9 7 6 A n n u a l C o n v e n t i o n , p. 2 4 4 - 2 5 8 .
coast to another, but even allowing for this coastal indentation and the distribu- Back, William, and o t h e r s , 1 9 7 9 , G e o c h e m i c a l
significance o f g r o u n d - w a t e r discharge and
reasonable errors and variations, these tion of these bays are partly controlled by carbonate solution to the formation of
calculations demonstrate that the chemical the fracture pattern and wave action, these Caleta Xel Ha, Quintana R o o , M e x i c o :
processes are geomorphically significant. Water R e s o u r c e s Research, v. 15,
geomorphic features are also controlled by
p. 1 5 2 1 - 1 5 3 5 .
As mentioned previously, discharge in solution processes in the geochemically Brady, M. J., 1 9 7 8 , S e d i m e n t o l o g y and deposi-
the Xel H a area is about nine times greater active zone of dispersion. The rates of tional history o f coastal lagoons, northeast-
ern Q u i n t a n a R o o , M e x i c o , in Ward, W. C.,
than the calculated average of the entire chemical denudation calculated for the and Weidie, A . E., eds., G e o l o g y and h y d r o -
1,100 km of coastline, primarily due to the northern Yucatan Peninsula indicate that g e o l o g y o f northeastern Y u c a t a n : N e w
chemical mass wasting in the zone of dis- Orleans G e o l o g i c a l S o c i e t y G u i d e b o o k ,
presence of a well-defined upper Pleisto- p. 8 5 - 1 1 2 .
cene carbonate sand spit located imme- persion is an important and perhaps domi-
Lesser, H e i n z , 1 9 6 5 , G e o h y d r o l o g i c p r o b l e m s
of t h e Y u c a t a n Peninsula, M e x i c o , in Pro-
c e e d i n g s , S y m p o s i u m o n H y d r o l o g y o f Frac-
tured R o c k s : International A s s o c i a t i o n o f
Hydrological S c i e n c e s , p. 4 9 - 5 3 .
Lesser, J. M., 1 9 7 6 , R e s u m e n del e s t u d i o geo-
h i d r o l ó g i c o e h i d r o g e o q u í m i c o de la pen-
insula de Y u c a t á n : Secretaría de R e c u r s o s
Hidráulicos, Boletín de Divulgación T é c n i c a
N o . 10, 11 p.
Plummer, L. N., 1 9 7 5 , Mixing o f sea w a t e r
w i t h c a l c i u m c a r b o n a t e ground w a t e r , in
W h i t t e n , E . H . T . , e d . , Quantitative s t u d i e s in
t h e geological s c i e n c e s : G e o l o g i c a l S o c i e t y
o f A m e r i c a Memoir 1 4 2 , p. 2 1 9 - 2 3 6 .
Runnels, D. D., 1 9 6 9 , Diagenesis, c h e m i c a l sedi-
m e n t s , and the m i x i n g o f natural w a t e r s :
Journal o f S e d i m e n t a r y P e t r o l o g y , v. 3 9 ,
p. 1 1 8 8 - 1 2 0 1 .

Reviewed by Bernard Hallet and J. S. Hanor.
We thank J. T. Hack, W. C. Ward, and A. E.
Weidie for comments on the manuscript. We are
grateful to A. E. Weidie for introducing us to
the Yucatan Peninsula. Tyler Coplen, Juan
Lesser, Niel Plummer, T. E. Pyle, W. C. Ward,
and A. E. Weidie helped with parts of the field
and laboratory work and provided much stimu-
lating discussion. This work was made possible
by a cooperative agreement administered by the
National Science Foundation and Consejo
Figure 2. Block diagram of Xel Ha lagoon, east coast of Yucatan Peninsula, showing zone of Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia.
dispersion and brackish water discharge. Average flux of calcite (0CC) from peninsular interior is
about 2.5 mmol/L. In brackish zone of dispersion, mixing and associated decrease in calcite satura-
tion may lead to as much as 1 mmol/L additional calcite dissolution (A0CC). S.L. = sea level. MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED FEB. 25, 1980

224 ' R I N T E D IN U.S.A. MAY 1980

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