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MERCURIO - Date: 10/25/21

English – Module 5
Performance Task

Enrichment/Additional Tasks
According to the speaker, 1 out of 5 adolescents may or have experienced depression thus helping a
friend or loved one with depression can be challenging. If someone in your life has depression, whether or
not that person has a diagnosis, you might feel at a loss for how to best support that person. The most
important step toward helping a friend or loved one with depression is to understand the symptoms. But if
your loved one tends to internalize emotions, he or she might feel overwhelmed when you share your
concerns about possible symptoms of depression. The best thing you can do at the moment is use
compassionate listening. Your loved one’s depression is not for you to fix, but being present and listening to
your loved one talk can help that person feel heard and understood. More often than not, sitting in silence
and use nonverbal cues to communicate support is more helpful than trying to find the perfect words. Also,
caring for a friend or loved one with depression can be complicated and overwhelming. Be sure to attend to
your own personal needs, create appropriate boundaries, and seek help from a therapist or support group.

TRISHA G. MERCURIO - Date: 10/25/21

English – Module 6

Performance Task

Enrichment/Additional Tasks
Title of the poem: Mother to Son
Author: Langston Hughes
1. What is the subject of the poem?
- Hardships, hope, and courage are some of the major themes/subjects of the poem. The poem is about a
mother giving advice to her son about the challenges of life. It also illustrates how sometimes life
becomes too heavy, but a person should never give up.
2. Who is the speaker?
- The black mother
3. What situation are they in?
- They are facing a lot of hardships, problems, and sufferings.
4. How do you feel about the subject?
-  It motivates me to keep on going with life, to never give up, to endure, and push through life's ups and
5. What is the mood?
- The mood of "Mother to Son" is one of optimism in the face of hardship and sadness.
6. What is the imagery found in the poem?
- “Life for me ain’t no crystal clear”, “And places with no carpet floor”, and “Don’t you set down on the
7. What is the message of the poem?
- The primary message of the poem "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes is from a  mother to her son,
telling him to keep going no matter how hard life gets. She says she has been through her share of
hardships, but she continues to persevere.
8. What are the symbols used in the poem?
- The central symbols of the poem "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes are the ideal "crystal stair" and the
contrasting rickety staircase which the mother says she has actually had to ascend and which her son must
also learn to climb.
TRISHA G. MERCURIO - Date: 10/25/21

English – Module 6
Written work

Activity 10
In the world: Both texts are seeking to improve different aspects amid the new normal/pandemic. The
world should focus on implementing/improving these aspects to further help everyone
especially those who are critically vulnerable to the virus.
In my community: We should try to seek help in our community in improving the said things on both
texts so that it will be easier for everyone, this pandemic has been very difficult on us,
and seeking help from the authorities to improve our state can be very helpful in
adjusting to the new normal.
In my life: We should continue to seek help or complain to the authorities for better improvement in
our community/government so that everyone even the most vulnerable sectors can survive
this pandemic.

Activity 11
What does the writer do?
The writer
- The writer suggests that we follow the list of actions he enumerated to help prevent the spread
of Covid-19
- The writer implies that if we want to avoid spreading and acquiring Covid-19 we must follow
the safety protocols the writer listed.
The text
- The text emphasizes the practices/actions we can do to avoid the spread of Covid-19
- The text conveys that we follow safety protocols to avoid the spread of the virus
What impact does it have on me?
I as a reader
- I as a reader feel that we really have to follow these guidelines/protocols because they came
from a reliable source and many experts claim that we should follow them to avoid the spread
of the Covid-19 virus.
- I as a reader experienced the adverse effects this pandemic has brought upon all of us
- I as a reader believe that we should follow these guidelines to lessen the negative impact on all
of us
- I as a reader is encouraged to follow and share these pieces of information with other people
who aren’t aware

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