Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút không kể thời gian phát đề: created new - - - - - - - - - - - - and cooperation mechanics

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NĂM HỌC 2020-2021

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút không kể thời gian phát đề

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three tin the pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. laughter B. bought C. brought D. fought 
Question 2. A. misses B. goes C. leaves D. potatoes

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
the primary stress in each of the following questions.  
Question 3. A. contact B. concert C. constant D. concern 
Question 4. A. occupation B. miraculous C. determine D. diversity 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 
Question 5. Most people indulge ____________ harmless fantasies to relieve the boredom of their lives. 
A. of B. in C. to D. for  
Question 6. ____________they've already made their decision, there's nothing much we can do. 
A. Seeing that B. On grounds that. C. Assuming that D. For reason that 
Question 7. ____________, the town does not get much of an ocean breeze.  
A. Locating near the coast B. Despite location near the coast 
C. Though located near the coast D. In spite having location near the coast 
Question 8. His reply was so____________that I didn't know how to interpret it. 
A. explicable B. assertive C. explanatory D. ambiguous 
Question 9. As an ASEAN member, Vietnam has actively participated in the groups programs and has also
created new____________and cooperation mechanics.  
A. initiatives B. initiators C. initiations D. initiates 
Question 10. Archaeologists think that massive floods could have____________the dinosaurs. 
A. wiped out B. laid off C. put aside D. taken down 
Question 11. I'm going on business for a week, so I'll be leaving everything ____________
A. on your guards B. up to your eyes  
C. in your capable hands D. under the care of you  
Question 12. Grace Kelly was first famous as a Hollywood actress and then ____________ Prince Rainier of
A. to be the wife of B. she was the wife of  
C. the wife of D. as the wife of  
Question 13. During the campaign when Lincoln was first a(n) ____________ for the Presidency, the slaves on
the far-off plantations, miles from any railroad or large city or daily newspaper, knew what the issues involved
A. competitor B. contestant C. applicant D. candidate 
Question 14. When the Titanic started sinking, the passengers were ____________
A. horrifying B. apprehensive C. panic-stricken D. weather-beaten 
Question 15. Unfortunately, the injury may keep him out of football ____________. He may never play again.  
A. for good B. now and then C. once in a while D. every so often 
Question 16. Little Deon: “This herb smells horrible, mommy!” 
Mommy: “ ____________ , it will do you a power of good!” 
A. Come what may B. By the by  
C. What is more D. Be that as it may  
Question 17. When he went to Egypt, he knew ____________ no Arabic, but within 6 months he had become
extremely fluent.  
A. entirely B. barely C. scarcely D. virtually 
Question 18. As I was walking along the street, I saw ____________ $10 note on pavement. 
A. a/the B. the/the C. a/a D. the/a  

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined bold word(s) in
each of the following questions.  
Question 19. The appeal was rejected by the committee, despite the fact that it had been signed by over 5,000
A. application B. petition C. permit D. form  
Question 20. The children were full of beans today, looking forward to their field trip. 
A. eating a lot B. hyperactive
C. melancholy D. lively and in high spirits 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)  in
each of the following questions 
Question 21. He was arrested for his illicit drug trade in the police raid yesterday. 
A. legal B. irregular C. elicited D. secret  
Question 22. I eat lunch with a convivial group of my friends.  
A. unsociable B. large C. old D. lively  

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.  
Question 23. Mary: “____________” 
  Jane: “All right, suit yourself."  
A. What is your favorite starter?
B. I haven't been to such a nice place with you for a while. 
C. Can you help me choose the main course?
D. I don't want to eat anything. I'm on diet.
Question 24. Peter: “My parents gave me no choice but to study business."  
 - Danny: “____________” 
A. Well, so be it B. Of course not C. Oh, by all means D. No, I can't get it 

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to choose the word or phrase that best fits each
of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29  
The television has undoubtedly changed society. For a modern person to think about (25) ____________ the
world was like without television is actually hard to imagine. The world before the TV was one of little
information flowing in to communities throughout the world. All information that people could get was filtered
through newspapers often had specific biases that caused them to (26) ___________ the news to whatever their
preference was. Although television would follow this to a certain (27) ____________, it was able to hit a
widespread audience at the same time. In other words, people literally watched the broadcast at the same time
each day, and they began (28) ____________ news as things happened. 
A television grew into something that practically every household in industrialized nations
had, businesspeople were quick to realize the (29) ____________ television had. They realized there was an
enormous amount of money to be made, and therefore they were willing to invest in the technology
and infrastructure that made it possible.  
Question 25. A. which B. what C. that D. how 
Question 26. A. model B. shape C. form D. make 
Question 27. A. height B. sum C. amount D. degree 
Question 28. A. getting along B. carrying out C. taking in D. looking after 
Question 29. A. potential B. achievement C. success D. development 

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions from 30 to 34  
Central Park, emerging from a period of abuse and neglect, remains one of the most popular attractions in
New York City, with half a million out-of-towners among the more than 3 million people who visit the  park
yearly. About 15 million individual visits are made each year.  
Summer is the season for softball, concerts, and Shakespeare; fall is stunning; winter is wonderful for
sledding, skating, and skiing; and springtime is the loveliest of all. It was all planned that way. 
About 130 years ago Frederic Law Olmsted and his collaborator Calvert Vaux submitted their landscaping
plan for a rectangular parcel two miles north of the town's center. The barren swampy tract, home for squatters
and a bone-boiling works that made glue, was reported as “a pestilential spot where miasmic odors taint every
breath of air." It took 16 years for workers with pickaxes and shovels to move 5 million cubic feet of earth and
rock, and to plant half a million trees and shrubs, making a tribute to nature-a romantic nineteenth-century
perception of nature.  
What exists today is essentially Olmsted and Vaux's plan. with more trees, buildings, and asphalt. 
Landscape architects still speak reverently of Olmsted's genius and foresight, and the sensitive visitor can see
the effects he sought.  
Question 30. With what subject is the passage mainly concerned?  
A. The lives of Olmsted and Vaux  
B. New York City's tourist industry  
C. Examples of nineteenth-century art in New York City  
D. The development of Central Park  
Question 31. According to the passage, which is the prettiest time of year in Central Park? 
A winter B. spring C. summer D. fall  
Question 32. It can be inferred that the rectangular parcel mentioned in the passage is ____________
A. the site of Central Park B. a gift presented to New York  
C. a skyscraper in New York D. the proposed design for Central Park 
Question 33. According to the passage, before Olmsted and Vaux began their work, the area now occupied by
Central Park was ____________ 
A. a romantic place B. an infertile, marshy space  
C. a green and hilly park D. a baseball field  
Question 34. It can be inferred from the passage that today's landscape architects praise Olmsted for his
A. enthusiasm for sport  
B. skill at designing factories  
C. concern for New York's homeless people  
D. foresight in anticipating New York's urbanization 

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions from 35 to 42  
In today's world, it seems like everyone is focused on the big picture”. However, coming up with large scale
solutions is not always what is needed. Sometimes it pays to think small - and that is exactly what many people
are doing these days. By thinking small, lots of big minds have created some pretty amazing things.  
One example of this is microloans. Microloans are tiny loans, in some cases just a few dollars, which are
available to people in developing countries. Although this may not seem like a lot of money, microloans can
help workers to escape poverty and start their own businesses. The person behind the modern microloan
movement is a Bangladeshi man named Muhammad Yunus. He started the project in the 1970s by offering
villagers low interest loans using his own money. Yunus wanted to offer poor people access to small loans so
they wouldn't be forced to turn to gangsters if they needed funds. In 1983, he founded the Grameen Bank and
soon after, similar organizations started popping up around the globe. Although there are still some issues with
microloans, at the very least they offer everyone the potential of becoming an entrepreneur.  
For most of the 20th century, companies required large sums of money and plenty of manpower to compete
at the highest levels. In the late 1990s, the Internet changed this and many microenterprises came about.
Microenterprises are smaller companies that employ less than 10 people and only require small sums of money
to start. Being small offers lots of flexibility to these companies as they can react more quickly than corporate
giants when a business opportunity arises. Many technology companies that produce mobile apps and websites
fall into this category. Keep in mind that having a small staff doesn't mean small profits, as microenterprises can
earn hundreds of millions of dollars per year.  
Thinking small can also lead to a tremendous improvement in quality. One example of this
is microbreweries, which are smaller-sized breweries that produce far less beer than traditional breweries. 
Since microbreweries don't have to target large markets and make millions of sales to stay open, they
can monitor the brewing process carefully to make sure everything is perfect. In addition, microbreweries can
experiment with unique flavors that many traditional brewers would shy away from. So, the next time you are
asked to "think big", remember that good things may also come in small packages.  
Question 35. According to the passage, who are microloans supposed to help? 
A. Rich people who want to own more businesses  
B. Bankers who want to earn money by investing  
C. Poor people who want to buy new things for their family  
D. Farmers who want to start their own businesses  
Question 36. We can infer from paragraph 2 that thanks to microloans from the Grameen Bank, poor local
people can ____________ 
A. avoid borrowing money with very high interest  
B. borrow money without any interest  
C. cooperate to open large businesses  
D. put gangsters offering big loans into prison  
Question 37. The word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to ____________ 
A. gangsters B. people who need loans  
C. friends of Yunus D. those who work at banks  

Question 38. What could best replace the phrase "popping up" in paragraph 2? 
A. complaining B. disappearing C. opening D. discovering 
Question 39. The type of businesses which is most interested in microloans may be ____________
A. small companies that employ more than 100 people  
B. companies that require plenty of well qualified manpower  
C. companies with plenty of business opportunities  
D. the software companies producing mobile apps and websites  
Question 40. What advantages do small companies have over larger corporations? 
A. They can make faster decisions.  
B. They usually have more money.  
C. They don't have to pay any taxes.  
D. They have more people working for them.  
Question 41. All of the following are true about microloans EXCEPT that ____________
A. they are tiny loans, maybe just a few dollars  
B. so many banks offering small loans started appearing all over the world  
C. they are often offered to poor local people  
D. its original ideas were initiated by a Bangladeshi man named Muhammad Yunus 
Question 42. Who would most enjoy the passage?  
A. A businessman who enjoys creative business ideas  
B. The owner of a very large farm in Bangladesh  
C. A banker who wants to learn to make more money  
D. Someone who drinks beer from large breweries  

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
Question 43. Fruit and vegetables should be carefully washed whether eaten fresh or cook. 
A. carefully B. whether C. fresh D. cook  
Question 44. The Netherlands, with much of its land lying lower than sea level, have a system of dikes and
canals for controlling water.  
A. much B. lying C. have D. controlling 
Question 45. The symptoms of diabetes in the early stages are too slight that people do not notice them. 
A. The B. too C. do not D. them  

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.  
Question 46. Mr. Brown said to me “Make good use of your time. You won't get such an
opportunity again."  
A. Mr. Brown let me make use of my time, knowing that I wouldn't get such an opportunity again. 
B. Mr. Brown ordered me to make good use of my time, said that I wouldn't get such an opportunity again.  
C. Mr. Brown offered me such an opportunity so that I could make good use of my time. 
D. Mr. Brown advised me to make good use of my time as I wouldn't get such an opportunity again. 
Question 47. Perhaps, the violence was provoked by the fans of the visiting team. 
A. It can have been the visiting team's fans that set off the violence.  
B. The fans of the visiting team must have been the people who began the violence. 
C. There might have been some violence caused by the visiting team's fans.  
D. The fans of the visiting team should have brought about the violence. 
Question 48. People say that Mr. Goldman gave nearly a million pounds to charity last year. 
A. Mr. Goldman is said to have given nearly a million pounds to charity last year. 
B. Nearly a million pounds is said to be given to charity by Mr. Goldman.  
C. Mr. Goldman was said to have given nearly a million pounds to charity last year. 
D. Nearly a million pounds was said to have been given to charity by Mr. Goldman. 
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.  
Question 49. The guest on our show who has won the Opera. He is the youngest professional golfer  that
has won this award so far. 
A. The professional golfer who has won the Opera so far is the youngest guest on our show. 
B. The youngest professional golfer won the Opera so far is the guest on our show. 
C. The youngest guest on our show is the professional golfer winning the Opera so far. 
D. The guest on our show is the youngest professional golfer to win the Opera so far.  
Question 50. We arrived at the conference. Then we realized that our reports were still at home. 
A. No sooner had we realized that our reports were at home than we arrived at the conference. 
B. Only after we arrived at the conference did we realize that our reports were still at home. 
C. Not until we arrived at the conference that we realized that our reports were still at home. 
D. Hardly had we arrived at the conference that we realized that our reports were still at home. 
------------------ THE END -----------------

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